0100 * ATARI 1050 DISK DRIVE OPERATING SYSTEM -- part 4›0110 *›0120 * execute floppy test›0130 * fist format diskette enhanced density›0140 *›0150 FPTEST LDA SEKBUF+1 mark first 12 bytes from sector›0160 STA HZ9D›0170 LDA SEKBUF+2›0180 STA HZ9E›0190 LDX #9›0200 FPTST1 LDA SEKBUF+3,X›0210 STA BUFFER,X›0220 DEX ›0230 BPL FPTST1›0240 JSR DDF format now›0250 BMI TFAIL error, motor on/off every 2 seconds›0260 JSR VERIFO ok, verify›0270 BIT ERROR›0280 BMI TFAIL error?›0290 JSR WS13AT write pattern to sector 1,3 of each track›0300 FPTST2 JSR M6DB6 fill sector buffer with $6DB6›0310 JSR TWR1 write it to other sectors›0320 JSR MOTONOF short delay›0330 JSR TVER1 verify test 1›0340 JSR MOTONOF delay›0350 JSR MDB66 fill sector with $DB66›0360 JSR TWR2 write it to other sectors›0370 JSR MOTONOF delay›0380 JSR TVER2 verify›0390 JSR MOTONOF delay›0400 JSR M6DB6 pattern 6DB6 again›0410 JSR WALTER1 write alternately›0420 JSR MOTONOF delay›0430 JSR VALTER1 verify alternately›0440 JSR MOTONOF delay›0450 JSR MDB66 pattern DB66›0460 JSR WALTER2 write alternately›0470 JSR MOTONOF delay›0480 JSR VALTER2 verify alternately›0490 JSR MOTONOF delay›0500 LDA #0 SEEK on track 0›0510 STA TRACK›0520 JSR SEEK›0530 LDA #1 sector 1›0540 STA SEKTOR›0550 STA SEKREG to controller›0560 JSR TREAD read sector 1›0570 INC SEKBUF+10 number of o.k. tests + 1›0580 BNE TST1›0590 INC SEKBUF+11›0600 TST1 JSR WOSV write one sector, verify›0610 DEC HZ9D number of test loops - 1›0620 BNE FPTST2 more to do›0630 LDA HZ9E›0640 BEQ TST2›0650 DEC HZ9E›0660 JMP FPTST2›0670 *›0680 TST2 LDA FCNTRL test loop done›0690 STA CSTAT mark status›0700 LDX #$FF reset stack›0710 TXS ›0720 JSR RESTORE to track 0›0730 JMP DRDY back to main loop›0740 *›0750 * fatal error during test›0760 * turn motor on and off every 2 seconds›0770 *›0780 TFAIL LDA #8 invert motor bit›0790 EOR DRA›0800 STA DRA›0810 LDX #$14 2 seconds delay›0820 JSR DELAY2›0830 JMP TFAIL loop forever›0840 *›0850 * read alternately from track 39 down and from track 0 up›0860 *›0870 VALTER2 LDA #$27 track 39›0880 STA SBUF›0890 LDA #0 and track 0›0900 STA SBUF+1›0910 LDA #$14›0920 STA SBUF+2 read 20 tracks›0930 VALT1 JSR SR2TRK SEEK, read 2 tracks›0940 INC SBUF+1 next track from begin›0950 DEC SBUF next track from end›0960 DEC SBUF+2 read 20 tracks?›0970 BNE VALT1 no, continue›0980 RTS ›0990 *›1000 * read tracks alternately, 0 - 19 and 39 - 20›1010 *›1020 VALTER1 LDA #0 start with track 0›1030 STA SBUF›1040 LDA #$27 and track 39›1050 STA SBUF+1›1060 LDA #$14 20 tracks each›1070 STA SBUF+2›1080 VALT2 JSR SR2TRK SEEK, read 2 tracks›1090 INC SBUF+1›1100 DEC SBUF›1110 DEC SBUF+2 all done?›1120 BNE VALT2›1130 RTS ›1140 *›1150 * write tracks alternately, 39 - 20 and 0 - 19›1160 *›1170 WALTER1 LDA #$27 start with track 39›1180 STA SBUF›1190 LDA #0 and track 0›1200 STA SBUF+1›1210 LDA #$14 20 tracks each›1220 STA SBUF+2›1230 WALT1 JSR SW2TRK SEEK and write 2 tracks›1240 INC SBUF+1›1250 DEC SBUF›1260 DEC SBUF+2 all done?›1270 BNE WALT1›1280 RTS ›1290 *›1300 * write tracks alternately, 0 - 19 and 39 - 20›1310 *›1320 WALTER2 LDA #0 start with 0›1330 STA SBUF›1340 LDA #$27 and 39›1350 STA SBUF+1›1360 LDA #$14 20 tracks each›1370 STA SBUF+2›1380 WALT2 JSR SW2TRK write 2 tracks›1390 INC SBUF+1›1400 DEC SBUF›1410 DEC SBUF+2 all done?