22]5 2LBC6D46566162636.6/60666 ^26 d3 y3L2FMS SYS 3 ,4 s2`2%6 2%6-&6L26 26 22866666666 3 2 2` 26 26-6L2L2ll`(6EF)6 -3 A4`6(66)66E6F -3 A4`8?616%6@626&6A636'6'6`8%6(6&6)6`L2;6 3"6`L2 3#6)86)@ 6?6`6>6 66!6?6"6@6A6` 3 m5=6C6`;6) =6)8JJJ<6i#6i$6`;6;6@8` 3`36A626@6 16?68``:69676-6`(6 )6  4`-6). 5)6U(60P 4 m5#646$656-6 -676)6!876(6(6 476-6)-6LA4876L4EF#6$666 5 5LA4,68E76EF76,6CEEm76EF76,6 5`969696:6:6 %5 :5` c5:66C86`86 %6*&6%6.&6%6 96i#6&6i$6`#6$646#6 56$6`#646$656CD66#6$6L5+6eEEF+6m.6.6/606.616/62606368(6+6(6)6`  R S0`L2\\/T2U)BJ V\\`5?ND:KCP.SYSD:HANDLERS.SYSD:AUTORUN.SYSWFMS SYS KCP SYSKCPOVER SYSCOPY UTL DUPDISK UTL INIT UTL0CONVERT UTLHELP UTLqHELP TXT /HANDLERSSYS,UWWWWWW !"#$%&'()*+|WK d 830831V3   HIH & `)) )  H & H#` 9  HJL +   iʽL`  i B )L ) L ) l )    ***))  L`  ɥ`Ly $:L !  E ,E ɛGBL E .2EEF$   L F * ``? `A[a{0: ? *8`8 ` ) $08`)@) ?ݱ` ?   i ) L )@  L t C HCh LLw C` C ` ` ) )8JJJiiL|  @ `8` 9  )   L`IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL` 9 )v 8  9 )ݭ) 8 ͢ 0" )(ɀ  8 L`)80 L ) @ H ;L  * B  8` ` C)J L  L`  C L`  C = 8L L *L ( |C  = , L` FREE BLOCKS Ed M M FE8EFi0` 9HBLL*L 8 H H` >}>>A' JJ 7 B  7  B -   B  B 8 B  4 L 4  B 0 1 `llA ` B2 D EHIDEHI V0 ` hh B #`  L   i  B 0 L   H i B L} h   L L L` ?`  E  E`E L     i B 6HB! L LS# )   =LSL L`)` H!JWK   HJ@1 YCHKC *  CHKCȩC *     HLMNL` )L H8LMNL LMN L`  |$:1 9L`L L )) H  ^L`L  |   &L` 9)    i B L ` ` ` `ȱ$,ȢE t E.$ t$Ȅ() **`D$i0ȑ$ȩ:$л $E` )  U 8   $    CL C   L U$%8 8$LF)  *&F)FFjFFjFFj  `   L0 t +H hCL LC0`Lw tCL CL  t ` E*FE&FE iFiL1  Lk& D0D W p   D8DCCDm)Dm`;LHL 1   `  $   (L8L    n@-ҭ)@ 8  U e  * @L U  8 U eL  nL=)`L  8L8L Щ`L JFjmCFmD`)L `)`m 8 8(()e$$%``@ I-`  ``  R@1  Y0@R !Ln`L `O830831V3Na  e <L$a j Lj jiin`L   lml- 'no   o  xp! `Lnilm8$Yh`mT$U84 V4W8VWXYZ[dP d!ilo    o`hhe <L$p < d ab 9 p L|8TU4TU l <  < -L+L   9Lqlnk  QkGHC$DCeGGeHHCDCD4k `G_k``ЭG_Ц` xEF  LF x)pL x URSY x K _EFRDʽRC SciY xRRȘRRRR Kc cLEF p hh`8RʽRRERF`<iCiD`p BEHFICDDE @҅ VH҅h` xJмH hi`  x  `E:K:D:MEM.SAVD:KCPOVER.SYSInsert DOS disk. PressΥ    q  `5$4830831V3e  ʎpf$ $ $.hY/RC/D K+ /R .+e + ( -a1A4 - ,p  (  ( vL$ipL' '7UБ !+LL))ʽ2 (a  V-GHL+ `4h7 $ -E - p +pLMN% + $ +  $hhNL$il ,aLm'$Q= - +c +cL- +U ,ci< xh8 K+ (L'Tb< ,$$4Drn轿4:`0b:^Z轿4:RJ$$*54.54*54$$U ~+a b, G)L%$L&D516:7i< ,$ȩ* ,6? ,/a (. ,45 ʽ5.5 v" L;&aL' L'L' (Y , +$a  -a ( $ +$ +a L-aJ* $Ҡh$ʩ,5Y ,(p + $ - $ L-a  - + -$L+ $L' (d -Lc ( V-cGRHRc _ޠ + -L + (c $$$4:4Dح4:ѭ4DSE4E c{ - + +fc ( + !+ ( K+ v  + $ %+c + v  +c + $ cL$L+TcЯ (L:(U -`bTb %+b ,bLG)? '+ +ee`b v6: K+ $)dG eG2$ȹ2$ȹ2$$U$d(L^*hh2L|$H $,h(` '+@ǭ֭gɧɚ<'.()) \ $ +$ $3bL*ɛwL=)}~KɜKL*hhL$hhL$U$~# +8U$ʹ44$U$ +LG) +̘8'U$ , +L)b $)$d4Y$4` $) b,L=) $)pJJJJ 4 -ȹ4$a h4C4$ K+dY$N4O$$ +$iCi2DC$ $L=)ba`8U$4 + +$LG) '+ , .