Dean's Desktop System - DDS rev1.00›› -USER MANUAL-›› The DDS system, and this user›guide are public domain programs.› ››NOTE:› When accessing seperate parts›of the system, you should have the›DDS master disk in drive 1.›› The manual will discuss each›option on the main menu in the›order that they appear.›› Because I often update the›system, the manual may appear to›have false information in certain›parts. ›››BOOTING THE DDS SYSTEM.›› The DDS system is written in›Turbo-basic. This is on the disk›and will boot in first. Then then a›new character set will load. You›will then be presented with the DDS›main menu. Type in the time as›shown with no gaps. Use 0's for›single numbers,E.g. 09:09:04 would›be entered as 090904. The system›needs access to the disk to tell›the system that the time has been›set.› You can now use the system.›The arrow will be next to the 1st›option(calculator). Use OPTION to›move this arrow around to the other›options. Press START to activate›the option that the arrow is next›to.››THE MAIN MENU OPTIONS:›› 1.CALCULATOR› When the calculator has›loaded, you will be presented with›a calculator on the screen. First›press O to turn it on. You can now›use the calc. Type in the 1st No.›Press an operator key (*,/,+,-),›type the 2nd No., press = . The›answer will be shown on the screen.›Press O to clear, ready to start›again. If you want to have a›negative number then use SHIFT - ,›and then type the number. NOTE: do›NOT use the standard operator as a›minus symbol.› After you have finished using›the calc., press ESC to return to›the main menu.›››› 2.CLOCK› This option displays the›current time, and will keep doing›so until you press the START key.›› 3.DIARY› This is a simple diary. When›loaded you will be presented with a›2 option menu. Option 1 runs the›diary. Option 2 is ued to create›the initial diary file. This must›be done if you are using a new disk›with no diary file on. Make sure›the disk is NOT write protected.›Note: running option 2 on a disk›with a diary file already on, will›erase the file contents.› Option 1 will take you to the›diary. You will first have to enter›the date of the entry you wish to›call. Just type the date (with 0's›E.g. 09 09 89). the /'s will be ›entered for you, and the system›knows when the date is at an end,›so you don't have to press return.›The date will be searched for, and›if there is an entry it will be›displayed. If not, you will be›asked to enter text for that day.›Type the text, and press return›when finished. The text will now be›written to the disk. You will now›be taken back to the opeining menu.›Use 1 to get back to the diary. To›get back to DDS main, you must look›at a date that exists. So try›typing the date for the one you've›just entered. The date and text›should be shown. You will also get›a menu of options. Press A to get›another date, press P to print this›entry to a printer, or press START›to go back to DDS main.››› 4.QUIT.› Use this option to quit DDS.›You must do this when you've›finished, otherwise you won't be›able to set the clock the next time›you use the system. When selected›you will be asked YES/NO. Press Y›or N. Pressing N will return you to›DDS main. Pressing Y will take you›to Turbo-BASIC. Be sure that the›disk is NOT write protected.›› › 5.DDS-DOS.› This is an ikon DOS for use›with DDS. After loading you will be›faced with a set of options. Again›use the START and OPTION keys for›selecting.›› 5.1 DIR› This gives a directory of›the disk in drive 1. If the dir.›is long, the rest will be printed›on the next screen, so press START›again if More... is printed at the›bottom. When the directory has›finished, use START to return to›the DDS-DOS menu.›› 5.2 FORMAT› This is used to format a›disk in drive 1. Press return to›format the disk, or ESC to return›to the DDS-DOS menu.›› 5.3 SINGLE FORMAT› This is the same as format,›but formats the disk in single›density.›› 5.4 TRASH FILE› This is used to erase a file›in drive 1. Type in the name of the›file (no D:). The file will be›erased and the DDS-DOS menu will›re-appear. If you decide not to›erase a file, then just press›return to get back to the menu.›› 5.5 RENAME FILE› This is used to rename a›file in drive 1. Enter the old name›(no D:) at the first prompt and ›press return. Type in the new name›(no D:) at the 2nd prompt. The file›will be renamed. If you don't want›to rename a file, then just press›return to return to the menu.›› 5.6 LOAD BINARY FILE› This is used to load machine›code files. Type in the name of the›file (no D:). If you don't want to›load a file, then just press return›for the menu.›› 5.7 LOCK FILE› This will lock a file in›drive 1. Type in the name and press›return (no D:). If you don't want›to lock a file, then just press›return for the menu.›› 5.8 UNLOCK FILE› This will unlock a file in›drive 1. Type in the name and press›return (no D:). If you don't want›to unlock a file, then just press›return for the menu.›››› To get back to the DDS main,›press ESC when on the DDS-DOS menu.›› Trash file, rename file, lock,›and unlock can be used with wild›cards, E.g *.* as the filename›means all files, *.BAS means all›files with BAS extenders, etc.›››› 6. THE MINI-DATABASE›› This is a small database. After›loading, you will be faced with an›opening menu.›› 6.1 RE-DEFINE HEADINGS› This allows you to define›the headings. Headings are field›names, E.g. name,address,etc.,etc.› It will first ask you how›many headings you want. Type the›number and press return. It will›now ask you to type in each heading›one-by-one. After typing each one,›press return. After entering the›last one, the system will save them›to disk.›› 6.2 READ DATABASE FILE› This allows you to read›data back. It will ask you to enter›the contents of the 1st field, E.g.›if your first field is name, and›you want to search for data on›J.BLOGGS, then type J.BLOGGS here.›It will then search for the record›and print it to the screen. If it›doesn't find it, nothing will be›printed. If it does find it then›the headings and the data will be›printed to the screen. Press any›key to return to the menu after›doing this.›› 6.3 PRINT FILE› This is the same as 6.2,›but is for printing the file to›the printer. After typing the›contents of the 1st field, the›system will ask if you want›headings printed as well as the›data. Pressing Y will print them,›pressing N will just print the data›(this is useful for printing ›address labels).›› 6.4 CREATE FILE› This allows you to enter›data about somebody/something. The›headings will be printed (one -by - one), and you simply type the data›for this heading and press return›after each one. This is then›written away to the file.›› 6.5 CREATE INITIAL› This must be done before›you can use the database. Put in›your formatted disk and use this›option to set up the file. You›should also use option 1 to set›up your headings. After doing this›you can use the database.›› 6.6 END PROGRAM› This quits the database and›returns to DDS main (have DDS disk›in before doing this).››› 7. EXTRA NOTES› The DDS disk should not be›write protected, as disk access is›required.› DDS has been written for›your usage, but please register›your copy.› › The programs on this disk were›written by:›› Dean Garraghty,› 62 Thomson ave,› Balby,› DONCASTER,› DN4 0NU,› ENGLAND.›› Please write to me if you have›any questions or comments about›DDS.››NOTE: D.D.S was shareware, but has›now been made public domain. This›is partly due to the fact that the›shareware system is hard to›administer, and partly because I›am working on a new advanced›version, called Mini-desktop. This›will be a commercial program. In›fact, it could well be ready by the›time you read this, so write to me›at the address above.› - END OF DDS USER MANUAL -›