This is a sample disk of the DVC ›C compiler package. The complete›package comes with a double sided›disk (64 files) and a 62 page manual.›If, after trying out this sample›disk, you decide you would like the›complete package, then send a check›for $35.00 to:››Ralph E. Walden›1821 Jefferson›Eugene, OR 97402››Please indicate single or double›density, and who you got this disk›from.› ›› As you use the programs on this›disk, please keep in mind that this›is a sample version. As such, the›documentation is brief & incomplete.›There are many more capabilites than›are presented here. The purpose of›this disk is to let you try out prog-›amming in C before you decide whether›or not to purchase a C compiler.›› On the next screen is a compar-›ison table of various C compilers›running the sieve benchmark. Times›given are in seconds; file size is in›bytes.› ›› Digital is a C compiler avail-›able for the Atari ST by Digital›Research. Lattice is a top rated C›compiler available for the IBM PC.››COMPILER |COMPILE|LINK |RUN |SIZE›------------------------------------›DIGITAL |77 |150 |4 |9,107 ›LATTICE |33 |40 |11 |19,328›BLUE C |71 |73 |460 |5,522›ACE C |11 |23 |267 |861› | | | |›DVC |9 |16 |184 |283›DVC65C02 |8 |15 |130 |283›DVC 130XE|3 |2 |184 |283› | | | |›BASIC | - | - |2,700| -›› ›› Here's how to compile a program›from DOS (options in brackets are›optionally included).››CC [filename(s)] [FASTC] [LINK] [RUN]››Or, from the editor:››filename [FASTC] [LINK] [RUN]› ››CC expects a C source filename with›the extension ".C" (added automat-›ically). It creates an intermediary›file with the extension ".CCC".›FASTC will optimize the file. LINK›links various ".CCC" and ".OBJ" files›using a file with the extension›".LNK", which contains a list of the›filenames to link together. LINK›will create one if you don't. The›file CIO.CCC (source is CIO.C) is›equivalent to the STDIO.H or runtime›file found in most C compilers.› ›› You can run a C program or any›program on this disk with the exten-›sion ".COM" by typing in it's name›after the DOS prompt (you don't have›to include the ".COM"). The following›files will be found on this disk:››CC.COM - compiler›LINK.COM - linker›FASTC.COM - optimizer›CEDIT.COM - C editor››CIO.CCC - runtime library›CIO.C - runtime source code››DCOPY.COM - file I/O (DUP.SYS)›DIR.COM - directory listing›TYPE.COM - lists files to screen››PMDEMO.COM - player/missile graphics›GR8PLOT.COM - high speed graphics››FCALC.C - floating point in C›FCALC.ACT - floating point in ACTION!›FCALC.ASM - floating point in› assembly language››CUBE.* - game›LIFE.* - game›SNAKE.* - game››XEDRIVE - RAMDISK for 130XE›MOSDRIVE - RAMDISK for Mosaic boards››DVC.TXT - what you're reading!››››