XASUCHCKSUCMBUFSECAD@B%wB%w@A6@ A( A SAVE "D:BOOTDIR.BAS"[ (}0(" Ԡ٠[(%This program when run will installaE(= andautomatically load your eachtime you boot disk!a(ҠӠٮ-@A  ""** BOOT-DIRECTORY Maker ** by Bill Bodenstein 11COPYRIGHT JULY 1988,PG. 35-ANALOG COMPUTINGE;@%,;@,/-@@%3"A67<,.>:,E 33F:A,"@ *F:A,"@@0S(( Atari File Manager System not inP(#memory. Reboot with DOS 2.0 or 2.5.S&S(( *** BOOT-DIRECTORY Maker ***+(S(#This program will write a short m/l(q,($routine (BOOT-DIRECTORY) to sector 3S("which will list all files names inq(the directory at boot-up.2W(-("If just searching for a file, holdW(%down