12 4 2 5 0 8 72 2 12 132›2771FILE INDEX 3.02772››FILEINDX - @›by Stacy Goff››as modified by Carolyn Hoglin››› This public-domain program will automatically index every program on every disk you own and then sort the list as you wish. It supports nearly any printer, and is in fact extremely useful even if you do not yet own a printer. It works with any Atari-type DOS, including MYDOS. The program has been compressed to allow the largest possible buffer. A minimum of 48K is required.›› From the menu, you have the following choices:› 14 68›27GLOAD INDEX FROM DISK27H - This refers to a previously saved index. Please note that records will merge with any filenames in memory.››27GADD FILES27H - Just insert the disk you want indexed into Drive 1.››27GADD BOOT DISK27H - This option allows you to type in the name of a commercial or self-booting program, rather than to list the files contained therein (if any).››27GDISPLAY FROM MEMORY27H - Displays on the screen all the filenames in the current index file in memory, as they were entered or sorted. You may stop and start the display with CTRL-1.››27GPRINT FROM MEMORY27H - Provides a hard copy of all the information, formatted in three columns - 225 programs per page.››27GSEARCH FOR A PROGRAM NAME27H - Searches for a particular program name, even if you can't remember its exact title.››27GSORT IN MEMORY27H - Sorts in memory by disk number, program name, extension, or program type. Of course, the more files in your index the longer your sort will take. (Screen will blank during sort.)››27GSAVE INDEX TO DISK27H - Replaces existing file by the same name, if any.››27GDELETE DISK INDEX FILE27H - Deletes an index file from your data disk.››27GDELETE FROM MEMORY27H - Deletes from memory only those filenames listed from a specified disk. (Do not PRINT this index until you have SAVEd the index to disk, ZEROed memory, and reLOADed the index. Actual deletions only take place during the SAVE.)››27G`ZERO' MEMORY27H - Starts over, ready to add new filenames or load index from disk.››27GDISPLAY DISK DIRECTORY27H - Displays the directory of the disk in Drive 1 without adding it to the index. This is useful to determine whether this is the disk you thought it was.››27GEXIT PROGRAM27H› 8 72›27GNOTES27H›› You must assign a number to each disk you have. This number can be from 0 to 999 and can optionally have an "A" or "B" after it to list the programs on each side of a disk separately.›› If you have a double-density drive, be sure to run the program under a DOS that is density sensitive. Then you can index all your disks, regardless of whether they are single or double density.›› The program can hold up to 1,000 filenames in memory. When you SAVE the index, it will be written to a file called PROGLIST.DAT. If you have so many programs that one index will not hold them, change the "Q7" in line 90 to "Q1". Then, when you run the program, you will be prompted for an extender for PROGLIST. You could have PROGLIST.GAM, PROGLIST.UTL, etc., for example. Or you might wish to use numbers; e.g., PROGLIST.001, PROGLIST.002, etc.›› If you want to ADD filenames from a new disk to an existing index, first LOAD the index from disk. Then use the ADD FILES option. When you SAVE the modified index, it will replace the original one on disk.›› If you wish to modify the index for a disk or disks you have already cataloged, you must LOAD the existing index from the disk and DELETE disk #n from memory before you again ADD its filenames to the existing index. If you do not first DELETE, you will have many duplications in your index file! REMEMBER - the actual deletions will not take place until the index is SAVEd to disk.›› When you ADD files, you will be asked whether you want to specify filetypes. If you answer "Y", you will be given the opportunity to enter the following codes:››A - AMUSEMENT/GAMES M - MUSIC ›B - BUSINESS P - PRINTER PROGRAM ›C - COMMUNICATIONS S - SOUND ›D - DIRECTORY T - TEXTFILE ›E - EDUCATIONAL U - UTILITY ›F - DATAFILE W - WORD PROCESSOR ›G - GRAPHICS X - MISCELLANEOUS ›H - HOME & PERSONAL - (No entry) ›J - JOYSTICK * - (Bypass this file)›L - LANGUAGE ›› If these categories do not meet your needs, or if you need additional ones, just change lines 1015 to 1075 to suit.›› The program will automatically bypass DOS files and any program called AUTORUN.SYS or MENU. (Who needs a list showing 57 files called MENU?) If for any reason you do wish to include these files, or want to automatically bypass others, you may change lines 670 and 680.›› Hold down the