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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu }K) !"`3!3} 136,208,251,165,27}12,24,105@}40,133,212,165,213,105,0B} 133,213,202,208,231,96,160D}160,104,169,0,153,95,159F}136,208,250,968} D:TELEN.BAS0,133,212,165,213,105,0B} 133,213,202,208,231,96,160D}160,104,169,0,153,95,159F}136,208,250,96UVFttONTWTHREZERC12C2UPPLLFPLCLWNWTCLPAUSMONNEWMNSTTRSTRSRSPEARRGTCHRSTARSPLRHITMNSTRNEWPST :}SLSFNUFNLFNSCMMOMIMASPIN1IN2IN3CNMDCRSPFMFOTRSFNTRTPSSFIBEXBFMFLFHXYZWVLGTECH ;}CCCSCSQMUMMDPDMLHINININCQQIENNNFOUIFIVTESISEEINIFREE@@@ <}A(@ BPBuBp Bu B A2 A A0A@BA`A =}B`BBPB`BBAVBA6@AAA ! >} "# $ %&'( ) *'+;,O-f,,./01 ?}2A3A46A5Z A6 A7A8e9`A:xA;A@Bx?@$b@AF @}A@BCD@EAFG@H@I@J@KAL@M@NO@P@ A}Q@RS@TU@V@W@X@YZ[\]^@_ B}`a@bAc@d@yefgh@ij@kAwlm@"n@o@ C}p@qrst@u@v@w@x@y@z@{@ @|}@ ,@ D}@ D:TELEN.SET>AP@PAVbAW@tARASAR6 E}-?:C:hLV,,@ AVAR?6-@6-@?@ D:TELINI.DAT22@ F}$$7AR6-$6-$'6-%/6-%76- G}%OO;@,;@,;A`,;@0,;,;,;,;,;,;,FF;,;,;@#,;@D,;, H};,;@0,;$,;,L889<,9,9%,9,9,9A,;@$,OD9,9,9, 6-@i,6-@Bx I}86-@$bD6-AF`4 &-4eG!6.06.>:AU, J}8-?C G orr6.hGNOLL KOBOLD SKELETONHOBBIT ZOMBIE ORC FIGHTER MUMMY ELF GHOUL DWARF TROL K}L WRAITH yKK67A,.8OGRE MINOTAURGIANT SPECTER VAMPIRE DEMON DRAGON K:  ead L}in an old one? 4&A# 0R START # A/ Read  Your name?& Bb,6./ ) M}6.D:67,.B:,!)6.7<,967B:,%,..PLR A5+/ 9 AE %Can't read char N} %   found  -68,- & &&  O}&L -"68,-)268,-6 =L68@,-? -68 P},-"+68,-2;68,-? # -68,-# %-A!68,-%  "6- Q}    A5*  read*7<,4SVA@3%  }  B%!6- R}% x } to use stats8 -6--+6-%P:H:,$%,/ 868,-&" 7$%<$%, 8, & S} 0AW 6-8,6-6-6-$6-*6-2-;68,-D68,-H W68@,-@M B6 T}-6-@p%6-+6-16-M }Your name noble sir? B$ Bb46.DEMO$ D 6. E& B:, 67 U}B:,%,. & AJEE You descend into thedepths of TELENGARD 宮^9   }6- % B V}/ BP56-9 =-@68,-8,&# )6-- 3"= BP 6-+8,",)+", 6-%8 W},+!,6-  H:,!')8,!  8,!*H:,!'  6%A2!6-P:H:,$%,68,!* A0 X} P:H:,$%,8,B  2 ((6-P:+H:,#+',,$+$%,%,2 B ##8%,!*"*H:,!'A0 8 B Y}e B8 YOU ENCOUNTER A LVL   ( 8,!* @*@$ (   6-F:,@    Z}LVL   . & (6-P:+H:,#+',,$$%,.6- 5H:,!?5H:,$%A00A0EA0r A0@ [} H:,!?$8,A0@ I! The  likes your bodyC He heals you to full strengthI6- '   B \}#%A2'  )H:, 8,'A0p ($ The  makes a quick move(   -8,!A0T 9 ]}/ #You have nothing he wants to steal!9 A07 $6-P:H:,$%,$8, A0T  6- B 8  He steals  ^} % your .68,-8 A07 $ a 68,-8,&$ A07 ##)H:,$@0!8,A0 $6-P:H:,$% _},$8,A0 ,6-&8,6-P:H:,$%,,68,-8,%  The  likes you!   6- B +# He g `}ives you a  +8,' +   B  ##H:,!'%8,$?A3 # ight, ast, or vade:#    a}4& WAIT!  -7<,4A1& 4  & The  is not amused* 4 A1+ ''A2A4A7 b}A3 )6-P:H:,$,%%8,%8,') Fight  8,!6-% %    You missed...% A3 2!6-P:H:,$%H c}:,$$%8,%,*8,!26-% "" You do  points damage  6-&!A3   It died... '%A2 d}6-$$#6-%'  @ B2  You gain  experience points6 @ B   A9 % 6-6-6- e}6-% A30 6-P:H:,$,%&8,&8,% $!@* *8,!$6-&& )    It missed... ) A1 f} A 6-P:+H:,$%H:,$$%,$,A It does  points damage  6-&  A  H:,!)8,!A3& g} +  It drains a level!!!