Personal Bookkeeper› by:Richard Parker››› Ever wonder why your checkbook›always seems to empty long before next›payday? Personal Bookkeeper was writ-›ten in response to this age old ›dilemma. It is a full featured program,›completely menu driven and capable of›manipulating massive amounts of data.›A brief description of the program and›system requirements follows:››PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS:› 1)Any Atari computer with at least› 48k (program uses all of this).› 2)Disk Drive› 3)Printer (optional)› 4)Atari Basic›››PROGRAM FEATURES:› 1)Stores up to 525 checks in › memory at once.› 2)Set your own personalized cat-› egories of expenditures.› 3)Powerful search and display› functions.› 4)Quick, up to date comparisons› of actual expenses to budget.› 5)Tax deductible flag for year› end reference.› 6)Print option.›››PROGRAM OPERATION:› If the above features have cap-›tured your interest, then read on; all›of these features are available with›a minimal amount of data entry!!› Load the program from basic then›run. The very first menu you'll see›will look like this:›› PERSONAL BOOKKEEPER› By Richard Parker››Addition to existing check file›New check file, maintain ytd data›Initial use or new year››Select A, N or I››› Selecting "A" will allow you to ›load back into memory a detail file›created during a previous session with›Bookkeeper. This option may be used›until the check file is full or near›full (remember the Atari will hold›up to 525 checks). Option "A" is also›useful for searching a file for a›particular check or group of checks.› Selecting "N" will maintain all›of the year to date total monthly data,›budget categories and budget amounts,›but will not read back into memory any›of your individual checks. This ›option is useful if you write more›than 525 checks during the calendar›year.› If you select either "A" or "N",›the program will then prompt you for›the file name to read. Don't forget›to include the device name as in:›D1:CHECK.DAT. After the appropriate›information is read to memory, you'll›then be at the main menu.› Selecting "I" will take you ›directly to the prompts to establish›your personal budget categories and›amounts. It is a good idea to go ahead›and decide on at least the budget›descriptions (30 in all) as you will›need this information before you can›enter any check data. You can always›come back to this function later by›selecting Item "A" from the Main Menu.›If you are using a printer you may›want to enable the printer at the Main›Menu with a "D", then come back to›the budget setting mode so you can get›a hard copy of all the category ›descriptions just selected.››› After either loading a file to›memory or setting the budget categories›and descriptions for the new year, you›will be at the Main Menu which will›appear as follows:›››********PERSONAL BOOKKEEPER********›**************MENU*****************››--------DATA INPUT MODE------------›A..BUDGET CAT., DESC. AND AMOUNTS›B..CHECK INPUT›C..STORE CHECKS ON DISK››----------DATA DISPLAY-------------›D..PRINTER OPTION›E..DISPLAY CHECKS BY CHECK #›F..DISPLAY CHECKS BY PAYEE›G..DISPLAY CHECKS BY AMOUNT›H..DISPLAY CHECKS BY DATE›I..DISPLAY BY CATEGORY›J..TAX DISPLAY››------COMPARATIVE ANALYSES---------›K..COMPARISON OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL›L..COMPARISON OF MONTHLY EXPENSES››SELECT DESIRED OPTION:››› A-BUDGET CATEGORIES DESCRIPTIONS›AND AMOUNTS. This is the function in›the program where you decide which›are your personal categories. There›are 30 categories in all, but you are›not required to use all of them. Just›tailor the categories and the budget›to your own individual needs. After›inputting some check data you have the›flexibility of using this data in›setting the budgeted dollar amounts.›Select the option to set the budget›using actual data at the prompt then›specify the range of months to use›at the next prompt. For example typing›in 1,3 would cause the program to›determine the average expenses for›January through March and load this›average in your budget field. This is›a useful feature for financial plan-›ning.› B-CHECK INPUT. This is one of the›strongest features of the program due›to the defaults which may be used, ›therefore, simplifying input. After›selecting this option you will be›prompted to enter a default payee›name. This default name will be used if›you strike RETURN for a payee name›when entering checks. We've found this›particular default particularly time-›saving since about 25% of our personal›checks are written to "Kroger". After›specifying the default name you will›be prompted to begin entering detail›check data.› CHECK #-Enter a -1 for the check› number to exit check input. You will› then be prompted to save the file › you've been entering. A return for› the filename will take you back to› the Main Menu. Enter a -2 for the› check number if you'd like to delete› a previous check which is on the› file. Deleting a check does not› increase the memory available; it› simply deletes the check from all› future displays and corrects the› appropriate monthly totals.› CHECK AMT-You may enter amounts› either with or without the trailing› decimal or zeros. For example, the› program would interpert an entry of› 10 as 10.00 and an entry of 13.2 as› 13.20. Do not enter more than two› decimal places!!› CHECK DATE-The date must be › entered in the MMDDYY format. For› example, 1/1/86 should be entered on› the screen as 10186. The date› controls which monthly totals the› check is added to so this is a very› important field to the operation of› the program. You may hit RETURN at› the date prompt to repeat the› previous date entered; a time-saver› if you are not that concerned with› the actual check date. › TAX CODE-Entering a 1 for this› code will flag the check for the tax› display (Main Menu option "J").› Simply hit RETURN if you don't wish› to flag this check.› PAYEE NAME-Enter a RETURN to use› the default name which was specified› before you began check input. The› name must be 10 characters or less.››› After entering the payee name, you›will be prompted to begin entering the›next check. Remember a -1 for check #›aborts the check input routine. After›each check is entered the program ›displays at the bottom of the screen›the number of additional entries which›can be made to this file. If you ›accidentally hit the "break" key type›in "GOTO 1470" and you will be back›at the Main Menu and will only have›lost the last check you were entering.›››› C..STORE CHECKS ON DISK-Using this›option will prompt you for device and›filename. Detail check data in memory,›monthly totals, budget descriptions›and budgeted amounts will be recorded›in the specified filename.› D..PRINTER OPTION-Sends display›output to the printer rather than›the screen. If you don't have a ›printer, investigate the ATARI 1020›printer plotter. They're extremely›cheap (less than $30) and work fine›with this program(just slowwwww.)› E--J MISC DATA DISPLAYS-Allows›the user to search through a check›file based on many different parameters›Very useful feature for referencing›a particular check or group of checks.›Option "I" also has the capability of›displaying the totals for a particular›category for an entire year.› K..COMPARISON OF BUDGET TO ACTUAL›The real nuts and bolts of the program.›This shows you where you went wrong›with your financial planning or where›you were right!!! Display of print›the monthly actual expenditures, the›budget and the amount of variance.› L..COMPARISON OF MONTHLY EXPENSES›Displays one month's expenditures as›compared to another.›››› Hopefully, PERSONAL BOOKKEEPER ›will prove to be of assistance to you›and your checkbook. If there are any›questions or comments concerning the›program call I/O CONNECTION BBS›(404-446-8044) operating 24 hours a›day at both 300 and 1200 baud.››Richard Parker,›(70717,575)›1/6/85››jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj