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C-@@9(8-bit product sources and news!C A5& L}-@@ #-@H( L N Y (}Y(K |As }you well know, it has become |X SS(K|very difficult to obtain informat- | |ion on 8-bit computer products. |b SS(K|}In actual fact, there are 8-bit | |magazines, new commercial software |l SS(K|and many other products that are | |stil}l available. Your BELLCOM INFO |v SS(K|DISK will give you all the hard- | |to-find information you've been | SS(K|s}earching for! | | | SS(K|We placed the information on disk, | |rathe}r than in our Catalogue, as a | --(%|disk can be more easily kept up-to-| SS(K|date. Each time you place an order | |yo}u receive a FREE updated copy. | SS(K|containing CURRENT PRODUCT INFO. | | | SS(K}| | | Press [] to continue. | ..(% } F:B2y,@A2p  A4 Y (}Y(K | } | SS(K| | | | SS(K| } | | | SS(K| | | } | SS(K| | | | SS(K| } | | | SS(K| | | } | --(%| | SS(K| | | } |* SS(K| | | |4 SS(K| } | | Press [] to begin. |> E-(%A-@APE H } F:B2y,@A4R $ -@A $s0@@70@@@IA}dAU[@@m@@7s(}++(#OO(G| Š͠}Ϡˠ | | | AP-@A $GG;@@,;@ ,;}@@,;A,;@,;@@,"D1:MENU"&&@@D:*.*6,6." } 6 AQpi6-%@(6.7@<@,A67@ <@ ,..i67@<@,.7@<@}, 3 6.|67B:,%@,.367B:,%@,.G67@<@,.(--@B:,:7<,4 G67<,. }] 6.=:, @D67@<@,.7@<@,]67@<@,.0($2@37@}<@,4DOS)7@<@,4DUP)7@<@,4AUTO)7@<@,4HELP)7@<@,4MENU}6-%@ AR<''7@<@,4FREEARpF AQ P() Z@[7@<@},4DOS)7@<@,4DUP)7@<@,4AUTO)7@<@,4HELP)7@<@,4MENU6-%@} AQpd''7@<@,4FREEAR`n AQ s1"@() '6-1 ARx(7@}<@,)| AQp'!-@6+'@,%@' |++(#AR}Z@@9'-@@"L( PLEASE ENTER SELECTION (#) V ASZP:,AS0}"@&6.7@<@,0 AS`LB6.7+&@,$@%@<+&@,$@%@,L B3}7@<@,4 36.7@<@,0 6.-@B:,07<,4 AS67B:,%@,.7<},   6.! 6.D1:!67B:,%@,."WAR@'-@@"?  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Bell and is distributed free of charge to BELLCOM customers only.The BELLCOM INFO DISK is NOT in the Public Domain} and is intended only for the use of BELLCOM's customers.The information on this BELLCOM INFO DISK may NOT be reproduced in} any form, by electronic means or otherwise, without the express written permission of the author!=========================}==========AN INTRODUCTION TO BELLCOM--------------------------Over the years, many customers have asked..."What or wh}o is BELLCOM?""How did BELLCOM get started?"Well, to answer your questions, when I bought my first Atari computer back in} the Fall of 1982, I never dreamed that my new hobby would one day evolve into a rewarding full-time business. Like many of y}ou, I enjoyed using my Atari 400 (it had an amazing 16k RAM!) and I was constantly on the lookout for new programs. There wer}e not very many Atari commercial programs available back then, so I joined a local Atari user group for support and for the o}pportunity to access their small library of public domain software.I was delighted to find so many excellent public domain }programs available. However, there were also a lot of poor quality programs that simply wouldn't run. As I expanded my search} to other user groups and public domain copy services, I quickly became frustrated. Many of the Public Domain listings were d}isorganized and offered no descriptions; and so I often found that the programs I had purchased were either ones I already ha}d, ones I had no use for, or ones that simply wouldn't boot at all.When word of my growing library got around, other users }began asking me about various programs. They too were frustrated in their search for quality software; and so, a lot of my sp}are time was being spent either locating programs, or copying disks for others. As I was between jobs at the time and looking} for a new career (I had returned to college and had just completed an Electronics Engineering Technician course majoring in }Microcomputer Repair), I decided to start a small part-time mail order business and thereby make my software library availabl}e to other users.The first BELLCOM Catalogue was distributed on a diskette and it featured 110 Theme Disks which I had comp}iled. I placed a couple of classified ads in Computer Shopper magazine and waited to see what would happen. Some people I tal}ked to thought I'd lose my shirt. They said that I wouldn't be able to sell enough Atari disks to stay in business. Well, the} laugh was on them. As it turned out, the response was so great that I soon decided to publish a proper catalogue and send it} out to my growing mailing list.Some of you may have received my first printed (green) catalogue. It was created on an Atar}i 1025 9-pin printer and, although its pages look rather primitive by today's standards, it sure did the trick. Customers lik}ed the selection of over 200 Theme Disks and begged for more. It proved to be even more popular than the catalogue disk. Like} it or not, as I sat filling orders at 2 o'clock in the morning, I knew that I now had a full-time business!To make a long }story short, BELLCOM is now enjoying its sixth year of operation. Yes, 6 years!! Things haven't all gone smoothly and there w}as lots and lots I had to learn, but the fact that BELLCOM is still in the business of selling Atari 8-bit software, exclusiv}ely, shows that I must be doing something right. The Public Domain business is tough and competitive, but above all it's fun.} BELLCOM's printed catalogues and Theme Disks are now being shipped to over 40 countries around the world!As many of you ha}ve suspected, I am BELLCOM's only full-time employee. I work out of a large comfortable office in the basement of our home. M}y wife, Vicki, and my two teenaged boys, Peter and Andrew, assist me in copying disks and updating mailing lists when the wor}k load simply gets too heavy. Ginger and Wrigley (our family cat and dog) often watch me work and listen to my complaints. So} far, they've always agreed with me.The work entails long hours at times, but it is really very rewarding. (Sometimes I tel}l my friends that I only work "half days"..."8am to 8pm"!) It's still a thrill to open letters from all over the world and to} hear from other Atari 8-bit users. To me you're not just customers; I like to think of all of you as friends. In fact, to ma}ny isolated 8-bit users, BELLCOM is the next best thing to a user group. Over the years I've found that Atari owners are a fr}iendly bunch of people and a real pleasure to serve.Many ask me about the future of BELLCOM. So far, business is good and t}he supply of 8-bit Public Domain is still rolling in. As long as 8-biters indicate they want it, BELLCOM will be offering The;} (C) 1992 by BELLCOMThe material on this diskette is not in the Public Domain and is intended for the use of BELLCOM} customers only.*********************************** ATARI 8-BIT MAIL ORDER DEALERS Sources For 8-Bit Products*****}******************************The mail order companies listed below all supply products for the Atari 8-bit computer. Altho}ugh Atari Corp. has officially dropped its XL/XE computer line and acts as if interest in the 8-bit no longer exists, they co}uldn't be more wrong. In spite of Atari Corp.'s neglect, the 8-bit market is still very much alive, as shown by the great var}iety of software and hardware products that are still available.There are hundreds of classic commercial progams still avai}lable from mail order firms. Mostly at bargain prices! By spending a few enjoyable minutes searching through the available ca}talogues, you will eventually find that program you've been looking for. You just have to know where to look, and that's the }purpose of this listing.This listing is constantly being updated and revised in order to provide you with the most current }information. Due to the many changes taking place in the Atari 8-bit marketplace these days, the information presented is int}ended to be used as a guide only. Any products and prices specified are subject to change and availability.Many of these co}mpanies offer hundreds of different products, so a detailed product listing was impossible. This disk simply couldn't contain} all the information! Besides, many items are offered on a one-of-a-kind basis and dealer's inventories are constantly changi}ng. So, call or write the companies and request their current catalogues, product lists, and prices. You'll be amazed at what}'s available for your computer.As we hear of new 8-bit product sources, they will be checked out and then added to this lis}ting. The information will be constantly updated. Remember, each time you order from BELLCOM you will obtain a FREE copy of t}he latest 8-bit product information.Could you do us a small favour? When you write to the companies, please tell them BELLC}OM sent you. We'd appreciate it very much.