$c (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIHiDiELV`L=$ =$ BLV`JL$$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` $EӅӥ $`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` $ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ % %L$ $'&&&8儨児祂*L$&&*ń8&&L$ [%`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3`L$JJJJ`H $h`Hȩh r$L% {$L% %$L% -$L% 3$H8`HhHh _&L% BHI V䅠L% L& =$L%Ԇ ؠPIPP` &P -$L% &L& &L& 'L&H- &8塪墨hL' 'L& &'L& &ȹP`텠8堨塪 &芨Oȩ-`PP &P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H & &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ &&*i0:0i &Ʀ`¢ 护°ڱ%ȱ%E &L`(担CS R&L`(I 'L`(H (L`( &L`( &B V %NLMȑ` MLN%B VL%S:)E:)[\ZUVT` )))` )L& )L& )L&) ` )L& &%` 0d $ҥ `2)2ҩ`p`0)9)`@0)ӈJJJJ)`Ѕ`ȱ`` *ȥ`HhƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ *`ȱѢĦ`膡``ťƤe8夰L* Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L*,($, j. , 4X$ 840(Vt840@<$ @>$$|$$  0 the title page."){p&PrintE("Press any o00u?++n to ++L ,++L,+Щ *+ *+ *Щ * *+L{,++"/Э+L,"/Lp-+IL,>/L,./+++ m,*(m,8񮅬񮅭8逅+ m+*(m+1+1+++ $ԭ++L5-"/`+ m+*(m++q+qo) oЭ++`intL}- %w-w-)w-x- y-)w-`PL---)--L--L--+ m+*(m++q+q+ m+*(m+- &%ee`t")L0.(.(.)(.(. -,.+.(.L.+ m+*(m+,.+. *L.8(.(.*.).+ m+*(m+8.ȱ..)..*.L.rd+.m).,.m*.(.=+).*.L.`HE WEAPONS"m Poke(lm,4)mPosition(4,10)l&PrintE(" The players are armed with")l*PrintE("three weapons: grenades, lasers,")l"PrintE("and electrified discs...")sl WaitKey()cl\lBorder()MlPosition(15,5)8lPrintE("THE DISC")L0 %.+L0`.)....8..+.... .LX0..Э..+`. -//+ m+*(m+...L0..L0.m...L0..L0.)+..I.//-....//-......+..Э..+`range;")>1LG1 %0101)0101Lg181Lx101):1:1+8101 -=1<1718311171L1i71m61<1e=1i-8111m7121i71L18414101L14101L:2B1m41C1i:1 $91;1-81 91;1;1 Э5101Э5101+6101+` LL[2W2V2V2)V2V2L2V2iV2L28V2V2W2L2W2V2Т $)`L2W2)W2W2V2Т $)``sL22 , L&L2S:2)I22 &`n3edL333)33x) JJ m3*(m3`PR3thLa3Q3Q3)Q3Q3x) mZ3*(m[3` cL333330L3833`33`te: the laser")=L3 %33333333333m33m3m3m3i3i383333833i3i33m33m33m3 E)833333m3 E)3m33m3833 E)83333833 E)3m33m33m3 E)833333m3 E)3m33m3833 E)83333833 E)33333333 3iiHH33 3hhŠ0L533338333333330L4`)L5 2 P)R * * &LE6$6 ?&55L6L`66^ R&5i% )L}66{ ?&5LQ6L6$6 ?&R *`L6 R * )L66 ?&L 7| Press Any Key |6 ?&L%77 ?&R * * )IL>7 *`L[7 5R * )L7 THE DUELISTS7s ?&  )L7Designed and Programmed by7 ?& &L7 John Thornburgh7 ?&L7 72337,2672 on CompuServe7 ?& 6 5R * )L58This program was written8 ?&LQ8 in ACTION.8? ?& & &Ly8 ACTION is a trademark8a ?&L8 of8 ?&L8Action Computer Services.8 ?& & &L8Portions of this program8 ?