Installation of the Atari 800 Emulator -------------------------------------- Firstly, I don't know the legal status of the Atari Operating System or Atari Basic. I suggest that you obtain the images from the PC Xformer package (do an archie search on xf25). The files you need are 'ataribas.rom' and 'atariosb.rom' which should then be placed under a directory called 'object' below the source directory. At the moment the emulator must be executed from the build directory. Note: for case sensitive systems make sure that the filenames and directory are all lowercase. X-Windows Version on a Unix Platform ------------------------------------ Just type make BASIC version on VAX/VMS (No Graphics) -------------------------------------- type @vmsbuild Compiling: Run the command file It is set up to use GNU C (I used version 2.6.1 but don't expect problems with other versions). It will probably compile OK on VAX C. 6502 :== $DISK$xxxx:[yyyy]6502.exe where xxxx is the disk the software is on. yyyy is the directory the software is in. BASIC version for CBM Amiga (No Graphics) ----------------------------------------- Uncomment the relevant section in the Makefile before typing make. If your using dmake the makefile should be renamed dmakefile.