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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL)}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e*}1i1232435ޥ<<8c} 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.0SCOPYRIGHT 1980 ATARIA. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. D,}UPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK F-}ILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. 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Remember the 3"x3X}" plastic picture made up of a grid of little panels that you had to slide around? (To "return them to normalcy", but they weY}re insane, right?) With PUZZLER, your TV is the little plastic toy, and you will forget all about normalcy. PUZZLER WAS DESZ}IGNED FOR YOU TO EXPERIMENT WITH EVERYTHING! WITH PUZZLER, INSANITY RULES!And now, all the details:EASY LOADING INSTRUCT[}IONS1. Turn on your Atari-compatible disk drive and monitor.2. Put side 1 of the PUZZLER disk in the disk drive. 3. \} Turn on your computer. PUZZLER will disable BASIC automatically for those of you who have the modern XL and XE computer]}s.4. Press from the title screen, and you will enter the world of PUZZLER.PART I: GTIA MODEThe first i^}mage you see will be a picture of a famous musician. The first puzzle is to guess who it is (hehe). Press START once. Th_}e image is in 4x4 mode and will split up into 16 parts and scramble 128 times. The clock will start now. Each time you pres`}s START, it'll scramble 128 more times. Hold down the START key for a few seconds and you'll get the hang of it. Press the "a}P" key to toggle the clock off and on. While you're in Pause Mode, the sound will turn off. Press OPTION. The picture willb} return to normal instantly (it'll reassure you). Press OPTION again. The square in the upper left-hand corner will cycle tc}hrough its three modes (4x4-easy, 8x8-hard, and 10x10-insane).Press SELECT. You'll switch from graphics mode 9 (1 color, 1d}6 luminances) to mode 10 (9 colors of varying luminances). Press SELECT again and you'll switch to mode 11 (16 color in one e}luminance).The SELECT key is only active while you are in GTIA mode. Since all of the other pictures on this disk are in Mf}icropainter or Microillustrator format (ANTIC mode E, graphics 15), you won't be using this key much. The following numeric g}keys control color cycling in the various modes. Just hold them down to cycle through all 128 variations:mode 9 - numberh} 8 keymode 10 - keys 0 through 8mode 11 - number 8 keyPART II: MICROSCREEN MODEThe "M" key will toggle you from Gi}TIA mode into ANTIC mode E (medium-high resolution, 4-color mode). The GTIA image will become striped when you hit M and disj}play it in mode E. Mode E is what makes PUZZLER compatible with any picture created by Micropainter, Microillustrator, Atarik} Artist and other common picture file formats. There are seventeen pictures on the PUZZLER disk. Some were created with Mil}croillustrator and are compressed. These have .PIC extenders. Others were created with Micropainter. If there is no .PIC em}xtender, PUZZLER will assume the file is a 62-sector uncompressed picture file. If there is a .PIC extender, PUZZLER will unn}-compress it automatically.Press the "L" key to Load a picture from a disk. You'll see a prompt that looks like this: o} Picture FileSpec? D1:DIRECTORYIf you press , you'll get a directory of the disk. The following is a list of pictup}re files on the disk:OPUS .PICMERMAID.PICFOG .PICLOCKUP .PICSMOKEY .PICCOVER .PICFAYE .PICHULK .PICHELP q} .PICGHOST .PICGRIFFIN.PICBOAT .PICGIRL .PICSNOWMAN.PICDINO .PICHORNET .MICCOBRA .MICAll of the above pictur}res are in .PIC (compressed) format except for HORNET.MIC and COBRA.MIC (these are standard 62 sector format).Press again to get back to the input prompt. Type D:GHOST.PIC (you can use * wildcards only BEFORE the extender -- legal examplet}: D:GH*.PIC; illegal example: D:GH*.*). You don't need to type spaces over any letters of the word DIRECTORY that are left u}after the extender. PUZZLER will ignore them for you.