Jum's 5200 Emulator V0.8 Loading cartinfo... Loaded info for 113 cartridges. Initialising Allegro 4.0.0, MinGW32 Sound output initialised OK. Graphics mode 640x480x8 set OK. Bitmaps created OK. NTSC mode (60 Hz) 5200 palette set. Joystick config loaded 5200 ROM loaded. Loading cartridge k:\Atari Collection\Spiele fuer Konsolen\5200 Games and Manuals\Roms1192\Star Raiders (32k).bin ... File length: 32768 32k cart. mapping: none (32k cart) CRC: BF574B31 Info: BF574B31 0 Star Raiders (1982) (Atari) (U) (32k)", PAL compatibility byte: 0 Initialising 6502 instructions... Resetting 6502... Reset vector: FD23 addrmask FFFF Initialising POKEY emulation... Initialising audio stream... Audio stream created and started. Sound vol = 192 POKEY write to reg A (SKRES?) with byte 0 POKEY write to reg C (UNUSED)with byte 0 POKEY write to reg D (SEROUT) with byte 0 POKEY write to reg A (SKRES?) with byte 0 POKEY write to reg C (UNUSED)with byte 0 POKEY write to reg D (SEROUT) with byte 0 Halt pressed! Audio stream stopped and destroyed. Initialising POKEY emulation... Initialising audio stream... Audio stream created and started. Sound vol = 192 Halt pressed! Audio stream stopped and destroyed. Initialising POKEY emulation... Initialising audio stream... Audio stream created and started. Sound vol = 192 Halt pressed! Audio stream stopped and destroyed. Initialising POKEY emulation... Initialising audio stream... Audio stream created and started. Sound vol = 192 Halt pressed! Audio stream stopped and destroyed. Initialising POKEY emulation... Initialising audio stream... Audio stream created and started. Sound vol = 192 Halt pressed! Audio stream stopped and destroyed. Initialising POKEY emulation... Initialising audio stream... Audio stream created and started. Sound vol = 192 Halt pressed! Audio stream stopped and destroyed.