› The TSCOPE Terminal Program› Preliminary Documentation›› The TSCOPE terminal program was written by Joe Miller [70007,546], for the members of SIG*ATARI, as a LIMITED featured program, to bridge the gap until a more COMPLETE terminal program is available.› Specifically, it will allow users of the 835 or 1030 ATARI modems to transfer (UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD) both ASCII and BINARY files to SIG*ATARI and save them to disk. It can also be used with the 850 Interface and other›modems.› ***Note*** As TSCOPE supports the Compuserve A-Protocol for transferring files, it will NOT work on an Atari BBS. TSCOPE does not support file transfers to cassette.›› Booting TSCOPE››TSCOPEt should be copied to a formtted DOS 2.0s/2.5 disk with DOS and renamed to AUTORUN.SYS. (Note- If you are using the 850 interface, you do NOT need the usual 1 sector AUTORUN.SYS to boot the 850. This is included in your copy of TSCOPE). Remove the BASIC cartridge, turn on the disk drive and any other peripherals first, then powerup your ATARI with this disk in drive 1. (XL/XE owners, hold down the OPTION key).›› TSCOPE commands›› To see a menu of available commands, hit the HELP key on XL/XE models or the ATARI key on the 400/800 computers. When you see the key-combo: CON-6 that means to hold down any of the CONsole keys and hit the number 6. The commands are self explainatory. To quit TSCOPE and go to the DOS menu, you must have a disk with DUP.SYS in D1: and simultaneously depress a CONsole key, the CTRL key, and the ESC key. The BREAK key sends a CTRL-C to Compuserve when online. Be careful not to hit the BREAK key when you mean to hit the BACKSPACE. The CTRL-C will abort MOST Compuserve operations.›› Setting CIS to VIDTEX defaults›› While TSCOPE is not a full version of a Compuserve VIDTEX terminal program, it will support some of the VIDTEX functions, including the UPL and DOW commands for file transfers, and the ONLINE color graphics available on various parts of the system. However, you must ALSO configure your CIS terminal parameters to the VIDTEX standards. To do this, go to page CIS-9 and follow the menus. When asked for a terminal type, pick VIDTEX. If TSCOPE will be the ONLY terminal program you will use on CIS, exit DEFAULT (item 6), and when prompted, choose to make this configuration PERMANENT FOR ALL FUTURE SESSIONS.›› FILE TRANSFERS›› TSCOPE will support file transfers ONLY on CIS using their ERROR-FREE A-Protocol. When you wish to UPLoad TO or DOWnload FROM Compuserve, the following conventions apply:› 1-Use the (S)can or (BRO)wse commands in the XA's to determine the exact name of the file on CIS you wish to DOWnload to your ATARI and save to disk.› 2-To initiate the file transfer, use the command: DOW filename (where filename is the name of the pgm on Compuserve).› 3-If the system shows a menu of file transfer protocols and asks you which you prefer, ALWAYS choose the A-protocol method.› 4-After the system determines you are using TSCOPE or any VIDTEX compatible terminal program, it will ask you for a filename to be used by the ATARI when it saves the program. Enter a full, valid ATARI filespec (it does not need to be the same name as the file on CIS) in the form: D:FILENAM.EXT› 5-The system will then take over and write the program directly to your disk. You will be notified upon completion, or if it aborted for any reason.›› To UPLoad a file from your ATARI to Compuserve, you must:› 1-Have the file available on your disk.› 2-Use the command: UPL filename (where filename is a valid Compuserve filename up to 6 letters with a 3 char. extender)› **Note** CIS places special importance upon the 3 letter extenderwhen you select a filename. If you are uploading a binary file, you MUST use the extender BIN.› 3-The system will ask you for the filespec of the program as it is named on your disk.› 4-When you UPLoad a file to our XA's, you will be expected to provide a few meaningful KEYWORDS. Enter 2-4 single keys, separated by a space. End KEYWORD input with .› 5-You will be asked to provide a SHORT description explaining your program. Don't try to cram all the DOC into this space. Please UPLoad a separate DOC file.››*************************************›› Additional DOCumentation and info relating to future versions will be in a supplemental file available soon. Address any questions to the sysops.››This DOC written by Ron Luks 76703,254.›*************************************››VIDTEX R.L.E. GRAPHICS››The advent of an official VIDTEX software from CIS has created a lot of interest among folks about whether you can use it to view the ›on-line graphics on CompuServe. ››You can view the online graphics with the official VIDTEX.››BUT, before you plunk down $40 for the official VIDTEX you may want to consider using JOE MILLER's versatile TSCOPE (from DL 2) to do the same thing!››Viewing on-line graphics (even so-called RLE graphics) is easy if you take the right steps.››1. Load up TSCOPE››2. Press the inverse video key and then OPTION 9 to set your screen with to 32 characters.››3. If you haven't already done so, GO CIS 9 and set your terminal type to VIDTEX.››4. You're now ready to see the show!››One of my favorites is the great low-resolution graphics demo available at GO VID. The show is quick and entertaining and is designed to highlight some of the commercial possibilities of VIDTEX graphics.››There is also a high-resolution demo. Before you view this one, you may want to take note of the fact that a high resolution picture can take some considerable connect time to unfold at 300 baud. If you are using 1200 baud, you won't have to wait long to see your picture.››If you get hooked on "high resolution" graphics, then try some of my favorite eyeball watering holes: GO CB and GO TEN for pictures of all your friends and relatives. DL 2, over at CB SIG has a large selection of PIC's (some with...ahem..."adult" themes) which can be viewed on-line with the READ command (NOT DOWnload).››If it's graphics you want, TSCOPE can get them for you!››--dick--›P.S. The official CIS VIDTEX software does NOT automatically allow you to UPLoad RLE files. It is necessary for you to use a utility off-line to encode your files in the RLE format. At the present time (1/86), we don't have such a utility available. Of course, there's a crack team of SIG*ATARI super heroes working on the necessary utility!››Such a utiltiy is now available. It was published as type-in software in the July 1986 issue of Antic magazine. The disk version of the magazine has a bonus machine language high speed converter.››