1030 EXPRESS›TSCOPE›Format two disks with DOS 2.0s or 2.5 and write DOS to them (use DOS functions I and H). Copy EXPRESS2.1 to one disk and TSCOPE.BIN to the other (use DOS function O if you have one disk drive, function C if you have more). Rename both of them to AUTORUN.SYS (use function E). The programs will run automatically when you boot these disks.›› %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%› % %› % 1030 Express! %› % Version 2.1 %› % Copyright (C) 1985, 1986 %› % By Keith Ledbetter %› % %› % This software is in the %› % public domain and is not %› % to be sold, except for the %› % price of a disk, without %› % the written consent of the %› % author. %› %-------------------------------%› % Donations Are Accepted (but %› % are not mandatory). %› % Send All Correspondence To %› % Keith Ledbetter %› % 2919 Ennismore Court %› % Richmond, VA 23224 %› %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%›-----------------------› 1030 Express! is a binary file, and has code internally to boot the modem interface. Just COPY Express! to a disk with your favorite DOS on it and rename it to AUTORUN.SYS. Then, remove all your cartridges (XL/XE owners HOLD DOWN THE OPTION KEY while turning on your Computer).› At boot-up time, 1030 Express! does two things:› 1) It checks the disk for a dataset called CONFIG.EXP. This dataset is created by pressing "$" from the main menu. This dataset, if present, contains data such as› - Background/Foreground Colors› - Your Default Disk Drive› - Your Dialing Mode.› This allows you to "customize" your copy of 1030 Express! to your liking - such as changing the default grey background to a color that you find more appealing.› 2) It checks the disk for a dataset called "PHONE.LST". This is a phone list that you can create from the "Save Phone List" option from the Dialing menu. So, if you have a set of local boards that you would like loaded in at boot-up time, save them under the name "PHONE.LST".› Once 1030 Express! has completed loading, you will be at the Main Menu. This menu is on one screen, but actually contains two screens worth of data. You can flip between the two menus by pressing the SELECT and OPTION keys.››The Main Menu›=============› Now, we will cover the menu commands one at a time:››A - This key will toggle your translation mode between ASCII and ATASCII.››B - This key will toggle the PARITY setting between EVEN, ODD, and NONE. This should normally always be set to NONE for normal communications with BBS's.››D - This key will take you to your personal BBS dialing menu. More on this in the next section.››E - Use this key if you want to key in a number to dial manually. If you have dialed manually earlier in this session, that number will be placed in the window, and you can just press RETURN to re-dial that same number again. If you press any other key, the last number will be erased and replaced with the new number that you enter.››F - This key allows you to originate a call. You should use this if you have established "voice" contact with someone, and you now want to switch to terminal mode. One of you must ORIGINATE, and one of you must ANSWER.››G - This key allows you to ANSWER a carrier - see option F above.››H - Pressing H will hang up the phone.››I - This option allows you to FORMAT a disk. After pressing I, you will be asked for the drive number to format.››J - Use this option to DELETE a file on a disk. You will be asked to confirm the deletion.››K - Use this to UNLOCK a disk file.››L - Use this to LOCK a disk file.››M - Use this to RENAME a disk file.››O - This option lets you toggle your DUPLEX setting between HALF and FULL. When communicating with BBS's, you should be FULL duplex. HALF duplex will "echo" any keys that you press to your screen, as well as sending them out over the modem. This is useful when you and a friend are talking "computer to computer". If you ever:› o Press keys and nothing comes back to your screen, or› o Press keys and get "double" chars, like "HHEELLLLOO",›then you are probably in the wrong duplex.››P - Use the P command to specify (in seconds), the time that you want to wait for a carrier after dialing a number. Since most modems have no internal way of telling if the phone is busy or ringing, what a terminal program must do is just "wait around" for so many seconds while checking for a carrier. While you can set this value to any number between 5 and 99, I don't recommend setting it below 8. And if you are dialing a long distance board, I would set it around 20-25 seconds. For local calling, I use 12 seconds as the setting. This seems to give the host computer plenty of time to answer the phone.››Q - Use this command to set your left margin anywhere from 0 to 25.››R - This command is used to Receive a file using XModem Protocol.››S - This command is used to Send a file using XModem Protocol.› *** IMPORTANT *** To use the Xmodem, YOU MUST FIRST PREP THE HOST SYSTEM. In other words, you CAN NOT tell 1030 Express! to send/receive a file, and then go back to terminal mode and tell the BBS to send or receive a file. First, tell the BBS what you want to do, then wait for a message like "Ready to send" or "Ready to Receive", THEN go to the menu and hit "S" or "R".››T - Pressing the T key allows you to capture text to a disk file. You will supply a filename, then be returned to terminal mode with copy mode ON. NOTE: This option DOES NOT destroy the current contents of the copy buffer. So, if you had turned copy ON with the OPTION key and then realized that all of the data isn't going to fit in the buffer, you can still "pause" the BBS and go to the menu, hit "T", and not lose any of the data you have already captured.