›››› XR_40› › A Text Reading Utility› › Written by› › James C. Fuller› › XR_40 will read any ascii file regardless of file size, line length,› or end of line terminator ( Atari EOL or CR/LF). Actually there› doesn't even have to be an EOL.› › Loading:› Atari Dos [2.0-2.5]› Either rename AUTORUN.SYS or binary load from menu.› › SpartaDos:› From command line:› XR_40 [Dx:filename.ext][col1 col2]› col1 is text› col2 is background› normal defaults are 202 148› The formula to figure color is› Color=Hue*16 +Luminance› › All arguments are optional but if you want to change the colors you› must have the filename and both colors.› › If you are using Atari Dos or did not specify a file name when loading› from SpartaDos you will be prompted for a filename. Enter› Dx:filename.ext. The D: is required. There is no default.› If you wish to view a directory enter› D2:*.* for all files on drive 2› D:*.TXT for all files with TXT extender on drive 1.› › After your file loads you will see page one of this file. From here› you can alter the colors with the arrow keys ( control key not› needed).› › Press the spacebar to advance forward one page. If you wish to review› the the last page read press the SELECT key. It will toggle between› the present and last read.› › The ESCAPE key will terminate the reading of this file and ask you if› you wish to load another file. "N" will return you to DOS.› › The only limitation is there must be a space at least every 38› characters for it to read correctly.› › Any questions direct them to me :› › GEnie J.FULLER› CIS 70117,1040›››››››››››››› ›