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A+ Ap}/1A*/Z AP% A/ Ap20)39$ Ap  $ A0 A A}$ 4+ A Ap4@A4%A 4$A0 0-$ A}$ A"  $, @` A6 A$@0 (8,6-@-6.nonzero divisor0$J"} A0"6-"$T88,&%@ 6-@56.1-term divisor8$^&6-6@6-6-& A`}hA A`2A)3Z'6-@>6.variable after 'A$r(6-@:,&@d Ap( A| A$}<8,&@)8&@,&@)8&@,&@H6-@6.9a term whose value is a variable. See help topi}cs 10 & 11$' A06-8%@,$6-'$! : (8, !$6-6-&8,5 A0}6-@'6-%@5 A$1 6-8,6-%6-8,1"@A"6@A@(}A"!  + " A  - 6-6 "@$%@!$O#-%@&}@@28,!E >:8,%@d,O A ##  (ln >:@d&8,,) .8%@,&@. }^8%@,&   $0"@Ap:  -  AD - ANApX Ab}  + l!@Av A 6-@&6-R=6-I:,'@&@p9,;@},;@,;@y,;@,68,--@68,- 9- %Enter another question mark for h}elp.96-I 6-6- " B, A)`0: A`I4A@4?A"p 6-2A})3ZA# 6. A`#4=A6-&@6. AN -@#  ' }- ^D , expected N A04;A p4?A"P4<A!p4>A"v 0}6-@l6.O, digit, decimalpoint, semicolon, operator, question mark, variable or (v A   A }4A!0 m6-@:,&@d6-8,m8,"@*8&@,"*8&@,"@*8&@,"@A!P}* 68,-(A! 4x6-8,%@6-&,-%@:6-%@F68,-8,J a-@8,j}8,!x68,-8,&>   6-H 6-R A`4A@\ APf(A!0p68,- A!}z' 6-(8,6-' A"t'8,&@)8&@, 36-@j6.0nonnegative roundoff dis}tance. See help topic 4t A 6-8&@,<2 Changed roundoff distance from  to < A p' 6-}(8,6-' A"@U8,&@6-@K6.&numeric maximum degreeSee help topic 9U A 6-8&}@,9/ Changed maximum degree from  to 9 A pn<8,&@)8&@, @)8&@,!@}H6-@d6.existing topic numbern A x >:A%,x8&@,A#0A$A$`A%A& A&}@A&`A'A'`A( A(K' >:A%,Help is available on* K 1: Expressions 7: QuotingP* }"2: Accuracy 8: Re-evaluationP !3: Rounding 9: Power SeriesI' 4: Assignments 10: DerivativeI 5: Non-}display 11: IntegralC 6: Compound Lines C "Enter a topic number followed by a V& question mark to see the hel}p.) S %Study topics in order the first time.V  6, $See POLYCALC manual for more detail.6 A@ QQ IAfter each qu}estion-mark prompt, enteran expression using digits, decimal$ Q(  points, parentheses and 1-letterQ $variables together w}ith operators +,. K' -, /, * and ^. The latter meansK raising to a power. *, meaning8 L& multiply, can be omitted. }EachL !equivalent expanded expression isB SS Kdisplayed if it and each subexpressionin the input can be represented as an}L e* "expanded polynomial generalized toe 6allow negative and fractional powers. As examples, tryV ;  (X+Y)^2"  (}4A^6/B)^.51  1.5 * 10^2; A)P` SS KPOLYCALC uses approximate arithmetic, so numbers in results may be inexact,j N) }!preventing collection or completeN  cancellation of similar terms ort S* "factors. Accuracy is often best ifS $problem}s are re-phrased using small-~ i% magnitude integers as much asI possible. For examples that mayi exhibit these symp}toms, try H  X^10 + X^(10/3 *3)/  10X - 10X/3*3E Y^(10/3*3) / Y^10H  X' where display rounding may makeN "}different numbers appear the same.X A)P PP HAll numbers having magnitude less thanabout 10^-99 are replaced by zero.} QQ IMoreover, all derived coefficients andexponents that are within a certain RR Jdistance of an integer are replaced b}ythat integer. No single distance can W+ #be appropriate for all problems, soW &the distance is initially 0. To change} U* "it, enter '<' after a non-negativeU &value. For example, enter the sequence P 10^-4 <% X^10 + X^(10/3*3)7 } 10X - 10X/3*3M Y^(10/3*3) / Y^10P  T+ #Note the difference from when usingJ the default distance of 0.T A)P} S* "Any numeric coeficient or exponentS $with magnitude exceeding about 10^98 NN Fcauses control to revert to BASIC, a}s