@L|}6CD l0C)HCC WhL/h `CmCDiD`  R@P1  Y0@R !L` D  C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p 0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD` DRAGON QUEST Dragon Quest or A Twist In The Tail by Ed Churnside.OVERVIEW. } Have you ever fallen down a well, been shot by an arrow, turned into a toad, and broiled by an angry }dragon - all on the same day?That's what happens when you're the chief character in DRAGON QUEST, a graphic adventure that }transports you to a once-happy kingdom nestled in a pleasant wooded valley. There an enormous fire-breathing dragon has settl}ed, attacking people and carrying them off. The peasants live in terror, the princess has vanished, and the king is offering }a large reward!Many perils await the adventurer who attempts this quest. The path is long and hard, sudden death the only r }eward for the unwary. At the end of the road is the final, inevitable confrontation between good and evil. Can you end the dr }agon's threat and free the land from oppression? Find out! Play Dragon quest and reap the rewards only a rich colorful advent }ure can offer. This game has been carefully designed and tested to give many hours of fun. Good luck and good hunting!REQUI }RED ACCESSORIES.ATARI 400, 800, 600XL, 800XL or 1200XL.48K RAM.ATARI 810 or 1050 Disk Drive (or compatible).ATARI BASIC }Language Cartridge (400 and 800 only).Color TV or Monitor.LOADING DRAGON QUEST. 1. Turn on your disk drive. 2. In}sert the BASIC cartridge (on 400/800 models only) 3. Turn on your computer.The game will access the disk constant}ly as you play. If you would like more detailed instructions read APPENDIX I.HOW TO PLAY.A graphic adventure is a compute}rized picture book in which you are the central character. Using instructions of one or two words, you move from place to pla}ce, examining the objects you find there. You may find and take useful items you will need later, or be given objects or advi}ce by the people you meet.Each location within the game contains both a picture and text. You may discover clues in either }or both. Each new encounter poses a puzzle for you to solve and each solution brings you closer to completion of the game. Th}ere are many ways to complete the game, but only one correct solution.Use the keyboard to type your instructions. Then pres}s the RETURN key. Use standard English words, and be sure they're correctly spelled. Each command consists of a verb and a no}un. Type the verb first, then the noun. Commands look like this: GET LAMP, DROP POTATO, LOOK SEA, TALK MAN. If you make a typ}o entering the command, you may use all of the normal ATARI editing features to correct it, before you press RETURN.To save} time you may use a shortcut. Since the computer only looks at the first three letters of each word, you can shorten the word}s in your command to three letters each. For example, LOOK DRAGON can be typed as LOO DRA, and the command TAKE COIN may be s}hortened to TAK COI.There are ten one-word commands: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP, DOWN, LOOK, INVENTORY, HELP and QUIT. Ea}ch of these can also be entered by using only it's first letter (N, S, E, W, U, D, L, I, H and Q), but only when used alone. }For example, if you want to travel north, you can type N, or NOR or NORTH, or GO NORTH, or LOOK NORTH, or GO NOR, or LOO NOR,} but GO N, or L N, or L NORTH do not work. Always type RETURN after any command, regardless of it's length.Use the INVENTOR}Y (I) command to see a list of the objects in your possession. Use the HELP command to get an abbreviated version of these in }structions. Use the QUIT command to restart game from beginning.To have a closer look at something, you can type LOOK (or L!}OO) and the object's name, but it's faster just to type the object's name. For example, to examine a wall, you could type WAL"}L (WAL) or LOOK WALL (LOO WAL).The game has a large vocabulary, but it may not recognize every word you type. When this hap#}pens, try thinking of another way to say your command. Instead of GO SWIMMING try SWIM STREAM. When the computer receives a c$}ommand it can't read, or understand, or perform, it will tell you so. Check your spelling and try again.Occasionally you ma%}y be surprised by a response you didn't expect, including the news that your last command has caused your doom. In the world &}of DRAGON QUEST, you may be offered a