# # =========================== # Uncomment for BASIC Version # =========================== # #CC = gcc #CPPFLAGS = -DBASIC #CFLAGS = -c -O6 #LD = gcc #LDFLAGS = #LDLIBS = # # ============================= # Uncomment for SVGALIB Version # ============================= # #CC = gcc #CPPFLAGS = -DSVGALIB #CFLAGS = -c -O6 #LD = gcc #LDFLAGS = #LDLIBS = -lvgagl -lvga # # ========================= # Uncomment for X11 Version # Remove -DDOUBLE_SIZE for # the smaller window. # ========================= # CC = gcc CPPFLAGS = -DX11 -DDOUBLE_SIZE CFLAGS = -c -O6 LD = gcc LDFLAGS = LDLIBS = -lX11 # # ================================================ # Uncomment for CURSES version (Solaris + others?) # ================================================ # #CC = gcc #CPPFLAGS = -DCURSES #CFLAGS = -c -O6 #LD = gcc #LDFLAGS = #LDLIBS = -lcurses # # =============================================== # Uncomment for NCURSES version (Linux + others?) # =============================================== # #CC = gcc #CPPFLAGS = -I/usr/include/ncurses -DCURSES -DNCURSES #CFLAGS = -c -O6 #LD = gcc #LDFLAGS = #LDLIBS = -lncurses # # ====================================================== # Uncomment for Commodore Amiga Version. Add -DINTUITION # after -DAMIGA to enable test Graphic support - the # keyboard is unusable! I don't think that the use of # INTUITION is going to provide a very good emulator. # Is anyone going to volunteer to Hit the Hardware! # ====================================================== # #CC = dcc #CPPFLAGS = -DAMIGA #CFLAGS = -c -mD #LD = dcc #LDFLAGS = #LDLIBS = # # ====================================================== # You should not need to modify anything below this here # ====================================================== # DOCS = CHANGES COPYING CREDITS INSTALL OVERVIEW README USAGE vmsbuild.com INCLUDES = Makefile system.h cpu.h atari.h atari_custom.h atari_h_device.h 6502 : main.o atari.o cpu.o monitor.o atari_sio.o atari_h_device.o atari_custom.o $(DOCS) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) main.o atari.o cpu.o monitor.o atari_sio.o atari_h_device.o atari_custom.o $(LDLIBS) -o 6502 main.o : main.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) main.c atari.o : atari.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) atari.c cpu.o : cpu.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) cpu.c monitor.o : monitor.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) monitor.c atari_sio.o : atari_sio.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) atari_sio.c atari_h_device.o: atari_h_device.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) atari_h_device.c atari_custom.o : atari_custom.c $(INCLUDES) $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) atari_custom.c clean : rm *.o