___________________________________ ALPHA SYSTEMS ========}=====Mail Order Address:ALPHA SYSTEMS,1012 Skyland Drive,Macedonia, OH.,U.S.A. 44056Tel. (216)-668-6469This long }established company offers a number of unique 8-bit products. Some of the most popular include:CHIPMUNK - create working ba}ckups of commercial software programs.SCANALYZER - scan and analyze any Atari program, disk or cartridge.IMPERSONATOR - mak}e backup copies of any 4k, 8k, and 16k cartridge.SCHEMATIC DESIGNER - design and print electronic schematics.YOUR ATARI COM}ES ALIVE - connect your Atari to real world mechanical devices.MAGNIPRINT II+ - print highest quality reproductions of your }computer art screens in any size.PARROT II - record and digitize actual sounds on your XL/XE.POP-N-ROCKER - play a trivia g}ame featuring actual digitized tunes.Among other items, ALPHA SYSTEMS also market an excellent 2 volume book and disk set c}overing all the commercially used Atari Software Protection Techniques.Write to ALPHA SYSTEMS and request a copy of their c}urrent catalogue.___________________________________ AMERICAN TECHNA-VISION ATARI 8-BIT Software - Parts } and Books for ATARI XL/XE & 800/400 Computers ============================Mail Order Address:AMERICAN TEC}HNA-VISION,15338 Inverness St.,San Leandro, CA.,U.S.A. 94579.Tel. (800)-551-9995 (Toll free) In CA. or outside the }U.S.A. (510)-352-3787AMERICAN TECHNA-VISION is a long established mail order firm specializing in hard-to-find Atari }8-bit hardware replacement parts and software.For example, replacement parts available include new 1050 Drive Mechanisms, P}ower Packs, Computer Keyboards, LSI Chip sets, Board sets, and more.Miscellaneous items include Newell 256K and 1 Meg. upgr}ade kits, Serial I/O cables, Joysticks, Paddle Controllers, Graphics Tablets, Modems, P:R Printer Interfaces, and much more. }Hard-to-find books and manuals relating to the Atari 8-bit computer are also offered.A large selection of 8-bit Cartridge a}nd Disk-based commercial software is offered, providing something for every need. For example, productivity software includes} the Atari Bookkeeper & Keypad, Visicalc, Super DataBase 1-2-3, Print Shop, Chipmunk, etc.Available entertainment software }includes classic games from DataSoft, Micropose, Infocom, SSI, and Epyx. Educational software includes Master Type, the Linkw}ord series, and the ever popular Spinnaker Educational Cartridges.Software prices are very reasonable and the prices for re}placement parts are lower than what one might expect. Telephone if you have a particular need as many of their one-of-a-kind }items cannot be listed in the catalogue.AMERICAN TECHNA-VISION requires no minimum order and they accept personal cheques, }money orders, C.O.D.s, VISA, and MASTERCARD.AMERICAN TECHNA-VISION's service is courteous and professional. Their full page} ads have appeared most recently in Atari Explorer and Atari Interface.Write to AMERICAN TECHNA-VISION and enclose a self-a}ddressed stamped envelope for a FREE catalogue. A "must have" for all 8-biters!___________________________________ } B & C COMPUTERVISIONS =====================Mail Order Address:B & C COMPUTERVISIONS,2730 Scott Boulevard,Santa} Clara, CA.,U.S.A. 95050Tel. (408)-986-9960This firm maintains an incredible inventory of Atari 8-bit products. Besides} offering reconditioned 8-bit computers, B&C advertises brand new Atari systems. 130XEs, 65XEs, XE Game Systems, XF551 Disk D}rives, 850 Interfaces, 1010 Program Recorders, and more.An excellent selection of classic 8-bit commercial software is also} available.Prices are very reasonable. VISA and MASTERCARD are accepted. $20.00 minimum on all orders.Write to B & C COMP}UTERVISIONS and enclose $1.50 US for a catalogue listing everything available.___________________________________ } BEST ELECTRONICS ================Mail Order Address:BEST ELECTRONICS,2021 The Alameda, Suite 290,San Jose, }CA.,U.S.A. 95126Tel. (408)-243-6950Many Atari owners claim this company is one of the best available sources for spare }and replacement 8-bit parts, and custom ROMs! Their inventory is also reported to include many rare, discontinued, and hard-t}o-find hardware accessory items.It's been said that IF BEST DOESN'T CARRY IT, NOBODY DOES, and a quick glance through their} large catalogue proves it.Write to BEST ELECTONICS and enclose 3.50 US for a copy of their most recent catalogue._______}____________________________ BLACK MOON SYSTEMS ==================Mail Order Address:BLACK MOON SYSTEM}S,P.O. Box 152,Wind Gap, PA.,U.S.A. 18091BLACK MOON SYSTEMS publishes and distributes the MoonSoft line of serious prod}uctivity programs suitable for small business and home use.THE SMALL BUSINESS SYSTEM (SBS) is a group of programs that allo}w the small business owner to run their business on an Atari 8-bit computer. It can also be a good home accounting package. I}nvoicing, Purchasing, Income & Expense Entry, an End of Year Inventory Module and a Reports Module are available.LabelMaste}r is an advanced utility that lets you print custom labels and build mailing lists.Multi-Column Lister allows you to custom } print LabelMaster data on sheets from 1 to 6 labels across.Write to BLACK MOON SYSTEMS and request a listing of the MoonSo }ft 8-bit titles currently available. MoonSoft titles are also available from B&C Computervisions. _________________________ }__________ BRESNIK SOFTWARE ================Mail Order Address:BRESNIK SOFTWARE, 555 Ware Street,M }ansfield, MA.,U.S.A. 02048-2925Tel. (508)-339-6090BRESNIK SOFTWARE is an independent Atari 8-bit software developer wit }h a line of excellent Educational programs suitable for use within the home or classroom.Program package titles include: IL}LUSIONS/AUDIOVISULIZER, ECOLOGIAN, WORD-SEARCH MAKER, ANIMALS, MATHEMATICS, and FRACTALS.Write to BRESNIK SOFTWARE and encl}ose a stamped self-addressed envelope for a current listing and a description of the Educational titles available__________}_________________________ CHANGE IN HEAT ==============Mail Order Address:CHANGE IN HEAT,12 Bellavi}sta Place,Iowa City, IA.,U.S.A. 52245Change In Heat is an independant software house that publishes a brand new 8-bit ga}me called "Pondering About Max's". Three challenging games and a demo on one disk! The games are fun and addictive, and the p}ackaging is VERY UNIQUE.Write to Change In Heat and send a stamped-self-addressed envelope for full information._________}__________________________ COMPUTER SOFTWARE SERVICES Make your 8-bit a Workhorse! ===========================}=Mail Order Address:COMPUTER SOFTWARE SERVICES,P.O. Box 17660,Rochester, NY.,U.S.A. 14617Tel. (716)-429-5639Fax (7}16)-247-7158BBS (716)-247-7157COMPUTER SOFTWARE SERVICES manufactures and sells a line of powerful products that promise} to make your 8-bit a Workhorse. If you want to add a hard drive or modify your floppy drives, then these products will be wo}rth considering.Items include The BLACK BOX, a parallel-port device for the XL/XE that provides a high-speed interface to m}ost hard disks (with custom configuration), printers, and modems.The FLOPPY BOARD, a unique Black Box add-on, that allows t}he connection of up to four 5.25" or 3.5" drives with access speeds approaching that of hard disks. High density 1.2 meg and }1.44 meg disks in 8-bit format are also supported, plus read and write to IBM and ST disk formats!The HARD DRIVE PRO BACKUP} provides high speed hard disk backup to one or more 8-bit drives.The XF SINGLE DRIVE UPGRADE will upgrade your XF551 drive} to a fast 720k 3.5" 8-bit unit that's capable of high speed operation and also able to read ST and IBM disks!The XF DUAL D}RIVE UPGRADE performs the same as the XF Single Drive Upgrade, but allows you to add a 3.5" drive to your XF551, while keepin}g the 5.25" mechanism. It turns your XF into 2 independent disk drives!The SUPER-E BURNER is a PROM/EPROM programmer for al }l EPROM sizes.The SIO POWER BOOSTER will amplify signals to and from your computer providing perfect square-wave data trans!