+6-P:',  "6-6  B  A1  H:,!  A1 / ! Y h}ou're paralized!!!!% / A3 !"@6-'! A3 !"@6-'! A3 '"@6-' i}6-' A3  "6-' A3 @A3e   >H:,!'( It uses it's SWORD!!!.6-46-> j} A3 1 It uses it's WHIP!!!6-'6-1 A3% A3* $H:,!'6-6-$ A3/ '# The DRA k}GON breaths FIRE!!!' 2 +6-P:H:,$$%,+H:, 8,'A34 - You partially dodge it-6-P:+%,',6 2(  You b l}urn for  points damage2 A3 H  6- Bt#6-P:H:,$@%,# EVADEy 8,%8,A7{9! Y m}ou're rooted to the spot% / Be9 A3~ A7 %$P:H:,$, 6-?:<, A7! 6-!?:<8<,, n}A7 6-?:<, A7! 6-!?:<8<,, A7 6-?:<, A7! 6-!?:<8<,,  o}A7 6-?:<, A7 A7 B  A <H:,!'A@H:,!'  6- p}H:,!?6-4%A2 Be!6-4H:,!'AA$  You see some $6-P:H:,$,3 6-% 7$ q}%<$%,3  to pick up:5 "8,!*H:,!' 5 You detect TRAPS! 4A@  Leave it r}   Snarf it"A@@6-P:H:,$$%, 8  It's TRAPPED!8  You suffer  points damage# 6- s}&   # A36-P:H:,$$$$%,3  It's worth  gold, 6-%"*H:,!' " , AB t}  AIH:,!'AB )) !You have found a Treasure Chest!!  to open it:5 "8,!*H: u},!' 5 You detect TRAPS!#  0  Ignore it #  Open it"AA@"6  Chest EXPLODES!!. v}6-P:H:,$$%,66-&'8&  You suffer  points damage* 8 A,! !6-P:H:,$A$#%,1=H:,! w}'3  Inside, there is only cobwebs...= AI6C$  Inside is  gold pieces!,6-%0 CH:,!'AI; 6- x} h36-P:H:,$%,#  You see a )6-3 Bm16-P:H:,#+',$+%,%,#!' 1 ABr  +w/  y} to pick it up:! /4AB%| Leave it AB@$AB5+  It is CURSED!!+6-P:H:,$$ z}%,A'  You suffer  damage points/6-&3 A A AI0  It's yours!!68,-8,%' 068 {},-  "*H:,!'  AB$%A2 . H:,!'  A0p7 6-6-6-&! B |},6-?:<,76-?:<,u "6-z# 6-%!6-&# A`| !6-& A`}"$*"6- }}~ "*  " AeOOAaAcAdAeAfAgAhAiAq ~}Ab 6- Ae) 6-$6-%6-$%$) B%  B%%As@VP %P 9 }   + ( + $     }$  L Bf INN Be7 You have found theL    8 They cash in your gold&6-% }.6-%46-8 @ B B !6-@  You have  in the safe-@68,- % 6-! }You spend the night%  You feel better  -- %Press to return to the dungeon,(( <^S> to save cha }racter on disk: 4&Aa5 4  A 0 ???  Aa% Reenter 6- 8 }? Bf    Be? You feel heavy for a momentB 6-& "@PAb1 Bf  } Be1  You see a pit7 8,!- You are hovering above a pit7 Ac!!P:H:,$,!8,%8,Ac04 Do } you want to descend?$ 44YAc  No   Yes Ac5#  You fall in!!6- #  6- }%  Bf  *  Be2(  ZZAP!! You've been teleported...2 B5?:<<%<,"6-&-?:<< }%<,"56-% +6-%$%$@+6-%$%$@# 6-$!6-&# Ad !6-& Ad  }"6- !$6-$#H:,!'Ad( d Bf" [i " ]n. . "You have foun }d a circular stairwayp% "*"% You see aboves+ Do you want to "+ go p, } "  go own,  }* & or tay on the same level?*  4&6.S%%+*4D,)+*4U,AeP% 4U Up6-& }!!% Aa! 4D Down6-%!  4S Stay   ??? Ae9 Bf }  9 You have found a Holy Altar1 Press to worship# 14Af0H:,!' 0  Dirt }y Pagan TRASH!( Bf0 # +6-P:H:,$%, B+"Af   A0+ ' Press to donate } money+ 0Af(  How much gold?$ B( 2 !( You don't have that much!2 Af  } $$  Af& 6-& &H:, '+%,Af`+# Thank you for your donation' + %6-P:H:,$%, }8, %68,- %%68,-8,%P:H:,$$$'+%,%,# You have been heard # ,7 Bf   7 You hav }e found a fountain-6-P:H:,$%,.++  with running 7$&<$, water1/  to drink some:! /4Ag }6   ; H:,!'AgP=H:,!