›1420 BNE WALT2›1430 RTS ›1440 *›1450 * test SEEK on track›1460 *›1470 TSEEK LDA SEKBUF+1 intended track in second byte after command›1480 CMP #$28›1490 BPL TSEEK1 only 39 tracks›1500 STA TRACK›1510 JSR SEEK execute SEEK›1520 CLC ›1530 RTS ›1540 TSEEK1 SEC wrong track›1550 RTS ›1560 *›1570 * read two tracks›1580 *›1590 SR2TRK LDA SBUF tracknumber 1›1600 STA TRACK›1610 JSR TRKVER verify›1620 LDA SBUF+1 tracknumber 2›1630 STA TRACK›1640 JSR TRKVER read also›1650 RTS ›1660 *›1670 * write test pattern to two tracks›1680 *›1690 SW2TRK LDA SBUF tracknumber 1›1700 STA TRACK›1710 JSR TRKWRT write to track›1720 LDA SBUF+1 tracknumber 2›1730 STA TRACK›1740 JSR TRKWRT also›1750 RTS ›1760 *›1770 * do step for testing›1780 *›1790 TSTEP LDA SEKBUF+1 do test step, direction in $01›1800 STA DIR›1810 JSR STEP›1820 RTS ›1830 *›1840 * fill sector with test pattern›1850 *›1860 WS13AT LDA #0›1870 STA TRACK›1880 LDA #0 pattern byte #1›1890 TAY pattern byte #2›1900 JSR SEKPAT›1910 WS13AT1 LDA #1 fill sector 1›1920 STA SEKTOR›1930 JSR WOSV write + verify sector›1940 BMI TWERR write test error›1950 LDA #3 sector 3 also›1960 STA SEKTOR›1970 JSR WOSV write›1980 BMI TWERR on error to TWERR›1990 INC TRACK next track›2000 LDA TRACK›2010 CMP #$28 until track 39›2020 BNE WS13AT1›2030 LDA #0›2040 STA TRACK track 0›2050 LDX #9›2060 WS13AT2 LDA BUFFER,X move test bytes›2070 STA SEKBUF,X›2080 DEX ›2090 BPL WS13AT2›2100 LDA HZ9D move counter for test›2110 STA SEKBUF+12›2120 LDA HZ9E›2130 STA SEKBUF+13›2140 LDA #1›2150 STA SEKTOR›2160 JSR WOSV write to sector 1›2170 BMI TWERR›2180 RTS ›2190 *›2200 * pattern $6DB6 or $DB66, depending on choice ($009C)›2210 *›2220 MWAHL LDA MUSTERNR›2230 BNE MWAHL1 pattern $DB66?›2240 JMP M6DB6 no, $6DB6›2250 MWAHL1 JMP MDB66›2260 *›2270 * test read›2280 * read sector 1 if sector number <16, otherwise sector 3›2290 *›2300 TREAD LDA SEKREG›2310 CMP #$10 sector number <16?›2320 BPL TREAD1›2330 LDY #1 yes, read sector 1›2340 JMP TREAD2›2350 TREAD1 SEC otherwise subtract 16 & read sector 3›2360 SBC #$10›2370 LDY #3›2380 TREAD2 STY SEKREG›2390 STY SEKTOR›2400 ASL A›2410 ASL A›2420 ASL A calculate address of status byte›2430 ADC #0 for error (0 - $80)›2440 STA KOMND move address to KOMND & JUMPL›2450 LDA #0›2460 STA JUMPL›2470 LDA #2 number of retries›2480 STA COUNT›2490 TREAD3 JSR RDSEKTOR read sector›2500 BEQ TREAD5›2510 DEC COUNT error, retry›2520 BEQ TWERR›2530 LDA FCNTRL get error type›2540 AND #$0C›2550 BEQ TREAD4 lost data?›2560 JMP TREAD3 if so, another try›2570 TWERR JMP TST2 end of test›2580 TREAD4 LDA CSTAT›2590 AND #$10 RECORD NOT FOUND?