}mission over very long cables.The QUINTOPUS is a handy I/O port expander that converts a single I/O port into five I/O port"}s.The MULTIPLEXER is a high-speed network interface allowing up to eight 8-bits to share common hard drives, floppies, and #}printers!The SUPER ARCHIVER I & II is a powerful upgrade to the 1050 drive, making it the most powerful copying and disk ed$}iting tool available, regardless of the disk protection! Copies of disks (any disks) are exact duplicates of originals!The %}ULTRA SPEED PLUS OS adds speed and convenience to any XL/XE.COMPUTER SOFTWARE SERVICES stocks other items, including comple&}te ready-to-run hard disk systems. They'll also perform custom installations and hardware repairs.Write to COMPUTER SOFTWAR'}E SERVICES and request their FREE catalogue.___________________________________ DATAQUE SOFTWARE =====(}===========Mail Order Address:DATAQUE SOFTWARE,P.O. Box 134,Ontario, OH.,U.S.A. 44862Tel. (419)-529-9797GEnie: Data)}Que.1 (Daily)Compuserve: 71777,3223 (Weekly)DATAQUE SOFTWARE produces a number of unique 8-bit products including TRANSKE*}Y hardware for using IBM type keyboards with the Atari 8-bit, and the powerful TURBO-816x 16-bit CPU upgrade board for Atari +}8-bit XL/XE computers, along with supporting software.Other items offered include the PROGRAMMER'S PAL reference program, t,}he TURBO-CALC cartridge-based spreadsheet package, the TURBO-VIEW GRAPHICAL OPERATING ENVIRONMENT, and the ALF ASSEMBLER for -}6502/65816. TBC-4001 4 meg Bank Select Cartridges and 16k standard Atari 8-bit EPROM Cartridges are also available. A Cross.}-C compiler for 6502 is in the works.Write DATAQUE SOFTWARE and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for details of th/}eir product line.___________________________________ DORSETT EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMS, INC. =================================0}Mail Order Address:Dorsett Educational Systems, Inc.,P.O. Box 1226,Norman, OK.,U.S.A. 73070Tel. (800)-843-5242Dors1}ett produces an excellent line of 8-bit educational software. These unique interactive tutorial programs are full-length cour}Continued from DEALERS1.DOC... (C) 1992 by BELLCOMThis material on this diskette is not in the Public Domain and 3}is intended only for customers of BELLCOM.___________________________________ KENNEDY The SIO-2-PC Atari 4}Disk Emulator A Hard Disk Alternative? ================================Mail Order Address:Nick Kennedy,300 South5} Vancouver,Russellville, AR.,U.S.A. 72801Mr. Nick Kennedy provides the 8-bit Atari community with a very unique Sharewar6}e product.If you already own a PC with a hard drive (or know where you can get an old system cheap), then perhaps the SIO-27}-PC Interface will be the answer to your prayers.The SIO-2-PC Interface installs Atari 8-bit disk "images" in the RAM area 8}of your PC, in either single, 1050 enhanced or double-density. These disk "images" can then be operated as "disk drives" and 9}their contents can be saved to your PC's hard drive or to PC diskettes (any format).The SIO-2-PC Interface is a little box :}with 2 cables. One connects to the SIO port of your last Atari disk drive, and the other one connects to your PC's serial por;}t. No tools are required and complete instructions are included.To use, you first run the PC side of the program, load your<} required disk image from your PC's drive, turn on your Atari Monitor, then turn on your Atari computer. Actually, once you t=}ransfer your programs over to the PC you don't even need your Atari disk drive anymore. You only need an Atari drive to initi>}ally transfer your programs. Think of it. All your Atari disks could be safely stored on your PC's hard drive!Write to Mr. ?}Kennedy and enclose $1 and/or a stamped self-addressed envelope for additional information and current prices for his PC Soft@}ware, SIO-2-PC INTERFACE kit, or the completely-assembled-and-tested SIO-2-PC INTERFACE.___________________________________A} KE-SOFT =======Mail Order Address:KE-SOFT,Ezcan,Frankenstr.24,6457 Maintal 4,West GermaB}nyFAX +49-6181-83436This German software firm offers a choice of "NEW" Atari 8-bit commercial games including DONALD, SC}APER, ETERNAL DAGGER, TACTIC, ZADOR II, OGRE, ATOMIT II, and TECNO NINJA. All in English!Some of the old commercial classicD}s are also available.Write to KE-SOFT and request a free listing of their products. ___________________________________E} K.O. DISTRIBUTORS =================Mail Order Address:K.O. Distributors,333 Peninsula Drive,Lake AlmanoF}r, CA.,U.S.A. 96137Tel. (906)-596-4159This small company markets several new commercial programs from Europe. Mission SG}hark and Fred are Polish game programs featuring great graphics. Escal Paint is a German drawing program that features a 4096H} color display.Programs are priced very reasonable at $10.00 US.Write to K.O. Distributors for a full listing._________I}__________________________ N.E.R.D.S. SOFTWARE ===================Mail Order Address:N.E.R.D.S. SOFTWAREJ},c/o Don Loeffler,18 Wendy Drive,Farmingville, NY.,U.S.A. 11738The National Educational Report Drawing Services LibrarK}y, or N.E.R.D.S. for short, consists of material (Print Shop icons) designed to assist whenever you need graphic augmentationL} for reports, presentations, charts, or other illustrations. These highly detailed icons were carefully drawn and have been vM}erified by teachers for accuracy.These icons are a "must have" for all Print Shop users! The icon sets are very reasonable N}in cost and include:MAP DISKS 1 & 2, containing approx. 230 blank map icons featuring the countries and/or states of the U.O}S.A., Canada, Mexico, Central America, Europe, South America, and the Mediterranean.MAP DISKS 3 & 4, containing approx. 230P} blank map icons featuring the countries and/or states of the Middle East, Africa, China, Russia, Australia, and the Far EastQ}.HOLIDAY DISKS 1 & 2, containing approx. 200 specialized icons depicting almost every holiday occasion.GENERAL BIOLOGY DIR}SKS 1 & 2, containing approx. 230 highly detailed icons relating to Biology. Subjects include Human, Animal, Plant, Micro, InS}sects, and Tools.CANADA SHAREWARE SAMPLES, containing over 110 icons dealing with Canada and Candian culture.PERIODIC TABT}LE SAMPLES, containing over 100 icons properly displaying the Atomic Elements with atomic number, electron configuration, symU}bol, mass, period, group, and oxidation state.ROCK GROUP SAMPLES, containing over 110 icons depicting the insignias for mosV}t of the Heavy Metal rock bands.Please note that Broderbund's Print Shop is required to utilize these icons. Most of the coW}mpilations offered are NOT in the Public Domain, and are available only from N.E.R.D.S. SOFTWARE."Quick Pix" conversions ofX} many of the icons are also available for use within text files created with the AtariWriter and Paper Clip word processors.Y}Write to N.E.R.D.S. SOFTWARE and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for representative printouts and complete detailsZ} of these fine products.___________________________________ NO FRILLS SOFTWARE ==================Mail Orde[}r Address:No Frills Software,800 East 23rd Street,Kearney, NE.,U.S.A. 68847Ed Kielbasinski's firm offers graphics util\}ity programs including CONVERTER, THE CONVERTER COMPANION, and the P.S. USERS UTILITY DISK. These programs are indispensible ]}for anyone using art programs or Print Shop. Also offered is an excellent collection of P.S. Icon disks, many of which are NO^}T available in the Public Domain.No Frills is also in the process of closing out their commercial 8-bit new and used softwa_}re inventory. Many good buys are available at up to 40% off!Write to No Frills Software and enclose a stamped self-addresse`}d envelope for complete details.