opppG!A ''financialcalculation''investmentpppB%A$ةX!Y/0 1pҩ"/Rdm)"dm dmL50@dmL50l L1X%Y .3/0$1pҩ 3 333l3 33 3b3o3 3 3k3m3 3 33m3 3 33m3 3 3Ս3m3 3 33m3 3 3 3n3 3 3E3n3 3 3l3n3 3 33n3 3 33o3 3"/'&%$#"3!5 02L1LD3L5L7L":L3 33 3N3>3 3 33>3 3 33>3 3 ` a `` Ba `` qa `` a ` gl ݢl ڢl ݢHm ݢޠl (ۢl (ۢTm f ީl ݢ m ( :d3 33>3 3 d fL1This program provides the investment necessary to provide a stated futurevalue in a specified time interval. You enter the future value, the years ofinvestment, the number of compounding periods per year, and the nominalinterest rate.Initial investment = $ .33 33\3k3 33 3b3o3 33 3c3@3 33 33@3 3 ` Mb `` a `` !b `` qa ` gl ݢl ڢm ݢHm ݢޠl (ۢl ݢl (ۢTm f ީm ݢTm ( ݢTm `ڢm ݢ&m ݢl ڢl (ۢm :d3 33@3 3 d fL1This program calculates the minimun investment required to allow regularwithdrawals over a specified time periodAll withdrawals are equal.Minimum investment = $ .33 33~3k3 33 3b3o3 33 3)3B3 33 3v3B3 3 ` ` `` a `` qa `` Ba ` gl ݢl ݢTm (ۢl ݢؠl ݢ m ( ީl ݢTm `ڢl ڢHm :d3 33B3 3 d fL1This program calculates the nominal interest rate for an initial investmentwhich amounts to a known future value in a specified period of time.Nominal interest rate = % .33 333k3 33 3b3o3 33 33C3 33 3B3D3 3 33D3 3 ` ` `` a `` qa ` g m ݢؠl (ۢl ݢTm ݢl (ۢm ݩl ީm ݢTm `ڢHm :d3 3׍3D3 3 d fL1This program calculates the effectiveinterest rate for a known initialinvestment which amounts to a known future value in a specified period oftime. This rate expresses the actual interest rate earned annually.Annual interest rate = % .3e 3 33ɍ3k3 33 3b3o3 33 3׍3I3 33 33J3 3 3j3J3 3 33J3 3 șWK7K-KK"KMKș-KK"KMKș"KMKșMKșMK e ` ` `ȹ;m"Kɛ "K` a `ȹ;m-Kɛ%-Kޠl ݢHm (ۢޠl ݩ` c `ȹ;mWKɛ WKWK0G-m m ٥ԍ1m` c `ȹ;mMKɛ MKZm ݢl ݩ 5mLF` Ba `1m5ml ٥ԍbmՍcm` c `m/m m0ml ݢޠl (ۢTm fڢm ݩ3` d g ٥ԍlՍlȹ;m7K8ɛ 7Km ީl ݢTm `ڢHm :d Rdȹ;mKɛ%K5mԩ ݢl ( ٥ԍ7m1mԩ ݢl ( ٥ԍ8m .3 3 3ɍ3k3 33 33K3 3-m 3@3K3 3 3i3K3 3`m2m6m`m`m8/mT `3 33J3 3 33`mԩ ؠȱ;m);mȩ;m;3m3 39m:m2m6m9m:m-m)2m2m8m2mؠl ݢ&m fڢؠl ݢؠl ݢm :d3 Rd;m آؠl ݢؠl `ڢl ݢm fڢm ݢl ݢm fڢm ݭ`m8/ma6m6m7mU6m 3ؠl :d Rd dm :d Rd dm :d% Rd dfm آm 89mbmm:mcm mLnH2m6mfm آm ݭ`m8/m f`m8lLH e ee gL1This program calculates an interest table for investments with:1) PERIODIC BALANCE 2) INTEREST ACCUMULATED BETWEEN 2 PERIODS3) TOTAL ACCUMULATED INTEREST 4) EFFECTIVE INTEREST RATEThese outputs may be calculated for deposits or withdrawals.YEAR BALANCE INTEREST ACCUM INTERESTPRINCIPAL $ AT FOR YEARSREG DEPOSIT $ TIMES PER YEAREFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE PER YEAR .3 3 33ߍ3k3 33 3b3o3 33 33L3 33 323M3 3 ` yb `` b `` b `` b ` gl ݢl ڢl ݢޠl ݢHm (ۢm ݢl (ۢTm f ީl ݢTm ( ݢTm `ڢm ݢl ݢl ڢm ڢm ( :d3 3z3M3 3 d fL1This program calculates how much can be borrowed