+L,$m$U` }E? T 4% -UEfT C 4E -F a`E{ -pEܠ' v <`EF( v pJ vEFpaU2 hh b,$ (L$ 2+L' (G4ɛG.$`e0CDGHC V,CCeC $GeCCHeDDLK+eGGeHH` $ ,Tf .+O - D+ $ - K+Z2GZ2 $ G $f- '+ $Z2 , ,8`T$U$`$T$UL'+ x4Cɛ` xC5ɛ`E~4EL~+iDCi4D`G04 -d 5- 5-GLE-I8GIG i04``GH$ o-G o-H` -C$ -ICeIC`$$4A7`80`c 0+ 0+U $ -Ec .c ? v. y.LN.c( v.cDW 44E y.L1. .+ .cie D v. .c TUE4 4E ~+c # $L(`L+ y.LN.c334ɛ` S/ v.LN.54ɛ,ʩ 4`a:24 8 GXiRCeYDCGGCCV 3/)Ai 蝿4ڈV 3/G a 7 9c4e34 `HbhC`h` 4(eGGЀaؠ &/ {/$ .(ĭc GG4`} Atari DOS 3 Copyright 1983ile indexoadem saveo cartridgeaveo atopy/Appendrase hex addruplicateename-user-nit diskrotect definedccess DOS 2nprotectelp)  #   ####2 SelectionFilespecDisplay deviceOld filespecNew filespecRun this file (Y/N)FilespecStart addr (HEX)End addr (HEX)Optional INIT addr (HEX)Optional RUN addr (HEX)Run addr (HEX)External commandExecute this command file (Y/N)Use MEM SAVE (Y/N)Are you sure (Y/N)Continue with command (Y/N)Pressfor menuInsert DOS disk in drive 1 and PressPressfor more file index  (/&' :.1234567890BCADFEPRUSGLXMITHNYJKOQVWZ*? !# $+      No command file foundInput requiredNo cartridgeInvalid END addrError loading MEM.SAVError saving MEM.SAVBREAK abortNonexistent deviceEnd of fileDevice timeoutDevice NAKDevice done errorDevice number errorToo many OPEN filesDisk fullFilename errorFile protectedFile not foundDuplicate filenameBad load fileFormat incompatibleed ing to  &*/@Pe(Y/N)?all specified files ...not Job completed. No more matchesUpdating KCP.SYS ...Loading D:COPY.UTLD:CONVERT.UTLD:DUPDISK.UTLD:INIT.UTLD:HELP.UTLD:*.CMDD:KCP.SYSError Filename SizepvyD1:*.*E:NER SYS$$830831V3$1%B%U%k%%g)%%%%n&%&2&S&x&~&&&&&&&m&&'''='w'''''''''' ((&(5(D(W(e(y(((()*****q+f)g)j)w)z)))))))))))  D1:HELP.TXTP:K: 123421431S@6$$ "$!4$l&  &:    ,Q6}Copy UtilityCopyright 1983, AtariAppend (Y/N)? NSource device? Source filename? Destination device? Destination filename? No more file(s) foundInsert disk. PressError 9-Device Input ErrorError 10-Filename Input ErrorCopy all specified files (Y/N)? NAppend all specified files (Y/N)? NInsert source disk, PressError 170-File Not Foundo&& file(s) copiedappendedDo you have more filesto append or copy (Y/N)? YCopy Append &&to &' (Y/N)? NCopying Appending Error 'e)Insert destination disk. PressInsert source disk.Insert destination disk. PressOption not allowed-BREAK Abort-Nonexistent Device-End of File-Device Timeout-Device NAK-Device Done Error-Device Number Error-Too Many OPEN Files-Disk Full-Filename Error-File Protected-File Not Found-Duplicate Filename-Bad Load File-Format Incompatible-Directory FullInsert DOS disk in drive 1 andPressError 5-Input/Output ErrorPressto print this screenPressfor more helpPressfor Copy screenAre source and destinationthe same diskette (Y/N)? N))ND1:*.*NYABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890.*?;*6 . d6 . 7+ .)) p$)ȹp$)l)) C+) + 4`:*`l L2)))))) C+ U.)L* g* w* 1* j2L*)LR* g* w* 2*)*)* j2L* g* w* 2*)*)* j2L* |$}$幆$湇$繐$蹑$齚$4*`@ҩ` 7+ $D $E$HI B V`) 1)))) *) ))))g)DL,w)DE~)yL,g)DLL/)mh)x)"3 . U.) {. .L8, *L8,ٴ$ x)ٸ$(0# $8h)0 YL/)@У .)L,)L/)w)D * {. . .) ))  . U.) .L,)w)D1) )L,)g)&ɛw)&ɛLL/Eۭ)֩) .Lm-)L/@JBgD)E . .@BHID)E .)0: .) )) .Lm-L- .g) 1$ C+ C+) N1*n& *m&0 C+) C+ C+ Q.L;*l g)&) & ) .&Ƚ) & 𩛙&w)DL,w)&) .L. .. ɛ&L.) .L0. ..ɛL2.&ɛLL/L@.YN)) +7*)7* 4 w*f)Y` . . .LC+ TU` . . . C+`)߅) 4 w*`ƅ&`w)` . B V`@P V0`Ɉ)`) N1*'*'*' . . .U))i C+L- . 1$ޅ& 1i$)%) . C+ C+ C+ U.L - .) . C+ C+)  {. . . 41L/) 41%B*L*M *N . ,1)B*D*E*H*I . 7+)(&B .L*M*N * . {. . .w)D)/ )) )JBޝD&E .)HI8 ,1) B*D*EHHII . 7+w)D)L/ B .) )L+L/) .w)ET* . l+* .) )L+ .Lm-*6*8)*6*``BJƝD&E .` * 1 * y1**** * y1****`HJJJJ 1*h 1*`) 0` * * * *m * * *m * *`ɛ`*5*!AD& 9 ȱ:`:*`1ȩ:`:)WL1****? .*5**ߢ5*!ȱ?**.5*ȩ` z2 l+ 4Lz2THUH_H^H]HX^Y_ . C+h]h^h_hUhT` . 4$ . .0 {.L"3 40LM 30թ HI)D*E 40 .)*!***"*!*y,*#* 4 * * >4 4"H 7+ 4h1$ $-  ( l+ * *Ч$L;*L2 . * 40W ,40P * ,**-**6ɛ  ) ,40"8**** * .L"3 . .1 ~.L"3N%B ,1 V`*PJm*D$iEѨPHI L2 40 * }6D6E,*H-*I!*L"*M 30ǩD6EHHII 40 . B V2 {.`ʎ` 7+)7* 48* F6L5 ɚ l+'֩@|(6) \9* i66*9*~6*8*4*L57*7*8*6* l+L48*7*l8*6* l+L48*[8*6* l+L48*J6* l+8*7* l+8*䈑7*8*7*L46* }F~ɛɜ> l+L4L5)7* 5*:*Ld67*ؑ7*8* l+7*8* l+8*7*8*򩱍D$EHI `+7*8*0BD$EJKLV0L.0BHI V`H9*,h(`;*WFMS SYS KCP SYSKCPOVER SYSCOPY UTL $&830831V3}Duplicate DiskCopyright 1983 ATARISource drive number? Destination drive number? Are source and destinationthe same diskette (Y/N)?Pressto duplicate next diskPressto return to DOSInsert source disk in drive 0PressInsert destination disk in drive 0PressFormatting destination disk ....Error 5-Input/Output ErrorInsert disk. Press blocks remain to be read blocks remain to be written`$4$=E$$>$,$1i%$/% O%K:12342143   BREAK abortNonexistent deviceDevice timeoutDevice NAKDevice done errorDevice number errorToo many OPEN filesDisk fullBad sectors at format time;#173Format incompatibleERROR D&&:*P:,'1} Help Screen 1 of 11. Press D to copy all files in same location onto a new disk--to make an exact "logical" duplicate disk. PRESS D WITH DOS DISK IN DRIVE 1.2.Enter no. of drive with original. κPUT WRITE-PROTECT TAB ON ORIGINAL.3.Enter no. of drive with new disk. You can use the same or another drive.4. 련ٯΩ Press Y to duplicate files on same disk. Press N to duplicate files on different disks.Press to print this screenPress for Duplicate screenք% / ,$ ,%$%=%0,%%$ ,&)@ ,Y沩T 沩 + ,&$& / |/$ ,&) + ,% N0% ,&)ų" +!"@% d0 / 6 66!6?6"6@6A6` 3 m5=6C6`;6) =6)8JJJ<6i#6i$6`;6;6@8` 3`36A626@6 16?68``:69676-6`(6 )6  4`-6). 5)6U(60P 4 m5#646$656-6 -676)6!876(6(6 476-6)-6LA4876L4EF#6$666 5 5LA4,68E76EF76,6CEEm76EF76,6 5`969696:6:6 %5 :5` c5:66C86`86 %6*&6%6.