› DOCUMENTATION FOR FINANCE› TEMPLATE››This template is designed to keep track›of family finances for any length of›time. In order to keep within a 48K›system, each month is kept separately,›but you will be able to keep track of›each category from the beginning of the›year to date. Thus the last template›in use will contain accurate data for›year-to-date.› First use this template as a›blank. At the beginning of each month,›load it in and change the pertinent›information to make it fit the current›month. There are 5 columns for 5›weeks, however some months only have 4›weeks. Just leave the fifth column›blank in that case.››› EXPLANATION OF COLUMNS››Column B is reserved for titles of each›of the categories. Change them to suit›your particular needs.››Columns C thru G are reserved for the›entries. One column for each week.››Column H is a totals column for the›categories FOR THE MONTH ONLY. For›example, H5 contains the total for›Vehicle 1 gasoline from C5-G5.››Column I contains group totals. For›example I 15 contains the total for all›the money spent in the general›automotive category FOR THE MONTH ONLY›(H5 thru H14). This column will›contain only those categories which›have sub-categories (such as›Automotive, Taxes, etc) since›individual categories totals are kept›in column H.››Columns A and J - These two columns›work together, and are the key to any›cumulative year-to-date data. Column J›will reflect the totals from column A›(previous month's data) and the›addition of the current month's data.›At the END of each month, column J›should be saved to disk as a DATA file›(not a worksheet file). Then, as a new›month is started, the saved column J›should be loaded into column A of the›new month. By doing so, you will then›maintain a year-to-date record of each›individual category. Until you have at›least a month's entry, column A will be›empty, however, you may want to put›some info in there yourself, such as›any current money in your savings›account.›› EXPLANATION OF ROWS AND CATEGORIES›››AUTOMOTIVE - this contains›subcategories: V1 stands for Vehicle 1,›etc. Each category here has three›sub-divisions: Gas, Repairs, and›Payment. Row 15 contains the totals›for each week of all Auto.››DONATIONS - has two categories: Church›and other››SAVINGS can keep track of up to 5›separate savings accounts. In our›family, we have a combined family›account, a second special account›(savings for some special purpose such›as a vacation), and three other savings›accounts one for each of our children.›Of course, any money put into savings›are not really expenses even though›they are 'out of reach' so they will›not be considered in the VARIANCE down›on line 85.››UTILITIES has five possible categories:›gas, water, kerosene, electricity,›phone.››INSURANCE has four categories: home,›life, hospitalization, and automotive.››TAXES - FIT = Federal Income› FICA = Social security› SIT = State Income› SST = State Sales tax› CIT = City Income tax› FGT = Federal Gasoline tax› SGT = State gasoline tax.›› Each of the other categories are›individual (ie. no sub-categories) and›are self explanatory.›› Feel free to change the worksheet›to suit yourself and your family's›needs. Nothing is set in stone. If›you have a change worthwhile, you may›want to let me in on it/ or if you want›to contact me, I check in on the SIG›about 2 times per week. My number is›70217,1145. Also, remember, the›template won't do you any good unless›you are meticulous about entering the›data. It takes a lot of work, but the›records are worth it.›› Jim C.› dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd