Ice-T - 48K version By Itay Chamiel (This is the current address, as of February 1997) Ice-T - a highspeed 80 column VT terminal for Atari 8-bits with a minimum of 48K memory. Please get Ice-T XE if you have 128K! This version includes scrollback, a menu interface, Xmodem download, and print screen. This emulation is quite fast (not as fast as the XE version, though), and supports up to 19,200 baud. Character loss may occur, in some cases, at 9600 and 19.2K if you don't have hardware flow control. This depends on system setup. Please note that for this version, despite the fact that it is incomplete, a shareware fee of $15 cash (or $20 check, to cover currency conversion) is mandatory (in US$). I worked for about a year on this program, and I deserve something for those countless hours of work! My mailing address is displayed in the title screen of the program. (The email there is NOT current though.) Download the file and un-Diskcomm it to create an image of the original disk, including MyDOS, docs, a reader, and the program. The disk should be booted, with no cartridges installed. Please note that the 80-column reader program is independently available, including docs, from the Atari Archive, and is called Col80. The files in the disk image are all Shareware. Please distribute as widely as possible! -Itay Chamiel, Jerusalem, October 1994. PS. - I'd like to thank Bill Kendrick for assistance in constructing the .DCM disk image while my disk drives were on vacation! :)