›› >> PROGRAM INVENTORY - V.3.20 <<› [V.1.0 by Dennis Baker]› [V.2.0 modified sort routine by Tim Roulo]› V.3.2 modifications by: Ken Watson› Elsa, Yukon, CANADA› [73157,3100]› › › This is yet another version of a disk inventory program (I› have 6 versions of this same program). It is designed to allow› you to easily keep track of your PD programs. It has such› features as auto input of files, lighting FAST sorts in several› categories, file dumps to screen or any printer, multiple drive› and drive density options and has a capacity for about 1,000› records per file.› › **WARNING**› › This program is extremely DOS sensitive. If you will only› be using ATARI disk drives or other disk drives in single density› only then use DOS 2.0 or DOS 2.5. If you want single and double› density operation then use a density smart DOS such as MACH DOS› or TOPDOS. SMARTDOS will not work. If you get a memory full› error (with a 48K or 64K system) then you probably are using an› incompatible DOS.› › › RECORDS AVAILABLE (DOS in standard configuration)› › DOS 2.0 -----> 1101 (single density)› DOS 2.5 -----> 1101 (single density)› MACH DOS ----> 999 (S or D density)› TOPDOS 1.5a -> 1037 (S or D density)› › › FEATURES› › The program is fully menu driven and very easy to use.› When you run the program, the sort routine will be initialized› and then the sort routine lines and REM statements will be› deleted to allow for more memory.› You will be presented with a menu containing several› options. Most of these options are self-explanatory.› › A) Load Index From Disk - this will load a disk inventory file that› you have already created. The program will ask for the 3 letter› extender that you have used to identify the file.› › B) Add Records - This is how you create an inventory file. You have› several choices in this section including autoload from disk,› recording locked files only, etc. DOS.SYS and DUP.SYS files will› not be recorded. You can also add a program type description.› These descriptions can be found as DATA statements near the end› of the program and you can change them quite easily.› › C) Display from Memory - This will display the current file you have› in memory to the screen.››››››››››››› › D) Print from Memory - This will send your file to the printer. It› should work with any 80 column printer.› › E) Search for a pgm name - This will search for a program name› within your files. It will also find portions of names. As with› the sort function the search is FAST!!› › F) Sort in Memory - This will allow you to sort your file by program› name, program extender, disk number or program type. The sort is› very FAST!!! (average time to sort 1,000 records is less than 9› seconds).› › G) Save Index to Disk - This will save the index file you currently› have in memory. It will ask for a 3 character extender which› will be attached to the program name PROGINDX. Good examples› would be .KOA for Koala pictures, .AMS for AMS music files, etc.› › H) Delete Disk Index - This will delete a disk index from the disk.› › I) Delete from memory - This function will ask for a disk number.› All files from that disk will be tagged for deletion the next› time you save that file to disk.› › J) Zero Memory - This will delete all records in memory and reset› the program.› › K) Exit Program - Ends program.› › L) Display Disk Directory - This will show the disk directory of the› disk currently in the disk drive.› › M) Display Free Sectors - This will display the free sectors on each› disk you have recorded in your inventory.› › N) Print Free Sectors - As above sent to the printer.› › O) Change Drive Density - This will allow you to change the density› of your drive from single to double or vice-versa (it will NOT› toggle medium (1050) density). It uses PERCOM protocol and will› work with most double density drives (Indus, Rana, Astra, etc.).› This will allow you to inventory both single and double density› disks in one file using one drive.› › #) Drive Number - Type 1,2,3, or 4 for the drive # you want. Once› changed all menu functions will work with the drive you have› specified.› › ›››››››››››››}}}