››U - This option allows you to "send" a disk file in pure text form. You will be asked for the file name, along with a "delay rate". The delay rate is simply a timing loop executed after each byte. Normally, a rate of 25-30 seems to work best without the BBS dropping any characters.››V - Use this command to VIEW the current contents of your copy buffer. At any time, you may press any key to stop viewing the buffer.››W - The W command allows you to SAVE the contents of your buffer to a disk file. If the save works successfully, then the copy buffer will be cleared.››X - Use this command to LOAD the buffer with data from a disk file. The load occurs FROM THE CURRENT size of the copy buffer. In other words, if you already have 1000 bytes of data in your buffer, and you then do a LOAD, the new data will be "appended" onto the end of the old data.››Y - Use this command to dump the copy buffer o your printer.››Z - This command will clear out the contents of the copy buffer. You will be asked to confirm.››? - Use this to VIEW a disk file (only useful for text files!!) You may press any key to abort the View.››> - Use this command to COPY a file from one disk to another. Most useful for copying files from a RAM disk to a floppy disk. THE COPY COMMAND DOES NOT ALLOW DISK SWAPPING! So, if you tell it to copy D1:PGMA.BAS to D1:PGMB.BAS, the copy will be done to THE SAME DISK.››1-8 - Pressing 1-8 will show you the directory of the disk in drive 1-8.››Arrows - Pressing the arrow keys will change the foreground and background colors of the screen.››% - Use this command to specify a default disk drive. This drive specification will be used in all disk drive prompts while in 1030 Express!››$ - Use this command to save to disk the default values that you have currently set up. To be of any use, THIS SAVE MUST BE DONE TO THE DISK THAT CONTAINS THE 1030 EXPRESS! PROGRAM. When you press '$', a file called CONFIG.EXP is created that contains the following info:› - Foreground/Background Colors› - Dial Mode› - Time For Connect› - Left Margin› - Default Disk Drive› - Parity setting››@ - Use this command to re-load your default configure settings from disk.››The Dial Menu›=============› Pressing "D" from the main menu will take you to the real "meat and potatoes", as they say, of 1030 Express!. This is the board/dialing menu that you can customize to your own liking. On your first use of 1030 Express!, the window on the menu will be blank, since you haven't had a chance to add any boards to your list yet. Here are what the commands from this menu will do for you:››Arrow keys - (you DO NOT have to hold down the CTRL key) will move the cursor around the boards in your list.››A - Pressing "A" allows you to add boards to the list, which you will want to do right off of the bat. You will be prompted for:› - The name of the BBS› - The number of the BBS› - Macros #1, 2, and 3. These are strings (up to 15 characters long) that will be sent over the modem whenever you hit Shift/Ctrl/1, 2, or 3 while in terminal mode. These should be used to hold your "log-on" sequence which is normally something like last name, password, etc. From then on, you will never have to remember that password again!› - The time (in seconds) to wait for a connection after dialing this number.› - Whether the board is ATASCII or ASCII. When you dial from the list and connect to a board, your translation mode will AUTOMATICALLY be set to the mode that you specify here.››E - This allows you to edit an entry that is already in your list (the one that the cursor is currently on). You will be prompted the same as in the "Add" processing, except that the old data will be shown. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RE-KEY ANY DATA THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO CHANGE. If you just press the RETURN key, then the old data will be kept. To erase an entry, just press spacebar/return.››Z - This allows you to delete an entry (the one that the cursor is currently on) from your list. You will be shown the board data, and then asked to confirm the delete.››I - This will do an inquiry on the data for the board that the cursor is currently on.››SPACE BAR - Pressing the Space-bar will toggle the status of the board that the cursor is currently on as Marked or Un-marked. If a board is marked, an arrow will appear next to it's name.››C - Pressing C will clear the current phone list from memory. You will be asked to confirm the clear.››L - Use this command to LOAD a new phone list into memory. You will be prompted for the file name.››S - Use this command to SAVE the current phone list to disk. If you want this phone list to be loaded at boot-up time, you must name it "D1:PHONE.LST" and save it on the disk that contains your copy of 1030 Express!.››P - The P command will print out a nice formatted list of all of the data in the current phone list.››U - Use this command to enter a long distance (Sprint/MCI) dial code. The long distance dialing code is a number that is stored with EACH phone list. The way that Express! uses this LD code is that whenever it dials a number, it looks for an exclamation mark (!) in the phone number. If one is found, Express! goes off and dials the LD code, then returns and completes the dialing of the number. So, as an example, let's say that you have your LD code set up as:› 270-0001,,123456 (The commas are for a PAUSE)› Now, in your list you have a BBS set up with the following number:› !-804-379-4156› When Express! dials that number, it will dial the following:› 270-0001,,123456-804-379-4156› Whew! Note here that the '!' can appear ANYWHERE in the phone number, not just in the first position (but, I don't know why you would ever want to do that). Also, multiple '!'s can appear in one number (ditto!).