OTHER DOS FUNCTIONS› To look at the index (directory) of a disk, press the›"I" key and enter the drive number you wish to look at. To protect a›file, press the "#" key. To unprotect a file, press the "U"›key. If you wish to rename a file, press "R" and enter the current›filename to change. Then enter the filename you wish to change it to.›› I=index disk directory› #=protect file› U=unprotect file› R=rename file›››PRINTING› At some point you will probably want to list your messages›to the printer. Pressing "P" will send you to the print menu where›you may choose to print the messages or the actual calander›itself. If you choose the messages you will then be asked if you want›the messages to go to the screen or the printer. Sending them to the›screen will allow scanning of messages without printing them.› If the calander option was chosen, it will skip the output›menu and will assume you want the calander to be printed on the›printer since it is already displayed on the screen.› The next menu will ask that days you want printed; the current›year, current month, or by user input. If the current year or›month option is selected, the program will continue to the next›function. If the user input is chosen, you will be asked to input›the start day. Position the calander cursor on the day, month,›and year to begin the printing and press return. You will then be›asked for the day in which you want the printing to end.› If the calander mode was chosen earlier, the program will›begin printing the actual calander to the printer. If the messages›were selected in the first menu, another menu will show which›messages it will print or display; time, memos, or global. To turn a›particular type on or off, position the cursor on the appropriate line›and press the left or right arrow keys. A "YES" indicates that it›will print that message type while a "NO" will not. Pressing return›from this menu will begin the print or display of messages.›› P=print messages or calander› CALANDER› MESSAGES --- TO PRINTER› TO SCREEN› BY CURRENT YEAR› BY CURRENT MONTH› BY USER INPUT --- START DAY› END DAY› TIME MESSAGES NO› MEMO MESSAGES YES› GLOBAL MESSAGES YES›››FIND› To find a particular phrase in the message files, press "F" and a›window will appear at the bottom of the screen asking for your search›phrase. Enter the phrase and press return to begin the search process.› Once a match has occurred, the message containing the match will›be displayed on the screen along with a find menu at the bottom of›the screen. From here you can press the escape key to exit,›return to find the next occurrence, "F" to search on a new phrase, or›"P" to print the found message to the printer.›› F=find phrase› [RETURN]=find next occur.› [ESCAPE]=exit› F=new find› P=print message›››HELP› If you need help while in the calander press "H" to display a›short help screen. This is just a brief description of the keyboard›commands you may execute. Press any key to exit the help screen.› If you don't like to memorize the keyboard commands from the›calander you don't have to use most of them. Simply run the calander›curser off the bottom of the calander and you will be put in the›main menu on the bottom of the screen. Run the curser along the›menu until you land on the option of your choice, then press return.›› H=help›››CHANGE› If you dislike the calander colors I have chosen or if you want›Julian dates instead of standard dates, press "C" to enable the›change menu. The change menu will allow you to alter many items on›the calander and save the changes for later use. Some of the options›are mentioned below.›› C=change›››COLOR› Press return on the color option and another menu will appear›allowing you to change the background, letter, and border›colors. Position the curser on the item you wish to change and press›return. The color will change every time you press return on any›color item. The colors will cycle thru all 128 choices as they are›displayed on the screen. When finished altering the colors,›position the curser back over the "color" option to exit the color›menu.››VERIFY› If you notice that every time you delete a message, the program›will ask you "ARE YOU SURE?". You may eliminate this step by turning›off the verify. Pressing return on this option will toggle the verify›on or off.››MESSAGE CHARACTERS› If you wish to change the symbols on the calander for memos,›time messages, or globals, press return on this option to display›another menu. The first three choices allow you to alter the›symbols displayed on the calander. The fourth choice allows you to›change the character that creates the calander border then calander›is sent to the printer.› Position the curser on the option you wish to change and press›return. A window will appear with the current symbol on the right›side. Press any key that you wish to replace it with and press return›to exit the window.››TAB LENGTH› Pressing return on this option will display the current tab›length. Using the left and right arrow keys you may alter the length›of the tab from zero to seven.››SAVE DEFAULTS› If you want these changes to be in effect the next time you run›the calander, put a disk with the calander program in drive one and›press return. This will create a file called "CALANDER.DEF" and will›load the changed defaults.››ESCAPE KEY› The escape key will get you out of most menu operations. ›Pressing escape will back you out and send you to the previous menu›option. It just may be the second most important key on the keyboard.››WELL, THAT'S IT› I think that covers all the options. I hope you will get many›years of use out of it while having fun skipping thru all of the menus.›This project was quite a challenge for me but I think I got this›windowing thing down pat now. My next project will hopefully be a›database program in the same fast, simple, windowy way. If you see›some areas of improvement, things you like to see, or comments in›general, please send me a letter so that I may improve my programs in›the future. Thank you.›BENJAMIN BARTELS›