(note: PUZZLER is well error-trapped. If your file is not a compativ}ble picture file, or if you haven't typed in the filename.extender correctly, you'll get a clear error message. However, youw} may try to load a file that PUZZLER cannot recognize. It will try to display the picture (give it some time), but if you wax}nt to abort the loading process, hold down the BREAK key until loading is aborted.)Press after typing the filenamey} and a familiar logo will load. The START and OPTION keys function as previously described. The following keys control coloz}r cycling through the four playfields:playfield #1 - number 4 keyplayfield #2 - number 5 keyplayfield #3 - number 6 key{}playfield #4 - number 8 keyPART III: PUTTING IT BACK TOGETHEROnce the clock has started (tick, tick, tick) the object |}of PUZZLER is to put the picture back together again. (It is rumoured that Russian scientists have been experimenting with u}}sing this type of activity to enhance right-brain function.) Use the joystick to move frames through the square window. Pus~}hing the joystick down will move the frame above it into the window. Likewise, pushing it to the right will move the frame t}o the left of it into the window (and visa versa). You'll get used to its logic after a minute or two. The computer will buz}z at you if you try an illegal move, and the screen will turn red for a moment.PART IV: APPENDIXYou're now familiar with} all of PUZZLER's commands. Draw some of your own pictures with a compatible graphics program. Try loading a GTIA picture d}rawn with the GTIA paint program in Antic's August, 1983 Graphics issue. If you don't have one of the commercial Micopainter}-like utilities, we recommend an inexpensive one called PD MICROPAINT ARTIST ($10) in the Creativity section of the Antic Arc}ade Public Domain Library. It is an EXACT machine language duplicate of the real thing, with a few extra features thrown in.}And above all... EXPERIMENT!!!copyright 1985 Patrick Bass and Antic Publishing, Inc.WARNING: T}he programs contained on this disk are protected by International Copyright laws. Duplication of these programs for other th}an personal use is strictly forbidden and a violation of copyright laws. This disk is not copy-protected because we respect }your rights to back it up. We thank you for your support -- we still have jobs because of it.protected because we respect `$7 (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIHiDiELV`L=$ } =$ BLV`$L$$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` $EӅӥ } $`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` $ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ % %L$ $'&&&8儨児 }祂*L$&&*ń8&&L$ [%`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3` }L$JJJJ`H $h`Hȩh r$L% {$L% %$L% -$L% 3$H8 }`HhHh _&L% BHI V䅠L% L& =$L%Ԇ ؠPIPP` } &P -$L% &L& &L& 'L&H- &8塪墨hL' 'L& &'L& &ȹP` }텠8堨塪 &芨Oȩ-`PP &P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H }& &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ &&*i0:0i &Ʀ`¢ 护 }°ڱ%ȱ%E &L`(担CS R&L`(I 'L`(H (L`( &L`( &B V %NLMȑ }` MLN%B VL%S:)E:)H L& ) ) & L&h)0I))L&[\ZUVT` @))) }` G)L& :)L& @)L&) ` G)L& &%` 0d $ҥ `2)2 }ҩ`҅`0)9*`@0)ӈJJJJ)`Ѕ`ȱ`` 5*ȥ`Hh }ƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ *`ȱѢĦ`膡` }`ťƤe8夰L* Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L*O $AD }:+ ]+DOT+x+ IF HEAD2(I)#32 THEN]+&+ SCOPYS(HEAD3,HEAD2,I,HEAD2(0))x++ SCOPY(HEAD2,HEAD3)+ + EXIT+ + FI }+ +OD+ +RETURN+++++++*#,#PROC DLSETUP(); custom Day List+ 0,BYTE I#,B, GRAPHICS(0)0,V, DL }IST=SDLST B,m,DLIST(3)=64+7 ;2V,,DLIST(6)=7 ;2m,, DLIST(10)=6,,DLIST(11)=6 ;1 ,,FOR I=14 TO 17 , },DO,,DLIST(I)=6 , ,OD, ,R(N,-, --!-BYTE FUNC TITL(--N-&BYTE I,X,CRSINH=752,COL2=710, }C(709,!-'u- COL0=708,COL3=711,COLLr-n-n-M+` L-j %*8J+K+K+J+ &%J+K+ L&L- D:FONT.SET }- &}-|-|-}-L(. &~-L. 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L&, &M+`RL }0, z&- z&0,00ͮ0L1O0,I L1,0,-F *-F, *L10L00-+1+1ͮ0Lf1 }0-I L`1-0--F *-F- *Lf10L 1`Lk1 )1,0,,i,iG,i,i,i },i,i ,ig1g1L1,mg1,ig1L1`LIL1 h1K+J+ }[% 5*L=22< R& :)L^2 APX CLASSICS2P R& :)Lv2from2q R& :)L2ANTIC2 R& :)L2  }2 R& :)L2 2 R&  :), R& :)- R& :)L83  }3 R& :)Ln3"Press for Screen, for Printer3K R& L&L3K:3} &@ }&11IP 1ISL3 L&1`3 L333333 :)L4à3 R& L&L4K: }4 & &33ILC4 L&3`33 :)Lm4 4Q R& L&`4 L4 Ȣ, N*P }+,P+L+L4+P F&`~48L+44~4L[5E8L+~444P+44I LU54L+55́4L5P4m4P+4 },4L484P+8L+4,+P F&,+P *P+i44`~4L4+P F&`Y=1Lo5i5i5j5L+55j5L5v & }k5k5IL5L5k5j5P+j5L~58j5P+`G=1 L555 055IL55`55 l5 45O+N+ILI68O+LI65 } ͻ5L#6 &5L6O+ 355ILI6 L&5`TLx6 35} &5ILx6 L&5`L5 L&`ET }L6 :)L6ҠӠԠ΢6 ?& 3.`EN CL6$6$6q-$p-$ - 06 06O+ 16 &6IP }LT7N+PL+M+ L&L&7P:7# &dM+LQ7 & 6L7L7N+$L+ L&Li7E:7f & & }6 566IL7 36L7L76IL7L7L76 ͽ6L7L7L7L7L6L66$6$``6DiELV`L=$ e888888ffffff~~`~~fl0fF>6xo~{>>888>|||f<}c6>8pp8?}w><~~~<||`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<~~f~``~~f~~~``~~~f~~f~`~~~~f~~``~~ff8888<>>``f||f88<<w}wk~~fff~~ff~~~f~``~~f~~~```~`~~~~fff~~ff~<ckwf~<~fff~~~~~0~<~~<}~x|ngTTTTTTfff~~`~~fl0fF>6xo~{>>888>|||f<