&$'Ag0@- You feel better -6-P:H:,$$%,E5!  You hea }l  hit points)6-%/!56-G   JH:,!$'AgEOF It's POISON!!!(6-P:H:,$$%,F  You } lose  hit pointsT 6-&  AV   Y B   ^46.You feel refreshed!(H:,! }', 0 4 `H:,!'AgcH:,!'Agph@, $Magic power SURGES through your body@6-%P:H:,$$%,m }-!  You now have  spells% ) - r<# You have been disposessed!!+-468,-8 < w)  }  B }P% B%) |'  ' Actually you're DRUNK!! 6-%8, 68,-3!68,-8,%P:H:,$@%,+ B }P/ 3 = Bf   = You see a large gray misty cube(  to walk in: $0( H:,! }'Ah6-P:H:,$$%, Ah ? " A number from 1 to 50:, B/ ?4&Ah )!$ Ah } 6-D B%)  You float@  in space....D > Bf   >  You see a jewe }l encrusted throne'' Do you want to ry some jewels,5! it down, ead the runes,5  or gnore it:) 4I })4&! Ignore% ) 0PAiP # Pry #H:,!'Ap0H:,!'Ap%?) !They pop into y }our greedy hands!!?6-P:H:,$$$$%,5! They are worth  gold)6-%- 1 5 &0SAi+# Sit } #H:,!'Ap00H:,!'Ap%5H:,!'Ad:5 A loud GONG sounds!" 5H:, 'Aiu=6 }-P:',"6-6> B ?+ !! Nothing happens...+ ApD(6-P:A$#%',$ B( I }0RApN Read PH:,!'Ap0SH:, 8,'ApX/% You don't understand them.../ Ap }]3 ) A mysterious magic grips you..3 Bb   g ???  Aiq% Nothing happens...% Ap }v6-P:H:,$%, Bx; # The  KING returns!!' 1 Bf; B{' # 6-P:H:,$$,%' A0 } Bf    -- %You see a small box with four colored,( lights. ush buttons or gnore:,  0 }P Ignore   Push 6-3% Push ed, reen, ellow, lue3 or top:' 4S)4& Stop }# ' A 6-%-&47$&<$&,76.7$&<$,A AqE  ???  Aqp" B " }8,Aqp 6-%   Aq%< It opens!!!!  < Inside you find jewels worthD B'6-P:H }:,$B$#%,8  in gold!!@6-%D    ?6-P:H:,$$%,? %An electric bolt shoots through you!!6 } *  You suffer  points damage26-&6   A   @ 6- E -> 4&6.S }$-@$7<,4A # NO-@` # >8@,!* . You're confused ->>6 }-P:H:,$%,ooAPAAPAAPAAAApAAA%AE }'6-?:<,'!*8, )"A$ NORTH6-& B$  .6-?:<8<,,.!*8, )"$A $ }SOUTH6-% B$ : '6-?:<,'!*8, )"A? # WEST6-& B# l .6-?:<8<,,. }!*8, )"$Aq # EAST6-% B#  > STAY -A2A4(%, 0 >A0 } 6- !) Store , )0DEMOA!3 ) %Can not store DEMO character!3 Ap! 6.D:67,. }!27B:,,4 *B:,!(6.77 6.=:,-@P7F:Ad,"AUB`> )6.>:,$> 4DEMO  } > 6.&$H? 6.M? 4&BbR? 4 $W?0>:A&,Bb5\?B:,"Bba?  B: }, Bbf?6.7:A&,B$JQ4BOQ  B:,"BTQ6.7 to approach: Q 4>:AU,A0 }Q%A2 RD Cast "  Spell level:& * 26.0;67,.D6-A:, R !*P:',%* B } R"B R7) !You don't have that level spells!- 7 BR: !0 "You don't have enough spell units! }: BR3 Spell( = to list): 34)4&B!R21)366.=&R4=B@+R' 6-& % }@' BP0R7  6- B%-/  3"7 5R/ -' 7<,% +"/ 6R-% } Press any key to continue...) - 7R21)36B 8R B5:R8 6-A:, B 8 B%$A% }$A>S," The  doesn't hear..., BT9 6-&+  It suffers  hit points9!BT T$  }Not in melee!! $ A3(U'' You just wasted a combat spell!U "A3U U "A1U  }U  B U+! Undead are already dead!!+ BTV "BYV#6-P:H:,$@%,# BV }"BV+ "! Undead don't sleep!+ A3V<P:H:,$%,!8,2 The  isn't sleepy!< A3V;  }The  is sleeping7 Press to kill:; V 0  A7VH:,!' V"  It woke up!! " A3 }W/6-P:H:,$%,' You feel better/6-%!W !6-&W  BW 6-6-%0W 8, 68,- }W%68,-8,%P:H:,$%,% BW "BW"B%WB The  is insulted8 at being called } undeadB BW!!H:, 8,'%'&'B%%W2( The  listens with deaf ears2 BW46-P:+',%',*  }It runs in fear!!4 A2#HX 6-6-% B$P:H:,#$%,!8,4 The  dodges asid }e!