›2600 BEQ TREAD3 no, other error›2610 JSR RESTORE otherwise to track 0›2620 JSR SEEK goto track, again›2630 JSR RDSEKTOR read, again›2640 BNE TWERR no good to nobody›2650 LDA #$40 mark SEEK ERROR›2660 STA SEEKERR›2670 LDA #$FF›2680 STA FMERK+1 error occured›2690 TREAD5 RTS end of test›2700 *›2710 * fill sector with pattern›2720 *›2730 M6DB6 LDA #0›2740 STA MUSTERNR indicate pattern 1›2750 LDA #$6D first pattern byte›2760 LDY #$B6 second pattern byte›2770 JMP SEKPAT fill sector›2780 *›2790 MDB66 LDA #$FF›2800 STA MUSTERNR indicate pattern 2›2810 LDA #$DB first pattern byte›2820 LDY #$66 second pattern byte›2830 *›2840 * fill sector with pattern›2850 *›2860 SEKPAT LDX #0›2870 SEKPA1 STA SEKBUF,X put first byte›2880 INX ›2890 STY SEKBUF,X put second byte›2900 INX ›2910 BPL SEKPA1 until sector filled›2920 RTS ›2930 *›2940 * check error›2950 *›2960 FAUSW LDA FCNTRL move controller status›2970 STA CSTAT›2980 STY JUMPH to aux. cell›2990 LDA CSTAT›3000 AND #$10 RNF error?›3010 BEQ FAUSW1›3020 LDA FMERK yes, indicated by now?›3030 BEQ FAUSW2 no, do it›3040 LDA FMERK+2 write track error?›3050 BEQ FAUSW3 no, only read›3060 LDA #$80 indicate write error›3070 BNE FAUSW4›3080 FAUSW3 LDA #4 indicate read error›3090 FAUSW4 JMP FAUSW5 mark›3100 FAUSW2 LDA #$FF indicate error›3110 STA FMERK›3120 STA FMERK+1›3130 LDA FMERK+2 write error?›3140 BNE FAUSW6 br if so›3150 JSR WRSEKTOR otherwise, write again›3160 BNE FAUSW3 wrong, again›3170 FAUSW6 JMP FAUSW7›3180 FAUSW1 LDA CSTAT controller status›3190 AND #8 CRC error bit›3200 BEQ FAUSW8 no CRC error›3210 LDA #2 yes, indicate it›3220 BNE FAUSW5›3230 FAUSW8 LDA CSTAT›3240 AND #4 lost data?›3250 BEQ FAUSW9 br if not›3260 LDA #8 yes, indicate it›3270 BNE FAUSW5›3280 FAUSW9 LDA TRKERR impossible to verify track?›3290 BEQ FAUSW10 yes, only errors›3300 LDA #$10 error, but not fatal›3310 BNE FAUSW5›3320 FAUSW10 LDA #1 track verify FATAL ERROR›3330 FAUSW5 LDY #0›3340 STY FMERK+1 reset error mark›3350 STA SEEKERR indicate error code›3360 JSR TREAD try another read, look after address for error›3370 LDA SEEKERR mark for test error›3380 LDY #0›3390 ORA (KOMND),Y in command byte or›3400 STA (KOMND),Y›3410 LDA SEEKERR›3420 CMP #8 lost data error?›3430 BEQ FAUSW11 br if so›3440 LDY #7 change error code to binary›3450 CMP #$10 on $10 error 7, non fatal read error›3460 BEQ FAUSW12›3470 DEY ›3480 CMP #$80 on $80 error 6, write error›3490 BEQ FAUSW13›3500 DEY ›3510 CMP #$40 on $40 error 5, SEEK error›3520 BEQ FAUSW13›3530 DEY ›3540 CMP #$04 on $04 error 4, read error›3550 BEQ FAUSW13›3560 DEY ›3570 CMP #$02 on $02 error 3, CRC error›3580 BEQ FAUSW13›3590 DEY ›3600 FAUSW12 STY HZA4 otherwise, error 2›3610 LDY #1›3620 LDA ERRADR move error address›3630 STA (KOMND),Y to sector buffer›3640 LDY HZA4›3650 FAUSW13 LDA (KOMND),Y get byte, error number as offset›3660 CLC ›3670 ADC #1›3680 STA (KOMND),Y›3690 BPL FAUSW11›3700 BRK ›3710 FAUSW11 JSR WOSV write sector with verify›3720 BPL FAUSW7›3730 JMP TST2 error›3740 FAUSW7 JSR MWAHL other pattern›3750 LDY JUMPH›3760 RTS ›3770 *›3780 * write one sector with verify›3790 *›3800 WOSV LDA #$80›3810 STA ERROR assume error›3820 LDA #2›3830 STA COUNT try two times›3840 JSR WRITE2 write›3850 BIT ERROR error?›3860 BMI WOSV1 br if so›3870 LDA #$80 assume error, again›3880 STA ERROR›3890 LDA #2 try two times›3900 STA COUNT›3910 JSR VERIFY for verify›3920 BIT ERROR error?