As the Hunt Automata program initializes, you will see the rules displayed.›They are similar to Ulman's rules, but go one step further in taking›advantage of the 8-bit ATARI'S colors.You have the choice of graphics modes›9-11, and 15. You also have the choice of either joystick input, or a›random culture. If you choose joystick input, you can move the cursor›around a quadrant of the screen to lay down "seeds". Hit the return key›when you are ready for the automata to begin. With the rules used, you will›notice the similarity it bears with the growth and structure of crystals of various sorts. I chose to plot to the quadrants for aesthetic reasons.› Are there any automata explorers out there? If so, please leave me some E-MAIL on COMPUSERVE. I will appreciate hearing from you. TOM HUNT (70717,2223)››99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999