> A3FZ: The  is webbed!6 Press to kill:: KZ 0  A7PZH:,&'!' UZ% It } broke free!! % A3Z 6-6-% B$[ "B [#6-P:H:,$@%,# Bh[ 6-6- }% B$[ "B[5 "+ The undead ignore your wiles!5 A3[?P:+H:,#,$%,!8,5 The  } resists you!? A3[: The  is charmed6 Press to kill:: [ B10\ 6-6-% B$$^ }7 0!  ZZZZAAAPPP!!!)07"B)^) 6-P:H:,$$%@,) B^56-P:H:,$@$%,- Yo }u feel better56-%^ !6-^  B^% 6-6-%%0% B$P_# 6-6-%0# B$ }_ "B_;P:H:,$%,!8,1 The  ignores you!; A3_8 The  is held!4 Press to } kill:8 _ 0  A7_H:,!$>` _% It broke free!! % A3` "B`$$P:H }:,$@"%, 8,BF"`," The  doesn't beleive!, A3'`$ It beleives!....Arrgh...$  b "B }Pb  Direction> b -7<,4BQ b  ???  BQ bAA+"*!,)+"* A,)+"*! },)+"* A,BQ%"b& Only stone there....& B%b2 B  ********2 A%@P$pb7 0 }!  WHOOOOOSHH!!!)07"BubI The  is burning!;6-P:H:,$@$%@,? I Bb  }"Bb#6-P:H:,$@2%,# B8c "B=c5H:,!'+ The  isn't affected5 A3Bc }  One stone statue.... c 6-6-% B$d#   š#"Bd"B0d. *H:,!? }0%$?&$?.  d' The  laughs! ' A3e "BPeD  +North/South: B&6 }-) :  +East/West:D BeF 6-   +Up/Down:% B+6-F6-M:#%#%+$,#,&'f5 !$' Too }far...try again+ 5 Baf 6-%6-&6-& f33!* A*!* A* @QBa5f8. %Only ston }e there....The spell fails..8 Bf8  . Only thin air...The spell fails8 Bf4 6-6-6-&  ***P }OOF!***0 B4 Xf 6-6-$ B$f "Bf)  QWERTY!!!! %"*H:, ') f"B }0f," The  doesn't hear..., B g "B%g'  BRRRR!!!!6-@`' Bg% 0% }WWHHOOOOOSSHHH!!!gF(  A wall of fire appears about you, 0 80F"Bg<H:,!'$ The  is gone }2%A2< B g<" The  walks through!!!26-P:H:,$%,< Bg "Bg"B0g }L Black DEATH for the " 0H:,!8,'B  It is immune!L BgH:,$ 8,$?% h+ The spell bac }kfires!!! + Ai+ + Time is frozen, monsters cannoti$  attack you8, $68,-i%68,-8,%P:H:,$ }%,!"% i B@j 6-6-$ B$EjI( Raise DEAD $68,-8,&-68,-IH:,!8,$?Br }Jj&  It works!!6- & BTj" It doesn't work!" Aj "BjD 6..O* % }-3 7<,= BA D j H:, ' j* The  doesn't see...* Bk "BP k }2 -68,- 6-$ }( 2 Bk0 6-6-@p6-,  ***!!!***0 lk0  You feel BETTER!" }6-& 0 BkE 1 %A scintillating shifting wall appears76-E"BkE-@`@y%%As }) 76-%@E Bvk%%A2%%As@Vk# The  is gone# B `m$#B%$- }"! $$jmGGMAGIC MISSILE,SLEEP,CURE LIGHT WOUNDS,LIGHT,TURN UNDEAD,PROT/EVILom??WEB,LEVITATE,CAUSE LIGHT WNDS,DETE }CT TRAPS,CHARM,STRENGTHtm``LIGHTNING BOLT,CURE SERIOUS WNDS,CONTINUAL LIGHT,INVISIBILITY,HOLD MONSTER,PHANTSML FORCESymNN }PASS WALL,FIREBALL,CAUSE SERIOUS WND,FLESH TO STONE,FEAR,FINGER OF DEATH~mHHTELEPORT,ASTRAL WALK,POWER WORD KILL,ICE STORM, }WALL OF FIRE,PLAGUEmPPTIME STOP,RAISE DEAD,HOLY SYMBOL,WORD OF RECALL,RESTORATION,PRISMATIC WALLm/6-P:&P:',$%', }/6-P:&P:',$%',m6-P:&P:',$%',m #B -" m #B@-" m #B`- }"  $m==SALTY,BOLD,LOUD,OLD,GOODLY,WORTHY,LOFTY,FINE,ROCKY,AGEDm<<ROAD,EYE,TOOTH,DRAGON,MUG,DEMON,WHARF,BRIDGE,ME }ADE,ALEnHHTAVERN,ALEHOUSE,CELLAR,CLUB,INN,HOUSE,INN,LODGE,MEADHALL,RESTHOUSE(n #B-"  $2nEESWORD,AR }MOR,SHIELD,ELVEN CLOAK,ELVEN BOOTS,RING OF REGENERATION7nNNRING OF PROTECTION,SCROLL OF RESCUE,POTION OF HEALING,POTION OF }STRENGTHnYYSWORD,ARMOR,SHIELD,ELVN CLK,ELVN BTS,RING REG,RING PROT,SCRL RESC,POT HEAL,POT STRGHq6-?:A@,$0u 6 !