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"-+( 1-?( Z: -('-*( } 0-:(%d2 *"-2( trigger n8 F:,"2%$"-& 0286- }%x "6-= "-(!-=( = "-(!-=( } Ġ < F:,"2$ -$ .266-%< R:, 6-+ "-+ }( H "6-6-@!6-'6--6-36-9-H( 6 "6-6-6- }!6-'-6( 4 "6-6-6-!6-'-4(5 "6-6-6-!6-'-5( } 6 "6-6-6-!6-'-6( < "6-6-6-!6-'-6( <6-. } "*"-.( trigger TO DESIGN L "-*( YOUR OWN GAMEBOARD0-L( #  }"*"-#( & - T:,"*"& @ F:,"2-" *6-%4 A&P:" }@6- "- ( 堠& "-&( Š" 6-%6-," *"-"( } PRESS 6$T:,"*" A0$ ;!"*"*" A$P!6-@ APE " A% J@6-%%P:H: },$+&,,)-'%268,-6 @6-'%T- 6-%$6-%+&,$$8,-6-8,^468,--&$,% }%0/%%&4 h6 R:,"2-" ,226 r  |8 R:,"2-" ,2 }46-&8  T:,"A R:," AP$ R:,"6-&$ A`" F:," }6-" AP  A@ 6-%!%6-  6-% A0NEXT COLOR "6-' } "'&6-&1,%+&,'%+&,1/%%+&,'%+&,5 2- #2+6-%5 A 1 },%+&,'%+&,1/%%+&,'%+&,"-'%8,"" A; -'%-&!;,%%%+$, }%%+&,$,!/%%%+$,&%+,%+&,$% ) ,$&1+ !0)01000 -( mas }termatch"6-(6-06-%5 6-:K -(level-7(columns rows colors=-K(across? - }('V'-DE -( down in use"-/(SEVEN5-E(OPTION =N2 -('-$( *- }2(P@ F:,"2-" *6-%4 A&P:"@6-R "- ( voice onSF:,"*F:," }&T& "-&( ŠX5 -5($use joystick to choose gameboardbI "-'( to } begin--I(SELECT for main menul v8 F:,"2%$"-& 0286-% F:," }  "6-= "-(play!-=( against computer = "-(!-=( }ԠĠ 2R:,"*"2&$&-* 26-%2R:,"*"2&$&-* 26-&2R:," }*"2&$&-* 26-%2R:,"*"2&$&-* 26-&2R:,"*"2&$&- }* 26-%2R:,"*"2&$&-* 26-&* R:,"2-" *6-%* R:,"2 }-" *6-&@6- 6- @!6- 6-  6-* 6- }4 6-> 6-H! 26-&!6-\, -$&( &6-&,6-f "-( } k "-(p 6-%"6-z T:,"$ R:, Ap` 6*6. } YOH2R2 GEH2TTIX3NX2-KKLOW3SSER6.36-?:,6$ i]6.STUW DIXIXZAY4NN YOH4R OW4N GEY5MBOH4RDD4,PLIY5Z PREH4SS DHAXAX JOYSTIH }6K TRIH3GGER6f6-?:,i$ UB6.8BAY4 GAAL4IY, AY THIH4NXK YOH4R GOW4IXNX TUW GEH4T IH4T.K6-?:,U AX j^6.TPLIY2 !}Z,TER4N YOH4R /HEH4D, WHAY4L THIY4 AH4DHER7 PLEY7ER SEHLEH7TS-THAH/H6 KAH4LERS8g6-?:,j$( eY6.OMEYBIY YUW BEH4TER GOW4 "}BAE4K6, AE4ND TRAY4 SAH4M AH4V THOWS AH4DHER3 KAH4LERS.b6-?:,e$Z / 2"#6. GUH8DBAY.,6-?:,/$_ 3 "' #}6./HEH6LOW3.-AY4M BAE4K3.06-?:,3$ md6.ZTUW RIX4STAA4RT., PLIY5Z PREH4S STAA4RT, OH4R DHAXAX JOYSTIH6K TRIH3GER6., $} THAE4NXK YUW4.m6-?:, $O2@D-'-7,@$%G/@ $%K O 7,@ %}/@+2@@1,7/[2@6-',@"3/@$7 ?-K,@"W/@$ &}[ K,@"/@"',@$3/@$?,@#K/@$[2@2-',@&3/@( '}7 ?-K,@&W/@'[ ? -,@&#/@(' 3,@&?/@&c2@( (}-#-3,@0$%C/@2$%G K W,@0c/@0,@2/@2W2@$ )}-#-3,@4$%C/@6$%G K W,@43/@4,@6'/@6/-3  *}W2@(-#-3,@B$%C/@D$%G K W,@B'/@B,@D'/@D +}[2@2-',@F3/@H7 C,@GO/@GW-[ W2@6-#- ,}3,@P$%C/@R$%G K W,@P'/@P,@R'/@R[2@@-',@T -}3/@V7 ?-K,@TW/@V[ K,@T/@T',@V3/@V?,@UK/@ .}V^2@D-',@X3/@`7 C,@YO/@YW-[ ^$xC+  /}@R+A7AC@1+ 6--@6-%%!+6-Ax`Ax@AxP @ 0}B Axp Ap Axp A8 Axp ,,2$% Ay ,,% 1} ! -!(CONGRATULATIONS! -( PLEASE ENTER -( u a -( 6- 2}@-"9 6-F:,F:,F:,'F:,-5-9 $82F:, 2*Ad8 3}K:%*AA#-*)) -%(>:,*67,.>:, 6++ @X+ 4}@X@M (}->(1323 POS. Q9,Q3:? #Q6;>:@4,:D-M(CONT" -AB&"AB 5}$D:MASTERMA.TCHYQRQQQQQQQQ1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q2Q2Q3Q4Q6Q6Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q25Q25Q30Q30 0,173,0,210,101,20,141,22,208,141,10,212,136,208,242,202,208,237,10456,233,1,208,228,96 D:B i115 MASTERMATCH By Chu8}ck Mullally July, 1983 Revised Sept. 19839} MASTERMATCH INTRODUCTION: Overview MASTERMATCH is an exercise in logical thoug:}ht and concentration. The object of the game is to correctly match a pattern of colors by making logical choices based on clu;}es provided by the computer. MASTERMATCH is joystick controlled and may be played on several difficulty levels to challenge <}players of all ages and abilities. The game may be played by one person against the computer, or two people may play -- one =}selecting the hidden color pattern with the other attempting to match it. You even have the option of designing your own gam>}eboard layout in any of more than 2800 variations. MASTERMATCH includes a voice synthesizer module which will allow your ATA?