/򑫭貵ひ怯@'@6-6- A DAY AT MANOR GRANGE.VERS A1.00.-18/3/88-(c)DEAN GARRAGHTY 1988. eePut into the Public Domain for your 'enjoyment'. 姓绿擅犇贤辽螤惫腹疀(9 +'0@9AR@-@@2(A DAY AT MANOR GRANGE.<(VERS.A1.00.-18/3/88-F((c)1988 DEAN GARRAGHTY.H(姓绿擅犇贤辽螤惫腹P( GOOD LUCK!!!Z..(&dkk(cIn this adventure you will spend a dayat Manor Grange comprehensive school, just outside Liverpool.npp(hIt's obviously a very rough school.Youwill need your wits about you,and be able to make wise decisions.x AP (}A"AUtt(lIt is Monday morning.You are in the assembly hall awaiting the arrival of the Headmaster,Dr.Robinson-Smithll(cSoon after,he arrives and starts to babble on about something-or-other. Your mind is of course ( elsewhere.E(E(:The Head starts to bore you now.Do youwish to fall asleep? A`Y"@0(You fall asleep,zzzzzz......O(Not wise.You are expelled.Y Ap0""(Wise choice!!!06-%@6-k(k(`By now the assembly is so boring that a party political broadcast seems fun by comparison!!!UK(CDo you want to relieve yourself from this and talk to your friend?U A``"@V(BNot a wise choice.The head sees you and ROARS 'YOU BOY.GET OUT.'` Ap="/(Yet another wise decision!!=6-%@6-D(D(9The headmaster says 'THE HYMN WILL BE LORD OF THE DANCE'.ss(kThere is a loud GROAN throughout the hall-'NOT AGAIN??'.The headmaster ROARS for silence,and gets it!!"QQ(IThe intro starts.Do you wish to sing soprano instead of your usual bass?' A`,7"@-(YUK!!Not a wise decision.7 Ap6/"!( A good move!!/6-%@@6-Jr(r(gBy now the assembly is so amazingly boring that there is only one thing left to do-Kill the head!!!TSI(ANow consider this VERY carefully:Do you want to kill the head??S A`^s"@i(UYOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!! NOT AT ALL WISE. YOU START YOUR LIFE GAOL SENTENCE TOMMOROW.s AphU"G(3PHEW!!!!! THE BEST DECISION YOU WILL EVER MAKE!!!!U6-%@r6-|m(m(aTo your amazing relief,the assembly ends.But the bad news is that it is now mathematics with ( Dr.McTrig.t(t(iYou arrive at the lesson(a little lateas usual!!,purely traditional!!),and sit down in your usual place.__(WTodays lesson is everything you never wanted to know about the Pythagorous theorm!!!!!rr(jOf course,you could be a total swat and pretend to be interested in all this.Do you want to be a swat? A`j"@#(A good choice!!\(4You act like a total swat,and answer all questions.j6-%@g",(Not a very good choice!!g(6You sit there like a stuffed chicken, and say nothing.6-r(r(fThe lesson goes on and on and on(no it's not an ariston!!).Things get veryboring.Would like to liven44(, things up alittle and pretend to be German? A`g"@](IA bad choice.You are expelled for having a bad attitude towards work.g Ap1"#(A good choice!!16-%@6-W(W(LBy now the lesson is too boring for words(though I could think of a few!).jj(aYour brain is starting to cease up,andyou have to get out.Would you like to pretend that you have&EE(= mathematosis,a deadly disease not allowing you to do maths?0 A`:m"@A(-To your amazement,you manage to get out!!!!m(&You get out of the room,and jump about?s"@i(U.Unfotunately,you bump(literally!!) into the head.You are expelled for badbehavoir.s ApDv" ( A good move!v(QYou sit through the rest of the lesson,and quickly get out when the bell goes.I"6-%@N6-X[Q(ITo your relief,it is now break time. Would you like to go to the toilet?[ A`bX"@J(6A very good choice,I'v been busting to go for ages!!X6-%@l+"+(Not a very wise choice.v6-\\(TBreaks seem to drag nowadays.Wpuld youlike to have a game of cards with yourfriends? A`q"@g(SYou start to play poker,when the head comes along.He ROARS-NO GAMBLING IN SCHOOL.q Ap6"((A very wise choice!!66-%@6-n(n(cThere are two possible routes to get to the playground.One is a fast way, the other a lot slower.oo(fUnfortunately,the short route is currently being obstructed by a hard mob.Would you like to take( the short route? A`s"@s(^Not a wise choice.One of the mob approaches you,and threatens to kill you,unless you payT"@T(@ one pound in 'security' charges.You pay up(of course!!!).m"_(KA very wise move!!Although it takes a long time to get there,it's worth it!m6-%@6-YY(QThe end of break bell rings.Of course,you could pretend not to have heard it!!! A7(/Do you want to pretend not to hear the bell?A A``"@V(BA bad move!!!You are expelled for a bad attitude towards work!!!` Ap E"7(#A bit chicken,but a good decision!!E6-%@*6-49(9(.You now are in English,with Miss strange.>jj(bEnglish is your worst subject.You are so bad at it,that applied Urdu seems simple by comparison!!HX(X(LAs time goes by,your mind begins to wonder about totally irrelevent thingsRrr(ilike I wonder what's for tea,Why are digital watches made in Japan?,why won't my 1050 disk drive make\""( coffee when I ask it to?f[[(SAs all this floats around in your excuse for a brain,you begin to feel sleepy.p&&(Would you like to go to sleep?z A`s"@i(UA bad move.You are sent to the head, and expelled for not paying attention in class!s Ap/"!( A good move!!/6-%@6-l(l(aTime slowly drags by.Your brain is starting to cease up.There is only one thing left to do:(KILL YOURSELF!!!!!mm(dWould you like to kill yourself? N.B.Killing yourself is a permanent thing,and can have a bad((( effect on your social life!! A`a"@a(LDon't be stupid,this is a respectable adventure, you can't go around killing"@( yourself!!8"*(A very wise choice!!!!86-%@6-m(m(aMiss Strange notices your boredem,and tells you to read the next page of Hamlet(which you are !!(studying at the moment).>>(6Would you like to read the page with a German accent? A`$l"@^(JSuprisingly,a good move.Miss Strange hates Germans,and congratulates you.l6-%@.k"k(WYou read the book in your normal boring voice.You should have read it in German!!86-Brr(jThe lesson seems to pass quickly,and it is soon time for dinner.You go into the dinner hall,and wait.LAA(9When you get to the food,you think- oh no!!.Not again!!VMM(EThe first thing you see is cabbage. Would you like to take cabbage?` A`jo"@o([A bad move.A slug appears from the depths of the cabbage.You die from food poisoning.o"@ Apt1"#(A wise choice!!16-%@~6-CC(;The next thing you see are chips. Would you like chips? A`D"@:(&A bad choice!You die of heart disease.D ApF"8($Congratulations on healthy eating!!!F6-%@6-..(&The next thing that you see are beans.""(Would you like some beans? A`F"@8($Congratulations on healthy eating!!!F6-%@G"G(3You should have had beans.They're good for you.6-rr(iYou sit down and eat your dinner.You notice some old peas on the floor. Would you like to flick them (at a friend?  A`m"@m(YYou flick it at him,and miss!!The pea flies across the room and hits the headmaster!!!"@ Ap(0""(A wise move!!!06-%@26-<YY(QIt is now time for Physics with Dr.Probe.Todays lesson is all about mass.F66(.For this you have to use a set of weights.PYY(QAs the lesson progresses you think about dropping a weight on Dr.Probes foot.Z""(Would you like to do this?d A`na"@W(CA bad move.Dr.Probe hops around the room.The headmaster walks in.a Apx4"&(A very wise move!!46-%@6-AA(9Would you like to put glue on your friends calculator? A`Z"@P(>(6It is now the end of this lesson.It is now break time."mm(eThe headmaster is walking down the corridor.Would you like to do a Jasper Carrot impression?, A`6j"@j(VYOU SAY:YES,I DRIVE A RELIANT ROBBIN, in a distinct Brummy voice(no offence Jasper!!).@o"@o([Suprisingly,the headmaster likes Jasper carrot,and says how good your impression was.J"@6-%@T!"!( What a bore!!^6-h^^(VYou see Dr.Probe walking down the corridor with some strange device in his hands.r&&(Would you like to trip him up?| A`k"@k(VDr.Probe was carrying a small nuclear experiment.He dropped this and the radiation U"@K(7killed everyone.Your dead(and so is everyone else!!).U Apx"j(VYou don't know how important that decision was to life as we know it. Well done.x6-%@6-KK(CIt is now the end of break.It is now chemistry,with Mrs.Carbonate.\\(TYou arrive on time(makes a change!!), and get to work(you must really be ill!!!).ZZ(RThis gets too boring though.You see a variety of chemicals on the side bench.,,($Would you like to mix some together? A`X"@N(:A bad move!You cause a minor explosion and kill the class.X Ap3"%(What a decision!!36-%@6-OO(GYour friend starts to anoy you.Would you like to drop acid on his bag? A`s"@i(UA bad move.The bag melts,and you are sent to see the headmaster.You are expelled.s Ap4"&(A good decision!!46-%@&6-0hh(`You see a metal canister on the side. It is labelled Co2.Would you like to play around with it?: A`DB"@8($A bad move.It explodes.You are dead.B ApN4"&(A very good move!!46-%@X6-b,,($It is now the end of this adventure.l..(&Well done for surviving all this time.v==(Your final score is  out of a possible 26. AP%-----PAUSE-----泹AdAU((Press a key.... F:Ad,"AUAP $-----END-------沺-----Y/N?-----泎"("(Press the Y or N key...AdAU'F:Ad,"@C$6-@'$'F:Ad,"@5$6-'$AdAU%-@@P % A`0-----END------沊-----DEAD-----沚((That's it!,Your out!l)()(Do you wish to play again Y/N?vAdAUF:Ad,"@C%%F:Ad,"@5"+%%-@@P % Ap@-----END------D:MANOR