These are the files for MYDOS 4.51: DISK 1: READ.ME - This file, describing the contents the MYDOS single density diskettes. MYDOS45D.ARC - An ARC file contain- ing the following two files (each of which will need to be extracted to its own SD disk): MAIN.DOC - The main documentation for MYDOS 4.51. Use your DOS to copy this file to your printer. It is formatted for 80 columns. TECH.DOC - The technical notes for MYDOS 4.51. Same instruc- tions for printout as in MAIN.DOC MYDOS45U.ARC - An ARC file contain- ing the following files: A65.COM - The AMAC compatible assembler used to build execut- able binaries from the MYDOS source files VTOCFIX.COM - The MYDOS disk fix utility. See the .DOC file for instruction. VTOCFIX.DOC - The documentation for the VTOCFIX.COM program. The instruction for printing are the same as for MAIN.DOC. ATR232.AUT - The RS232 driver for ATR-8000 users. ATR232HD.AUT - The RS232 driver FOR ATR-8000 users using the ATR hard disk interface. ATARI850.AUT - The RS232 driver for the Atari 850 interface. DISK 2: MYDOS45S.ARC - The source files and a (very) short note on rebuild- ing MYDOS from the source: MDOS.ASM - The root source file for the file system. MDUP.ASM - The root source file for the user interface. BUILD.ASM - The source to a pgm. to reconstruct MYDOS after it has been reassembled. MDOS1.ASM-MDOS4.ASM - included source files for MDOS.ASM. MDUP1.ASM-MDUP7.ASM -- included source files for MDUP.ASM. MDOS.OBJ and MDUP.OBJ - assembled object files for MDOS and MDUP. BUILD - assembled BUILD utility program, used to rebuild MYDOS. READ.ME - instructions for re- building MYDOS 4.51 Disk 3: DOS.SYS - The resident part of MYDOS 4.51. DUP.SYS - The menu and utility part of MYDOS 4.51. AUTORUN.SYS - The RAMdisk loading utility that will copy the contents of the directory "RAMDISK:" to a RAMdisk if one is recognized. RAMBOOT3.AUT - the same as AUTORUN.SYS. ATR232.AUT, ATR232HD.AUT and ATARI850.AUT - the RS232 drivers described above. A65 - An assembler that can be used to reassemble the source code to MYDOS, recreating the .OBJ files. ARC - A utility to archive collec- tions of files (compatible with the UNIX and IBM/PC utilities of the same name). UNARC - A utility to extract files from archives created by ARC. VTOCFIX - a disk repair utility for MYDOS file systems. VTOCFIX.DOC - how to use VTOCFIX. RAMDISK: - A demonstration of sub- directories, one that will be loaded into the RAMdisk when the disk is booted. It contains the ARC, UNARC and VTOCFIX utilities in the root directory as well as the DISKCOMM utility mentioned below RAMDISK:DISKCOMM - a utility to convert disks into files and back. It is useful for upload- ing or downloading disk images from BBSs or communications services. Enjoy! C. Marslett & R. Puff 6/14/89