&6%6 96i#6&6i$6`#6$646#6 56$6`#646$656CD66#6$6L5+6eEEF+6m.6.6/606.616/62606368(6+6(6)6`  R S0`L2\\/T2U)BJ V\\`5?ND:KCP.SYSD:HANDLERS.SYSD:AUTORUN.SYS$KCPOVER SYSCOPY UTL DUPDISK UTL INIT UTL$$830831V3$$$%#%5%(>%N%%%%%&9&f&p&&&&&&&&'&')'<'H'W'b't'''''''''((C(]((((((((((((((((  - $$6%!- $&  &:    ,Y}Access DOS 2 utilityCopyright 1983, AtariSource drive number? DOS 2 filename? Destination drive number? DOS 3 filename? No more D file(s) foundAre source and destinationthe same diskette (Y/N)? NInsert disk. PressError 10-Filename Input ErrorConvert all specified files (Y/N)? NInsert source disk, PressError 170-File Not Found&n& file(s) converted to DOS 3Do you have more filesto convert (Y/N)? YConvert D&&to && (Y/N)? NConverting DError &(Insert Destination disk. PressInsert source disk,Insert destination disk. Press-BREAK Abort-Nonexistent Device-End of File-Device Timeout-Device NAK-Device Done Error-Device Number Error-Too Many OPEN Files-Disk Full-Filename Error-File Protected-Directory Full-File Not Found-Duplicate Filename-Bad Load File-Format IncompatibleInsert DOS disk in drive 1 andPressError 5-Input/Output ErrorPressto print this screenPressfor more helpPressfor Access DOS 2 screen((X((:((D((:(E)N1*.*NY12345678ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890.*?D1:HELP.TXTP:123421431S@))63*6 "Xȩȩ5 4 - h/ -G)H)I)J)K) -0G) * *G) * * [0y)H)z)I)x) 0L*G) * *G) * * [0y)J)z)K)x)/ 0L*G) -0G) 0 3`)`l L1LV*M) t/O)R)T)L)j)S)Q)M)T)((VT) k- - -M)L+Q)L.T)j)  k- - -H) I) f- ;-R) -L+4) (8)Ф0 <)8(0 YL-)@L@+ a- ;-L@+j)L@+Q)L.N)JBȝD(E -BHIVD)E -b -H) I) L) f-LW, f-Ʌ( /$ -0 -0M) /q)&p)&0 -0 -0 7-LV*l O)N)N)L,O) -(o&V) o&V) .o&ȽV) o& 𩛙o&(&J) -L, -. ɛ&L,K) -L- -.ɛL-䝇&ɛL/.L&-YN(P) 0)() +3 *(Y` w- {- -L-0` TU` - - {- -0`P)#) &3 *`o&`؅(` - B V`P V0`ɈS)`L) /o)&p)&q)& - - f-(L)i -0Lt, - /$Ε$& /i$R)" f- -0 -0 -0 ;- -L+ - f- -0 -0BJoD&E - `/Bt)Du)Ev)Hw)I - h/T)  k- - - Q)Q)JBD&E -HI( `/ Bt)Du)EHHII - h/ B -S) T)L8+L.M) - -H) I)L+LW,`@ҩ`̍t)6u)8)v)6w)`k) /m) /r)n)s)o)l) /r)p)s)q)`HJJJJ /r)h /s)`) 0`l)m)k)l)ml)l)m)mm)m)`ɛ` b$c$l$m$v$w$齀$)` h/ $D $E$HI B V`y)z)x)*? .<y)Ι)*ߢΙ)!"ȱ?*z). Ι)ȩ`x)` 0 23L0THUH_H^H]HX^Y_ {- -0h]h^h_hUhT` - 3$) - -* k-L1~) 20ݩLM 20ΩHID)E 20M)LLy)LMy)M 20HIHy)HIy)IP̝D6E 20 -)y)) 3)) 2 3"H h/ 3h1$) $)-  ( V0))Ч$)LV*L1 - ~) 20Y 20R) )|))}))乁)ɛ  ) 20"8|)|)})}) |) -L1 - -+ n-L1N%B `/ V`PJ%m~)D)iEبPHI ɩ} V0) )D)E)H)I B V, k-`ʎ` h/P)) 3莜) 4L?4 ɚ V0'֩@(4) \) 4))~͚))̘)L24̛)))) V0L53)͛)l)) V0L53)[Μ)) V0L53)J) V0)̛) V0)䈑̛)Μ)Λ)L53) }F~ɛɜ> V0L53LR4P)) ))L4)ؑ)) V0⬛)̜) V0))̜)D4EHI J0Λ))0BD4EJKLV0L-0BHI V`H),h(`K:   !R)LS*555/*`/*`/*`/*) s6/*J) 50Ӱ۩0*Lm6 50İ̐ 50 5-*)1*)2*0*.*Lm6-*!*?٦) ` 4`)`,*i 40,*,*,* q8` -*))ع)`)`)60* 5 0*0* -*-*)Lm6-*Lm6 50*Ϭ.