Ùì  +AR@CC(;This brief introduction will now appear on all issues.--(%-------------------------------------(rr(iFor the purpose of reading text files,a program called XR40.OBJ has been supplied. This also has a DOC2HH(@ file called XR40.DOC which explains how to use this program.7(<mm(dXR40 can be run from the menu, after pressing Y when asked if you wish to turn off Basic. When theFtt(l program starts, type D:XR40.DOC and press return. Press the space bar to advancethrough the pages.PC(C(8Also read D:INTRO.DOC which is the introduction file.Z0(0(%PRESS THE START KEY TO CONTINUE......d F:B2y,@An% D:PICLOAD.BAS€ D:INTRO.BAS