new life and the chance to try again. When you are given another chance, the message WO'}ULD YOU LIKE TO TRY THAT AGAIN? appears. If you type Y (for Yes) and press the RETURN key, you can go on as if you never died(}, with all the objects you've collected still in your possession.Every so often, an action you take costs you your life, wi)}th no second chances. When this happens the message DO YOU WANT TO PLAY AGAIN? appears. If you type Y and press the RETURN ke*}y, the game restarts from the absolute beginning, and everything you've accomplished or collected is gone. AAARGHH!!! There i+}s a way round this disaster. If you save the game as you play, you won't have to start from the beginning. See "SAVING A GAME,}".It is possible to make a mistake that doesn't kill you, but will stop you completing the game. For example, if you spend -}too much money you may not be able to buy something you need. When this happens you must restart the game (QUIT) or restore a.} saved game from before the mistake was made, and retrace your steps.Sometimes the text at the bottom of the screen may be /}too long to appear all at once. When this happens, the first part of the text appears, followed by the message PRESS ANY KEY0} TO CONTINUE. Press any key except the ESCape key to see the rest of the text. Press the ESCape key only when you want to ski}SAVING A GAME.At any moment during your search for the elusive dragon, you may meet your doom, even in places you have bee2}n before. If you do you may be given a chance to rise from the dead and continue your quest. But every so often you really do3} die. when that happens, you must start from the very beginning, without any of the objects you have worked so hard to gather4}.You can avoid this awful setback by using the SAVE GAME option to save (store on diskette) the game you are playing. Then,5} when you meet an abrupt and nasty end, you can transfer your saved game from the diskette and begin play at the point you ty6}ped SAVE GAME.Using the SAVE GAME option is also an easy way to store a game you don't have time to complete. Once your gam7}e has been stored, you can come back to it at any time.To save a game to diskette, just type SAVE GAME and follow the promp8}ts. To restore a game, just type RESTORE GAME and follow the prompts. You may enter SAVE or RESTORE GAME at any time you see 9}the ENTER COMMAND? prompt. If you would like more detailed instructions see APPENDIX II and APPENDIX III.The games may be s:}aved on any diskette formatted by DOS 2.0S (NOT DOS 3! - See FORMATTING A DISK). The games are saved under the name ADVEN$.GB;}U, where $ is the number (0-9) of the saved game. Up to 10 copies of the game may be saved on one diskette, so all the member<}s of your family may have there own personal back-up game. Each saved game requires only one sector of disk storage space, an=}d you can store the games on a diskette that contains other data.SAVE/RESTORE OPTIONS.There are several commands which ch>}ange the way the save/restore feature works. To use these special options just enter the command before you type SAVE or REST?}ORE GAME. PLEASE NOTE. When entered these commands will respond with OK. They will not take effect until the next time SAVE o@}r RESTORE GAME is typed.DIRECTORY.If you would like a directory of the saved games on a particular diskette, type DIR ON.A} On each subsequent use of the save/restore feature, you will be given a directory of the saved games on the diskette, and thB}e free space available. DIR OFF will turn off this option.USING TWO DISK DRIVES.If you have a second disk drive, you can C}avoid changing diskettes during the save/restore sequence, by typing CHANGE DRIVE. The game will then use drive two for the sD}ave game diskette. Typing CHANGE DRIVE again, will return the action to drive one.FORMATTING A DISK.If you do not have a E}formatted diskette available, you may type INIT DISK. The next time you type SAVE GAME, you will be given the opportunity to F}format a diskette. If you answer Y (yes) to the prompt, the save game diskette will be formatted, and any data it contained wG}ill be deleted. If you are allowing a young child to play the game unsupervised, then NO INIT will disable this option, and pH}rotect your disks.KEEPING A LOG.You may keep a log of your journey, if you have a printer and lots of paper. Turn on yourI} printer then type PRINTER