*0*42*1*L5 4L5.* *)0**)2**1*L5).*/*`DE !*)* ? 6.n)ɛ!*  `,)0`!*`3*DISK UTL INIT UTL0CONVERT UTL$$830831V3$$  #&),/25:=CADFEPRUSGLXMITHPressto print this screenPressfor more helpPressfor Help menuHelp on the way ...D:HELP.TXTK:P:Error 5-Input/Output error򠵭%%Help on which DOS function? %*Pressfor general informationPressfor DOS menu} Atari DOS 3 Copyright 1983Help Menuile indexoadem Saveo cartridgeaveo atopy/Appendrase hex addruplicateename-user-nit diskrotect definedccess DOS 2nprotect$$ )m ) )H$&$%R\C%D )R )  ) )< )$ $ $ ) '$b ) )g$$ ?*T IC*D 5*C$$$iO )$$$EF0*ʽ*eEEeFFL'E ?*iEF$ʽ*eEE轍*eFFօC*D ;*:$$$$} ) Q* )O ) '$輍*$Lr'  ) )$L&hh$$La&L)H$,h(` )@߭ӭgɧɚ<'ʍ(') \$ 1* $$L' ) $  )$ ) $ɛLe)$vPL#)p )p )M )F Q*$C$DCɛ  ) )$$$8 $ $$$ $ )L' )s )L'~,(7ɜA $&$ $L' $ $L' $ $ $ $ܬ $٬ $Ω~ $ $UǠ$ $ $H ) )L'$`$%TU )'i6Ci$D`T$U $`$T $UFE )EFpJ ) )pA5 BEHFICDDEp @҅ VH҅h`EFо MLN%Ь$*F$ʽ*E $օC*Dʼ*ʽ*eCCeDD$C$`G&`^OY^0 LreHelp Screen 1 of 41. Press C toorfiles. COPYing creates a duplicate file on the same or another disk. APPENDing copies a file and joins it to another file. PRESS C WITH DOS DISK IN DRIVE 1.Note: Use COPY to write DOS filesonto other disks as needed.2.䠨ٯΩPress Y to append (join) two or more files. If you press N or RETURN, DOS will copy without appending.You can COPY or APPEND using one ortwo disks and one or two drives.Help Screen 2 of 43.Specify device with source file(s). Dn:= drive no., E:=screen, C:=cassette.4.Enter filename. Wildcards can be used.5. Specify device to receive file(s) or with file(s) to be appended. Dn:=drive no., E:=screen, P:= printer.Help Screen 3 of 46.(Wildcards can be used.) If appending, use existing name. If copying onto same disk, choose new filename.Note: DOS does not allow duplicatefilenames on a single disk.7. 련ٯΩPress Y to copy/append files on same disk. Press N to copy/append files on different disks.Help Screen 4 of 48. ٯΩ Press Y to copy/append all files in source filename. Press N or RETURN to copy/append files one at a time.9. If processing files one by one, DOS gives you a Y/N option for each.ӠHelp Screen 1 of 31. Press A to access a DOS2-formatted disk and convert one or more files onto a DOS 3-formatted disk. PRESS A WITH DOS DISK IN DRIVE 1.2.Enter no. of drive with DOS 2 disk.3.ӠWildcards are OK.You cannot get a file index from theDOS 2 disk. But you can see the nameof each file on the disk, if you (a) select Dn:*.* as filespec, and (b) use RETURN response in STEP 7 ahead.ӠHelp Screen 2 of 34.Enter no. of drive with DOS 3 disk. You can use the same or another drive.5.Ӡ㠿You can use new or the same filenames. Wildcards can also be used.6. 련ٯΩPress Y to convert files on same disk. Press N to convert files on different disks.