indicated by a message beginning R, $'ERROR- 11 AT LINE'. Enter GOTO 2 toR !resume prompting by POLYCALC. The OO Gm}agnitude limitation is least likely to be encountered if problems are OO Grephrased with magnitudes that are notextreme r}elative to 1, as much as j. &possible. For example, compare entriesM (9000000 X + 9000000) ^ 14` (9 X + 9) ^ 14j A})P _ An entry of the form ;  variable = expression> _ causes the resulting value o( K(  expression to be }ASSIGNED to theK variable for use in subsequent2 P. &expresions. For example, try entering <  P=(T+1)^2F P^2+PP A})P< PP HFollow an assignment with a semicolon to suppress display of an assignedF @ value. For example enter# . }P=S+1;6 P^3@ A)PP R* "Several assignments can precede anR #assignment or expresion in a singleZ _' entry, sepa}rated by semicolons.< For example, try? U P=R+1; Q=L+P; Q^2_ A)Pd S+ #To prevent a name from contributingS #i}ts value to an expression, preceden UU Lthe name by a single-quote apostrophe.This provides a means of resetting thex OO }Gvalue of a variable to its own name, which saves space and enables the TQ Ivariable to be 'cleared' to its name. For ex}ample, try entering the linesT  *  P=L+5; P^2  P='P; P^2* A)P < If we enter the line 9 H='H; p=H+1; H=}2; P^2<  RR Jthen H becomes 2 after P becomes H+1, so the displayed result is H^2+2H+1 MM Erather than 9. However, we} can use the'postfix' operator named '@' as WT Lfollows to re-evaluate P^2 so that H therein is updated to its new value }2:W  X H='H; P=H+1; H=2; P^2 @" N &@ has the same precedence as addition.X A)P OO GIf a term contains a var}iable raised to a power that exceeds a certain PP Hthreshold, then the term is replaced by 0. This threshold is initial}ly Q) !10^98, but to change it enter '>'Q #after a number. This permits you to S) !obtain the low-degree terms of an}S %expansion that would otherwise exceed UR Jmemory capacity or the magnitude limitor your patience. As an example, tryU}  % 3>  (1+9000X)^25% A)P SS KThis topic and the next are only for those who are familiar with calculus. M}M ETo differentiate an expression with respect to a variable, enter an @ expression of the form! =  expression %} variable@ " R(  % is named to suggest a ratio ofR %infinitesimals, and this operator has, ]E =the same precedence and} left-to-right evaluation as addition.Z As examples, try] 6 D# X='X; A='A; AX^3 + X^.5 % X: X^2Y^3 + 7 % X % YD A})P@ UU LTo determine an antiderivative of an expression with respect to a variable,J E& enter an expresion of the f}orm) E  expression $ variableT U , !$ is named to suggest an integralU $sign, and this operator has the same^ L$ }precedence and left-to-rightL #evaluation as addition. No symbolich SS Kintegration constant is introduced. Any resul}ting log terms are announcedr QQ Ibut discarded because they do not fit the internal generalized polynomial| T' represen}tation. As examples try* B 3AX^2 - .5X^-.5 $ XT  (A+1/X)^2 $ X k a VAfter entering several such examples, enter a }question mark to display the help menu.k A@ '6-@$6.easier problem'$ D2:POLYCALCmEiͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh` }L"CLACYLOP:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh` APX-20127POLYCALCTHE SOFT WAREHOUSE06/18/8285 NAMING PROCESS COMPLETEDD2:TITLE! INPUT MASTER DISK TO N2?B'DOS SYSB*+DUP SYSBzUPOLYCALC BAUTORUN SYSBDISKNAMEDAT