>> THE LABELLER - V.4.0 <<› by: Ken Watson› Elsa, Yukon, CANADA› [73157,3100]› › * Use DOS 'C' to copy this DOC file to printer *› › This program will allow you to make mailing and disk labels› using single row tractor feed labels on any NEC8023A/ Prowriter› or Epson compatible printer. You can use either 15/16" or 1› 7/16" width labels, the two most common sizes. The program is› fully menu driven and easy to use. Features of the program› include the ability to save mailing label files to disk, to 'tag'› files for multiple label printouts and to do multiple copies of› labels.› › *** MAIL LABELS ***› › - Create a new label: This option will allow you to make a mailing› label. You will be able to enter 5 or 6 lines of text depending› on the label width you have chosen.› The program will switch your Atari to lower case letters. You› can switch back to upper case or use inverse video for italics› printing on Epson printers.› Once the label is complete you will be asked if it looks okay.› A No response will give you a new input screen. A Yes will move› you to the printout screen. Here you will be asked for how many› copies you want. Responding with a 0 will move you to the next› menu. Enter the number of copies you want done and press START.› If you aren't sure whether your labels are properly set up, make› 1 copy to see what it looks like. The next menu will allow you› to make additional copies. During printout, pressing OPTION will› abort the printout and take you to the next menu.› The next menu gives you 4 options. The More copies option› will return you to the printout screen. The Save to disk option› will allow you to save your label to disk. You will be asked for› a filename, the program will automatically add the extender .LAB.› After the file is saved you will be returned back to this menu.› The other two options are End the program and Rerun the program.› › - View labels on disk: This option will show you all the files on› disk that have the extender .LAB. The files will be arranged› alphabetically. Pressing START will return you to this menu.› › - Load a label: This option will load a label of your choice. You› will be asked for a filename and then the file will be loaded and› displayed. You will get the same Y/N prompt as in the Create a› label option, a Y response will move you on to the printout› section.› › - Erase a file from disk: This is a function that will allow you› to delete a label file from disk.› › - Tag Labels for printing: This option will allow you to go› through all the label files on a disk and tag those you want to› printout. If you choose not to tag any files you will be› returned to this menu.› After you have tagged your files you will be taken to the› printout option. Choose the number of copies you want, the››› -1-›››››››› program will print this number of copies of each file you have› tagged. The program will automatically load and print each file› you have tagged. On completion you will end up at the› post-printout menu where you can make more copies or rerun the› program.› › - Goto disk label section: This will take you to the disk label› section --> see below.› › - Drive #: This will toggle you between drive 1 and 2 for the view› and tag file options. The load, save, and erase options have› their own drive input (1-4).› › › *** DISK LABELS ***› › This section will print a disk label with up to 3 lines, a› disk title line, a side A line and a side B line› › - The disk title line is where you can put in a disk name or› number, user group name, type of disk, boot instructions, etc.› This line will print out in condensed print and be underlined.› You can exceed a screen line during input, most labels have space› for about 45 to 50 characters. Pressing as the input› for this line will leave this line blank on the label.› › - Side A and Side B: These are printed out in enlarged condensed.› If you input both side A and B the printout will be prefaced with› an A) and B). If you only input side A and hit for side› B you will get a single line printout without the A) or B).› Experiment with upper/lower case and inverse print (italics)› on the Epson. Don't exceed the indicated line length.› › - The printout section is the same as that for the mail labels.› However you will not be able to save your disk labels to disk.› › › *** HINTS ***› › A companion file to this program, LOADL4.XMO is a file that› will autorun your label file. Take a new disk with DOS.SYS on it› and rename LOADL4.XMO to AUTORUN.SYS (LOADL4.AR1 if using› SMARTDOS). Place the file LABEL4.XMO on this disk and rename it› to LABEL4.BAS. The disk will now autoboot the label program.› Save your label files to this disk and this will make the program› easier and more convenient to use.› Be creative, center address labels and type the address in› lower case with the city and province/state in upper case to› attract more attention at the post office. For parcel labels,› preface the address label with a To:, and your return address› label with a From:.› Use inverse video to access italics print on Epson printers or› the special character set in the NEC/Prowriter printers.› ››››› -2-›››››