Changes in 0.9.9f ----------------- o new binary loader fixed again (some binary files do not set starting address) Changes in 0.9.9e ----------------- o new binary loader fixed (some binary files contain additional $FF,$FF in the block headers) o X11 keyboard autorepeat turned off during emulation o Antic: border color in GTIA 0x80 modes should be taken from $d012 not $d01a o GTIA: return 0x0f for all write-only registers o monitor: added filename to write (memory dump) o svgalib: don't abort if joystick cannot be opened. Also allow cursorpad keys/ctrl key for joystick emulation (enable it by defining USE_CURSORBLOCK) Changes in 0.9.9d ----------------- Almost all changes in this version came from Marek Zelem. Thanks to him we got digital sound effects (including keyboard clicking sound and other sound effects) in all ports of Atari800 now. This is very cool. Also svgalib and X11 support were improved. And a new binary loader was added. + New features for end users: - digital (volume only) sound (finally!) - emulation of console and disk drive sound - improved keyboard, joystick and screen support under X11 - REALTIME mode for Linux - might speed up the emulator a bit - new routine for direct loading of single binary files - new cmdline command '-run program' that runs a program when emulator starts - fixed a bug in XL/XE mode after warmstart List of changes for programmers: o keyboard in X11 didn't generate KEYPRESSED - fixed. Also second joystick emulation was fixed. AKEY_HELP added. o support for REALTIME process under Linux added. This is disabled by default since it might hog the whole operating system. On slower systems this might increase the emulator speed so test it out if you run on a 486. o atari_sleep_ms(100) added to ui() into cycle for reading pressed keys. Emulator thus doesn't hog the operating system while waiting for a keypress. This is essential when Atari800 runs in REALTIME mode under Linux. o digital sound (samples) emulation was added. It's enabled by default but you can disable it by defining NO_VOL_ONLY (who would disable it, anyway?) For better syncing a new global var cpu_clock was added. It's updated in cpu.c, cpu_nogoto.c after every instruction (cpu_m68k.s is not updated yet) This cpu_clock measures the number of physical ticks since the emulation started. o console sound emulation added (keyboard clicking sound and the beep that is produced by writting to CONSOL register). Can be disabled by a #define o disk I/O transfer sound emulation added (can be disabled by a #define). Hardcoded for 19200 bps for now. o the cmdline option '-refresh ' defines how often the screen is to be generated. Previously if num > 1 the screen generating was skipped (num-1) times but also interrupts weren't generated, no sound was produced and CPU ran a bit faster (full 114 cycles per screen line which is not possible under normal circumstances). Seems like this was meant for the BASIC or CURSES emulations. In this version the code for num > 1 was changed so that all interrupts are still generated, sound works OK and CPU runs at the right speed. Just the screen is not generated (antic.c) and not drawn (only in x11.c and svgalib.c for now - other platforms will be updated ASAP). This is driven by global var 'draw_display'. This new approach can be disabled anytime by defining VERY_SLOW. o Warm Start on 800XL/XE fixed - turns on the ROM OS now. o new BIN file loader added. Does not need a temporary .ATR disk image. Should be much better than the original attempt. Define USE_NEW_BINLOAD and test it out. o atari_x11.c: if screen is not visible do not update the emulated screen. Improves speed and is useful e.g. for listening the Atari800 music. Simply cover the emulator window with another window and the emulation runs faster. o atari_svgalib.c: support for running on an inactive virtual console, if allowed by the underlying svgalib. o sound recording added. Global variable 'sound_record' contains a file descriptor. If it's valid the played sound is written to the file. It's up to atari_*.c to turn the sound recording on/off. So far supported by CTRL-F8 under X11 only. o atari_x11.c and joystick: if the mouse is not over the Atari800 window (doesn't have the input focus) the joystick is not read. Also a preliminary 'experimental_mouse_joystick()' was added. As the name says this is an experiment of joystick emulation using the mouse. Not used yet. o trace-ing in monitor: doesn't display 24 insns after a single step. o Jari Karppinen sent a patch for new Allegro lib (v3.12) o Christian Groessler sent a little patch for joystick under Linux o all gets() were replaced by fgets() since the compiler complained. o new configure stuff - configure.c,, config.h and Makefiles Marek rewrote the configure stuff and introduced the file. This is a great idea (something the emulator source needed for a long time). I tried to improve it even more (getting the idea from Linux kernel config stuff). It's not perfect yet but the main purpose - allow people to see and change all used #defines - works now. Also, my idea was to allow people to compile with or without ZLIB without editing the Makefiles and adding #define and -lz. This works too. Of course there's still a lot of work left, for example the (premise) as Marek calls it could allow logical operators like OR, NOT and AND (using C symbols |, !, & or even ||, &&) The .atari800 file format has been changed. The positive thing is that it's now compatible between all platforms. The negative thing is that I had to move it from $HOME dir into the current source dir in order to get the include of Makefile working under DOS. I don't know make and Makefiles well so all fixes are welcome. Changes in 0.9.9c ----------------- + New features for end users: - keyboard autorepeat in UI - separate current directories for operations in UI - better Linux SVGA support (including new 320x240 graphics mode) - new Linux SVGALIB keyboard handler - better sound (interpolation, less system load, configurable sound delay) ! coding style: - please do not change indentation of a source file unless you rewrote major part of it - this makes 'diff' impossible to use and causes hard time for people tracking changes between versions - use TABelators instead of spaces, if possible (set TAB size to 4 spaces) - you can use 'indent -kr -nce -ts4 source.c' to format the source file - if you're sending me diffs then please use diff -u (Unified), if possible List of changes for programmers: o TODO updated - volunteers, please read it. o created new function 'atari_sleep_ms(ULONG ms)' that should be used everywhere in the emulator where you need to delay the execution for a while in a portable manner. Right now used in ui.c for keyboard autorepeat. #include "atari.h" for that. Architectures without usleep() and nanosleep() will edit just this function instead of polluting the whole source code by many #ifdefs. Similar thing needs to be done in the syncing code for main emulator loop in the atari.c. o removed ALL warnings during compilation on DOS and Linux, with help of Jari Karppinen. Atari800 for DOS is known to have problems compiling under latest DJGPP 2.02 and/or with latest Allegro 3.12. This will be fixed as soon as I download the above mentioned dev tools. o ui.c: the keyboard repeat works on all platforms (thanks to 'atari_sleep_ms') some array size hardcoded constants replaced by #define FILENAME_SIZE memcpy(fname, ' ') and strcpy(fname, " ") replaced by memset o pokey.c: ULONG DivNIRQ[], DivNMAX[], TimeBase replaced by 'unsigned int'. This removed the warnings in Pokey[Read|Save]State(). It should not have any negative effects on machines where sizeof(long int) = sizeof(int). Linux-ia32, DOS/DJGPP and Atari Falcon/TT machines (all using GCC) should be OK. Is there an other computer/compiler with 16-bit ints or 64-bit longs that runs Atari800? If yes, state saving/restoring will neither work there, I think. And 16-bit ints would probably broke most of the emulator, anyway... Following changes in 0.9.9c done by Krzysztof Nikiel o new Makefile.linux (Makefile.unix still works for Linux) o pokeysnd.c: added sound interpolation to reduce dsp frequency interference (now should work good even at low rates) and required main output loop reorganization. o sound.c: added correct dsp device handling. Now shouldn't slow down the emulation. added option '-dsprate ' and changed default rate to 22050 Hz (why?) added option '-snddelay ' that allows tuning sound delay according to interval betwen sound updates o sound_dos.c: buffersize increased from 400 to 440 bytes o sbdrv.c: divided sound buffer into four parts. o Linux svgalib: better utilized svgalib capabilities; used mode 320x240x256; removed vgagl dependency; added status of disk LED; o ui.c : bug in SaveState - no terminating zero at end of string separate current dirs for different operations refresh screen bug in GetKeyPress added keyboard autorepeat Changes in 0.9.9b ----------------- o fixed SD and ED floppy formatting in SIO code (sector size is hardcoded) o monitor's commands 'COLDSTART' and 'WARMSTART' perform the reboot immediately now (previously you have to give it the 'cont' command to actually perform the reboot). o statesave bug in SaveINT fixed (negative integers weren't saved correctly). o Makefile.unix updated - the rawkey lib is now essential for the linux-svgalib version of Atari800. o Linux-svgalib version now recognizes F8 keypress for jumping to monitor Changes in 0.9.9a ----------------- o full NOVA graphics support on Falcon including double sized screen o double buffering of screen on NOVA gfx o 16,32-bit X11 shared memory support. Compile with -DSHM. Quote: "Just in case you're interested, here's a patch for Atari800 that will allow shared memory to be used in 16-bit and 32-bit colour modes. There isn't much of a performance benefit on my system (the emulator's CPU usage drop from around 68% to 53%, but the X server rises from 5% to 28%) but it might be useful in some environments. It's a bit of a hack since it adds another copy of each frame's data, but it's probably the best that can be done without changing the non-interface-dependent code." o SIO fix: register A should always contain 0 on return from ROM(?) o Unix fix: call select() in the main sync loop to reduce system load o SIO format fix: realsize is set - formatting should work (7 Cities of Gold) . Though I think we probably should not call SizeOfSector since someone might want to reformat double density diskette to single density. Thus I think realsize = 128; should work better. Let's test that. o Linux SVGALIB - proper keyboard support implemented using the rawkey lib ( Changes in 0.9.8 ---------------- o antic.c: artif_mode is up to 4 (fixed) o compfile.c: ReadAtariExe() for direct loading of single EXE files (actually it creates a temporary ATR file) o sio.c: formatting of ATR disk images fixed o supercart.c: fixed RTIME month (months are zero indexed) o ui.c: added Run Exe option. The LoadState file calls fileselector now. o rt-config.c: added two config options: EXE_DIR and STATE_DIR o compfile.c: fixed a serious bug when using prepend_tmp_file() Changes in 0.9.8g ----------------- o Falcon030 direct VIDEL programming for 336x240 resolution, NOVA screen saver o START/SELECT/OPTION keys on Atari fixed o DOS drives for Atari (still needs to be fixed) o "Load State", "Save State", "Back to emulated Atari" "Cold/Warm Start" reboots machine immediately o fixed the CPU opcode 0xcb and removed the BCD tables definitely Changes in 0.9.8f ----------------- o PAGE BASED memory access implemented (partially). See memory*.[ch] files and possibly #define PAGED_MEM in memory.h to see the (speed) difference. o cpu.c: BCDtoDEC and DECtoBCD removed. WARNING - cpu_nogoto.c is out-of-date! o cpu_asm.c, cpu_m68k.s updated o double buffering of screen output on Atari port o little fixes and general source cleanup (rcsid's were removed, at last) Changes in 0.9.8e ----------------- o Antic address counters fixed (both DisplayList and ScreenAddress). Salmon Run and other games should now scroll the screen correctly. The bug was found by Jindroush. o SelfTest must be disabled when OS ROM is disabled (suggested by Jindroush). o cpu_m68k.s is corrected (stack bug found and fixed). Spelunker runs now. Changes in 0.9.8d ----------------- o introduced #ifdef ZLIB_CAPABLE. Emulator is now compilable without the zlib files. o deleted file 'djgpp.h' and added O_BINARY to all O_RDONLY in open() calls. TODO: update UI and add there menu items for state saving and restoring Changes in 0.9.8c ----------------- o atari.c contains three functions that should rather be port-specific: - zlib_capable() should return TRUE if we're linked against ZLIB - prepend_tmpfile_path() should insert path to a Temp dir to supplied buffer - ReadDisabledROMs() should read ROM files from disk instead from state image The functions are not written yet (they just return FALSE or something like that). Emulator code is not compilable without zlib header files... o cpu_m68k.s contains GetByte, PutByte and GenerateIRQ now. It's faster. Changes in 0.9.8b ----------------- o SIO bug fix: sectors are counted from 1! o new icon for Atari800 emulator o State Saving - a new feature that allows saving the state of emulated environment anytime (in the VBL, actually) and restoring it later. o cpu_m68k.s (assembler module for CPU 6502 emulation on M680x0 machines) was updated (undocumented commands), corrected (Bruce Lee works now) and greatly improved (profilling support, speed). Changes in 0.9.8a ----------------- o added compfile.c for handling DCM and ZLIB compressed files. SIO module updated. Please add call to 'Clear_Temp_Files()' into Atari800_Exit() in all Atari800 ports. o some more printfs changed to Aprints (not sure if everything still works correctly in all ports). o CTIA (artifacting mode 4) added. o DOS port: vertical retrace control in display functions (animations are now much smoother) for both "official" and Allegro Dos versions. It will probably need a fast CPU to work fine. Vertical retrace is normally turned off, it may be activated by command line '-vretrace' option or by adding 'VRETRACE=1' to atari800.cfg. Changes in 0.9.7 ---------------- o CPU.C has got several new macros for stack (PH, PHW, PL) and memory access (dGetByte, dPutByte, dGetWord). This is intented for easier implementation of future memory management. o new command line switch "-nopatchall" and option in config file "ENABLE_ROM_PATCH". If you disable ROM patches (either by setting the ENABLE_ROM_PATCH to 0 or by using "-nopatchall") it will automatically disable the SIO patch as well. But the main purpose of this is to get a clean Atari800 ROM so Self-Test is happy when testing CRC and some games that search for certain device in HATABS do work now. o new undocumented GTIA priority ("transparent missiles") added. The 5th player colour of missiles is transparent in mode 9 and 11. Also it fixes a bug in the earlier implementation of gtia mode 11 There is also a major change in the way priorities are handled which is designed to be faster somewhat, it seems to help a bit with demos that cover the screen with players. It will probably not help too much for other programs. o #define BIG_ENDIAN -> POKEYSND_BIG_ENDIAN (why Linux-ix86 defines BIG_ENDIAN???). o NTSC patch to get Joust running under A5200. o new: support of R-Time 8 cartridge. Try to type 'date' or 'time' under SpartaDOS. o new: artifacting in ANTIC mode 2. o PM DOS version: sound routines (DOSSOUND.C) do not need SEAL library as it uses ALLEGRO lib now. ALLEGRO is capable of sound card auto detection. New code uses just double buffering (previously tripple buffered) and the value of gain was reduced to fix some problems with digital sound. Edit ALLEGRO.CFG to change sample rate and thus sound quality. o CPU 6502 emulation core adapted to not use goto's all over the place. Also the jump table was replaced by switch() statement, which should be optimized into jump table by any modern compiler, anyway. This has various results - under MSVC it speeded up the emulation, while under GNU C on MC68040 it actually slowed the emulator down (about 10%, which is too much). The new core is available in file CPU_NOGOTO.C and is not used by default, however you may experiment with it under your architecture. o SIO DVSTAT byte 1 changed from 128 to 255 in order to get Strip Poker running. o WIN32 related additions and changes o stricmp() -> strcasecmp() in ui.c o TVmode enum members PAL and NTSC had to be changed to TV_PAL and TV_NTSC (PAL and NTSC were already defined in falcon.h header file) o ESCape code for SIO invoking (at 0xe459) has got an additional check to ensure that SIO emulation layer is not called by mistake when CPU gets some random data instead of instructions (it used to cause mysterious locks up of emulator). All other system patches should be protected this way, I think. o ADDLOG and BACKUP_MSG were replaced with one universal routine in log.c called Aprint (syntax same as printf). All printf() should be replaced with this Aprint() routine that buffers the messages on systems where the emulator runs in a special graphics mode (DOS/Falcon/Win32) and does not want to have screen filled with a mess instead of debug reports. o Falcon port cleaned up a lot: cflib removed, three different routines for chunky-to-planar conversion in 320x240, 352x240 and 384x240 resolutions were replaced with one universal routine that works in any resolution and centers the screen view automatically. The default resolution for Falcon is 336x240 now. It also is NOT a Falcon specific port anymore, as it now supports any Atari compatible hardware with MC68020 or higher and 8-bit color graphics (320x240 is the minimum resolution for starting emulator). It also supports LED emulation (floppy LED blinking during SIO activity). o source is compilable with -Wall, all previously uninitialised variables are set to 0. o UI: long file names in Disk Selection dialog are shortened now. o Colour Artifacting! Use '-artif ' command line switch to enable the artifacting. Mode is number between 0 and 3. o the WIN32 specific code for artifacting in antic was removed. o DOS specific files clean up and fixes (a lot). o PIA: fixed support for four joysticks in Atari800, tested on some games. Improved emulation of joystick ports on XL/XE. Some games obviously switch the ports into output state(!) and then read it. One would say there is nothing but $FF when the port is in output state and you read from it, but the real life is different. Atari800 emulator now supports this hardware trick correctly. o UI: better directory tree browsing support in Select Disk, in MS-DOS you can even select disk drives. Changes in 0.9.6 ---------------- o DOS: keyboard and joystick handling changed a lot. Joysticks emulated on keyboard can now be freely defined to (nearly) any key combinations using comfortable JOYCFG.EXE tool. Besides, there are two modes of keyboard: Joystick mode and Normal mode. In Joystick mode the keypresses to joystick predefined keys are not passed to emulated environment. You can switch between Joystick and Normal mode on-the-fly by pressing the F7 key. o Falcon: NOVA graphics extended: 336x240 or 672x480 (double size) o UI: the too fast autorepeat was fixed - by disabling the repeat altogether. o SIO: serious bug in CopyToMem fixed. No more rewritten ROM OS. o ANTIC patch: no player DMA without missile DMA. o SIO: missing 'else' in DIR routines. o Allegro VGA: updated Makefile and fixed ShutdownVGA(). o VCOUNT patch o PIA_Initialise() should initialise PORTA to 0. o PIA registers are mirrored not only in Atari800, but in XL/XE models as well (thus addr&=0xff03). Bounty Bob runs now? o DOS: VESA2 mode support (about three times faster than X-mode). VESA2 also preserves the refresh rate. You can disable VESA2 modes by switch -novesa. Also colour pallete initialisation is faster now. o DOS: Atari_Set_LED function (use -DSET_LED to enable that). o UI: the last ESC keypress is not passed to the emulated program anymore. o Monitor: pressing [Return/Enter] can be used for single stepping as well. o new routine for saving of screenshot in 336x240 size as PCX. So far used in DOS and Falcon ports (press F10 to save current screen into a file). o the Atari keyboard should now react quickly enough. DOS port contains keyboard buffer for last two keys. o fix for initialisation of PORTA o DOS port: better joystick autodetection o several fixes for more ANSI like C code o ANTIC: fix for DLIST counter. o ANTIC: several more hardware registers are unreadable. Changes in 0.9.5 ---------------- o ANTIC: fix for scrolling of empty lines. o CPU: little fix in remembering last N jumps. o new command line option: '-basic' to override Hold_Option in cfg file o UI: you can now go into folders when selecting image in Disk Management o DOS port - finally full resolution 320x240, 320x480 interlaced. o SIO: ATR images created by SIO2PC are readable now. Also Read/Write Config was updated to reflect real XF551. o monitor continues last command by pressing [Return/Enter] key. o PIA: reading PORTA fixed (now works exactly like real Atari800, not compatible with Atari5200 yet). o UI fix: it's possible to disable disk drive by [Space] again. o Gtia fix: CONSOL (Start/Select/Option keys) handling. o Pokeysnd: poly4 and poly5 bit fields were changed for more accurate sound emulation. The original values are still available with -DPOKEY23_POLY. Changes in 0.9.4 ---------------- o CPU fixes: several unofficial instructions compared with real Atari800XE and their emulation fixed. ADC/SBC "V" bit bug found and fixed (Thor's code used, which in turn was taken from Frodo emulator, AFAIK). Compatibility greatly improved again! o Antic fix: cycle counting when DMA is disabled (improves sound quality in non-interrupt driven sound update routines). o Voxware sound driver updated (tested under Linux). pokey11.