ӠHelp Screen 3 of 37.ٯΩ Press Y to convert files auto- matically. Press N or RETURN to convert files one at a time. DOS gives you a Y/N option on each.Remember: Using RETURN on Step 7 witha Source Filespec of Dn:*.* causesDOS to show you the names of allfiles on the DOS 2 disk.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press D to copy all files in same location onto a new disk--to make an exact "logical" duplicate disk. PRESS D WITH DOS DISK IN DRIVE 1.2.Enter no. of drive with original. κPUT WRITE-PROTECT TAB ON ORIGINAL.3.Enter no. of drive with new disk. You can use the same or another drive.4. 련ٯΩPress Y to duplicate files on same disk. Press N to duplicate files on different disks.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press F to select this function. The index tells you which files are on your disk.2.Specify files you are looking for. To see all files on disk, press RETURN. D1:*.* is the default response.3.Press E: or RETURN to list Index on screen. Press P: to print Index. Index lists file- names, extenders, file sizes in blocks and number of free blocks left.4. If list exceeds one screen, press RETURN for more files.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press E to delete one or more files from your disk. (DOS will not erase Protected files.)2.Specify files to delete. Wildcards can be used. κ ERASED FILES CANNOT BE RECOVERED.3.ٯΩ Press Y to delete all files named by filespec. Press N or RETURN to erase files one at a time.4. If erasing one by one, DOS gives you a Y/N option for each file. Erased filenames should no longer appear in file index.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press P to write-protect files. Protected files cannot be written to, erased, renamed, or appended.2.Specify files to protect. Wildcards can be used.3.ٯΩ Press Y to protect all files named by filespec. Press N or RETURN to protect files one at a time.4. If protecting files one at a time, DOS shows you each filename and gives you a Y/N option. Check File Index. Protected files have (*) in front of filename.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press R to change the filename or extender of one or more files.2.Enter filespec to be renamed. Wildcards can be used.3.Enter the new file- spec. DOS will not allow duplicate filenames on a disk.4.ٯΩ Press Y to rename all files in old filespec. Press N or RETURN to rename one at a time.5. If renaming one at a time, DOS gives you a Y/N option on each.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press U to select this function. UNPROTECT erases the protected status of one or more files.2.Specify files to unpro- tect. Wildcards can be used.3. ٯΩ Press Y to unprotect all files named by filespec. Press N or RETURN to unprotect one by one.4. If unprotecting files one at a time, DOS shows you each filename and gives you a Y/N option. Check File Index. Unprotected files lose the (*) in front of filename.