&L9 are thus (c) 1984, ACS.8 ?& 6 5 )L*9PROGRAM CONTROL9 ?&R * )Le9 To start the game, press any9F ?&L9key at the end of these docs.9o ?& &L9 Once the game has begun, press9 ?&L9 'R' to return to the title page.9 ?&L :Press any other key to pause9 ?&L6:play. Press again to restart.: ?& &Ld: The player controlling the red:C ?&L:duelist uses joystick 1, while:n ?&L:the player controlling the gold: ?&L:side uses stick 2.: ?& 6 5 )L:GAME OBJECTIVE: ?&R * )L7; THE DUELISTS is a two-player; ?&L_;contest where only those with;A ?&L;superior reflexes and tactics;i ?&L;can survive: it's kill or be; ?&L; killed. Each time your opponent; ?&L<dies, you score one point. The; ?&L.< first to score seven is declared< ?&LD< the victor.<8 ?& 6 5 )Li< THE WEAPONS<] ?&R *  )L< The players are armed with< ?&L< three weapons: grenades, lasers,< ?&L<and electrified discs...< ?& 6 5 )L=THE DISC= ?&R * )LH= The disc is thrown in a=. ?&Lq=straight line by pressing fire=R ?&L=while pushing the stick in the={ ?&L=desired direction. The disc= ?&L= travels until it collides with a= ?&L>target or reaches its range;= ?&L=>then it teleports back into the> ?&Lg>player's hand for reuse. Note:>G ?&L>the disc is only used if the>q ?&L>laser is not charged.> ?& 6 5 )L> THE LASER> ?&R * )L ? The laser is activated by> ?&L3?pressing fire while pushing the? ?&L]?stick in the desired direction.?= ?&L?The laser can cut through?g ?&L?anything on its way across the? ?&L?arena, but it can only be fired? ?&L?when charged. (Note: the laser? ?&L)@ automatically recharges in a few@ ?&LQ@seconds after each use. When@3 ?&Ly@a player's laser is ready, he@[ ?&L@will appear as a brighter shade@ ?&L@of his color than otherwise.)@ ?& 6 5 )L@ THE GRENADES@ ?&R * )L(A A grenade is launched byA ?&LOAstanding perfectly still andA2 ?&LxApressing fire until you hear aAY ?&LA tiny beep. At the beep, releaseA ?&LAthe button and press the stickA ?&LAin the desired directionA ?&LB(quickly, or your player willA ?&L@Bblow himself up). The grenadeB! ?&LkB will fly a standard distance andBJ ?&LBexplode, killing anyone in itsBu ?&LBdeadly radius. Note: you haveB ?&LBonly two grenades per round (aB ?&L Cround ends when a point isB ?&LCscored.)C ?& 6 5 )LFCOTHER FEATURESC7 ?&R * )LC AN ENERGY FIELD drifts in aCb ?&LC!random pattern through the arena,C ?&LCkilling whomever it contacts.C ?& &LD THE WALLS, which are differentC ?&L,Devery game, are electrified andD ?&L>Ddeadly.D6 ?