[ch] files removed. o the crashing in UI when switching to Atari5200 mode fixed. o internal monitor improved (symbolic names for often used hardware registers etc). Line assembler implemented. Single instruction step mode implemented. Monitor remembers not only last N PC addresses, but also last N jumps. To enable these features edit your Makefile CFLAGS = -DMONITOR_BREAK -DMONITOR_HINTS -DMONITOR_ASSEMBLER. o additional WIN32 code (Atari800 User Interface is used in Windows port now) o all Hardware_GetByte(address) routines return 0xff for unknown address now. o fixed several files so Makefile.allegro works now. o NMIEN is not readable now. Changes in 0.9.3 ---------------- o POKEY interrupts implemented (inspired by Thor's version). Ghostbusters run now! :-) o NOVA graphics support on Atari TT/Falcon computers finished. Atari800 is no longer Atari Falcon specific port, now it works on any TOS compatible machine with MC68020 or higher and a NOVA graphics card (please test in on Medusa, Hades and Milan machines) o A special check for pending IRQ put into CLI, PLP and RTI insns. It's a macro for speed reasons, though a function might be more appropriate. o A new function GenerateIRQ() was written in CPU module and is used where needed (ATARI and POKEY modules). o Handling of IRQ's changed. Before, we tested for IRQEN (is interrupt enabled?) and then (in positive case) we set IRQST. Now, we always set the IRQST and then we take an action only if IRQEN is OK. I don't know if it's OK, I have just been told that more demos work with this. o all HardwareGetByte(address) routines return now 0 for unknown address (probably not ideal, but deterministic at least). o several routines from ANTIC, CPU and POKEYSND modules moved to POKEY module, where they actually belong. o CPU emulation fixed (INDIRECT_X mode was overflowing) o CPU and Antic speeded up *slightly* by using type casts instead of direct anding with 0xff (the compiler got a chance to optimize it at least). o a lot of uneccessary castings to (UWORD) and (UBYTE) was removed from CPU emulation o DiskDir of UI enhanced - now you can define up to eight directories where disk images are stored - then you can go through these directories in Disk Management by pressing TAB key. o fixed sorting of file list in Disk management in DOS port (a speciality of strcmp() function of DJGPP libc). Changes in 0.9.2 ---------------- o LPTjoy implemented. Now you can connect up to three old style CX-40 (Atari, Amiga digital joysticks) to the printer ports of your PC (via a very simple interface). Then you just specify "-LPTjoy1" on command line for joystick on LPT1 etc. LPTjoy idea came from Petr Sumbera. o m68k assembler CPU emulation was updated to reflect recent changes in CPU module . o preliminary support for NOVA graphics on Falcon o Allegro joystick routines slightly improved (now you can play even without real joystick) o Atari800Win changes were put in the main source tree o after selecting another OS from UI emulator doesn't hang if there is no ROM file. Changes in 0.9.1 ---------------- o new POKEY v2.4 with sound channels filtering! Exclusively written by Ron Fries for Atari800 emulator. Thanks, Ron! o merge of Perry's and (RASTER & Petr)'s source tree - great! Current source can be compiled for DOS by either Makefile.dos or by Perry's Makefile.allegro. Perry's Makefile needs DOS game library Allegro. The only functional difference between these two DOS versions is that Makefile.allegro enables keyclicks (due to different sound handling). o major rewrite of DOS keyboard emulation - now allows two modes of operation: native (the labels on English PC keyboard are valid) and original (the keyboard layout is the same as the original Atari800 keyboard). You can switch between these two modes on-the-fly by pressing Control+F1 and Shift+F1). Better handling of START/SELECT/OPTION keys (these console keys are independent of the rest of keyboard). Screen view movement changed to Control-numeric pad (just like emulated joy, but with Control key). o ANTIC speeded up by narrowing the screen width to 42 chars (originally it was 48 chars wide, but no TV can show more than about 43 chars..). This should speed things up for about 10% in wide modes and PM graphics. o Emulation of 320 kB of memory added. Two different modes are supported - Rambo and Compy Shop. Extended memory tested by Q-meg (alternative operating system for Atari320XE). ROM/ShadowRAM and AtariXL Basic switching optimized. o Atari5200 emulation corrected (loading of ROMs, keyboard, paddles). Special support for Bounty Bob on Atari5200 added. o new SIO code that supports formatting (written by , updated by Perry and Petr). Changes in 0.9.0 ---------------- o slight speed up in antic.c o the right-most vertical line was missing on screen o DOS: BREAK key should not have auto-repeat, Invers key added o ANTIC now contains #ifdef POKEY_UPDATE. That should be defined in Makefiles for architectures where it's impossible to update sound buffers in DMA interrupt (i.e. Unices etc) o source cleaned up (no C++ style of comments), docs updated Changes in 0.8.9 ---------------- o ANTIC's DIRECT_VIDEO mode was completely rewritten. Now it is the default mode of emulation, much faster than the previous approach. This version of ANTIC is also 'line-oriented' - that means video emulation is accurate to single scanlines. It allows such tricks like changing charset during displaying an ANTIC text mode line. ANTIC's scrolling in both horizontal and vertical direction is now supported in all graphics modes. Thanks Perry for all these things. o GTIA now supports all possible combinations of PMG collisions. It also supports third colour (many games are much more colourful now, just like they were on original Atari800). Thanks Thomas Richter and Perry. o -configure now preloads the default filenames of ROM images. It also presets hold_option to 1 (for game players is better not to confuse them with Atari Basic). o xcolpf1 kludge was removed (antic, gtia, rt-config files). o DIRECT_VIDEO support was removed (configure.c) o the compilation config file is named atari800.djgpp on DOS, so it finally doesn't collide with atari800.cfg (config file of emulator itself) o sio.c opens files in binary mode - works on DOS o Atari800 monitor changes: disassembler rewritten (now recognizes all 256 opcodes and displays also cycles and hex codes), different (more logical?) commands: [D]isassembler, [C]hange memory, dump [M]emory (previously Y, M, D) o Fixed DMACTL and GRACTL registers (difference between enabled PMG and enabled DMA for PMG). o Introduced PMG flickering (try out POKE 53248,160:POKE 704,14:POKE 53277,3). o DOS keyboard: added Ctrl-1 (stops scrolling), Ctrl-2 (bell), Ctrl-3 (EOF) and HOME key clears screen, END key stands for Atari BREAK key. INSERT and DELETE keys insert and delete chars or whole lines (with Shift and Control keys). Changes in 0.8.8 ---------------- o Antic, GTIA and CPU are now synchronized. Very precise timing (up to 99.87% compared to real Atari800XE) with CPU cycle counting was implemented by RASTER. This should be the final solution for numerous DLI problems. Changes in 0.8.7 ---------------- o snailmeter (speed indicator on the screen) is disabled automatically when the host computer is fast enough for emulating the Atari800 at full speed. o Atari_Scanline() function was optimized - should be up to twice as fast as was before. o Falcon: keyboard emulation of joystick was fixed once more. Now you can hold down several keys at once and it works OK. o DOS: joystick is autodetected. If not present, keyboard emulates joy1. If real joy is detected, keyboard emulates joy2. If "-joyswap" command on command line is used, the joy1 and joy2 are exchanged. Changes in 0.8.6 ---------------- o improved IRQ handling in CPU (CLI instruction) - now Rescue on Fractalus reacts on keyboard presses o Falcon: real DMA sound with interrupt driven buffer recalculation using Ron Fries POKEY 2.3 o DOS: keyboard fix of HASH mark (Shift-3) o Falcon: keyboard fix of joystick emulation o DOS version starts even when sound card is not initialized (emulator is now able to run under WindowsNT 4.0) o Falcon detects current video mode and doesn't touch VIDEL registers if it's 320/352/384x240x8bp (see the -resolution switch) - Atari800 should now run on RGB monitors as well. o fixed little typo in BACK_SLASH (thanks Perry) o improved DOS and Falcon keyboard emulation (common KEYPRESSED and SHIFT_KEY) DOS version now recognizes extended keys properly - joystick emulation is OK (Chimera, BruceLee and others are now playable) o XL operating system is turned