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press S to write a selected memory area onto disk. works ONLY with binary format programs.2.Enter a unique filespec. Wildcards are invalid input.3.Enter start and end addresses in hex.4.ԠΠ Enter address of init program. Enter run address to load-and-go. Press RETURN to bypass init and run options.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press G to enter RUN addr for assembly language program in RAM.You will need to use GO if you SAVEdyour program file with no RUN addr.2.ةEnter hex RUN addr. κADDR MUST CONTAIN EXECUTABLE CODE. OTHERWISE, ERRORS REQUIRING REBOOT MAY RESULT.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press L to load into selected memory area a previously saved assembly language program.2.Enter filespec of file to be loaded. Wildcards are OK. If wildcards are used, DOS shows you each filename and asks you which file to load.3. After selecting file to be loaded, DOS asks堨ٯΩ Press Y to run the file. Press N or RETURN if not to run the file.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press X to select a program you have written in assembly language and stored with SAVE.2. After pressing X, you can (a) type in filespec and press RETURN or (b) press RETURN and let DOS show filenames on D1: with CMD extenders. If method (b) is used, press X with your program disk in drive 1.After DOS loads in the command fileyou may remove your program disk.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press M to select MEM SAVE option. When MEM SAVE is active, you can use a part of memory usually used by DOS.When using DOS with MEM SAVE on, thecontents of lower memory are saved todisk in MEM.SAV file. When MEM SAVEis off, DOS may "overwrite" some ofyour data in memory.2.͠ŠٯΩPress Y to turn on MEM SAVE. Press N to turn off MEM SAVE. Press RETURN to leave MEM SAVE as is.3. Check DOS menu: When MEM SAVE on, the name has a dot: MemsaveHelp Screen 1 of 21. WITH DOS DISK IN DRIVE 1, press I to initialize disk.κInitializing a disk erases all data on the disk.2.堨 Enter no. of drive with disk to be initialized. NEVER INIT YOUR DOS DISK.3.Press 1 for single density format; press 2 for double density format.Help Screen 2 of 24.ӮӠ堨ٯΩThis file lets you boot the system from this disk. Press Y to write file; press N or RETURN to format only.5.