}RI computer to speak. Required Accessories ATARI BASIC Language Cartridge One JO@}YSTICK Controller Color TV GTIA Chip in your ATARI (1982 or newer Computer) A} CASSETTE VERSION k RAM ATARI 410 Program Recorder B} DISKETTE VERSION 32k RAM ATARI 810 Disk DriveGETTING STARTED: C} Loading MASTERMATCH into Computer Memory 1. Insert BASIC cartridge in the cartridge slot of your computer console. D} 2. Plug one Joystick Controller in Port #1. 3. If you have the cassette version of MASTERMATCH: a. Have your E}computer turned off. b. Insert the MASTERMATCH cassette into the program recorder's cassette holder and press REWIND F}on the recorder until the tape rewinds completely. Then press PLAY to prepare the program recorder for loading the program.G} c. Turn on the computer while holding down the START key. d. Turn on your TV set. e. When you hear a H}beep, release the START key and press the RETURN key. The program will load into computer memory and start automatically. I} If you have the diskette version of MASTERMATCH: a. Have your computer turned off. b. Turn on your diJ}sk drive. c. When the busy light goes out, open the disk drive door and insert the MASTERMATCH diskette with the labeK}l in the lower right-hand corner nearest you. d. Turn on your computer and your TV set. The program will load into cL}omputer memory and start automatically. MASTERMATCH'S VOICE SYNTHESIZER MASTERMATCH includes a software M}voice synthesizer module which gives any ATARI computer the ability to speak. The computer will explain some of the procedurN}es of the game and offer suggestions and comments about the progress you are making toward the goal of matching the hidden coO}lor pattern. The voice may be switched off while the game is in progress or while you are viewing the FIRST DISPLAY SCREEN oP}r the GAMEBOARD SELECTION SCREEN by touching the 'V' key. The voice may be turned back on by touching the 'V' key again.Q} FIRST DISPLAY SCREEN When the First Display Screen appears, you may review the gameboard parametersR}, select other gameboard layouts, choose between options of playing against the computer or another person, or start the gameS}. 1. SELECT -- Press SELECT to choose any one of the seven levels of game difficulty. Level one is the easiest; level T}six is the most challenging. On level seven, you can choose all gameboard parameters yourself. The gameboard layout is defiU}ned by the number of columns of rectangles across, the number of rows of rectangles down, and the number of colors available V}for use. These values are displayed on the screen for each of the levels. GAMEBOARD SELECTION CHART W} LEVEL COLUMNS ROWS COLORS ACROSS DOWN IN USE ONE 4 9 X} 7 TWO 4 7 6 THREE 5 13 8 FOUR 5 11 Y} 8 FIVE 6 13 9 SIX 7 14 9 SEVEN CHOOSE YOURZ} OWN LAYOUT 2. OPTION -- Press OPTION to select your opponent. The computer will randomly select the hidden color p[}attern or a second player may make that selection. 