on in Coldstart routine. o keyboard IRQ are set only if allowed by IRQEN o DOS port emulates TAB and HELP key (HELP is mapped to F10 - not optimal, should be changed to another key - perhaps F6, which is useless in XL mode) o DOS port has faster screen update with dosmemputl (Perry) o files on virtual drive are opened in binary mode (Perry) and are listed in uppercase (RASTER's suggestion) o fixed bug in SIO_Mount causing crashes when mounting drives in Disk management o in System menu (F1) copy font from operating system and not from shadow RAM (another XL related bug fix) o added support for '\\' in file paths (see #define BACK_SLASH) Changes in 0.8.4 ---------------- o fixed bug in vertical scrolling (visible for example in Archon intro) - thanks to Perry McFarlane o DMA sound for Falcon version (using POKEY 2.2). Buffer recalculation is not interrupt driven yet. o Error messages are buffered until the original text mode is restored (see #define BACKUP_MSG) o Falcon version supports up to two joysticks o Snailmeter :-) A kind of indicator for slow machines - it shows you how many times is the emulator slower than real Atari800. On my Afterburner (68040 @ 40 MHz) it's about three or four times slower than original :-( If your machine is fast enough, the snailmeter is not visible. So watch the lower bottom of screen! :-) Changes in 0.8.3 ---------------- o Radek Sterba ( did a marvelous work on discovering unofficial 6502 instructions. This CPU.C has implemented _all_ 256 opcodes! He added more than 70 unofficial instructions, many of them were even unkown before. ESC code had to be changed from 0xff to 0xf2 (0xff is a kind of 'regular' instruction, while 0xf2 is the CIM). Atari800 is the world's first 6502 emulator with full instruction set! 100% software compatibility with original 6502. o I've integrated his code and fixed JMP (addr) for addr crossing page boundary (6502 was 'buggy', though 65C02 should had this fixed). o IRQ variable has been changed from int to UBYTE (for C it shouldn't matter and it helps in the m68k asm code). o Disk images created by XFormer and its utilities (having extension .XFD or .DD) may be of double density - I implemented it in sio.c (see #ifdef ORIGINAL_XFD_CODE). Tested and works (glad to get it working, because I have a lot of XFD images). o In DOS/VGA version you can move the 320x200 screen around with Ctrl-Arrows to see full 384x240 resolution of original Atari800. To restore the VGA screen back to center press F10. o DOS/VGA version supports one real PC joystick (emulated in port 1). You still can use the numeric keypad as emulated joystick - by default in port 1, or in port 2 with "-joyswap" command line switch. Joystick doesn't have the ghost-moves (interrupts are disabled during joy reading). Also joystick is not read whenever the Atari800 wants it, but only in the keyboard routine (i.e. regularly 50 times per second, basically in VBL). This was important to prevent a game reading joy port too often to hang or slow the emulation down (reading of PC joystick takes some time). o DOS port has finally got wonderfully clear sound, thanks to Ron Fries' SoundBlaster Driver 1.2 and new, little/big-endian aware POKEY 2.2 routines. o New monitor S command for searching a value in memory. o The best news: found the reason why so many games didn't work in XL mode. Fixed one MMU bug (XL didn't have TRIG2 and TRIG3 was connected to cartridge) and introduced one MMU workaround (many 800-only games put zero to PORTB. That's why Tapper and other games didn't work). Now the compatibility ratio of Atari800 in XL/XE mode is at 97% or higher - definitely the most compatible Atari800/XL/XE emulator in the world. Changes in 0.8.2Petr ---------------- o Fixed wrong missile width (all missiles had the same width) - now River Raid looks much better. o Added 28 cycles in Antic after executing DLI - it was absolutely needed, because otherwise the interrupt routine was executed too late and the effects (color or font change) occured with another Antic line - now Pitfall II has the score displayed in numbers and not in characters. o Added several checks into SIO code for seeking() after end of file - on Falcon it caused enlarging of disk images (for example the well known MENU.ATR has original size 1296 bytes, but after rebooting of Atari800 the file was enlarged to 2598672 bytes). Maybe it's a hidden endianess problem in SIO code? It happened on Amiga, too. o Added a method of invoking Monitor - by pressing the F8 key anytime during emulation. o Added BREAK command into Monitor. Now it's possible to enter monitor, use command BREAK and then CONT. The emulator then runs until the PC (program counter) is exactly . Then the monitor is invoked again. o DOS version has got joystick support and also sound support using Ron Fries Pokey Emulation 2.0. The joystick is OK, but the sound is not clear - need to change to interrupt driven sound buffer generating. o Atari800 has been ported to Atari Falcon (32-bit machine with MC68030 or MC68040 and flexible graphics processor). Besides the port this Falcon version contains special CPU 6502 emulation written in pure MC68030 assembler by Empty Head (Karel Rous), special very fast routines for chunky2planar conversion (written by Douglas Little @ Black Scorpion) and special code for VIDEL programming (provided by Douglas as well). The keyboard and joystick emulation, the port itself and the fixes mentioned above were done by me, Petr Stehlik ( Changes in 0.8.2David ---------------- o New Monitor READ command to load file into memory. o New Monitor COLDSTART command to perform a coldstart. o New Monitor WARMSTART command to perform a warmstart. o New Monitor F command to fill memory range with a value. o Prevention of "config.h" being included during compilation for Amiga. o Improved MS-DOS keyboard handling. The most noticable difference is that the keypad joystick emulation now returns to centre when the key is released. o Re-instated replacement OS - Allows Defender and Star Raider to run without the Atari OS Roms. o Added Atari Falcon Support - Thanks to Petr Stehlik. o NAS (Network Audio System) support is now obsolete. The entries have been removed from the makefile and the intention is to remove the obsolete code before the next release. Changes in 0.8.1 ---------------- o Added -private_cmap flag for X11 version. o Correction to handling of 6502 V flag during ADC and SBC operations. Changes in 0.8.0 ---------------- o Added Ron Fries Pokey Emulation routines for sound in Linux. A million thanks to Ron for releasing these routines - I've put off using sound for ages but it took less than an evening to add sound using these routines :-) Sound is setup for Linux using /dev/dsp but it also seems to produce something using /dev/audio, which leads me to believe that it should work on most Unix boxes with a little work. Patches welcomed :-) In order to support sound I've added a few new command line options:- -sound and -nosound do what you'd expect. -dsp_divisor takes a decimal value which alters the quality of the sound output. It is used to work out how much sound should be created each time the screen is refreshed. Ideally it should be 50 (PAL) or 60 (NTSC) but I've found that the best value to use is about 5 less than the emulators screen refresh rate WITH SOUND DISABLED. If the values is to high you will get gaps in the sound. If the value is to low the emulator will run slower than it should. I strongly suggest you experiment with this parameter in order to get both the best sound and performance. o Support for an Experimental New Cartridge Format - with the use of OSS Super Cartridges