Changes in 0.1.5 ---------------- - CURSES text only mode (Support for various terminals) - Display list jump instruction corrected. - Fixed SIO module (It didn't update DSTATS) Changes in 0.1.4 ---------------- - Changed GetByte and PutByte to macros - Added SVGALIB support for Linux which is much quicker than X11. - Added support for OSS Super Cartridges (Thanks to Dave Bennett) - -rom option to specify alternative cartridges - -oss option to specify alternative OSS Super Cartridges Changes in 0.1.3 ---------------- - Compilation option for double size screen - Trigger now initialises to not pressed - Joystick now initialises to central - Fifth Player support added - Support for Paddle 0 - Preparation for changing GetByte and PutByte to macros. Changes in 0.1.2 ---------------- - Now include in atari_custom.h - Resets count to countdown as soon as it reaches zero. This was causing problems with the RESET Key - count went negative. - Removed XImage structure. I am now updating only the pixels that have changed within a Pixmap. XCopyArea is used to move the Pixmap onto the Window. XCopyArea is not called if no pixels are changed. As a result I am trying a higher refresh rate. - Correction for BASIC version - I left some X11 stuff in resulting in unresolved sybols. - Remove unused status variable from atari_h_device.c - Added some test Amiga Intuition Code - not usable (No Colour or Keyboard) It manages to get the 'READY' prompt up! Atari Basic Blue is one colour and everything else is the other. When keyboard support is added you will be able to use Atari Basic. - Registers are now allocated variables within atari_custom.c. They are nolonger stored in main memory area. Changes in 0.1.1 ---------------- - Outputs an error message when ROM images are not available. Version 0.1.0 ------------- - Initial Release