ӠٯΩThis lets you increase usable memory. Press Y to modify; press N or RETURN to bypass modification.If you press Y for Step 5, answer: a) Start address of FMS buffers? b) Number of FMS buffers (2-16)? c) Verify write-commands (Y/N)?DOS asks you to confirm init values.Help Screen 1 of 11. Press T to select function. TO CARTRIDGE passes control from DOS to inserted cartridge. (a)If BASIC cart. is inserted, the screen displays a READY prompt. (b)If ASSEMBLER EDITOR is inserted screen displays an EDIT prompt. (c)If you have not inserted cart., screen displays NO CARTRIDGE.2. If you get message (c), press ESC to return to DOS menu.General Information 1 of 6The DOS commands allow you to store,retrieve, and manage your disk files.1. To select a menu function, press the first letter of the command name. (rase ... press, etc.)DOS prompts you to supply the dataneeded to execute a command. Whenresponse is complete, press RETURN.2. To get Help on any DOS function, press ATARI or HELP key instead of typing in requested data.3. To break out of any DOS function, press ESC key for the DOS menu.General Information 2 of 6Some DOS commands are stored on theDOS disk and are loaded into thecomputer when selected.Thus, keep DOS disk in drive 1 whenselecting:1.opy/Append2.uplicate3.nit disk4.ccess DOS 25.-user-defined6.elpThese files are stored on the DOSdisk to leave you more availablememory in your computer.General Information 3 of 6DOS asks you for data such as:1.The full name of your file. (MYFILE.BAS)2.The filename plus the drive ID. (D1:MYFILE.BAS)Wildcards can be used for 1 and 2. *=Any combination of characters. ?=Any single character.3.Dn:=drive no.; E:=screen; P:=printer; C:=cassette.4.孭From which--? To which--?General Information 4 of 6Answers to prompts sometimes appearhighlighted (Drive number?). DOSpicks these preset values (defaults)for you when you press RETURN.The default filespec is D1:*.* (allfiles on the disk in drive 1).When using wildcards, DOS asks youif you want to act on all files:ٯΩPress Y to process all files auto-matically. Press N or RETURN toprocess files one at a time.General Information 5 of 6As noted in the previous screens,the RETURN key is used: (a) to signal the end of your response to a prompt, and (b) to select the default value in response to a prompt.There are two more points to note:1. When in doubt, RETURN is safe. If you answer RETURN to a prompt, DOS never does anything to your files.2. When DOS asks㭛 ٯΩPress RETURN to see each filename in filespec.General Information 6 of 6You know about using HELP or ATARI,ESC, and RETURN keys. But there arefour other special uses for thefollowing keys:1.ԭcauses a DOS function to restart from the first prompt for data.2.ԭdeletes your response to the current prompt only.3.ˠerases the character preceeding the cursor.4.̭̼move the cursor without erasing any characters.830831V38H8P?@     Y`  Y0 `8