there is no way of automatically distinguishing standard 16K cartridges from the various Super Cartridges. Hopefully this format will do for cartridges what ATR files did for disk images. Feedback and view would be welcomed especially from the other Emulator Authors. The current format is :- first 4 bytes containing 'C' 'A' 'R' 'T'. next 4 bytes containing cartridge type in MSB format. Type 1 - Standard 8K Cartridge Type 2 - Standard 16K Cartridge Type 3 - OSS Super Cartridge (I heard rumours that there are two different types of OSS Cartridges) Type 4 - Atari 5200 Cartridge Note: There is probably a case for extra cartridge types indicating the system that needs to be emulated. e.g. Standard 8K Cartridge (800 Mode Only). next 4 bytes containing cartridge checksum in MSB format (ROM only). next 4 bytes are currently unused. followed immediately with the ROM data, typically 8, 16 or 32K. In the next version I'm intending on adding:- 32 bytes for Cartridge Name 32 bytes for Cartridge Serial Number 32 bytes for Manufacturer The current version of the emulator includes options in the Cartridge Management screen to Create Cartridges in the above format but be warned this format is likely to change. Changes in 0.7.1 ---------------- o Note: I now consider the new Menu System that runs in the Emulated Atari's window to be the prefered User Interface. I have no intention of doing any further development for XVIEW o Cartridge Management added to Menu. o Removed FFP Code. Changes in 0.7.0 ---------------- o F1 enters Menu System at any time. ESC returns you to the previous screen. Items are lcoated using the cursor keys and selected by either RETURN, SPACE, TAB or BACKSPACE. In most cases these keys can be used interchangeably, the exception is in the Disk Management Screen where RETURN is used to select a new disk and SPACE, TAB and BACKSPACE are used to eject a disk - If there is no disk in the virtual drive then SPACE, TAB and BACKSPACE will switch the drive off (Useful for Shamus). o X11, SVGALIB & DOS - F5 is now Warmstart and Shift F5 is Coldstart. o X11 - F8 Single Shot Screen Dump, Shift F8 continuous Screen Dumps. o MS-DOS version runs about three times quicker now that the emulator is synchronising with a high resolution timer. o MS-DOS version resets the screen back to text mode when finished. Changes in 0.6.2 ---------------- o Antic Modes 2, 3 and f now display the normal Atari Colour and Luminance by default. Extended Antic Modes 2, 3 and f are enabled by starting the emulator with the "-xcolpf1" command line option. This allows two completely different colours to be displayed in these modes - as previously. o Improved Run-Time Configuration. Starting emulator with the "-configure" command line option allows configuration of several items:- 1. Location of OS Roms 2. Default Directory for Disk Images 3. Default Directory for ROM Images 4. Default Directory for H1, H2, H3 and H4 pseudo devices 5. Command Print File (for Printer Support) 6. Default Screen Refresh Ratio 7. Default Startup System (OS/A, OS/B, XL, XE, 5200) 8. Default TV Mode (PAL, NTSC) 9. Hold Option during Coldstart 10. Enable C000-CFFF RAM in Atari 800 mode 11. Enable SIO Patch 12. Enable FFP Patch 13. Enable Extended COLPF1 (Two true colours in Antic Modes 2, 3 & F) The emulator writes a file called "atari800.cfg" in your default directory. When reading the configuration the emulator first checks to see if you've specified a configuration on the command line with the "-config" option otherwise it first tries to read a configuration file from your default directory, failing this it then tries to read a configuration file from "/etc/atari800.cfg". o JoyMouse for Toshiba Portables running SVGALIB - Probably also suitable for Trackball devices with minor modifications. Changes in 0.6.1 ---------------- *** IMPORTANT MESSAGE for EXISTING Users of Atari800 (Source Versions) You will need to make some changes during the sytem configuration stage - the emulator now expects the full path to each of the system ROM images to be explicitly stated. If you don't have all the ROM images then just pretend you have! o FPS and SIO Monitor are no longer compile time configuration options. Enabled by "-fps" or "-sio" command line option or via an XVIEW pulldown menu. o Motif fileselector retains state from one invocation to the next. o Configuration program detects if longwords need to be aligned. o Modification to X11 Paddle Emulation. o Removed hardcoded paths in MOTIF code. o Various fixes for curses mode. o Correction to Colours in Antic Modes 4&5 causing Incorrect colours in Rally Speedway, Galactic Chase and Mr. DO) o Disabled DiskChange KEY (F8) in X11 version. o Added "-nobasic" command line parameter. o Added "-osa_rom", "-osb_rom", "-xlxe_rom", "-5200_rom" and "-basic_rom". These command line options are used to specify the location of various system ROMs on mis-configured systems or binary distributions. Note: To prevent cluttering up the CHANGES file all credits are listed in the CREDITS file. Changes in 0.6.0 ---------------- - Emulator can now be compiled for DOS using the DJGPP port of GCC (Thanks to Ivo van Poorten) Thanks to Maximum Entropy for the following Changes:- - Implementation of Disable Drive menu item for Motif. - Fixed scrolling problem for machines that can't access longwords on word boundaries (e.g. SGI and SPARC). - Added FPS Monitor to X11 and Motif versions. - Changes to pattern matching for H: device. Changes in 0.5.5 ---------------- Thanks to Maximum Entropy for the following Changes:- - Various corrections to MOTIF code. - MOTIF callbacks for Insert Disk, Eject Disk and Insert ROM - Bug Fixes in sio.c - Bug Fix to devices.c allowing DOS 2.5 to get a directory of H: - Bug Fix to monitor.c (EOF on INPUT + Blank Lines) - Undocumented commands added to monitors HELP command. Changes in 0.5.4 ---------------- - Made Emulator C++ Friendly. - BASIC version has not been working since CPU cycles were allocated during scanlines processing. This problem was caused because the BASIC version doesn't generate any scanlines and therefore didn't execute any instructions. This version fixes the problem. Changes in 0.5.3 ---------------- - Removed GetWord macro from cpu.c - Added XVIEW option to disable drive (via SIO_DisableDrive()). This allows SHAMUS to work. The drive is automatically re-enabled next time a disk is inserted. Changes in 0.5.2 ---------------- - Made CPU timing more accurate: It now issue 114 clock cycles per scanline instead of 48 instructions. - Removed obsolete functions: GetBinaryWord() and BinaryLoad(). - Handle PORTA Direction Control Register. Fixes Joystick problem in Caverns of Mars 1. - The atari_basic array was incorrectly defined in pia.c as [8129]. This has now been corrected to [8192] (Thanks to Chris Palmer). Changes in 0.5.1 ---------------- - Changed handling of CONSOL for X11 versions - previously it was hard to start some games. - Changed address of 5200 POKEY chip. The information I have states that it is located in page $eb, but evidence in a disassembled cart suggests its at $e8. Of course it could appear in both pages, does anyone know for sure? - CPU time allocation is now performed entirely within "antic.c". This is a pre-condition for switchable PAL/NTCS modes. - Compile time configurable to either PAL [default] or NTCS system. - "-countdown" option has been removed. Changes in 0.5.0 ---------------- - Simplified interface to CPU module. - DIRECT_VIDEO now works with PMG collision detection. This option increases performance by about 28% but can result in different colours being displayed. This is because this option relies