›3930 WOSV1 RTS ›3940 *›3950 * test if step to next track is done in a certain time›3960 * a step to the start of sector 1 is indicated›3970 * at the end, the number of sectors is read›3980 * and compared with a maximum in the test command›3990 *›4000 TSTPRT JSR WSONE go read sector 1›4010 BCS TSTPRT1 br if no sector 1›4020 INC TRACK step to next track›4030 JSR SEEK›4040 LDA #$C0 read address›4050 STA FCNTRL›4060 LDA #$D2 with timeout›4070 JSR TIMEOUT›4080 LDX #$7A from sector buffer address $7A›4090 TSTPRT2 BIT DRA›4100 BVC TSTPRT1 IRQ from controller?›4110 BPL TSTPRT2 DRQ?›4120 LDA DATREG yes, read data byte›4130 STA SEKBUF,X and store it›4140 INX six bytes›4150 BPL TSTPRT2›4160 LDA TIM64 reset timer›4170 LDA #1›4180 TSTPRT3 BIT FCNTRL›4190 BNE TSTPRT3 wait for controller ready›4200 LDA FCNTRL›4210 BNE TSTPRT1 error?›4220 LDA ASEK test if sector <= maximum›4230 CMP SEKTOR›4240 BEQ TSTPRT4 br if so›4250 BMI TSTPRT4›4260 TSTPRT1 SEC step takes too long›4270 RTS ›4280 *›4290 TSTPRT4 CLC no error›4300 RTS ›4310 *›4320 * test step rate for all tracks›4330 *›4340 TSTEPR JSR TSTPRT›4350 BCS TSTEPR1›4360 LDA TRACK already on track 39›4370 CMP #$27›4380 BNE TSTEPR no, continue›4390 CLC yes, no error›4400 TSTEPR1 RTS ›4410 *›4420 * verify all tracks (0 - 39)›4430 *›4440 TVER2 LDA #0›4450 STA TRACK from track 0›4460 LDA #$28 to track 39›4470 STA SBUF+2›4480 TVER21 JSR TRKVER›4490 INC TRACK›4500 DEC SBUF+2›4510 BNE TVER21›4520 RTS ›4530 *›4540 * verify all tracks (39 - 0)›4550 *›4560 TVER1 LDA #$27 read from 39›4570 STA TRACK down to 0›4580 TVER11 JSR TRKVER›4590 DEC TRACK›4600 BPL TVER11›4610 RTS ›4620 *›4630 * write to all tracks (0 - 39)›4640 *›4650 TWR1 LDA #0 from track 0›4660 STA TRACK›4670 LDA #$28 to 39›4680 STA SBUF+2›4690 TWR11 JSR TRKWRT write›4700 INC TRACK›4710 DEC SBUF+2›4720 BNE TWR11›4730 RTS ›4740 *›4750 * write to all tracks (39 - 0)›4760 *›4770 TWR2 LDA #$27 write from 39›4780 STA TRACK down to 0›4790 TWR21 JSR TRKWRT›4800 DEC TRACK›4810 BPL TWR21›4820 RTS ›4830 *›4840 * verify track›4850 *›4860 TRKVER JSR SEEK goto track›4870 LDA #0›4880 STA FMERK+2 mark verify track›4890 LDY #2 read from sector 3›4900 TRKVER1 LDA #0›4910 STA FMERK no error›4920 TRKVER2 LDA SKEWTB,Y›4930 BMI TRKVER3 end of table?›4940 INY ›4950 STA SEKREG read & verify sector›4960 JSR VERSEK›4970 BEQ TRKVER1›4980 LDA FCNTRL›4990 AND #$1C error?›5000 BNE TRKVER4 br if so›5010 LDA #6›5020 STA COUNT read 6 times›5030 TRKVER5 DEC COUNT›5040 BEQ TRKVER6›5050 JSR VERSEK read another time›5060 BEQ TRKVER5›5070 LDA FCNTRL›5080 AND #$1C mask error bits›5090 BNE TRKVER5›5100 LDA #$FF mark error, other than CRC, LOST DATA, RNF›5110 STA TRKERR›5120 JMP TRKVER4›5130 TRKVER6 LDA #0 no error, drive not ready etc.›5140 STA TRKERR›5150 TRKVER4 JSR FAUSW check error›5160 LDA FMERK+1 again?›5170 BEQ TRKVER1 no, continue›5180 DEY same sector again›5190 JMP TRKVER2›5200 TRKVER3 RTS ›5210 *›5220 * write track›5230 *›5240 TRKWRT JSR SEEK move head to track›5250 LDA #$FF›5260 STA FMERK+2 mark write track›5270 LDY #2 from sector 3›5280 TRKWRT1 LDA #0›5290 STA FMERK no error, now›5300 TRKWRT2 LDA SKEWTB,Y›5310 BMI TRKVER end of table?›5320 INY ›5330 STA SEKREG select sector and write›5340 JSR WRSEKTOR›5350 BEQ TRKWRT1 o.k.?›5360 JSR FAUSW check error›5370 LDA FMERK+1 again?›5380 BEQ TRKWRT1 repeat›5390 DEY continue›5400 JMP TRKWRT2›