___________________________________ MICRO DISCOUNT ==============Ma}ail Order Address:Derek Fern,MICRO DISCOUNT,265 Chester Road,Streetly West Midlands B74 3EA,England.Tel. 021-353-5730b}FAX 021-352-1669Describing themselves as having "Probably the largest Mail Order stockist of Atari 8-bit Hardware & Softc}ware in the U.K.", MICRO DISCOUNT is a British mail order firm that offers a huge selection of Atari 8-bit commercial softward}e disks, cartridges, books, and software on cassette tapes. Some of the program tapes contain excellent commercial programs te}hat have never even been released in North America!Hardware offered includes 130XE Computers (reconditioned), 1050 Disk Drif}ves (reconditioned), XF551 Disk Drives (NEW), 850 Interfaces (NEW), XC12 Recorders, Recorders-Turbo (NEW), and 1010/XC12 Turbg}o Upgrade Kits.Write MICRO DISCOUNT and enclose an 8"x6" self-addressed envelope for a copy of their current 20 page producq}@B%DOS SYSB*)DUP SYSB SAUTORUN SYSB_HELP DOCB6oMENU BASBPINTRO DOCBDEALERS1DOCBu2DEALERS2DOCB\nMAGAZINEDOCB.GROUPS DOCBTRADING DOCB'7TIPS DOCt list.The price list is also available to modem users via The City BBS 021-321-1610.___________________________________r} MILES BETTER SOFTWARE =====================Mail Order Address:MILES BETTER SOFTWARE,219/221 Cannock Road,s}Chadsmoor, Cannock,Staffordshire, WS11 2DD,England.Tel. 0543-466577/8/9MILES BETTER SOFTWARE is a British mail order t}firm that offers an excellent selection of Atari commercial software programs. Programs are available on disk, cartridge, andu} cassette tapes (program cassettes require an Atari Program Recorder to load).You'll be quite impressed with the selection v}of software available. Many of the programs available for sale have never even been released or seen in North America!Pricew}s are very reasonable. Most Software disks are priced from 2.99 Pd. to 9.95 Pd. Cartridges are priced from 4.99 Pd. to 7.95 Px}d. Program cassettes are the best bargain going, at only 1.99 Pd. to 2.99 Pd. (as a rough guide, 1.00 British Pd. is approximy}ately equal to $2.00 US).Write to MILES BETTER SOFTWARE and request a copy of their current product list.________________z}___________________ PAGE 6 The Accessory Shop ==================Mail Order Address:PAGE{} 6,P.O. Box 54,Stafford, ST16 1DR,England.Tel. 0785-213928FAX 0785-54335PAGE 6's ACCESSORY SHOP is a regular featur|}e in Page 6 Publishing's NEW ATARI USER magazine (see information on NEW ATARI USER in the MAGAZINE.DOC file).Although this}} British firm doesn't carry a huge selection of commercial software, PAGE 6 prides themselves on being able to offer their re~}aders quality programs that are now hard-to-find. In some cases, due to the purchasing of closeout inventories, PAGE 6 may we}ll be the only available source for a particular disk program, cartridge, or book.PAGE 6 also offers new commercial game ca}ssettes from the U.K. and Germany that have never been released in North America. Some recent titles include: Protector, Rogu}e, Universal Hero, Bomb Fusion, Revenge II, Invasion, Taipei, Glaggs It!, Feud, Panther, and others.Prices are quite reason}able and the service is dependable and fast. In fact, North American customers can receive their orders almost as quickly as }they can from domestic sources. Customers can easily place orders using VISA or MASTERCARD.Write to PAGE 6's ACCESSORY SHOP} and request a current product list. You may also wish to subscribe to their excellent magazine too!_______________________}____________ REEVESOFT =========Mail Order Address:REEVESOFT,29W150 Old Farm Lane,Warrenvill}e, IL.,U.S.A. 60555REEVESOFT produces the Diamond GOS cartridge which provides a "window" desktop environment for the Ata}ri 8-bit XL/XE computers.Write to REEVESOFT and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for complete details and price.}___________________________________ SAN JOSE COMPUTER =================Mail Order Address:SAN JOSE COM}PUTER,1278 Alma Court,San Jose, CA.,U.S.A. 95112Tel. (408)-995-5080FAX (408)-995-5083SAN JOSE COMPUTER maintains a }large inventory of Atari 8-bit products. Everything from hardware, replacement parts, and accessories, to 8-bit commercial ga}me software.Prices are very reasonable. For example, in February '92, BELLCOM purchased a reconditioned (just like new) Ata}ri 1050 Drive for only $129.00 US, and a BRAND NEW Atari XF551 Drive for only $199.95 US. Who says you can't buy new Atari ha}rdware anymore!Besides the above mentioned items, SAN JOSE COMPUTER stocks game disks, cartridges, Atari books, brand new A}tari 1020, 825, 820, and XDM121 printers, Joysticks, SX212 Modems, reconditioned 800XLs, Light Guns, Trackballs, 1010 Program} Recorders, and Light Pens.Replacement parts available include keyboards, cases, 810 parts, and Atari printer ribbons.So,} if you're looking for 8-bit products, be sure to contact SAN JOSE COMPUTER. But you better do it soon!! Their recent ads ind}icate that they are in the process of selling off their 8-bit inventory!Telephone if you have a particular need as many of }their one-of-a-kind items cannot be listed in the catalogue.SAN JOSE COMPUTER will accept personal cheques, money orders, c}ashier's cheques, COD's, VISA or MASTERCARD. All items carry a 90 day warranty.For further information, write to SAN JOSE C}OMPUTER and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for a FREE listing of current products and prices.___________________}________________ TELEGAMES USA The Video Game Specialists ==========================Mail Order Addres}s:TELEGAMES USA,Box 901-X,Lancaster, TX.,U.S.A. 75146Tel. (214)-218-5800 24 hour order/info lineTELEGAMES USA }is a mail order firm specializing in the sale of video games. A selection of XL/XE Game Cartridges is available for the Atari} 8-bit computers. Cartridges are all listed as being brand new and prices are reasonable.This firm also offers a good selec}tion of Game Cartridges for the Atari LYNX and the venerable Atari 2600, 5200, and 7800 Game Machines.VISA and MASTERCARD o}rders are accepted over the phone.For a complete catalogue write to TELEGAMES USA and enclose $1 (US) for postage and handl}ing. Be sure to specify your machine type so they can supply you with the proper product listing.__________________________}_________ THE ELECTRONIC CLINIC =====================Mail Order Address:The Electronic Clinic,4916 Del-Ra}y Ave.,Bethesda, MD.,U.S.A. 20814Tel. (301)-656-7983This long established firm offers many classic 8-bit commercial sof}M customers only.*********************************** ATARI 8-BIT MAGAZINES Publications For 8-Bit Owners********!}***************************The publishers listed below produce publications of interest to Atari 8-bit computer owners. Alt!}hough there are not as many 8-bit magazines being published now as there used to be, Atari users can still find lots of excel!}lent reading material to enhance their hobby.This listing is constantly being updated and revised in order to provide you w!}ith the most current information. Due to the constant change taking place in the Atari 8-bit marketplace, the publications an!}d subscripton rates specified are always subject to change and availability. Write or call the publishers directly and reques!}t their current subscription rates.As we learn of other Atari 8-bit publications, we will first check them out, and then ad!}d them to this list. The information will be constantly updated. Remember, each time you order from BELLCOM you will obtain a!} FREE copy of the latest 8-bit information.Could you do us a small favour?When you contact the publishers, please tell the!}m BELLCOM sent you. We'd appreciate it very much.___________________________________ Atari Corp.'s ATARI !}EXPLORER MAGAZINE =======================Publisher's Address:Atari Explorer Magazine,P.O. Box 6488,Duluth, MN.,U!}.S.A. 55806Tel. (218)-723-9202ANTIC and A.N.A.L.O.G. bit the dust some time back, leaving ATARI EXPLORER (AE) as the las!}t of the big three Atari magazines published in the USA. This glossy publication has gone through a number of major changes a!}nd shakeups in the past year or so, and at times its own future has appeared to be somewhat uncertain, to say the least.AE !}can't really be classed as an Atari 8-bit magazine in its present form. AE's publisher, Atari Corp., for the most part, appea!}rs to be ignoring the 8-bit computer line. (So what else is new?) Currently, AE's efforts appear to be devoted mainly to the !}Atari ST, Portfolio, and the Lynx portable video game system.The only 8-bit XL/XE computer coverage likely to be found in r!