on COLPF0, COLPF1, COLPF2, COLPF3 and COLBK all having different values, hence the emulator sometimes modifies the colours :-( This option can be enabled during the configuration phase. - Correction to ANTIC Mode 5 Vertical Scrolling. - Correction to PMG DMA Code - Demon Attack now works OK. - Added code to limit the emulator to 50fps - this will not have any effect if your machine can't run the emulator greater than 50fps. F10 in X11, XVIEW, MOTIF and SVGALIB versions toggles the limit on/off. When the limit is off the emulator will go as fast as it can. - Path to directory containing the OS ROM images is now defined during the configuration phase (Declaration of ATARI_LIBRARY has been removed from the Makefile). - Correction to handling of PMG DMA - Pitfall II now Works. - The unused bits in PMBASE are now ignored correcting errors in Atari Chess and Frogger. Changes in 0.4.5 ---------------- - Added a compile time configuration option to control the default screen refresh rate. In previous version of the emulator the default rate has been 4 frame: draw 1 skip 3. From this version you will be prompted for the default during the compile stage (except VMS and AMIGA which still default to 4). A value of 1 is required for the most accurate emulation. Values other than one can produce some collision detection problems on a few programs (e.g. Burried Bucks). - Split Custom Chip code into seperate files. - Added 5200 Emulation Code - Runs program but needs modifications to support 5200 controllers. The 2K OS ROM must be called "atari5200.rom" and placed in the same directory as the other OS ROMS. - Linux Joystick enabled by configuration program. There are nolonger any makefile targets containing "joystick". - Removed code relating to Emulated Operating System. - Added option that displays the number of Frames per Second. This option is enabled within the configuration program and currently only works with the XVIEW version. Changes in 0.4.4 ---------------- - SpartaDOS 3.2 works for both Read and Write Access. - Alternate Reality "The City" now works. - Added interrupt timings for Invalid SIO commands. - Support for Direct Serial I/O Write and Put sectors commands. - Correction for Double Density ATR files. Changes in 0.4.3 ---------------- - Corrected a Bug that prevented DOS 2.5 from copying files to/from H: - Re-instated F8 Disk Change function for non XVIEW/MOTIF/AMIGA Systems. Changes in 0.4.2 ---------------- - Test code for faster screen generation, enabled by defining DIRECT_VIDEO within "atari_custom.c". It needs a little more thought with respect to collision detection, hence it is disabled by default. - Better PMG Priority Handling. - Tidied up code accessing hardware registers - Changed handling of B, D and I flags. - Changed handling of NMIs. Changes in 0.4.1 ---------------- - Flashes background colour while performing direct Serial I/O - Minor optimisation to Player/Player collision detection - Minor changes in CPU emulation - Correction to new cartridge code causing it to fail under XL/XE emulation (Thanks to Neil Shipp) - New targets in the Makefile for freebsd systems (Thanks to Ivo van Poorten) Changes in 0.4.0 ---------------- - Added MOTIF User Interface - Support for DEC-Windows under VMS (Thanks to Chris F Chiesa) - Removed dependency on 'ncycles' global variable. - Support for direct access to serial port hardware - The emulator will now run Alternate Reality "The Dungeon" (I haven't tried the others) - Modified handling of XL/XE memory. - Fixed the GTIA modes which broke after X Window shared memory support was added in version 0.3.0 - Correction allowing Montezumas Revenge to work again. Changes in 0.3.3 ---------------- - New System menu in XVIEW version allowing selection of operating system etc. - Amiga: Iconify working. - Amiga: System menu contains options for Insert ROM, Remove ROM, Enable PILL, Selection of Operating System and all previous disk options. - Amiga: Help menu option is now working using Multiview. Changes in 0.3.2 ---------------- - Modified BRK instruction to take account of the I flag. The BRK instruction is ignored if the I flag is set. - Added all unofficial NOP opcodes. - New cartridge handling. The XVIEW version provides menu items enabling the insertion and removal of cartridges. Changes in 0.3.1 ---------------- - Defined PRINT_COMMAND in devices.c for Amiga - Minor optimisation to PMG handling - Modified DLI Handling and ScanLine processing Changes in 0.3.0 ---------------- - Support for Atari 130XE memory banks (Antic currently accesses the same bank as the CPU) - XVIEW Exit item on the Disk menu. - Printer device calls tmpnam() to allocate a temporary filename for the spool file. - XView version didn't enable HELP key for XL and XE emulation. - X11 Backspace keys works in the same ways as the Delete key. (Thanks to Cyrus Malek) - Reset and Coldstart now work during XL and XE emulation. - Added OK button to XVIEW controller and performance dialog boxes. - Optional support for X11 Shared Memory Images resulting in a 32% speed improvement. This option can only be used in conjunction with the small screen display. Type make by itself to obtain the new list of targets. "-shm" target extension enables this option. - Simple configuration program to avoid editing the Makefile as ofter. make will invoke it the first time and afterwards "make config" can be used. It currently handles the directories for the H: device, the disk image directory for the XVIEW file chooser and the command used to send a file to the printer. The print command should contain a %s character sequence where a filename is expected (only the first %s is relevant). Changes in 0.2.7 ---------------- - Renamed atari_h_device.c to a more general devices.c - Emulator (private) opcode ESCRTS ($d2) added to support patching of OS. - Printer device supported via Unix lpr command. - Moved from RCS to CVS and added rcs Id keyword to all C files. - Emulated OS: Better handling of Keyboard and ATASCII to screen code conversion. Editor uses LMARGN, RMARGN, ROWCRS and COLCRS. - Many other changes to EmuOS including implementation of SETVBV COLDSV and WARMSV. - Detection of X11 server supporting the MIT Shared Memory Extension in preperation for shared memory pixmaps. - Corrected bug in H: device (filename extraction routine). Changes in 0.2.6 ---------------- - Corrected calculation of number of sectors and reading of double density ATR files (Thanks to Preston Crow) - Correction for Linux ELF systems. - XVIEW and NAS work under Linux/ELF - Default directory for XVIEW Disk File Chooser is set within the Makefile. By default it is pointing to /usr/local/lib/atari/DISKS - Corrected bug in Missile 0 to Playfield collision detection. - Corrected WSYNC bug (multiple stores to WSYNC during one scanline). River Raid now runs correctly. - -emuos to enable emulated operating system. Users without the necessary atari OS ROMs can use this option to boot disk images/ROMs. Currently this is very experimental and runs very little without problems. Defender runs perfectly but if you haven't got the OS it's unlikely you'll be able to get this either! - H0: device accesses the current directory on your Unix Machine. - H1: through H4: can access four directories specified either within the Makefile or via the -H1, -H2, -H3 and -H4 command line options. By default they are set to /usr/local/lib/atari/Hx where x is 1, 2, 3 or 4. - H5: through H9: duplicate H0 through H4 but have automatic ATASCII to ASCII translation. They are not suitable for binary files. - All files accessed via the H: device have Unix filenames consisting entirely of lowercase