given the interest rate,the payment amount, the payments per year, and the term of the loan.Principal = $ .33 333k3 33 3b3o3 33 33N3 33 3,3O3 3 ` b `` ` `` b `` b ` gl ݢl ڢl ݢޠl ݢHm (ۢm ݢl (ۢTm f ީl ݢTm ( ݢTm `ڢm ݢm ݢؠl ڢl (ۢm ( :d3 3E3O3 3 d fL1This program calculates the amount required in order to repay a loan overa specified time period.Regular payment = $ .3 3 33 3l3 33 3b3o3 33 33Q3 33 3]3Q3 3 33Q3 3 33Q3 3 ` yb `` ` `` b `` b `` b ` gl ݢl ٥ԍ9mՍ:mޠl ݢHm (ۢl ݢl (ۢm ݩam`mm`mamm ݢؠl :d Rd;m ݢl ` ݢؠl `ڢؠl 89m`mm:mam mLmPl f :d3 33R3 3 Rd;3m3 3 fL1This program calculates the amount ofthe final payment of a loan. This finalpayment will complete amortization of a loan at the conclusion of its term. Youprovide the loan amount, regular paymentinterest rate, payments per year,& theterm.Last payment = $ .33 33$3l3 33 3b3o3 33 33S3 33 343T3 3 33T3 3 3ҍ3T3 3 ` yb `` ` `` b `` b `` )c `` Uc ` gl ݢTm `ڢl ڢ m f ٥ԍ9mՍ:m`mammޠl ݢHm (ۢl (ۢl `maml ݢؠl ڢNm fڢ ؠȱ.ȩ󩀅 ݢl ` ݢؠl `ڢؠl 89m`mm:mam mL?S :d3 33U3 3 d fL1This program calculates the remainingbalance on a loan after a specifiednumber of payments. You enter the regular payment, the number of paymentsper year, the principal, the annual interest rate, the payment number andthe loan year to calculate the remainingbalance.Remaining balance = $ .3 3 33@3l3 33 3b3o3 33 3n3V3 33 33V3 3 ` yb `` ` `` b `` b ` gޠl ݢHm (ۢl ݢؠl ڢm ݢl ݢl ݢm ( ݢTm ` ޢm ݢl ݢl (ۢTm f ޢl ݢm (ۥ) :d3 3Ѝ3V3 3 d fL1This program calculates the period oftime needed to repay a loan. Allpayments are assumed equal.Term = YearsYEARS .33 33P3l3 33 3b3o3 33 3(3Y3 33 3r3Y3 3ՠY ݢޠl ݩӅY آ m ݩ ` b `` bl ݢl ڢl `` `ؠl ݢl (ۢm `` yb ` gl ݢޠl (ۢTm f ީl ݢTm ( ݢTm ` ݢm (ۢޠl ڢNm fڢ ؠȱ.ȩ󩀅 آm ݢޠl ݢ m `ڥ)Ԣ۠Y (ۢl ݢޠl ݢ m ݢl ݢm `ڥ80ޠl ݢl fڢޠl LWޠl ݢl `ڢޠl LWޠl ݢHm Gd3 33Y3 3 d fL1This program calculates the rate at which interest is charged on a loan.You enter the loan amount, payment, payments per year, and the term.Annual interest rate = 0@@ .3e3 33j3l3 33 3b3o3 33 3ԍ3^3 33 33_3 3 3_3_3 3 33_3 3 ș3`_` `ș3`_ș3` ș` e` yb `ȹ;m3`ɛ 3`` b ` ٥ԍlՍlȹ;m `ɛ `` ` `l ݠȹ;mɛ _. _` b `ȹ;m`ɛ%`` b `ޠl ݢHm (ۢl (ۢm ݩ` c ` gl ٥ԍ1mmam .33 3j3l3 33 33_3 3 3 3"3`3 39m`m`m`m8am[ ` Dڭ`m ؠȱ)ȩȱ`ɛ ` 333`3 3 3S3`3 3-m/mȹNm&m m-ml ݢm :d Rd;m آm ݢl `ڢm ݢm fڢm ݢؠl `ڢl 8`ml9m-m1m 9mL]l ݢl fڢl ݢl ݢm fڢm ݩ/mm ݢl fڢl ݢm ݢ&m fڢ&m ݢ m ݢm fڢ m ݭ`m8am+ Dڭ-m ؠȱ)ȩ33L]L]-mi 33 33 dm :d Rd d/ml :d Rd dL]3f3m3 3l :d% Rd d8-m1mLP\`m8am8`ml9m-m1m 9mLS^L^ 33|3`3 3l :d Rd;3m3 3 33?3`3 3&m Gd Rd;3m3 3J3`33 3 m Gd Rd;3m3 3 f`m8lL[ e ee gL1This program calculates a loan repayment schedule and outputs:1) PAYMENT NUMBER 2) AMOUNT OF PAYMENT INTEREST3) AMOUNT AMORTIZED WITH PAYMENT 4) BALANCE REMAINING