}ecent editions of AE are a couple of mail order ads for 8-bit products and, if you're very lucky, a token 8-bit article. For !}this reason, dedicated 8-bit users may wish to consider subscribing to other publications.1992 Subscription rates to AE are!} as follows:Published bi-monthly, 6 issues/yr.*by 3rd Class Mail$14.95 US - 1 yr to USA$19.95 US - 1 yr to Canada$24.!}95 US - 1 yr to Foreign$39.95 US - 3 yr to USA$54.95 US - 3 yr to Canada$69.95 US - 3 yr to Foreign*by 1st Class/Air Mai!}l$26.95 US - 1 yr to USA$41.95 US - 1 yr to Canada$54.95 US - 1 yr to Foreign$75.95 US - 3 yr to USA$90.95 US - 3 yr to!} Canada$159.95 US - 3 yr to ForeignMoney orders must be in US funds. VISA and MASTERCARD accepted.Write or call Atari Ex!}plorer Magazine and request a subscription form and confirmed rates.___________________________________ Unicorn Pu!}blication's ATARI INTERFACE MAGAZINE ========================Publisher's Address:Atari Interface,Unicorn Pub!}lications, 3487 Braeburn Circle,Ann Arbor, MI.,U.S.A. 48108Tel. (313)-973-8825ATARI INTERFACE (AIM) is a magazine ded!}icated to the support of both the Atari 8-bit and 16-bit markets. AIM also serves as the official newsletter of over one hund!}red participating independent Atari user groups in the U.S., Canada, and overseas. A user group listing is published in each !}issue.According to AIM, the majority of their subscribers own Atari 8-bit computers and belong to user goups. So, if you wa!}nt to know what's happening in the wonderful world of Atari, this is the publication to get. Featured are excellent 8-bit art!}icles, Atari news, and Atari user group information.1992 subscription rates to AIM are as follows:Published monthly, 12 i!}ssues/yr.*Sent by 3rd Class Mail$18.00 US - 1 yr to USA$32.00 US - 2 yr to USA*Sent by 1st Class Mail$36.00 US - 1 y!}r to USA$42.00 US - 1 yr to Canada$48.00 US - 1 yr to Foreign$50.00 US - 2 yr to USA$70.00 US - 2 yr to Canada$80.00 US!} - 2 yr to Foreign* $50.00 US ADDITIONAL for Atari Classic 8-bit monthly P.D. disk.Write or call Unicorn Publications and!} request a subscription form and confirmed rates.___________________________________ CURRENT NOTES Y!}our Monitor On The World Of Atari =====================Publisher's Address:Current Notes,122 North Johnson!} Road,Sterling, VA.,U.S.A. 22170Tel. (703)-450-4761CURRENT NOTES (CN) is an excellent user-based magazine for both the!} 8-bit and 16-bit Atari user. Each month you get the latest in Atari news, tutorials, and product reviews. This publication i!}s an interesting and informative read for all Atari 8-bit and ST owners.1992 Subscription rates to CN are as follows:Publ!}ished monthly (excluding January and August, 10 issues/yr.*Sent by 3rd Class Mail$27.00 US - 1 yr to U.S.$47.00 US - 2 y!}r to U.S.$35.00 US - 1 yr to Foreign$63.00 US - 2 yr to Foreign*Sent by Air Mail$44.00 US - 1 yr to Canada, Mexico$57.!}00 US - 1 yr to Cen.Amer, Caribbean$69.00 US - 1 yr to S. Amer., Europe, N. Africa$80.00 US - 1 yr !}to Mid. East, Africa, Asia, AustraliaWrite or call Current Notes and request a subscription form and confirmed !}rates.___________________________________ Robert Stuart's EXCEL DISK MAGAZINE ==================!}=Publisher's Address:Robert Stuart,21, Stronsay Way, Broomlands,Irvine, Strathclyde, KA11 1HZ,Scotland.Tel. 0294-212!}352EXCEL DISK MAGAZINE is an innovative monthly Atari 8-bit "disk-based" magazine (the magazine is published on a diskette!}). Each month's double-sided disk contains interesting news items, reviews, editorials, music and graphics demos, and several!} excellent game programs.The publisher, Robert Stuart, also sells a nice selection of public domain and commercial game sof!}tware.1992 subscription rates to EXCEL are as follows:12.00 Pd. ($24.00 US) - 3 issues to the U.K.As of May/92, there h!}ave been 13 issues of EXCEL released. Back issues may be purchased from the publisher @ 3.00 Pd. ($5.00 US) each. Any 8 back !}issues @ 21.00 Pd. ($35.00 US). 11 back issues for only 28.00 Pd. ($50.00 US).* Overseas customers add 1.00 Pd. ($2.00 US) !}postage per order.(As a "rough" guide, the BritishPd. equals approx. $2.00 US.)EXCEL received excellent reviews in NEW A!}TARI USER magazine and it is an excellent value at the price. Atari users will find it very entertaining and informative.Wr!}ite to EXCEL, c/o Robert Stuart, for details and a full list of available software.___________________________________ !} GAMETRADER ==========Publisher's Address:GAME TRADER,Computer Publications, Unlimited,P.O. Box 2!}224,Arvada, CO.,U.S.A. 80001GameTrader is reported to be a new magazine focusing on electronic games, including games fo!}r the Atari XL/XE computers. I've not had a chance to check this one out yet (I'm still waiting for my copy!), but thought yo!}u would like to know about it anyway.For a free copy of the premier issue, write to GAME TRADER and enclose your name and a!}ddress along with a list of the video games systems and computers you own.___________________________________ M!}EGA MAGAZINE =============Publisher's Address:A.N.G. Software,Puttershoeksestraat 63a,3114 PK Schiedam,Holl!}and.MEGA MAGAZINE is an international double-sided disk-based magazine written in English (over 150K of text). Issues feat!}ure Game Tips, Reviews, Graphic Demos, News, Tutorials and great P.D. software. Articles from all over Europe!Warning: Not !}suitable for children. It's a shame, but some articles do contain course language!1992 Subscription Rates:Single issues !} - fl. 10.00Back Issues 1,2,3 and 4 (4 issue set) - fl. 32.50Prices include postage.Make Payment by bank draft payeable !}in Dutch Guilders.Write to MEGA MAGAZINE for details and confirmed rates.___________________________________ Pag!}e 6 Publishing's NEW ATARI USER ===================Publisher's Address:Page 6,P.O. Box 54,Stafford, !}ST16 1DR,England.Tel. 0785-213928FAX 0785-54355NEW ATARI USER is glossy magazine dedicated to the Atari 8-bit compute!}r. This great magazine has been publishing for a number of years now and has a large and loyal following in the U.K. and arou!}nd the world. It is now the ONLY Atari 8-bit magazine of its kind being published anywhere!You'll love this magazine. It av!}erages 75 pages per issue and each issue comes packed with enjoyable reading for all Atari 8-bit fans.Featured are excellen!}t type-in programs, game tips, reviews, helpful tutorials, Turbo Basic instruction, news items, and information on new 8-bit !}releases. Readers can even place free ads for buy, sell, exchange, and help. Also featured is ST File, a small section devote!}d to keeping the reader informed on the Atari ST.NEW ATARI USER's Accessory Shop gives readers the chance to purchase from !}an excellent selection of commercial 8-bit software ranging from arcade games to adventures and serious software. Some NEW ti!}tles have never even been released in North America! (See DEALERS.DOC file)The NEW ATARI USER issue DISK containing all the!} 8-bit programs from the magazine, plus a high quality bonus program, is sent automatically to subscribers with a "disk inclu!}ded" subscription.1992 subscription rates to NEW ATARI USER are as follows:Published bi-monthly, 6 issues/yr.Ordinary S!}ubscription...12.00 Pd. - 1 yr to U.K.15.00 Pd. - 1 yr to Europe15.00 Pd. - 1 yr Elsewhere Surface21.00 Pd. - 1 yr Elsew!}here Air MailDisk Included Subscription...25.00 Pd. - 1 yr to U.K.32.00 Pd. - 1 yr to Europe32.00 Pd. - 1 yr Elsewhere !}Surface42.00 Pd. - 1 yr Elsewhere Air Mail(As a "rough" guide, the BritishPd. equals approx. $2.00 US.)Page 6 accepts m!}oney orders, VISA, MASTERCARD, ACCESS and EUROCARD.If you're an 8-bit user and you don't subscribe to New ATARI USER, then !}you're really missing out! What more can I say? GET IT!Write or call Page 6 for a subscription form, Accessory Shop listing"6} (C) 1992 by BELLCOMThis material is not in the Public Domain and is intended for the use of BELLCOM customers only%}.