}-8,"B :u( 6-8,6-8,6-8,( BDu?-@68,-8%,-68,-8%,;68,-8%,? 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"#$*} %&'( ) *'+;,O-f,,./012A3+}A46A5Z A6 A7A8e9`A:xA;A@Bx?@$b@AFA@FBC,}DEFGHIJKLMNOPQR-}STUVWXYZ[\]@^_`ab.}cdefghijkAwlmnopqr/}st@uv?6-@6-@?@ D:TELINI.DAT22@0}$$AR||;@,;@,;A`,;@0,1};@ ,;,;,;@,;@ ,;@,;,;,;@#,;;;@D,;@,;,;@0,;@%2},;,LBB9<,9,9@,9@,9,9A,;@$,OD9,9,9, 6-@i,6-@Bx86-@3}$bD6-AF`4 &-4eM!6.06.>:AU,>-4}@ EI M orr6.hGNOLL KOBOLD SKELETONHOBBIT ZOMBIE ORC FIGHTER MUMMY ELF GHOUL DWARF TROLL 5} WRAITH yKK67A,.8OGRE MINOTAURGIANT SPECTER VAMPIRE DEMON DRAGON K:  ead in6} an old one? 4&A# 0R START # A/ Read  Your name?& Bb,6./ 5 67}.D:67,.$B:,!@56.7<@,967B:,%,..PLR A5+/ 9 AE %Can't read ch8}ar %   found  -68,- & &9}& &R -@(68,-/868,-< CR68@,-? -:}68,-"+68,-2;68,-? # -68,-# %-A!68,-%;}  "6-    A56  read67@<@,4SVA@3+<}  }  B%'6-@+ x } to use stats> -6--16-%P:H:,$@%,5 >68,=}-&" 7$%<$%, 8, &  0Ac 6-8,6-6-6-$6-06-@>-@G>}68,-P68,-T c68@,-@M B6-6-@p%6-+6-16-M }Your name noble sir? B$ Bb?}46.DEMO$ D 6. E,B:, @"67B:,%,. , AJEE You descend into thedepths of TEL@}ENGARD 宮^9   }6- % B/ BP56-9 =-@68,-8,&# )6-- A}3"= BP$ 6- +8@,",)+",$ "6-%8@,+!,"6-  H:,!?0  8@B},!*H:,!'  <%A2!6-P:H:,$%,<8@,!* A0 P:H:,$%,8,B  -#6-P:+H:C},#@P,$+$%,%,- B ##8%,!*"*H:,!'A0 8 Be B8 YOU ENCOUNTER A LVL   D}.&8@ ,!* @*@* .   6-F:,@   LVL   . & (6-P:+H:,#+',,E}$$%,.6- 5H:,!?5H:,$%A00A0EA0r @ A0@ %%H:,!?$8@,A0@F} H The  likes you bodyB He heals you to full strengthH6- '   B#%A2'  )))H:G}, ?$8@,A0p ($ The  makes a quick move(  "-@"8,!A0T 9 / #You have noH}thing he wants to steal!9 A07 *6-P:H:,$@%,*8, A0T  6- B >  He steals  @I}+ your 468,-> A07 $ a 68,-8,&$ A07 ##)H:,$@0!8,A0 *6-P:H:,$@J}%,*8,A0 ,6-&8,6-P:H:,$%,,68,-8,%  The  likes you!   6- B +# HeK} gives you a  +8,' +   B  ##H:,!'%8,$?A3 # ight, ast, or vade:#   L}4& WAIT!  -7<,4A1& 4  & The  is not amused* 4 A1+ ''A2A4A7M}A3 )6-P:H:,$,%%8,%8,') Fight  8,!6-% + @!  You missed...+ A3 8'6-P:N}H:,$@%H:,$$%8,%,08,!86-% "" You do  points damage  6-&!A3   It died...O} -%A2!6-$$@)6-%-  @ B2  You gain  experience points6 @ B   A9P} % 6-6-6-6-% A30 6-P:H:,$,%&8,&8,% (!@* *8,!(6-&@ / @!Q}  It missed...% / A1 G&6-P:+H:,$@%H:,$$%,$,G It does  points damage  6-&  AR}  H:,!)8,!A3& +  It drains a level!!!+6-P:',  "6-6  B  A1 S} H:,!  A1 / ! You're paralized!!!!% / A3 %"@6-?% A3 %"@6T}-? % A3 1"@6-?0'6-?01 A3 !"@6-'! A3 @A3eU}   BH:,!?`, It uses it's SWORD!!!26-86-B A3 1 It uses it's WHIP!!!6-'6-1 A3% V}A3* (H:,!?06-6-( A3/ '# The DRAGON breaths FIRE!!!' 2 16-P:H:,$$%,1H:, ?W}$8,A34 - You partially dodge it-6-P:+%,',6 2(  You burn for  points damage2 A3 H  6- BX}t#6-P:H:,$@%,# EVADEy 8,%8@,A7{9! You're rooted to the spot% / Be9 A3Y}~ A7 %@$P:H:,$, 6-?:<, A7! 6-!?:<8<,, A7 6-?:<, A7Z}! 6-!?:<8<,, A7 6-?:<, A7! 6-!?:<8<,, A7 6-?:<, A7 [} A7 B  A <H:,!'A@H:,!?   6-H:,!?6-8%A2\} Be!6-8H:,!?pAA$  You see some $6-P:H:,$,76-@ 7$%<$%,7  to pic]}k up:9 "8,!*H:,!?" 9 You detect TRAPS! 4A@  Leave it   Snarf it^}"A@@6-P:H:,$$%, 8  It's TRAPPED!8  You suffer  points damage# 6-&   # A_}76-P:H:,$$$A%,7  It's worth  gold0 6-%"*H:,!?" & 0 AB  AI`}H:,!'AB )) !You have found a Treasure Chest!!  to open it:9 "8,!*H:,!?" 9 a}You detect TRAPS!#  0  Ignore it #  Open it"AA@"?  Chest EXPLODES!!!!!76-P:H:b},$@$%,?6-&'8&  You suffer  points damage* 8 A,! !6-P:H:,$A$#%,1AH:,!?c}7  Inside, there is only cobwebs...A AI6C$  Inside is  gold pieces!,6-%0 CH:,!'AI; 6d}- h96-P:H:,$@%,)  You see a /6-9 Bm96-P:H:,#?P$+%,%,+!@/ 9 ABre}  +w/  to pick it up:! /4AB%| Leave it AB@$AB5+  It is CURSED!f}!+6-P:H:,$$%,A'  You suffer  damage points/6-&3 A A AI6  It's yours!!68,-g}8,%- @668,-  "*H:,!'  AB$%A2 . H:,!'  A0p7 6q}B%DOS SYSB)AUTORUN SYSB*TELEN BASB9DSKTEL BASB%DSKTELENBASB TELINI DATB %TELEN SET-6-6-&! B,6-?:<,76-?:<,u "6-z'6-@ !6-&' A`| !6-& A`r}}"@P*"6-~ "*  " AeOOAaAcAdAeAfAgAhs}AiAqAb 6- Ae/ 6-$6-%%6-$%$@/ B%  B%%t}As@VP %P 9   + ( u}+ $    $  L Bf INN Be7 You have found theL    v}8 They cash in your gold&6-%.6-%46-8 @ B B !6-@  You have  in the safew}-@68,- % 6-! You spend the night%  You feel better  -- %Press to return to x}the dungeon,(( <^S> to save character on disk: 4&Aa5 4  A 0 ???  Ay}a% Reenter 6- 8? Bf ELV Be? You feel heavy for a momentB 6-& "z}@PAb1 Bf PIT Be1  You see a pit7 8,!- You are hovering above a pit7 Ac!!P{}:H:,$,!8,%8,Ac04 Do you want to descend?$ 44YAc  No   Yes Ac5#  |}You fall in!!6- #  6-%  Bf TPT Be2(  ZZAP!! You've been teleported...2 B}}5?:<<%<,"6-&-?:<<%<,"56-% 76-%$@%$@76-%$@%$@'6-A~}!6-&' Ad !6-& Ad  "6-!@P6-@P#H:,!?Ad( d} Bf" /i " \n. . "You have found a circular stairwayp% "*"% You see aboves}+ Do you want to "+ go p, } "  go own, * & or tay on the same level?*  4&6.S}%%+*4D,)+*4U,AeP% 4U Up6-&!!% Aa! 4D Down6-%! } 4S Stay   ??? Ae9 Bf ALT 9 You have found a Holy Altar1 Press to worship# 14Af0H:,!?p 0  Dirty Pagan TRASH!( Bf0 # +6-P:H:,$%, B}+"Af   A0+ ' Press to donate money+ 0Af(  How much gold?$ }B( 2 !( You don't have that much!2 Af" @P$ " Af& 6-& &H:, '+%,}Af`+# Thank you for your donation' + +6-P:H:,$@%,"8, +68,- ))68,-8,%P:H:,$A$}'+%,%,# You have been heard # ,7 Bf FNT 7 You have found a fountain-6-P:H:,$%,.++ } with running 7$&<$, water1/  to drink some:! /4Ag6   ; H:,!?`AgP}=H:,!&$?Ag0@- You feel better -6-P:H:,$$%,E5!  You heal  hit points)6-%/!56}-G   JH:,!?$AgEOF It's POISON!!!(6-P:H:,$$%,F  You lose  hit pointsT 6-}&  AV   Y B   ^86.You feel refreshed!,H:,!?@0 4 8 `H:,!'}AgcH:,!'Agph@, $Magic power SURGES through your body@6-%P:H:,$$%,m-!  You now have  spe}lls% ) - rB# You have been disposessed!!1-@:68,-> B w)  }  BP% B%) |}'  ' Actually you're DRUNK!!!6-@8, !68,-3!68,-8,%P:H:,$@%,+ BP/ 3 = } Bf GCB = You see a large gray misty cube(  to walk in: $0( H:,!? Ah}#6-P:H:,$@P%,# Ah ? " A number from 1 to 50:, B/ ?4&Ah )!@P Ah} 6-D B%)  You float@  in space....D > Bf THR >  You see a jewel enc}rusted throne'' Do you want to ry some jewels,5! it down, ead the runes,5  or gnore it:) 4I)4}&! Ignore% ) 0PAiP ' Pry 'H:,!?pAp0H:,!?@Ap%A) !They pop int}o your greedy hands!!A6-P:H:,$A$%,5! They are worth  gold)6-%- 1 5 &0SAi+' }Sit 'H:,!?pAp00H:,!?`Ap%5H:,!?@Ad:5 A loud GONG sounds!" 5H:, }'Aiu=6-P:',"6-6> B ?+ !! Nothing happens...+ ApD(6-P:A$#%',}$ B( I0RApN Read PH:,!?pAp0SH:, 8,$?ApX/% You don't u}nderstand them.../ Ap]3 ) A mysterious magic grips you..3 Bb   g ???  Aiq% N}othing happens...% Apv6-P:H:,$%, Bx; # The  KING returns!!' 1 Bf; B{' #} 6-P:H:,$$,%' A0 Bf SAF -- %You see a small box with four colored,( lights. ush butt}ons or gnore:,  0P Ignore   Push 6-3% Push ed, reen, ellow, lue3 or top:}' 4S)4& Stop# ' E6-@-*47$&<$&,;6.7$&<$,E AqE  ??? } Aqp" B "8,Aqp 6-%   Aq%< It opens!!!!  < Inside you find je}wels worthD B'6-P:H:,$B$#%,8  in gold!!@6-%D    ?6-P:H:,$$%,? %An electri}c bolt shoots through you!!6 *  You suffer  points damage26-&6   A   @ 6- E} -> 4&6.S$-@$7<,4A # NO-@` # D8@,!*} @4 You're confused ->D6-P:H:,$%,ooAPAAPAAPAAAAp}AAA%AE-6-?:<,-!*8@, )"A$ NORTH6-& B$  86-?}:<8<,,8!*8@, )"AA $ SOUTH6-% B$ : -6-?:<,-!*8@, )"A}? # WEST6-& B# l 86-?:<8<,,8!*8@, )"AAq # EAST6-% B}#  > STAY -A2A4(%, 0 >A0 6- !) Store , )0DEMOA!<} 2 '%Can not store DEMOnstration character!< Ap! 6.D:67,.!27B:,,4 *B:,!(6.77 6.=:,-@P7F:Ad,"AUB`> )}6.>:,$> 4DEMO  > 6.&$H? 6.M? 4&BbR?4>:AU,$W?0>:A&,}Bb5\?B:,"Bba?  B:, Bbf?6.7:A&,B$JQ4BOQ  B:,"BTQ6.7 to appro}ach: Q 4>:AU,A0Q%A2 RJ Cast "  Spell level:& * 26.0A67@},.J6-A:, R&&!*P:',%* @B R"B R7) !You don't have that level spells!- 7 B}R: !0 "You don't have enough spell units!: BR< Spell( = to list): <4>:AU,)4&B!R}21)366.=&R4=B@+R' 6-& %@' BP0R7  6- B%-/  3}"7 5R5 -- 7<@ ,% 1"5 6R-% Press any key to continue...) - 7R21)36B} 8R B5:R8 6-A:, B 8 B%$A%$A>S," The  doesn't hear..., BT? 6-}&+  It suffers  hit points?!BT T$ Not in melee!! $ A3(U'' You just wasted a c}ombat spell!U "A3U U "A1U U  B U+! Undead are already dead!!+ }BTV "BYV#6-P:H:,$@%,# BV "BV+ "! Undead don't sleep!+} A3VBP:H:,$@ %,!8,8 The  isn't sleepy!B A3V; The  is sleeping7 Press to ki}ll:; V 0  A7VH:,!?  V"  It woke up!! " A3W56-P:H:,$@%,- You feel} better56-%!W !6-&W  BW 6-6-@W 8, 68,-W%68,-8,%P:H:,$%,% B}W "BW"B%WB The  is insulted8 at being called undeadB BW33H:, ?$}8,%?$&?$B%%W2( The  listens with deaf ears2 BW86-P:+',%?P,. It runs in fear}!!8 A2#HX 6-6-@ B$ to kill:: KZ 0  A7PZ H:,&'@ !?  }UZ% It broke free!! % A3Z 6-6-@! B$[ "B [#6-P:H:,$@%,# B}h[ 6-6-@! B$[ "B[5 "+ The undead ignore your wiles!5 A3[E P:+H:,#},$@ %,!8,; The  resists you!E A3[: The  is charmed6 Press to kill:: [ B1}0\ 6-6-@! B$$^'   ZZZZAAAPPP!!!'"B)^/ %6-P:H:,$@$%@,/ B^56}-P:H:,$@$%,- You feel better56-%^ !6-^  B^ 6-6-@1 B$P_%6-@}6-@!% B$_ "B_AP:H:,$@ %,!8,7 The  ignores you!A A3_8 The  }is held!4 Press to kill:8 _ 0  A7_ H:,!? $$? _% It broke free!! % A}3` "B`$$P:H:,$@"%, 8,BF"`," The  doesn't beleive!, A3'`$ It beleives}!....Arrgh...$  b "BPb  Direction> b -7<,4BQ b  ???  BQ bA}A+"*!,)+"* A,)+"*!,)+"* A,BQ%"b& Only stone there....& B%b2 B  ****}****2 A%@P$pb'   WHOOOOOSHH!!!'"BubI The  is burning!;6-P:H:,$@$%@,? }I Bb "Bb)6-P:H:,$@2%@,) B8c "B=c9H:,!?`/ Th}e  isn't affected9 A3Bc  One stone statue.... c%6-@6-@0% B$d#   š#}"Bd"B0d. *H:,!?0%$?&$?.  d' The  laughs! ' A3e "}BPeD  +North/South: B&6-) :  +East/West:D BeP 6-   +Up/Down:% B+6-P6-}M:#%#%+$@,#,&?f5 !$' Too far...try again+ 5 Baf 6-%6-&6-& f33!* }A*!* A* @QBa5f8. %Only stone there....The spell fails..8 Bf8  . Only thin air...T}he spell fails8 Bf4 6-6-6-&  ***POOF!***0 B4 Xf%6-@6-@% B$f }"Bf-  QWERTY!!!! )"*H:, ?- f"B0f," The  doesn't hear..., B g }"B%g'  BRRRR!!!!6-@`' Bg% 0% WWHHOOOOOSSHHH!!!gL(  A wall of fire appears about }you, 0 >0@L"Bg@H:,!?@( The  is gone6%A2@ B gN" The  walk }s through!!!D6-P:H:@,$@%@,N Bg "Bg"B0gR Black DEATH for the  }" 6H:,!8,$?H  It is immune!R BgH:,$ 8,$?% h+ The spell backfires!!! + A }i+ + Time is frozen, monsters cannoti0  attack you!8@ , 068@ ,-i1'68@ ,-8@ ,%P:H:, }$%,-"1 i B@j%6-@6-@@% B$EjO  Raise DEAD $68,-8,&368@,-OH:,! }8,$?Br Jj&  It works!!6- & BTj" It doesn't work!" Aj "BjG }6..O* +-@9 7<,C BG j H:, ? j* The  doesn't see...* B}k "BP kD-@ 68,-$ 06-6 }: D Bk0 6-6-@p6-,  ***}!!!***0 lk0  You feel BETTER!"6-& 0 BkE 1 %A scintillating shifting wall appears76-E"B}kE-@`@y%%As) 76-%@E Bvk%%A2%%As@Vk# The } is gone# B `m*#B%@$-#"' *$jmFFMAGIC MISSLE,SLEEP,CURE LIGHT WOUNDS,LIGHT,TURN UNDEAD,P}ROT/EVILom??WEB,LEVITATE,CAUSE LIGHT WNDS,DETECT TRAPS,CHARM,STRENGTHtm``LIGHTNING BOLT,CURE SERIOUS WNDS,CONTINUAL LIGHT},INVISIBILITY,HOLD MONSTER,PHANTSML FORCESymNNPASS WALL,FIREBALL,CAUSE SERIOUS WND,FLESH TO STONE,FEAR,FINGER OF DEATH~mHH}TELEPORT,ASTRAL WALK,POWER WORD KILL,ICE STORM,WALL OF FIRE,PLAGUEmPPTIME STOP,RAISE DEAD,HOLY SYMBOL,WORD OF RECALL,REST}ORATION,PRISMATIC WALLmu)6-P:&P:'@,$@%?P,O6-P:&P:'@,$@%?P,u6-P:&P:'@,$@}%?P,m #B -" m #B@-" m #B`-"  $m==SALTY,BOLD,LOUD},OLD,GOODLY,WORTHY,LOFTY,FINE,ROCKY,AGEDm<<ROAD,EYE,TOOTH,DRAGON,MUG,DEMON,WHARF,BRIDGE,MEADE,ALEnHHTAVERN,ALEHOUSE,CEL}LAR,CLUB,INN,HOUSE,INN,LODGE,MEADHALL,RESTHOUSE(n #B-"  $2nEESWORD,ARMOR,SHIELD,ELVEN CLOAK,ELVEN BOO}TS,RING OF REGENERATION7nNNRING OF PROTECTION,SCROLL OF RESCUE,POTION OF HEALING,POTION OF STRENGTHnYYSWORD,ARMOR,SHIELD},ELVN CLK,ELVN BTS,RING REG,RING PROT,SCRL RESC,POT HEAL,POT STRGHq6-?:A@,$0u 6-8,"B :u( 6-8,}6-8,6-8,( BDu?-@68,-8%,-68,-8%,;68,-8%,? 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