ON. Each command you enter, and the games response, will be echoed to the printer. To stop printinJ}g enter PRINTER OFF, or just turn off the printer.CUSTOM CHARACTER SET.The game makes use of a special character set to eK}nhance it's appearance. Type the command TEXT OFF to change the text to plain and unadorned ATARI characters. Type TEXT ON toL} bring back the snazzy, special characters.TECHNICAL NOTES.This game is written in BASIC but makes extensive use of machiM}ne code subroutines to provide a very fast response. The displays are in GRAPHICS 7 (high res/4 color) and were prepared usinN}g PAINT (RESTON/ATARI) and DRAWIT (APX/ANTIC). The displays are saved to disk using a special condensed format. This providesO} an fast load and allows the entire game to fit on one side of a diskette.Almost all of the text is stored on the disk and P}is accessed as required, providing room in the program for more complex problems and a greater vocabulary than usually found Q}in a BASIC adventure. If you have avoided BASIC adventures in the past because they were slow, or too easy, then DRAGON QUESTR} is the one for you.HELPFUL HINTS.Always pay close attention to what you are carrying.Look closely at everything you cS}an.Try talking to living things, and listening to any sounds you are told about.Keep a map of where you have been; it wilT}l make it easier to retrace your steps. Don't assume all the paths are straight.For every hazard in the game there's at leaU}st one clue to it's solution, but you may miss it.If you get stuck don't dispair. Talk it over with friends or family. TheyV} may think of some new idea to try. Get others to play - they may make discoveries you've missed.If you get seriously stuckW}, try going over familiar territory again. Things may have changed in your absence.Remember that most problems require nothX}ing more than simple common sense to solve. If all else fails, you can always go to the Inn for a drink.CONTACTING THE AUTHY}OR.Still stuck? Before you let the cats play frizbee with the disk, you may contact the author. Write to him at:289 ClareZ}mont Avenue,Montclair, New Jersey, 07042If you have access to the COMPUSERVE network, you can request help on Scorpia's SI[}G (GAM310), addressing your message to the SYSOP, or by sending EMAIL to the author, Ed Churnside (73245,1073). Scorpia's SIpAPPENDIX I - Detailed Loading Instructions.1. Make sure your computer is turned off.2. Insert the ATARI BASIC Language Ca]}rtridge into the slot of your computer (400 and 800 only).3. Turn on your disk drive. Use drive one if you have more than on^}e drive.4. When the busy light goes out, open the disk drive door and insert the DRAGON QUEST diskette with the label facing_} up. Close the door.NOTE: You must leave the DRAGON QUEST diskette in your disk drive while you are playing. If you remove `}the diskette, the game stops.5. Turn on your TV set or monitor.6. Turn on your computer. The program automatically loads fa}rom the diskette and starts.7. Transfer is complete when the title screen appears. You may need to adjust your TV set to getb} the most pleasing colors.APPENDIX II - SAVE GAME Detailed Instructions.1. Type SAVE GAME or SAV GAM, and press RETURN.c}2. The system responds with this request: PLEASE PUT SAVE GAME DISK IN DRIVE 1 AND PRESS RETURN3. Remove the DRAGONd} QUEST diskette from your disk drive and insert the diskette you want to save the game on. Press the RETURN key.4. If INIT De}ISK has been specified, you will now see the prompt: DO YOU WISH TO FORMAT THIS DISK?If you answer Y (yes) the disk wf}ill be formatted and any data on it will be deleted.5. If DIR ON has been specified, you will now get a directory of the savg}ed disk, listing saved games and free space available.6. You will now see the prompt: PLEASE ENTER GAME NUMBER (0-9)?h}Select any number and type it. The system will save the game under the name ADVEN$.GBU, where $ is the number you just typei}d. When you want to continue the game you will need to use this number.7. If a game has already been saved using the number j}you have selected, you will see the message: GAME ADVEN$.GBU ALREADY EXISTS REPLY Y TO DELETEIf you reply Y, tk}he game previously saved under that number is erased, and the new game is saved. If you reply N (no), the game is not saved.l}8. When the system has completed all your instructions, you will see the