*********************************** ATARI 8-BIT USER GROUP LISTING Support For Atari Users**********************%}*************Many of BELLCOM's customers have written to ask us for the addresses of local and out of town user groups that%} support the Atari 8-bit computers. Although some Atari groups seem to be quite parochial in their membership and outlook, th%}ere are others that welcome contact with other groups and users like yourself.You will find some of the best user goups ava%}ilable listed below. They have given BELLCOM support and encouragement in the past, and in return, we are very pleased to rec%}ommend them to you.The groups below all support the Atari 800/XL/XE/XEGS computers and maintain public domain software libr%}aries for the use of their members. Most clubs publish excellent monthly newsletters which are only available through club me%}mbership or by subscription at a very reasonable cost.The newsletters contain interesting news items of interest to 8-bit u%}sers, product reviews, and tips on operating your Atari. Also, club sponsored Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) that can be easily%} accessed by modem owners are maintained by some clubs. By accessing the BBS's you can meet other Atari 8-bit users from acro%}ss Canada, the U.S.A., and around the world.Feel free to write to any of the following user groups directly, but please rem%}ember to include a couple of dollars with your letter if you wish a reply. User groups are NOT run for profit and most have l%}imited financial resources. Your donation will go towards paying for the cost of printing and postage.In this time of dwind%}ling resources for Atari 8-bit owners, you would be well advised to join an Atari user group. It will add a whole new dimensi%}on to your hobby!As we are contacted by Atari 8-bit user groups, we will add their names to this list. This list will be co&}nstantly updated. Remember, each time you order from BELLCOM you will obtain a FREE copy of the latest 8-bit information.__&}_________________________________Alamo Area Atari User Association,P.O. Box 79-1426,San Antonio, TX.,U.S.A. 78279-1426&}A.C.E. of Syracuse New York,c/o Ken Wickert,204 E. Patricia Lane,North Syracuse, NY.,U.S.A. 13212Atari Computer Federat&}ion,c/o Jack Lea, Librarian,633 Texas Street,Longview, TX.,U.S.A. 75601Atari Exchange of Louisville,P.O. Box 34183,Lo&}uisville, KY.,U.S.A. 40232Blue Angel A.C.E.,c/o Luke Hanley,2731 Semoran Drive,Pensacola, FL.,U.S.A. 32503Club Cenac&}le,B.P. 49,95110 Sannois,FranceDesert Illusion BBS,190 Tweedsmuir Avenue,London, ON.,Canada N5W 1L1(519)-457-3998 - &}24hrs.Diablo A.C.E.,c/o John Dickerson,P.O. Box 673,Diablo, CA.,U.S.A. 94528Dessert Illusion BBS,190 Tweedsmuir Ave.&},London, Ontario,Canada N5W 1L18-bit BBS (518)-457-3998Finnish Atari Group,Kotikonnuntie 6B31,00940 Helsinki 94,Finla&}ndFountain Valley Atari 8-bit Computer Enthusiasts,c/o Randy D. Wietrick,205-10337 Slater Avenue,Fountain Valley, CA.,U& }.S.A. 92708Garden City A.C.E.,1003 Amphion Street,Victoria, BC.,Canada V8S 4G2Kitchener-Waterloo Eight - Sixteen - Thi& }rty-two,c/o Dani Roloson,8-43 Benton Street,Kitchener, ON.,Canada N2G 3H1Layton A.C.E. Atari Club Utah,c/o B. L. Hatch& }ell, VP,1844 Celia Way,Layton, UT.,U.S.A. 84041Lake County A.C.E.,P.O. Box 8788,Waukegan, IL.,U.S.A. 60079-8788Les & }Atarians,c/o Treasurer,200 Des Pins,St-Etienne-des-Gres, PQ.,Canada G0X 2P0Manitoba Atari Computer Club,c/o R. Piragof& }f,68 Amarynth Cres.,Winnipeg, MB.,Canada R2Y 0C1Melbourne A.C.E. Inc.,P.O. Box 340,Rosanna 3084,Victoria,Australia&}National Capital Atari User Groups,The XE Group,P.O. Box 992, Station B,Ottawa, ON.,Canada K1P 5R1Ol' Hackers Atari Use&}rs Group Inc.,c/o A. A. Pignato,3376 Ocean Harbor Drive,Oceanside, NY.,U.S.A. 11572Rockford Atari Computer Club,3902 1&}5th Avenue 1,Rockford, IL.,U.S.A. 61108Sign Shop 8-bit User Group Inc.,8603 El Rancho Avenue,Fountain Valley, CA.,U.S.&}A. 92708Sudbury Atari User's Group,c/o 1564 Dearbourne Drive,Sudbury, ON.,Canada P3A 5A4United Friendly Fanatic & Dedi&}cated Atarians,c/o Curtis R. Johnson,209 Lancaster Drive,Moorhead, MN.,U.S.A. 56560Valley Atari Group of Computer Enthu&}siasts,c/o Steve McCarron,R.R. #2 Chester,Lunenburg County, NS.,Canada B0J 1J0***********************************If th&}e information concerning your user group changes or if your club ceases its operation, please let us know immediately so that&} we can keep this list up to date. Thank you very much.*********************************** ATTENTION ATARI USER GROUPS&}___________________________________If your local 8-bit user group is interested in increasing its membership and in making &}new contacts, please ask a member of your club's executive to send BELLCOM a sample of your club's newsletter and request a F&}REE listing in the INFO DISK.BELLCOM is always happy to promote your Atari group. Let's work together to keep the Atari 8-b&}it computers alive and strong!***********************************DISCLAIMER: The above listing was compiled from informat&}ion given by representatives of the various user groups. While every effort was made to assure its correctness and completene&}ss, BELLCOM cannot assume any reponsibility for the information herein contained. Also note that BELLCOM shall assume no dire&} (C) 1992 BELLCOMThis material is not in the Public Domain and is intended for the use of BELLCOM customers only.*}*********************************** TRADING PUBLIC DOMAIN & SHAREWARE************************************}It's no secret that BELLCOM is always on the lookout for top-notch Atari 8-bit programs to meet the needs of our many custom*}ers. If you have written programs that you would like to place in the Public Domain or offer as Shareware, or if you have any* } Public Domain or Shareware (non-commercial) software in your collection that is not currently listed in the BELLCOM Catalogu*!}e, then PLEASE forward a list to us. We will be happy to evaluate your programs for possible inclusion in our library.HOW T*"}O SUBMIT SOFTWARE PROGRAMS-------------------------------Simply send us a list with the name of the program, the Filename.*#}Ext, the number of sectors, and in as few words as possible, describe the nature of the program. For example:"CHOMPER.OBJ (*$}035)Arcade game similar to PacMan"We will then write to you and indicate the programs we're interested in. For each disk f*%}ull of programs you send "at our request", we will ship a FREE BELLCOM Theme Disk of your choice to you in appreciation.Wha*&}t's more, our catalogue will give your program wide coverage. BELLCOM's catalogues are now being mailed to over 42 countries!*'} You never know. You might even achieve a measure of fame. Some Public Domain and Shareware authors, like Bob Puff for exampl*(}e, are now known the world over.WHAT'S IN DEMAND----------------Original games, unique program utilities, eye-popping gr*)}aphics and useful home and business programs are generally most in demand. We also get a lot of requests now for good educati**}onal-type programs.Our Atari customers also enjoy new Koala and/or P.D. Paint art, and ComputerEyes digitized images (users*+} are now requesting original live subjects and scenes, not TV or movie stills), but only if they are unique and of good quali*,}ty.WHAT'S NOT IN DEMAND-------===----------AMS music files, Movie Maker files, and PCS pinball games appear to have been*-} done to death. We only get a few requests for them now, and a selection of the best of these files are already in our librar*.}y.We also find there is very little demand for Computer Gourmet disks. Here again, we already have a good selection.IMPOR*/}TANT---------Please DO NOT SEND unsolicited disks as we cannot return them, and besides, we may already have the programs!*0} We're not interested in programs that are presently in our library, so please check your catalogue first.Submitted softwar*1}e MUST be either Public Domain or Sharware, as we WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY PIRATED COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE OR COPYRIGHTED PROGRAMS tha*2}t have been published in ANTIC, ATARI EXPLORER, or COMPUTE! magazines.Also, submitted software must meet the BELLCOM standa*3}rd of quality and good taste. All BELLCOM disks must be suitable for family viewing and we retain the right to reject any pro*4}gram containing pornographic or occult material.All programs submitted should be bug-free and accompanied with documentatio*5}n files if required.Thank you for your support.ll programs submitted should be bug-free and accompanied with documentatio(3 and confirmed rates.