10 .PAGE ›20 ;SAVE #D2:ROMTBL.M65›30 ;›40 ; 20MB Version 10+10›50 ;›60 ; SUPRA COPRORATION›70 ; 1133 Commercial Way›80 ; Albany, OR 97321›90 ; (503) 967-9075›0100 ;›0110 ;›0120 ; Change the following tables›0130 ; in the EPROM and burn a new›0140 ; EPROM to add a new drive›0150 ; type, or to change the size›0160 ; of any logical drive. The›0170 ; physical location of the›0180 ; logical drive can also be›0190 ; changed.›0200 ;›0210 ; The ROMWCB table starts at an›0220 ; offset of $0700 from the›0230 ; start of the EPROM. The›0240 ; LOGDEV table starts at $0740.›0250 ;›0260 ; The EPROM normally sits in the›0270 ; $D800 to $DFFF area of memory›0280 ; and is bank switched over the›0290 ; floating point ROM when the›0300 ; operating system is going to›0310 ; call the Hard Disk.›0320 ;›0330 ;›0340 ;›0350 ; Hard Disk data tables›0360 ; Each of 8 tables:›0370 ;›0380 ; .DBYTE xxxx # of cylinders›0390 ; .BYTE xx # of heads›0400 ; .DBYTE xxxx RWCC cylinders›0410 ; .DBYTE xxxx WPC cylinder›0420 ; .BYTE xx Step pulse rate›0430 ;›0440 ROMWCB›0450 ;›0460 ;(0) 4 head, 153 cyl 5MB›0470 .DBYTE 153›0480 .BYTE 4›0490 .DBYTE 128›0500 .DBYTE 153›0510 .BYTE 0›0520 ;›0530 ;(1) 2 head, 306 cyl 5MB›0540 .DBYTE 306›0550 .BYTE 2›0560 .DBYTE 128›0570 .DBYTE 0›0580 .BYTE 7›0590 ;›0600 ;(2) 4 head, 306 cyl 10MB›0610 .DBYTE 306›0620 .BYTE 4›0630 .DBYTE 128›0640 .DBYTE 0›0650 .BYTE 7›0660 ;›0670 ;(3) 6 head, 230 cyl 11MB›0680 .DBYTE 230›0690 .BYTE 6›0700 .DBYTE 128›0710 .DBYTE 0›0720 .BYTE 7›0730 ;›0740 ;(4) 6 head, 306 cyl 15MB›0750 .DBYTE 306›0760 .BYTE 6›0770 .DBYTE 128›0780 .DBYTE 0›0790 .BYTE 7›0800 ;›0810 ;(5) 4 head, 306 cyl 20MB›0820 .DBYTE 306›0830 .BYTE 4›0840 .DBYTE 128›0850 .DBYTE 0›0860 .BYTE 0›0870 ;›0880 ;(6) 4 head, 612 cyl 20MB›0890 .DBYTE 612›0900 .BYTE 4›0910 .DBYTE 300›0920 .DBYTE 0›0930 .BYTE 0›0940 ;›0950 ;(7) 5 head, 980 cyl 60MB›0960 .DBYTE 975›0970 .BYTE 5›0980 .DBYTE 0›0990 .DBYTE 0›1000 .BYTE 7›1010 ;›1020 ;›1030 ;›1040 ; Logical Drive information›1050 ; Structure for each is:›1060 ;›1070 ; .BITS xxxxxxxx SCSI device #›1080 ; (Only ONE bit on at a time)›1090 ; (0 = Disabled)›1100 ; .BITS xxx00000 SCSI lun dev›1110 ; (Range 0-7)›1120 ; .3BYTE xxxxxx Start sector #›1130 ; .WORD xxxx Size (sectors)›1140 ; .BYTE xx Spare›1150 ;›1160 ; NOTE:›1170 ; If D1: is enabled in this›1180 ; table, do NOT change any›1190 ; information about it›1200 ;›1210 ; COMPUTING PARTITIONS:›1220 ; To compute partition info:›1230 ; Start sector is 2+ size›1240 ; of previous partition plus›1250 ; start of previous partition›1260 ; on that hard drive.›1270 ; FOR EXAMPLE:›1280 ; D1-> start = 0›1290 ; size = 1041›1300 ; D3-> start = 1043›1310 ; size = 36800›1320 ; D4-> start = 37845›1330 ; size = 36800›1340 ; end -> 74645›1350 ; NOTE:›1360 ; End must be less than total›1370 ; number of sectors!›1380 ;›1390 ;›1400 LOGDEV›1410 .BYTE 1 ;D1:›1420 .BYTE 0›1430 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1440 .DBYTE 0 ;..and the rest›1450 .WORD 1041›1460 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1470 ;›1480 .BYTE 0 ;D2:›1490 .BYTE 0›1500 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1510 .DBYTE 0 ;..and the rest›1520 .WORD 0›1530 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1540 ;›1550 .BYTE 1 ;D3:›1560 .BYTE 0›1570 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1580 .DBYTE 1043 ;..and the rest›1590 .WORD 36800›1600 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1610 ;›1620 .BYTE 1 ;D4:›1630 .BYTE 0›1640 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1650 .DBYTE 37845 ;..and the rest›1660 .WORD 36800›1670 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1680 ;›1690 .BYTE 0 ;D5:›1700 .BYTE 0›1710 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1720 .DBYTE 0 ;..and the rest›1730 .WORD 0›1740 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1750 ;›1760 .BYTE 0 ;D6:›1770 .BYTE 0›1780 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1790 .DBYTE 0 ;..and the rest›1800 .WORD 0›1810 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1820 ;›1830 .BYTE 0 ;D7:›1840 .BYTE 0›1850 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1860 .DBYTE 0 ;..and the rest›1870 .WORD 0›1880 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1890 ;›1900 .BYTE 0 ;D8:›1910 .BYTE 0›1920 .BYTE 0 ;High order›1930 .DBYTE 0 ;..and the rest›1940 .WORD 0›1950 .BYTE 0 ;Spare›1960 ;›1970 ;›1980 ;›1990 ; Percom configuration tables›2000 ; (DO NOT CHANGE)›2010 PERTBL›2020 ;›2030 PER810›2040 .BYTE 40,3,0,18,0,0,0,128,$40›2050 .BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0›2060 ;›2070 PERDBL›2080 .BYTE 40,3,0,18,0,4,1,0,$40›2090 .BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0›2100 ;›2110 ;›2120 PER1050›2130 .BYTE 40,3,0,26,0,4,0,128,$40›2140 .BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0›2150 ;›2160 PERBIG›2170 .BYTE 1,3,0,0,0,4,1,0,$40›2180 .BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0›2190 ;›2200 ;›2210 ;›2220 ; HELPDRV is the floppy disk›2230 ; to boot off when the ›2240 ; key is held down on power up›2250 ;›2260 HELPDRV›2270 .BYTE 2 ;D2:›2280 ;›2290 ;›2300 ;›