& &LhD GLOWING CRYSTALS appear atDK ?&LDrandom. If captured, they makeDr ?&LDa player advantageously smallD ?&LDfor the duration of a round.D ?& 6R * )LEE ?&L>E| |E$ ?&LbE| If you want to see |EH ?&LE| these docs again now |El ?&LE| press 'R'. Else, hit |E ?&LE| any other key to begin|E ?&LE| the duel! |E ?&LF| |E ?&L:FF ?& * )ILJF )Ih )I(LzF X7 *R * *`(BYTE dLF %FFiFFiFFiFFiFmFmF )eFF͜FL)GFF ԭFFЭFFF )LFFLFmFmFF *`ULGG 2 * )LsG THE DUELISTSGf F&LG by John ThornburghG ?& &LG" [space to play, return for docs]G R& ) ȩ ) ɩ ) ʩ ) FILGI L?H ) 2 P) P) X7 )`$C8$LOHIHHHKHJHHHzHIH{HzHJH{HKHLH5$JHKHLiH`OLH ,H͈HLHH -.HLH 6(+D D1 z- ą+ D1 z- }l+ D1 z-+ȩ D1`5)L6I2I1I *LSI Player A: IH R&1I2I &LI Player B: Ir R&1Ii2Ii &`$FD0$8AE6$CLI 2 P) P) P) E) 5) 5) 5) 5) s)IILvJ(OO 3 3 3L}KIIL$KIͳIL!K< s)I8xI s)eIImII< s)I8xI s)eIImIIII E)II 5)II 5)II 5)II 5)ILJL}KIͳIL}KP s)(eId s)eI s)IIII 3IL)K s)I s)iII ͭILKII P)II P) LHI ܩ )I ݩ )ILK' LHII P)II P) LHI ܩ )I ݩ )8IIIILK: LH ) H`v_S+LJL %CLDLiELiCL -. CL+CL++CL D1 -.  )FLFLLLFL &%8<宅  )8FL  )d LHFLLL )`AELMLL LLjMLL z-Lȩ )mL )L [%  ) LHLL M8LLLL z-Lȩ )mL )L [%  ) LHLILjM )`$8486$ALMMMMMMM X2L N -. X2LNM X2L0NMMMLFOM mM*(mMMMM X2L{NMMM GLM X2LNMM M X2LNMMM X2LNMMMi X2LNMMi X2LNMMi X2LOMML@OMMi -.MiMiML5NMILgOMILgO s)MLOMILyOMLOMILOMMILO -. -.M LM mM*(mMMMMiMi`*(LO s)i(O s)iWUUTiTiU &%TeTLtWUUTi TiU &%TeUTT E)UT 5)  )2 )UULW2mU  ), LHULW )UT E)TT 5)TiTimTi )UmTi8U *`HEN yLOX %GX8GX,GXHXHX8IXIXJXJXGX HX0LXHX GXLXGXHX0LXHXGXIX JX0LXJX IXLXIXJX0LXJXIX )  )KX KXLdYmKXKX )mKXKX )JXKXIXHXGX 3KXiKXLYKX KXLYmKXKX )mKXKX )JXKXIXHXGX 3KXiKXLiY )`dColor,B ,BombY,KeyValBYTE ARRAY PlrIncLZYYYYLy[Y mY*(mYY &%eYeY mY*(mYȱYYYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYiYYY+YiYiY+YiYiȑYi YiȑYi YiȑYiYiȑYiYiYiYiYL Z O LH )IL[ )YYIh YI(L[`L[ * )IL[ * Sd s)L[ s)L[ OYYLbY mY*(mYYYYiYiLP\YiYiiYiYiHHY 3hhYYYiYiY+qYi YiHHY ^3hhYiYiYi YiY+qYYY QYiYiLD]Yi YiLD]d LHLq]YiYiLq]YiYiY )L^YiYiLR^Yi YiLR^YiYiL]YiYiѮL]YiYiLO^YiYiILO^YiYi8 )  )d LH )L^YiYiIL{^YYY UL^YiYiL^YYY !PL^YiYiL^YiYiYiYiѮLi`YiYiYi YiLi`YiYiL_Yi YiL_YiYi" &%YYqYYi Yi" &%YiYiqYLE`YiYi% &%YYqYYi Yi< &%YiYiqYYY LXYiYiYiYiIL`YYYiYi LXYiYiYiYiѮLaYYYiYi Yiȱ &%+eYiYiYiYiYiȱ &%+eYYYiYiY QYiYi8YiYiLaYi -.YiYiLVbYiYiiYiYiILVbmYi )YmYiYi *YY MYYLbY mY*(mYYYYiYiILbYLbYiYiiLbYYi`YLdbYL[L|[`YLb DGbb Ib 3Ib Y )IL)c * bbI bILbb 3I &bIL}cLsc! Player A wins. Press Any Key.cQ ?&LcLc! Player B wins. Press Any Key.c ?&N LH * F )ILc * b`Lc b``csssssssssssss