k' 8 ACDEFWORSENTENCG!$@ A6 (} ((6(" *********************************(" * ATASCII TEXT FILE CONVERTER *(**(" * COURTESY OF COMPUCAT BBS *2**(" * (408) 353-1836 *<**(" * Written by Neal Kinney *F**(" * Inspired by Mike Davis *P**(" * Who NEVER read a file that *Z**(" * he wouldn't LIKE to modify! *d4*(" *******************************4 AnF<;@,;@,;@,;@,;@,F6.OFFxe +A@1A YF:B24,"A)F:B24,"@2\Ve6.ON.(( } +(.( ( (@ A6-%6-,6.6 A`@ A'("(FILESPEC for INPUT file'(% (FILESPEC for OUTPUT file%(  $((SELECT:( INSTRUCTIONS( ASCII TO ATASCII( COMMODORE TO ATASCII( CHANGE LF TO CR ONLY( ATASCII TO ASCII( WORD COUNT IS ( GIVE CREDIT IT'S DUE( QUIT"1 (( = (1( = ,- Ap"@'+*'-6!! @)!@A@"@' AJ3"@*4ON 6.OFF&(})'3 A0T3"@*4OFF 6.ON&(})'3 A0^"@' @ h$r B A|!A* A$'!@d* @'6-%@2$ A(} @@ @@)@"@ A!A'6-&A("6-@2"@6-AU%"@*"@%6-AU"@A@%"@*"@'%6-@%!@&* @2%6-@2"@&A@O*@(>:,."@*"@:6-@G*@O(>:,&4OFFA@0167B:,%@,.>:,1B:, @A@:&B:,"@&6.7B:,&@,DA37@<@,0 *7@<@,4 A6-%@Noa7@<@,4 *7@<@,4.)7@<@,4!)7@<@,4?o6-%@X A@b+(( } +(l--(%This program will REMOVE the carriagev--(%returns and linefeeds from an ASCII--(%file or REPLACE them with an ATASCII--(%carriage return if you so choose. It--(%also can do the reverse, converting--(%an ATASCII file to ASCII. It can turn--(%a COMMODORE SEQ. file into ATASCII.--(%The program will operate in Atari--(%BASIC but is faster with BASIC XL--(%or BASIC XE. Since the WORD COUNT--(%slows the program further, it will--(%default to 'OFF' when using Atari--(%BASIC! When asked for FILESPEC, be--(%sure to include the 'D:' drive spec.--(%The program will handle any length of--(%file to and from any specified drive. (( Ӡ٠ A  - B@#@- A  D:CONVERTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF