1000 .TITLE "CX85 NUMERIC KEYPAD HANDLER - Mac65 version" 1010 .PAGE "Dissasembled by Rich Andrews, Lockport, Il." 1020 ; 1030 ;There was no copyright notice in the original 1040 ; code but one must assume it is public domain 1050 ;and was probably written by Atari Inc. 1060 ;(no one else would have bothered!) 1070 ;once called by Basic do not call again 1080 ; 1090 ; 1100 .PAGE "CX-85 EQUATES" 1110 ;****************************** 1120 ;System equates used 1130 ;****************************** 1140 ATRACT = $4D 1150 VVBLKD = $0224 1160 STRIG0 = $0284 1170 STRIG1 = $0285 1180 CH = $02FC 1190 ALLPOT = $D208 1200 PORTA = $D300 1210 SETVBV = $E45C 1220 XITVBV = $E462 1230 ; 1240 ;***************************** 1250 ;End of system equates 1260 ;***************************** 1270 ;The following is the keycode 1280 ;equates which are from CH. As 1290 ;per the Atari hardware manual. 1300 ;***************************** 1310 ; 1320 ; 1330 ESC = $1C 1340 SPC = $21 1350 DEL = $34 1360 Y = $2B 1370 ZERO = $32 1380 ONE = $1F 1390 TWO = $1E 1400 THREE = $1A 1410 FOUR = $18 1420 FIVE = $1D 1430 SIX = $1B 1440 SEVEN = $33 1450 EIGHT = $35 1460 NINE = $30 1470 PERIOD = $22 1480 MINUS = $0E 1490 CR = $0C 1500 ; 1510 .PAGE "CX-85 HANDLER INSTALLATION ROUTINE" 1520 ;****************************** 1530 ;This is the start of the installation routine 1540 ;****************************** 1550 ; 1560 ; 1570 .ORG $7F00 ;Start code just below GR.0 screen. 1580 PLA ;This routine is to be called by basic hence the PLA 1590 ;Remove the PLA instruction for a stand alone file 1600 LDA VVBLKD ;Call with X=USR(32512) 1610 ;The installation routine could also be a M/L string with the rest 1620 ;of the code previously loaded in via DOS. 1630 STA EXIT+1 1640 LDA VVBLKD+1 1650 STA EXIT+2 1660 LDY # VBICODE 1680 LDA #$07 ;Command to reset vbi pointers. 1690 JSR SETVBV ;Install vbi routine into interrupt chain. 1700 RTS ;Return to caller. 1710 .PAGE "CX85 HANDLER LOOKUP TABLE" 1720 ;****************************** 1730 LOOKUP ; This is the lookup table. This portion can be located 1740 ;in a different area in memory than the Main routine or the 1750 ;installation routine. 1760 ;****************************** 1770 .BYTE $0C,ESC 1780 .BYTE $14,SPC,$10,DEL,$18,Y 1790 .BYTE $1C,ZERO,$19,ONE,$1A,TWO 1800 .BYTE $1B,THREE,$11,FOUR,$12 1810 .BYTE FIVE,$13,SIX,$15,SEVEN 1820 .BYTE $16,EIGHT,$17,NINE,$1D 1830 .BYTE PERIOD,$1F,MINUS,$1E 1840 .BYTE CR 1850 BRK ;End of table delimiter 1860 ;***************************** 1870 ;By changing the table one could define 1880 ;the keys on the CX85 to mean anything! 1890 ;How about some new functions to be accessed 1900 ;through a wedge of some sort? Terminal 1910 ;program phone dialer? Maybe a bookkeeping 1920 ;program? As long as it is a printable 1930 ;character it will work. Rich A. 1940 .PAGE "CX-85 HANDLER MAIN VBI ROUTINE" 1950 ;***************************** 1960 ;The vbi routine starts here. 1970 ;***************************** 1980 ;This portion can be located anywhere in memory. 1990 ;***************************** 2000 VBICODE 2010 LDA STRIG1 ;trigger pressed? 2020 BNE SET2BYE ;no-go clr buffer #2+exit. 2030 LDA #$00 2040 STA ATRACT ;kill attract mode 2050 LDA PORTA ;lets get some bits 2060 LSR A ;divide by 2 2070 LSR A ;divide it again 2080 LSR A ;ditto 2090 LSR A ;one more time (Sam?) 2100 STA BUFR1 ;now stuff it in buffer 1 2110 LDA ALLPOT ;read all the pot lines 2120 AND #$08 ;if it is >=8,then make it 0 2130 EOR #$08 ;if it is <8 then make it 8 2140 ASL A ;times 2 2150 ORA BUFR1 2160 LDY #$00 2170 ;******************************* 2180 FINDIT 2190 CMP LOOKUP,Y 2200 BEQ FOUND 2210 INY 2220 INY 2230 LDX LOOKUP,Y 2240 BEQ EXIT 2250 BNE FINDIT 2260 ;****************************** 2270 FOUND 2280 TAX 2290 INY 2300 LDA LOOKUP,Y 2310 CMP BUFR2 2320 BEQ PUTCHR 2330 STA BUFR2 2340 STA CH 2350 LDA #$30 2360 STA BUFR3 2370 BNE EXIT ;always exit 2380 ;****************************** 2390 SET2BYE 2400 LDA #$C0 ;when trig1 is not pressed 2410 STA BUFR2 ;read will come back with $C0 2420 BNE EXIT ;always exit 2430 ;****************************** 2440 PUTCHR 2450 LDX BUFR3 2460 DEX 2470 BNE SET3BYE 2480 STA CH 2490 LDA #$06 2500 STA BUFR3 2510 BNE EXIT 2520 ;********************* 2530 SET3BYE 2540 STX BUFR3 2550 ;********************* 2560 EXIT 2570 JMP XITVBV ;see you next vbi 2580 ;********************* 2590 BUFR1 2600 .DS 1 ;reserve 1 byte 2610 ;********************* 2620 BUFR2 2630 .DS 1 ;reserve 1 byte 2640 ;********************* 2650 BUFR3 2660 .DS 1 ;reserve 1 byte 2670 ;********************* 2680 .END 2690 ;The original key layout is as 2700 ;follows 2710 ;----------------------- 2720 ; | 2730 ;  7 8 9 - | 2740 ; N 4 5 6 r | 2750 ; 1 2 3 e | 2760 ; Y 0 . t | 2770 ; | 2780 ;-----------------------