Date: Sun, 23 Aug 87 01:06:06 EDT›From: jhs@mitre-bedford.ARPA››For anyone on the net who does not have OMNIVIEW but would like to have›a really nice 80-column terminal emulator, you might be interested to know›that CDY has just released a version of OmniCom which does not require›installation of an OMNIVIEW chip to run. The program is available as›"shareware" -- the evaluation copy, attached below, may be copied and›distributed freely for evaluation use, and an official copy and documentation›are available from CDY for a nominal fee.››There are a couple of other vt100 emulators around, but OmniCom has a lot›of features not found in the others, e.g. kermit, xmodem and plain ASCII›capture, and Print Screen as well as capture to printer.››Hints: You will need to uudecode the attached file to get OMNICOM.COM, the ›basic terminal emulator program. Then you'll need to prepend your favorite ›RS232 device handler using the DOS C copy command with /A append option.›I.e.›C ›RS232.850,OC/A -- makes a copy of your rs232 handler named OC›C ›OMNICOM.OBJ,OC/A -- appends OC.OBJ to the handler.››When you have it running:›Use OPTION key to get at the OPTIONS menu, and use RESET to exit back›to DOS. The OPTIONS menu should be pretty self explanatory, but as noted›above, if you want complete documentation it can be obtained from CDY.››I have no financial interest in CDY Consulting.››-John Sangster /›