___________________________________ Rovac Industries' Z*MAGAZINE ======"}*********************************** COMPUTER TIPS FOR YOUR ATARI 8-BIT*********************************.8}**AtariWriter MODEM-----------------AtariWriter (both cartridge and diskette versions) contains an undocumented residen.9}t modem handler, making it possible to directly transfer text files using a modem. You simply Save or Load text files from "R.:}:Filename.Ext".Both modem connected computers must be running AtariWriter, have the AUTORUN.SYS booted and have an 850 or c.a}me Disks. I have no plans in the near future to support other computer systems, such as the Atari ST or IBM. As for now, I am<} simply too busy supporting the Atari 8-bit and, after all, it's what I do best.Wishing you all the best,Don Bell======}==============================BELLCOM'S EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE------------------------------Many are curious about the ty>}pe of equipment and software used to run the business. Well, here's a list.8-bit hardware:Unmodified Atari 8-bit hardware?} is used to test all programs for the Theme Disks. This ensures that all programs will run on standard Atari equipment. Also,@} as all customers are able to access Atari DOS 2.5 and AtariWriter text files, these formats are used as a standard.2 AtariA} 130XE Computers1 Atari 800XL Computer1 Atari XEGS Computer1 Atari 400 Computer2 Atari 1050 Disk Drives4 Atari XF551 DisB}k Drives1 Atari 410 Program Recorder2 Commodore Color MonitorsAssorted Joysticks and Lightguns for program testing.8-BitC} software:Atari DOS 2.5AtariWriterSynFile+ by SynapseSynTrend by SynapsePrint Shop by Broderbund SoftwareKoala PadMicD}roPainterPlus many P.D. utilities including TextPro, MyCopier, Copy-Mate, Text Tidier and others.16-bit hardware:When maE}iling lists became too large for SynFile+, I obtained an Atari Mega ST2 computer system to maintain the thousands of customerF} names and addresses. The Mega ST2 also does an excellent job at publishing the BELLCOM Catalogues and other promotional mateG}rials. It creates all the camera ready copy to take to the printing shop. After all is said and done though, I still enjoy plH}aying games on my 8-bit better!1 Atari Mega ST2 Computer1 Atari SM124 Monitor1 Atari SC1224 Monitor1 Atari SF314 Disk DrI}ive1 Atai SX212 Modem1 Migraph Hand Scanner and Tray1 Gravis Programmable Joystick16-bit software:Publisher II by TimeJ}worksWord Writer by TimeworksData Manager Pro by TimeworksSwiftCalc ST by TimeworksSuperbase Professional 2GramSlam GramK}mer & Style CheckerGrammer ExpertAward Maker PlusTouch-Up by MigraphScan & Save by MigraphDegas EliteFlashPrinters:L}I printed my first catalogue using my trusty old Atari 1025, but it's now used only to print the odd 8-bit program listing anM}d text file. The LX-810 is a whiz at printing mailing labels and, up to now, the 24-pin LQ-500 has produced excellent camera N}ready copy for my publishing needs. An new HP LaserJet III is currently on order and will be used in the preparation of all fO}uture catalogues and mailing pieces.1 Atari 1025 8-bit Printer1 Atari 1020 8-bit Color Plotter1 Epson LX-810 Printer1 EpP}son LQ-500 Printer===================================THE FUTURE OF ATARI 8-BIT-------------------------Yes, it's truQ}e that Atari Corp. has abandoned their Atari 8-bit product line.Yes, it's also true that new Atari 8-bit commercial softwarR}e production has all but dried up.IT'S NOT TRUE that the Atari 8-bit computer is dead! BELIEVE ME!!Lets look at some of tS}he facts...* There are still hundreds of thousands of Atari 8-bit computers out there either being used, or sitting in closT}ets just waiting to be used.* There are still excellent Atari 8-bit publications available, such as Page 6's New Atari UserU}, Atari Interface, and Current Notes. (See MAGAZINE.DOC)* There are still many excellent mail order sources for Atari 8-bitV} hardware and replacement parts. (See DEALERS.DOC)* There are still literally HUNDREDS of classic commercial Atari 8-bit prW}ograms and cartridges available at bargain basement prices. In actual fact, there are more commercial programs available now X}than when I first purchased my Atari! And they're cheaper too!!* There are thousands of Atari great 8-bit programs availablY}e in the form of Public Domain & Shareware through BELLCOM, and the supply seems nowhere near exhausted. In fact, there are aZ} whole new crop of users in Europe and elsewhere writing some excellent new programs.* And, lets face it, we 8-biters are f[}anatics! I believe that there will be pockets of 8-biters still active long after the last Atari ST has fried its chips. BELI\}EVE IT!So, PLEASE... don't give up on your Atari. The truth is, you will never have enough hours to fully realize its true ]}potential. It's still a great computer and plenty powerful enough for most needs. And, above all, it's fun and easy to use!^}Happy 8-Bit Computing!===================================AND NOW FOR THE fine print...-----------------------------BE_}LLCOM is a registered independent company and is not affiliated in any way with Atari Corp., or any other commercial company `}or non-commercial group. Atari is the Registered Trademark of Atari Corp. All references on this INFO DISK to commercial Atar}ompatible interface. The sender simply Saves a file to "R:Filename.Ext" and the receiver simply Loads from "R:Filename.Ext"..b}TURBO BASIC-----------If, when using Turbo Basic you go to DOS, instead of rebooting or loading AUTORUN.SYS, simply hit ".c}M", type 2080 and you'll zip right back into Turbo Basic.DISABLE ATTRACT MODE--------------------If you need to stop the.d} Atari from shifting screen colors in "attract" mode and you're afraid pressing a key will disrupt the program, try pressing .e}"SHIFT-CONTROL-A".DUMB POKE TRICKS----------------POKE 756,204 - Try a foreign (to some of us) character set by holding .f}down Control and typing any letter. POKE 756,224 to return to normal.POKE 755,4 - Turns the character set upside down. POKE.g} 755,2 to return to normal.POKE 755,1 - Turns the character set invisible. POKE 755,2 to return to normal.POKE 752,1 - Tu.h}rns the screen cursor off. POKE 752,0 to turn it on again.DOS 2.5 WORD PROCESSOR----------------------In a hurry, or cau.i}ght without a word processor? You can still create a text files by simply using DOS.1. Boot Atari DOS 2.0 or 2.5.2. Select.j} the (C)copy function.3. Type E:,D:Filename.Ext and press Return to record your filename on your disk.4. Write your text on.k} the screen using any of the Atari's editing keys to edit your text. Note: editing can only be done on each line before your .l}press Return. What you see is what you get!5. When finished writing, press Control and 3 to save your text to disk.6. To pr.m}int out your text file, press C for copy function, then type D:Filename.Ext,P: and press Return. Your file will be printed as.n} long as your printer is online.*********************************** KEY-CHEATS FOR ATARI 8-BIT COMMERCIAL GA.o}MES***********************************Some professional programmers have built little key-tricks into their games. Here ar.p}e a few that you might enjoy trying. If you hear of any more please let us know.ARKANOID--------Place something heavy on .q}the SPACEBAR and the ball will slow down during play.ATARI ARTIST------------When on the main menu, position the cursor o.r}ver the Atari logo, then press FIRE, and a little tune will play.BOUNTY BOB----------Set the special code to 61800 and ho.s}ld down the F key and then press OPTION. Start the game. The option keys are: Q = next screen A = back a screen B =.t} original position Z = reset screen F = Bounty Bob floatsCONAN THE BARBARIAN-------------------Press the T key on b.u}ooting up to achieve immortality while playing.DONKEY KONG JR--------------Press SHIFT while typing "BOOGA" to get you in.v}to a cheat mode. Now press K and the crocs can't kill you. Press S to advance screens.F15 STRIKE EAGLE----------------Run.w} out of jet fuel? Simply press A and glide along on a cushion of air.GALAXIAN--------For infinite lives start the game wh.x}en your missile is ready and press SELECT quickly. The game prompts "Game Over", but you can still play.GHOSTBUSTERS------.y}------Press SPACEBAR while on the title screen and tah dah, "GHOSTBUSTERS"!LEADERBOARD-----------Press OPTION to leave t.z}he game and go on to the next course, carrying your old points score with you.LOAD RUNNER-----------To use these features.