Jum52 Platform Independant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Code changes file. 17 Mar 2001 * Added "PAUSE" to msdos.c (key P) 30 Jan 2002 * Implemented TRIG0 latch in GTIAread(TRIG0) * Implemented "shift key (top side button) pressed" in POKEYread(SKSTAT) * Beamrider and Dig Dug control fixed * 1 Feb 2002 * Fixed missile crap left on screen (Dreadnaught, Frogger) * Corrected horizontal offsets with hscroll (frogger, HERO, soccer) 2 Feb 2002 Added crc32.c to calculate crc32 of images for identification Added very basic load/save state (saved as "state"). F9 to save F10 to load 3 Feb 2002 * Implemented ANTIC mode 3 (at last) 5 Feb 2002 * Fixed KABOOM! missing PM gfx (bug in non-DMA gfx code) 10 Feb 2002 Worked on PRIOR and collisions Speed test: optimised build with with no throttle runs QIX at ~575 fps. (Speed test necc to check what effect new PRIOR and COLL code will have in the next build). 11 Feb 2002 Implemented PM/PF PRIORity table. - Mountain King torch now fixed. 12 Feb 2002 * Fixed some age-old bugs in 6502 core - Wizard of Wor now works, and Megamania runs better. Changed controller code - now more accurate. 17 Feb 2002 * Consolidated rendering code for similar ANTIC modes. Implemented new collision code, using a "collision buffer". - collision now accurate, many games run much better. Fixed PM/PF offset in normal width with HSCROLL (Jr. Pacman) Speed (optimised build): QIX - 385 fps, Frogger - 350 fps (33% speed decrease!) 25 Feb 2002 Compiled with Allegro 4.0 Modified output to 2x scale in "Normal" mode. Speed (optimised build): QIX - 375 fps, Frogger - 334 fps - Mountain King torch now broken. 15 Mar 2002 Fixed bug in priority/collision. Fixed mode 2 text (was inverting when it should'nt have). Implemented quick "TV mode" scanline display. 19 Mar 2002 Implemented KBCODE quirk (bit 5 fluctuates) - Thanks Dan! Star Trek now starts. Found that Buck Rogers runs if you press fire at the title screen (NOT start). Implemented "fucked-up-TV" simulation (hehe). 23 August 2002 Fixed ANTIC mode 4/5 alt colour switch Changed keys for PL1 and PL2 Use VSS values for Joystick left/centre/right Implemented Pengo detect and Pengo joystick mode 20 March 2003 Changed sound buffer correct length (355 for NTSC) Corrected ANTIC Mode 2 colours 12 April 2003 Improved cycle counting (ANTIC DMA stolen cycles) Use 136 cycles per line for both NTSC and PAL (6502.c) Changed keys. (See readme.txt) Fixed collision detection (KABOOM! and H.E.R.O.)