››Dialing From The List›=====================› Now, here comes the fun part! There are two ways that you can dial from a phone list that you have created.› (1) The first way is simple. Just move the cursor to the board that you want to dial, then hit the RETURN key. That number will then be dialed continuously until you press any key to abort dialing, or a connection is made. If a connection is made, your translation mode will be set to that specified for the board.› (2) The second way is the wonderful one. Almost everyone has 5 or 6 local boards that they try to call each time. Well, 1030 Express! makes it simple! Just move the cursor around to each board that you want to dial, and the press the SPACEBAR to MARK that board (you can tell if a board is marked by the little arrow beside the name). You can mark as many boards in your list as you want. Then, just hit the "D" key to dial all the marked numbers. And then sit back! Each of the numbers you marked will be dialed in order until you press any key to abort dialing, or a connection is made.› If a connection is made, the following happens:› - Your translation is set to that specified in the board set-up.› - The board is "un-marked" so that you don't have to do it after you hang up.›› Commands From Terminal Mode›=============================› The following are the commands that are available while in terminal mode›(i.e. connected to a board):››START/SELECT - These consol keys will return you to the main SELECT menu.››OPTION - The OPTION key will toggle COPY on and off. When COPY is on, the border color will change, and every character that goes to your screen will be captured in the copy buffer.››Shift/Ctrl/1-3 - These keypresses will send out the corresponding Macro from your dialing list, with a carriage return at the end.››Shift/Ctrl/P - Pressing this key will cause Express! to print an image of the current screen to your printer. All control characters will be transformed to spaces, and inverse characters will be printed as normal characters.››Shift/Ctrl/R - Pressing this key will reset the connect clock to 00:00:00.››Shift/Ctrl/O - This command happens to be my personal favorite. The is the "Buffer Screen" command. What this command does is "Print" the contents of the screen TO THE COPY BUFFER. How many times have you read a message, then thought "I'd like to have a copy of that". Well, you probably hit OPTION to turn copy on, then told the BBS to re-read the message. Well, now when this happens, just do a buffer-screen!› Another interesting feature is that this can also be used along with the CAPTURE TO DISK command. Here is all you have to do:› - Hit START to go to the menu.› - Hit 'T' for capture-to-disk and give Express! a file name.› - Express! will then open that file, turn on COPY, and return to terminal mode.› - As soon as you return to terminal mode, hit OPTION to turn OFF the copy mode.› Now, instead of EVERYTHING that comes across the line going to your copy buffer, you can SELECTIVELY send things to the buffer with the Shift/Ctrl/O command. Not only that, but whenever the buffer fills up, Express! will then SAVE it to disk!›------------------------------› Express! and different DOS's›------------------------------› Since 1030 Express! is a very large program, there is a good possibility that you will run into memory conflicts if you use a large DOS. A fairly good rule of thumb is that the DOS you are using Express! with should be reconfigured to have a LOMEM of around $1F00 or lower. Any of the following should work.›* Atari DOS 2.0 configured for no more than 2 single density drives and 3 buffers.›* Atari DOS 2.5 configured for no more than 3 single (or dual) density drives and 4 buffers.›* Smartdos configured for no more than 2 single or double density drives and 4 buffers.›* OSS DOSXL 2.3 using DOSXL.SYS on XL/XE computers ONLY.›* Several versions of SpartaDOS. All versions of the SpartaDOS 2.xx versions (for XL/XE only). 1030 Express! also works with Ultra-Speed. If you are using a version 3.xx of SpartaDOS, YOU MUST DO A 'KEY OFF' COMMAND BEFORE RUNNING EXPRESS!›* And probably many others not listed here. If you are having trouble using your normal DOS, you should be able to get it to work with Express! by configuring the DOS for 2 Double Density drives and 3 buffers.›--------------------› A Few Random Notes›--------------------›* 1030 Express will handle both Xmodem-7 (Compu-serve) UPLOADS and downloads!›* Note: If you plan on using 1030 Express! to log onto Compu-Serve, you should do the following the next time that you log on:› [1] type "GO DEFALT"› [2] Change your TERMINAL TYPE to OTHER.› [3] Change your PARITY (on CIS, not Express) to NONE (Zero).›* If you are ever in terminal mode and the screen turns RED, Express! is just telling you "be patient and hold on a sec!". This will normally only happen if you are either capturing to disk or sending from disk. What Express! is actually telling you is that it is waiting for the host (BBS) to pause, which will take anywhere from 3-5 seconds.›* At any prompt where you specify an output file name (Copy, Save Buffer, etc.) you can specify P: to write directly to your printer.›* If you have an XM301 modem, the internal speaker will be turned on at the time of dialing, and will be turned off when either a connection is made, or you abort dialing.››Well, I think that just about covers everything (you didn't think this would ever end, did you?). Please pass the program along to all of your friends!› I hope you enjoy it!›› Keith Ledbetter›