message: PLEASE PUT DRAGON QUEST IN DRIVE 1 Am}ND PRESS RETURNRemove the formatted diskette on which you saved the game and replace it with the DRAGON QUEST diskette. Then}n press RETURN to continue playing.NOTE: If you have used the CHANGE DRIVE command to switch to drive two, the prompt in sto}ep 2 will say DRIVE 2. There is no need to remove the DRAGON QUEST diskette and the prompt in step 8 will not appear. You cap}n leave the saved game diskette in drive two as you are playing, and you will not need to do any disk swapping at all.APPENq}DIX III - RESTORE GAME Detailed Instructions.1. Type RESTORE GAME or RES GAM and press the RETURN key.2. This prompt appear}rs: PLEASE PUT SAVE GAME DISK IN DRIVE 1 AND PRESS RETURN3. Remove the DRAGON QUEST disk from your disk drive and ins}sert the diskette onto which you saved your game. Press the RETURN key.4. If you specified DIR ON, you will get a directory t}of the saved games on this diskette, and the free space available, at this time.5. This prompt appears: PLEASE ENTER u}GAME NUMBER (0-9)?Type the game number of the game you wish to restore. 6. If the system cannot find the game you wish tov} restore you will see the message: GAME ADVEN$.GBU NOT FOUND ENTER Y TO TRY AGAIN.If you enter a Y (yes), the sw}ystem will return to step 1 and start again. Any other reply and the system will proceed to the final step, without restoringx} the game.There are four possible reasons why the system did not find the number you typed:16.a) You did not remove the Dy}RAGON QUEST diskette from your disk drive.b) You did not insetr the diskette on which your game is saved.c) You inserted a z}diskette but it was the wrong one.d) You typed the wrong number.107. You now see the message: PLEASE PUT DRAGON QUES{}T IN DRIVE 1 AND PRESS RETURNRemove your saved game diskette and put the DRAGON QUEST diskette back in drive one. Press the|} RETURN key to resume playing, at the point at you were when you saved the game.NOTE: If you have used the CHANGE DRIVE com}}mand to switch to drive two, the prompt in step 2 will say DRIVE 2. There is no need to remove the DRAGON QUEST diskette and ~}the prompt in step 7 will not appear. You can leave the saved game diskette in drive two as you are playing, and you will no}t need to do any disk swapping at all.ou can leave the saved game diskette in drive two as you are playing, and you will no($7 (c)1983 Action Computer Services  B JKIHiDiELV`L=$ } =$ BLV`$L$$l L$ &` Fj`8冨凪` $EӅӥ } $`ʆǪƩ Ɛee` $ƦʆǢ &Ɛeǐ % %L$ $'&&&8儨児 }祂*L$&&*ń8&&L$ [%`hihiHHȱȱL$c !#3` }L$JJJJ`H $h`Hȩh r$L% {$L% %$L% -$L% 3$H8 }`HhHh _&L% BHI V䅠L% L& =$L%Ԇ ؠPIPP` } &P -$L% &L& &L& 'L&H- &8塪墨hL' 'L& &'L& &ȹP` }텠8堨塪 &芨Oȩ-`PP &P棩 Ѥģ0-ģ6000:,80H }& &ehe&eģ0ʥ 8堅塅`$ &&*i0:0i &Ʀ`¢ 护 }°ڱ%ȱ%E &L`(担CS R&L`(I 'L`(H (L`( &L`( &B V %NLMȑ }` MLN%B VL%S:)E:)H L& ) ) & L&h)0I))L&[\ZUVT` @))) }` G)L& :)L& @)L&) ` G)L& &%` 0d $ҥ `2)2 }ҩ`҅`0)9*`@0)ӈJJJJ)`Ѕ`ȱ`` 5*ȥ`Hh }ƣĢ`ƥĤ`Ѣ *`ȱѢĦ`膡` }`ťƤe8夰L* Ƥ8`ŦeѠe桊L*O $AD }:+ ]+DOT+x+ IF HEAD2(I)#32 THEN]+&+ SCOPYS(HEAD3,HEAD2,I,HEAD2(0))x++ SCOPY(HEAD2,HEAD3)+ + EXIT+ + FI }+ +OD+ +RETURN+++++++*#,#PROC DLSETUP(); custom Day List+ 0,BYTE I#,B, GRAPHICS(0)0,V, DL }IST=SDLST B,m,DLIST(3)=64+7 ;2V,,DLIST(6)=7 ;2m,, DLIST(10)=6,,DLIST(11)=6 ;1 ,,FOR I=14 TO 17 , },DO,,DLIST(I)=6 , ,OD, ,R(N,-, --!-BYTE FUNC TITL(--N-&BYTE I,X,CRSINH=752,COL2=710, }C(709,!-'u- COL0=708,COL3=711,COLLr-n-n-M+` L-j %*8J+K+K+J+ &%J+K+ L&L- D:FONT.SET } D  C D     )16CS S)  C)D1 p p }0 C9DI pCDL~CiCDiD` DD˙` d J)L !}D L(( LL()  L| L( S LH 0p n  } CY?  q  L L  ` )} `A! d߰")-݆ "  $G@LLL&0") $G%}H0 3S8`G ȱG ȱG   Gȭ Gȭ GG}GHiH8(()) G$H% `(0})8` d)L ݆ & LGȘ ݆LL d  ! 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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D1:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO }STILL RUN DOS B;DE J V (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -}LLu DEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B VBH}I|DE V BLV nB,DE J V* \*` B V BLVDEHI BLVL}1u H232435; 1 ;  hh@2 e1i1LHҍ 00) 08 109hh@ Ҡ2e}1i1232435ޥ<<8 } 3E:}DISK OPERATING SYSTEM II VERSION 2.0SCOPYRIGHT 1980 ATARIA. DISK DIRECTORY I. FORMAT DISKB. RUN CARTRIDGE J. D}UPLICATE DISKC. COPY FILE K. BINARY SAVED. DELETE FILE(S) L. BINARY LOADE. RENAME FILE M. RUN AT ADDRESSF. LOCK F}ILE N. CREATE MEM.SAVG. UNLOCK FILE O. DUPLICATE FILEH. 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