3. Joystick BUTTON -- Push the joystick BUTTON (trigger) to start th\}e game on any of the six play levels. On level seven, pushing the BUTTON moves you to the Gameboard Selection Screen. ]}4. SCORING -- The score attained during the previous game is displayed at the upper center of the screen. The highest score ^}is displayed at the upper left and the name of the person holding the high score is displayed at the upper right. Game score_}s are determined by the selected number of columns, number of colors, the number of rows down, and the number of levels requi`}red to match the hidden color pattern. You must correctly match the hidden color pattern to receive a score. The highest sca}ores are obtained by selecting the more difficult game levels. You are not being timed, so concentrate on the clues. b} GAMEBOARD SELECTION SCREEN If you choose level SEVEN and push the Joystick BUTTON, the Gameboard Selectic}on Screen will allow you to make the following choices: 1. COLUMNS ACROSS -- The flashing number below the COLUMNS ACRd}OSS heading indicates the number of colored rectangles to be correctly matched. Move the Joystick up to increase the number oe}f columns, down to decrease the number. Any number between one and nine may be selected. Choosing higher numbers of columnsf} will increase the highest possible score. When the Joystick is moved to the right, the ROWS DOWN number will flash. 2g}. ROWS DOWN -- The flashing number below the ROWS DOWN heading indicates the number of rows of choices available to you. Eacq}`b'DOS SYSbk+AUTORUN SYSb8UB biASSUBMITTEDbW7DASINSTR blMASTERMA BmMASTERMATCHSCORE SCORE2 SCORE3 h additional level gives you one more opportunity to match the hidden color pattern. Move the Joystick up or down to increasr}e or decrease the number of rows. You may choose any number from 1 to 20. Choosing fewer rows will increase the highest poss}sible score. Move the stick to the right to move the flashing indicator to the COLORS IN USE heading. 3. COLORS IN USEt} -- The flashing number below the COLORS IN USE heading indicates the number of colors available for use in the hidden color u}pattern. Move the stick up or down to increase or decrease the number of colors in use. You may choose any number from 2 tov} 9. Higher numbers of colors allow a higher maximum score. 4. OPTION -- Press OPTION to change your opponent. The comw}puter will randomly select the hidden color pattern or a second player may make the selection. 5. SELECT -- Press SELECx}T to return to the First Display Screen where you may choose any of the seven game levels. 6. Joystick BUTTON -- Push ty}he Joystick BUTTON to start the game with the gameboard layout as defined by the numbers below the three headings and the oppz}onent option statement.USING MASTERMATCH: GAMEBOARD SCREEN The computer draws the gameboard{} according to the parameters you chose. Two sets of rectangles will be drawn. The rectangles on the left side are yours to |}color any of the available colors. The rectangles on the right are used by the computer to provide clues about the progress }}you are making toward duplicating the color pattern hidden behind the last row of rectangles on the right side of the screen.~} If you choose the option of playing against another person, a colored rectangle with a flashing indicator will appear }in the first spot of the last row on the right side of the screen. When the Joystick is moved up or down, the color of that }rectangle will change. Move the Joystick left or right to move the flashing indicator to the next rectangle which may then b}e colored any of the available colors. You may move the stick in the opposite direction to move the flashing indicator back }to the previous rectangle which may then be changed to another color if desired. When the color selection is complete, push }the Joystick BUTTON to conceal the color selection and start the game. The first rectangle of the top level on the left} side of the screen will be colored one of the available colors and display