AFTER PAYMENT5) ACCUMULATED INTEREST 6) AMOUNT OF LAST PAYMENTPRINCIPAL $ AT FOR YEARSYEAR REGULAR PAYMENT $ INTEREST $EQUITY $NO INTEREST AMORTIZED BALANCE ACCUM INTLAST PAYMENT $%&'( ````3 33`3 3` ` 33g3 3U`T e eؠl `` 33h3 3U`T e eޠl `` 3(3h3 3U`iT e el `` 3p3h3 3U`T e el `` 33h3 3U`T e el `` 33h3 3U`T e el `` 33h3 3U`T e e m `` 3Ѝ3h3 3U`T e el `` 33i3 3U`T e e&m `` 313i3 3U`T e el `` 3Q3i3 3U`T e el `` 3q3i3 3U`T e eޠl `` 33i3 3U`T e el `` 33i3 3U`T e e m `` 3 3j3 3U`T e el `` 3*3j3 3U`T e e ٥ԍmՍ m`` 3J3j3 3U`T e e m `` 3j3j3 3U`iT e e&m `` 33j3 3U`T e em ` ݢNm fڢ `3ȱ)ȩȱ. ɛ.3mȩȱ;mɛ`833m3;3m3 3`3ȱ.ȩ33 3`3ȱ.ȩ33 3``NUMERIC ENTRY ERROR3 33d3 3`B;DmE HI V;Ωmȱ:0. -+LteLWeɛ e8``;m `3 33o3 3`0șl``LeE:ÝDeE JB V` B V`DeE 3}D1:FINCAL@eLfLf3 33o3 3Ɋ ɺ`e g3 33`3 3pBe DeELfDEPHJ VpΩ%ϩͩDE BH%){ai `.(e΅ΐϩ V0 ǭep B Ve`e`3 3`3g3 30ҩiɠҩ#+LLg`hhL1Is data correct (Y/N)?ENTER FILE NAME....  33w3g3 3TUBDeEHI V`Principal ...................$Nominal Interest Rate .......%Number of Compounding Periods per Year .............Number of Years ..............Amount of Reg. Deposits .....$Number of Deposits per Year ..Number of Withdrawals per Year Future Value ................$Amount of Withdrawals .......$Regular Payment .............$Term in Years ................Annual Interest Rate ........%Number of Payments per Year ..press RETURN to return to menupress SPACE BAR to repeatLast Payment Made (Paym. No.).Loan Year.....................Start With What Year .........Deposits/Withdrawals Per Year Amount Of Deposits or Withdrawals (+/-) ...........$End With What Year ...........FUTURE VALUE OF AN INVESTMENTFUTURE VALUE OF REGULAR DEPOSITSREGULAR DEPOSITSREGULAR WITHDRAWALS FROM AN INVESTMENTINITIAL INVESTMENTMININUM INVESTMENT FOR WITHDRAWALNOMINAL INTEREST RATE ON INVESTMENTEFFECTIVE INTEREST RATE ON INVESTMENTSEARNED INTEREST TABLEPRINCIPAL ON A LOANREGULAR PAYMENT ON A LOANLAST PAYMENT ON A LOANREMAINING BALANCE ON A LOANTERM OF AN LOANANNUAL INTEREST ON A LOANMORTAGE AMORTIZATION TABLEINVESTMENT PROGRAMSLOAN PROGRAMSGORDON GRANEC 1977 S IDAHO ST ALLENTOWN PA 18103A>P@A`0.00 1.future value of an investment 2.future value of regular deposits 3.regular deposits for future value 4.regular withdrawals from investment 5.initial invest. for future value 6.minimum investment for withdrawal 7.nominal interest rate on investment 8.effective interest program 9.earned interest table 1.principal on a loan 2.regular payment on a loan 3.last payment on a loan 4.remaining balance on a loan 5.term of a loan 6.annual interest rate on a loan 7.morgage amortization table$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 0 RETURNS TO TITLE SCREENPress any key to continue0