{}, hold down CONTROL while at the same time pressing the following keys: F = increses lives A = kill man U = advance.|} 1 level R = end go + = slower * = faster D = change digging direction K = Keyboard controls: 1=up .}} M=down J=left K=right J = Joystick modeMISSILE COMMAN.~}D---------------Press CONTROL and C together and you will begin on level 5. Press CONTROL and Z together a few times and so.}metimes you'll be surprised.POLE POSITION-------------Place a weight on the SPACEBAR and the car will slow down a bit to .}give you a better chance to complete the 8 laps.RESCUE ON FRACTALUS-------------------If you let an alien aboard your shi.}p and the mother ship is orbiting, press B for the boosters. The ship will swerve wildly about, but eventually it will climb .}above the atmosphere and the alien will die in space.TRACK AND FIELD---------------Set the high jump bar to 2.40m and you.}'ll find that you can sometimes slide right underneath it. THAT'S ALL FOR NOW... HAVE FUN!high jump bar to 2.40m and you,_ses! The special Dorsett Educational Master Cartridge contains the main program, while the courses are contained on program} cassettes. Thus, as the data appears on the screen it is accompanied by high-quality voice narration.Each course consists }tware titles and both new and used Atari equipment.Write to The Electronics Clinic for further details.__________________}===========Publisher's Address:Rovac Industries,P.O. Box 59,Middlesex, NJ.,U.S.A. 08846-0059Tel. 908-968-2024This"} company produces and distributes Z*MAGAZINE, an excellent monthly Atari 8-bit online news magazine which modem users may dow"}of 16 half-hour programs. Course subjects (there are over 30) include Electronics, Economics, Office Skills, First Aid/Safety}, Psychology, Business, Accounting, Carpentry, and more.You will need an Atari program recorder and the Dorsett Educational} Master Cartridge ($9.95 US) to utilize these courses. Courses cost $39.95 US.ACT FAST, as Dorsett is said to be closing ou}t their inventory on these items. There is nothing like them!Write to Dorsett Educational Systems, Inc. for further informa}tion.___________________________________ JEFF EDWARDS ============Mail Order Address:Jeff Edward}s,138 South Main Street,Travelers Rest, SC.,U.S.A. 29690Jeff Edwards markets the DIGITAL MUSIC SYSTEM, as well as a num}ber of products that are Print Shop and Awardware graphics related.Write to Jeff Edwards and request a copy of his latest c}atalogue.___________________________________ THE ELECTRONIC CLINIC =====================Mail Order Address:}THE ELECTRONIC CLINIC,4916 Del-Ray Avenue,Bethesda, MD.,U.S.A. 20814Tel. (301)-656-7983The Electronic Clinic stock m}any 8-bit software titles. Buy, sell, and trade used Atari hardware and peripherals. And also service all Atari products.Wr}ite or call The Electronic Clinic for further information on what they have to offer the 8-bit user._______________________}____________ Robert Stuart's EXCEL Atari XL/XE Software ====================Mai}l Order Address:Robert Stuart,21, Stronsay Way, Broomlands,Irvine, Strathclyde, KA11 1HZ,Scotland.Tel. 0294-212352B}esides publishing the innovative EXCEL DISK MAGAZINE (see MAGAZINE.DOC file), Robert Stuart also sells a selection of public }_________________ TIGER DEVELOPMENTS Presenting An Exciting New Range of 8-Bit Software =========}==================Mail Order Address:TIGER DEVELOPMENTS,26 Menzies Avenue,Walmer, Deal, Kent, CT14 7QZ,England.TIGE}R DEVELOPMENTS produces brand new commercial software titles for the Atari 8-bit computers. Titles offered include Mission Zi}rcon, Tarkus And The Crystal of Fear, and the Programmer's Workshop Vol. 1 & 2. Software is low priced and is available on ei}ther disk or program cassette.Write to TIGER DEVELOPMENTS and enclose a self-addressed envelope to receive details.______}_____________________________ TOAD COMPUTERS Authorized Atari Service Center ==============================}=Mail Order Address:Toad Computers,556 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.,Severna Park, MD.,U.S.A. 21146-3818Tel. (800)-448-8}623 Toll free In MD. or outside the U.S.A. (301)-544-6943FAX (301)-544-1329TOAD COMPUTERS supports the Atari 8}ct or indirect responsibility or any loss or expense however caused, resulting from your use of or inability to use any infor&}-bit computer line and maintains a large inventory of Atari 8-bit products. Staff are knowledgeable about the needs of Atari }users and they are friendly to deal with.As many of the 8-bit items in stock are of the one-of-a-kind variety, an 8-bit cat}alogue listing is not available. If you're looking for a specific 8-bit product, simply call TOAD COMPUTERS and they'll be ha}ppy to assist you.___________________________________AND YOU THOUGHT THERE WAS NOTHING AVAILABLE FOR YOUR ATARI!________}___________________________DISCLAIMER: The above listing was compiled from a variety of different sources. While every effo}rt was made to assure its correctness and completeness, BELLCOM cannot assume any reponsibility for the information here cont}ained. Also note that BELLCOM shall assume no direct or indirect responsibility or any loss or expense however caused, result}ing from your use of or inability to use any information given. Prices listed are intended to be used as a guide only and can}not be guaranteed to be current. to use any information given. Prices listed are intended to be used as a guide only and can!e only and cannot be guaranteed to be current. to use any information given. Prices listed are intended to be used as a guid/domain and commercial game software at a very reasonable price.Write to Robert Stuart, for a full list of available softwar}e.___________________________________ GRALIN INTERNATIONAL ====================Mail Order Address:GRAL}IN INTERNATIONAL,11 Shillito Road,Parkstone, Poole,Dorset BH12 2BN,England.This British firm offers a number of memory} upgrades and operating system upgrades for Atari 8-bit XL/XE computers. Also offered for Atari XLs is the Turbo 816 16-bit 6}5816 CPU Upgrade and accessories.GRALIN INTERNATIONAL also features the amazing ChromaCAD 3D Model Builder and the ChromaCA}D Surface Shader XE 91. These powerful graphics programs allow you to build on-screen any 3D model you can visualize, includi}ng accurate models of the human head. Their ads claim that when viewed with Surface Shader, you will be able to recognize the} subject from the on-screen model! It's really an amazing program!An assortment of commercial game disks and ROM cartridges} is also available, as well as end-of-line ICD products, MIDI interfaces, and serious software.Write to GRALIN INTERNATIONA}L and request a copy of their free Product Guide.___________________________________Continued on DEALERS2.DOC...NATIONAvnload for FREE from many BBSs and the GEnie and CompuServe commercial online services. Great product reviews and items of int"}erest to all Atari 8-bit users. Power up your modem and enjoy a good read!___________________________________DISCLAIMER: "}The above listing was compiled from a variety of different sources. While every effort has been made to assure its correctnes"}s and completeness, BELLCOM cannot assume any reponsibility for the information here contained. Also, BELLCOM shall assume no"} direct or indirect responsibility or any loss or expense however caused, resulting from your use of or inability to use any "}information given. Prices listed are intended to be used as a guide only and cannot be guaranteed to be current. to use any qmation given.responsibility or any loss or expense however caused, resulting from your use of or inability to use any infor$i products and/or mail order companies are trademarked and should be so noted.BELLCOM,P.O. Box 1043,Peterborough, Ontario},Canada K9J 7A5ail order companies are trademarked and should be so noted.BELLCOM,P.O. Box 1043,Peterborough, Ontario