HI!>SCCLLTTSTPPPREVVAINITLINITLINITSAAAABBZXYSCREEA`@@f9HUFw@@fu5@@U cv#T ?F' @ @D$ @bu0@h@@@  A6B@BDd!!ӠӠ͛n99ORIGINAL APPLESOFT VERSION BY GREG TURK, BYTE SEP84x;;TRANSLATED TO ATARI BASIC, AND GREATLY EMBELLISHED BY00SEAN KEELEY -- COMPUSERVE PPN [75126,3261]@@N.B. DON'T BOTHER CONVERTING THIS TO ACTION! IN AN ATTEMPT::TO GET FASTER RUN TIMES...I TRIED IT, AND THE RESULTWAS NO IMPROVEMENT.;@,6-36-A`6-@'6-?P36-# + A#6-@?F:Ad,@*AdAU<AR?)()( one moment please ...%-@@! Ap% o+@%@/0@I0@@S@eAdAUo AP A Ap5+F:Ad,@(*F:B2y,@5 A@4F:Ad,"@(*AdAU4 A APLOT X,Y"* 6-&$!6-$+&?P,%',*$,SQUARE ROOT OF X,Y68 6-6-M:$%$, 6-&, <86-@66-M:+,'@,6-%* <66-J)6-M:+,'@," )6-6T$^X,Y TIMES Lh* 6-6-6-$&$'6-$%$*$rFUNCTION OF X,Y|H AP6-@&% A:H:@, ?PA6-6H6-606-@&6-'@-6-'@0$GET VALUESU@'A @U()}ƠҠàԠ̠ǠŠΠŠҠԠϠҠXX(# Based on a program by Greg Turk>:AU, from September 1984 BYTEX ( (&(Previous values were)(N( Lambda: , Scale: X APM( (1("Do you require instructions? (Y/N)5C4Y)4yM A1 AP((+(Enter Lambda (X,Y)1 6-6- AP& Ap("( Enter Scale &5 6-6-@$'+AR@5 .( (.( Press to continue,((( any other key to terminate(((( ape to stop Plot(((( to print Plot"F:Ad,"AU" A0$&FOUR OVER L006-$%$6-@$'06-6@$':$DINSTRUCTIONSNAR@(}X!!(Instructions for FRACTALSb$!(-------------------------$(l--(%This program generates v%"(based on two input values,%(--(% (which is actually a pair of( numbers), and++(# (which is the plot scaling( factor).(--(%Lambda should be a pair of small real(numbers.(++(#Scale should be a positive integer,..(&where the the scale given, the$!( the plot produced.$(**("If invalid value(s) are input, the(prompt is re-issued.( A-*("To get started, try the following:-(.+(# Lambda=0,1 Scale=4.( .+(# Lambda=2,0 Scale=2.(.+(# Lambda=-1,0 Scale=4.( .+(# Lambda=-2,0 Scale=3.(*--(%For more information, see the article4((( 'Fractals' in the September 1984>(issue of BYTE magazine.H AR++(#If too a Scale value is given\,,($(remember, this produces too af''(plot), an error screen appears,p((( then the primary input screen isz( re-displayed.(,,($The ape key can be used to stop a++(#plot in progress, and return to the (primary input screen. (--(%The key may be used to dump the0-(%plot to any EPSON-compatible printer.0(//('N.B. Unless ESCape or START is pressed,-'( the plot will run forever.*(-(//('This program is Ӡ̠Ϡ but the results (can be very interesting. AAR$""WAIT FOR USER TO READ SCREEN4-@@#4("F:Ad,"AU" A0AdAU(}$ERROR DURING PLOT$? +A @1-@@?( E R R O R.7-@@7(Plot is too large for screen.8;-@@;(!Specify a value for Scale.B A ALPROGRAM: DUMPGR8.LSTVAABY: GLEN G. HOSEY TACOMA, WA 98433`jjTHIS ROUTINE WILL RUN AS-IS ON EPSON-COMPATIBLE PRINTERS. OTHER PRINTERS MAY REQUIRE CHANGES TO THEjPRINTER CONTROL CODES.t""RAM USED OTHER THAT STRINGS:~$CB-$D2 (203-210)$0600-$06AB (1536-1707);A,;A,K #A06---Aq1"?A6%G6-%K !B8( DATA ERROR!=%6-F:@,%AV$F:@,=6-%+@@$A,8 A @8@@P:8((@>:@',A>:@,8-%@9?6.>:,*67A,.>:,967@,.?6.6-?:A6<:@',K>:A(,>:@,U3>:@',K>:A(,>:@, $$3>:@',W1>:@',E ::3>:AU,f(z)=lambda*z*(1-z) for lambda=,3>:@,>:@',@((ERROR #F:A,2gg104,104,133,204,104,133,203,104,133,206,104,133,205,104,133,208,104,133,207,160,0,162,193,202,208<\\1,96,177,203,133,209,41,128,133,210,165,209,74,41,96,5,210,133,210,165,209,74,74,41,24FVV5,210,133,210,165,209,74,74,74,41,6,5,210,133,210,165,209,74,74,74,74,41,1,5,210P]]145,205,200,145,205,165,209,41,1,133,210,165,209,10,41,6,5,210,133,210,165,209,10,10,41Z[[24,5,210,133,210,165,209,10,10,10,133,209,41,96,5,210,133,210,165,209,10,41,128,5,210dbb145,207,136,145,207,56,165,203,233,40,133,203,165,204,233,0,133,204,24,165,205,105,2,133,205nRR165,206,105,0,133,206,24,165,207,105,2,133,207,165,208,105,0,133,208,76,23,6 D:FRACTAL.BASaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa