NAME;@ , !!Doc. reader. Public Domain.By Dean Garraghty 1989.1 +AR@1A rr(iThis is a simple text file reader to view files. It does not format the text in any way, so some word!$$(processedfiles may seem odd.",(,(!Enter file name to read(with D:).#v(v(kPlease read the HELP file before usingany programs. Do this by typing D:HELP.TXT at the prompt below.$M(M(BType D:PD.TXT at the prompt for some info. on P.D. and shareware.%%(( >>%@& (}' A ( @@2)@< (>:,A"F:@,"@ " AF @Pd,(,(!Ӡ٠٠ϠŮnAdAUx F:Ad,"AUA } (} @PQAdAU(D(&END OF TEXT FILE. READ ANOTHER? (Y/N).Q@ 4Y@ @0 + D:TEXTREAD