a flashing indicator at its lower edge. When the} Joystick is moved up or down, the color of the indicated rectangle will change. If you go past the color you wish to use, j}ust move the stick in the opposite direction to return to that color. Move the stick left or right to get to the next rectan}gle or to go back to a previous one. When you are satisfied with your color choices for the entire row, push the Joystick BU}TTON for computer checking of your color selections. The computer compares your chosen colors against the hidden color }a}tern and gives you clues which will help you make color choices for the next level. If the computer sees a perfect match }of a correct color in the correct position, it will draw a black marker on the right side of the screen. If it identifies a }correct color match but wrong position, it will draw a white marker. It is important to remember that the position of the bl}ack or white markers give no indication of the position of the match. After the computer completes the color comparison}s, and the clues, if any, are drawn, the first rectangle of the next row is colored one of the available colors. The color s}election process then begins for that row. The hidden color pattern is revealed when you correctly duplicate it (gettin}g black marker clues for every position). The color pattern will also be revealed after you have completed the last row, eve}n if you are unable to make a complete match. The game may be restarted after the hidden colors are revealed by pressin}g START or the Joystick BUTTON. A game in progress may be restarted at any time by pressing START. In either case you may r}eplay the game level you were on, or select any of the other levels for the next game. If you have successfully matched the }hidden color pattern and attained or exceeded the previous high score, you may enter your name as the top player after pressi}ng START. By using the ATARI logo key and the CAPS LOWR key,you may enter your name in any of four colors. Eight characters} must be entered, touching the SPACE BAR enters blank spaces. Your score will be displayed when you return to the FIRST DISP}LAY SCREEN. MASTERMATCH By Chu BC#55TGXRQQYQRQQQQQQQQ1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q1Q2Q2Q3Q4Q6Q6Q6Q7Q8Q9Q10Q11Q25Q25Q30Q30}Q42Q70Q70Q70Q70Q70Q70Q71Q71Q71Q75Q77Q1Q2Q27Q72SQ76CSAMFMMCOLOPMINMAXLVRESSSACC}FAZXSCORMAXSCORNAMESMDQ1RESETREQ0Q2RTQ56ABABNCNSMM@@@@@}@@@@$ @ @ @ @@@@ @@@@}@@@@@"@%@0@@@`@d@f @w!"@#A}$A%AP&AU'A(A)A *A+A,A-A.A/A 0A1A2A3AR}4B7t5@6@ 7B2y8A 9A:AdA;: < A=p>@?@@@ABC}@D@ E@F@G@HAI@J@KL@M@N@O@P@Q@R}S@TUVWX@Y@ZA[@\A]^@ _`ab}cdB e@ f@g@Ah@i@jkA#lmn@!o12pqA`}rstB $uB$4v@wxy2z{BJJcopyright 1983 Charles Mullally, July 198}3, V. 1.33 9*20 lev.+scoresY;@P,Y67@<@I,.1} TR U N   JLW 6-C}:,6-P:'AV,-6-&$AV9@E@WAB@ @ ,,%+&,'&%)/%%+&,'}&%,$ 6-6-@'6-@36-@?6-@K6-@W6-@c6-@o6-@{6}-@ 6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@6-@ 6-@"6-}@%'6-@036-@@?6-@`K6-@dW6-@fc6-@wo6-@{6-A6-A6-AP}6-AU 6-A6-A'6-A 36-A?6-AK6-AW6-Ac6-Ao6-A }{6-A6-A6-A 6-AR6-B7t'6-@36-@ ?6-B2yK6-A W6-@c6}-@!io6-{6-A6-Ad6-A`c* "$;,9,9,;,;,*6-d9 "!;A,;}@%,*6-C:,36-C:,96-eWW67@<@`,.<ȅߩޥTUVW (h0hh1hh*hhfWW6}7@a<A ,.<#hhhhhh L &gWW67A!<A,.<eXإ}Y٥e؅إeم٢W JeFfhWW67A<A@,.<Fe؅ؐ٥؅مߕ ڤ}ԢiWW67AA<A,.<ɀ)ꪅ` @ eע &ejWW67A<A`,.<eׅ}נE&ڤkMM67Aa<A,.2eؐ`iإ}`m n!!8,52,26,180,40,116,228,14,0o !6-p  6-q  6-r  6-s  6-t } 6-@$u  6-v  6-w !6-6-x6# +-#",68,-0 6}} 6-6-6-6-B -%8, 06-@6&$'B6-A&$'Q*6-?: 6-H! 26-&!6-\, -$&}( &6-&,6-f "-( k "-(p 6-%"6-z T:,"}$ R:, Ap` 6*6. 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