›===================================›== THE "THIS AND THAT" DISK ==›== HELP FILE ==›===================================››-----------------------------------››IDOS - this is an old DOS that uses›ikons and simple arrow movement›using the SELECT and START keys. It›is written in BASIC and uses the›standard DOS.SYS file. A doc. file›about IDOS is on this disk called:›"IDOS.DOC". Use the TEXTREAD prog.›to read it.››-----------------------------------››››SDOS - this is another DOS. This›one uses command entry instead of a›menu. This is also written in ›BASIC. The doc. file is called:›"SDOS.DOC". Again it uses the DOS.›SYS file.››-----------------------------------›››MANOR - this is a simple adventure›game about a day in a school. It is›not brilliant, but may be good for›a laugh.››-----------------------------------›››MAZE - this a maze game. The object›is to get out of the maze. You will›be given some exits to choose from.›Type N,S,E, or W and press return.›You will then be given some new›exits. It might be a good idea to›draw a map as you go along. Here's›a clue: the exit can be found by›following a very simple route!››-----------------------------------››TRIM.SND - this is a sound fx demo›of an English trim phone.››-----------------------------------››EYE - this is the "Eye of the ›tiger" music.››-----------------------------------››MUSIC - this is some music.››-----------------------------------››SOUNDFX.TBO - this is a sound fx›program written in Turbo-BASIC (you›will need turbo to use it). It has›some sounds that you could use in›your own programs.››-----------------------------------››GR9.DMO,GR9D2.DMO,GR9D3.DMO - 3›graphics demo programs using mode9.››-----------------------------------››GR11.DMO - this is a graphics demo›using mode 11.››-----------------------------------››PENCIL.DMO - this is a graphic demo›in mode 9. It draws a pencil in›silver shading.››-----------------------------------››PIPE.DMO - this is another mode 9›demo. This one draws two pipes.››-----------------------------------››PARAB.DMO - another mode 9 demo.››-----------------------------------››DMSDEM.DMO - this is a demo created›using the "Digital Music Studio", a›commercial program available from›me. It plays a tune using a ›digitized piano and human voice. It›needs no extra hardware to run.››-----------------------------------››TEXTREAD - this will read a text›file and print it to the screen.›Follow prompts in program.››-----------------------------------››MENU - the menu on this disk is the›one that will be used on all disks›of this kind. It is capable of›reading from any disk and creating›a menu from its directory. This›revision can only load BASIC files.›If you try and load any other you›will get an error message. To goto›DOS select DUP.SYS file from menu.›Normally you would get a can't read›error, but the menu runs DOS when›you select this file.››-----------------------------------››SHARES - want to be a yuppie? If›so then this is the game for you.›You have to buy shares and make›as much money as possible. There›is a text file called SHARES.DOC›on this disk, containing full›instructions of use.››-----------------------------------››When in BASIC, type RUN"D:MENU" to›run the menu.›Pressing RESET will re-boot the ›disk.›››END OF HELP FILE.›