letters. Changes in 0.2.5 ---------------- - Network Audio System support on Unix Systems [incl. Linux]. Waveform can be selected via the -sinewave or -squarewave options. At the moment it doesn't support the Atari Distortion values and switches channels using distortion off. This is available in XVIEW, X Window and Linux SVGALIB versions. The Network Audio System is freely available on the Internet - I used nas-1.2p2.tar.gz. Any Linux XVIEW version do not work when built with the Network Audio System. *** See BUGS file for more information *** - Support for /dev/sequencer removed since it didn't look like it would ever produce satisfactory results. - Introduced -help option that lists all options available in the emulator. - Added LAX unofficial opcodes - Corrected Vertical Fine scrolling in Antic Mode 7. - Enhanced DLIST command in "monitor.c" which now displays the display list using mnemonics. - Updated VMS command file. Changes in 0.2.4 ---------------- - Corrected mask in Atari800_GetByte() and Atari800_PutByte() - In Atari800_PutByte(), only switch on cartridge type when an access is made to page $d5 - Screen generation using word access where possible. - merged main.c with atari.c - Fixed SVGALIB Escape and cursor keys. - Emulated Floating Point Library which performs floating point arithmetic directly on your host computer - bypasses 6502 CPU emulation. Enabled by the -ffp option. Changes in 0.2.3 ---------------- - ADC and SBC functions are nolonger implemented as functions. - 6502 PC, S, A, X, and Y register now handled using local variables. Copied to global variables on exit from cpu and restored on re-entry. - Took advantage of a GCC feature: goto array[opcode]. Other compilers still use a switch statement. - Amiga: DisplayScreen() tidied up - Added DLIST command to monitor. This command shows the address of the display list (from hardware registers). - Major recode of all Antic Graphics Modes. Now allows Horizontal and Vertial fine scrolling. - Added an -interlace option to the SVGALIB version, giving a performance increase of about 10%. You would use this option to increase the speed of programs that must be run with a screen refresh rate of 1 (e.g. Burried Bucks) - In the SVGALIB version, the F11 and F12 keys can be used to modify the vertical positioning of the emulated screen. F11 moves the screen down while F12 moves the screen up. - Corrected a BUG causing River Raid to have corrupt screen display. Changes in 0.2.2 ---------------- - Made GetByte, GetWord and PutByte macros local to cpu.c - Added some 386 inline asm() for some 6502 addressing modes - Simplified Keyboard Handling - Assembly routines for Amiga AGA screen handling Changes in 0.2.1 ---------------- - Created a new Makefile for Unix. The Amiga support is now in Makefile.amiga - Sorry, but I renamed the ATARI800 environment variable to ATARI_LIBRARY which points to /usr/local/lib/atari by default. - Control + Shift + Key combination for Linux SVGALIB implementation. - SVGALIB version can be restarted after entering the monitor. - HELP Key available in XL/XE mode - Optional XVIEW (V3) Interface for X Window version. Allows disk changes using a file selector, controller configuration and access to performance variables. - BREAK Key fixed - PC Joysticks can be used with Linux (svgalib, x11 and xview) through the /dev/js0 and /dev/js1 devices. Second button activates the space bar which is very useful in Defender :-) Build with "make " where is one of:- linux-x11-joystick, linux-xview-joystick or linux-svgalib-joystick - X11 Joystick emulation using keyboard re-implemented. Straight X11 can use either numeric keypad or cursor keys + space. XVIEW can only use cursor keys + space (Problem using keypad in xview!) - Disk selector for Amiga version + controller configuration menu - Started code to emulate SERIN and SEROUT registers. At the moment this is ongoing and does not work. New startup option -nopatch disables the SIO patch leaving the normal SIO routine in place. Changes in 0.2.0 ---------------- - Separated Playfield Scanlines from Player Missile Scanlines - Corrected playfield colour errors in Antic modes 8 & 10 - Horizontal Fine Scrolling - Playfield and Player/Missile Priorities - Allow Emulator to run either as an Amiga Screen or Window - Added Paddle support for Amiga Changes in 0.1.9 ---------------- - Corrected bug in IRQST and IRQEN - Corrected minor bug in player missile collision detection - Amiga version is now full screen + Menus - Faster disk I/O - Added ATARI800 environment variable. This allows the emulator to be run from different directories. If ATARI800 is unset it will still try to load the OS images from object/ below the current working directory. - colours.h replaces colours.dat - Added man page. - New way of handling Joysticks, Triggers, Paddles and Console Keys - Corrected handling of CHBASE which was causing K-RAZY ANTIKS to display garbage. - Corrected handling of VCOUNT which was causing screen handling errors in Star Raiders (galactic map) and Henri (game screen). - Added Sound API. A test sound implementation is available for the Linux SVGALIB version via /dev/sequencer - It's not very good and has only been used to test the API. It is enabled by starting the program with the -sound option. Listen to the title screens of Necromancer, K-Razy Antiks and Henri (these are the best I've heard). - argc and argv are passed to the platform specific initialisation code - Atari_Initialise(). This allows platform specific options like -sound on the Linux SVGALIB version. - Extra Amiga options -ocs -ecs and -aga. Currently the default is AGA. The -ocs and -ecs have been tested on an A1200 with the OCS and ECS emulation modes enabled. At the moment it is not guaranteed to work on real OCS or ECS equiped machines since it has only been tested under Workbench 3.0. Hopefully someone will provide some feedback. - Another two Amiga options -grey and -colour. The -grey option produces a grey scale display on OCS, ECS and AGA machines. The -colour option produces a full colour display on AGA machines and up to 32 simultaneous colours on OCS and ECS machines. - The DOUBLE_SIZE compilation flag for the X11 version has been replaced by a runtime options. The runtime options are -small, -large and -huge. Changes in 0.1.8 ---------------- - Allows direct use of GRAFP0, GRAFP1, GRAFP2, GRAFP3 and GRAFM without using DMA. - -rom16 option to load standard 16K ROMs. - -a option to load object/atariosa.rom - -b [default] option to load object/atariosb.rom - Simplified screen generation for host - Player missile graphics collision detection has been moved into 'atari_custom.c' - Corrected read from PORTB (XL/XE emulation) - GTIA support for *all* antic modes. i.e. GTIA can be enabled in graphics mode 0 (antic mode 2) just like a real 800. POKE 623 with 64, 128 or 192 to test. - Amiga version can be compiled using either DICE C or GNU C - see Makefile Changes in 0.1.7 ---------------- - Issue cpu cycles during screen update (corrects VCOUNT problem) As a result DLI are not occuring on the correct mode line. - Support for 256 bytes/sector ATR files - Handle Insert, Delete and Tab keys properly - Handle Shift + Control + A-Z properly (X11 only) - Cartridge support tidied up (Thanks to Dave Bennett) Changes in 0.1.6 ---------------- - Correct Colours (Thanks to Chris Lam) - Fetch correct number of screen bytes with horizontal scrolling enabled - Speed improvements for Antic Display Modes - Support for ATR files (128 bytes sectors only) - Support for XL/XE ROM (Reset etc. do not work???) - Corrected Bug in BCD SBC instruction. - Added X11 window Expose event (Thanks to Ivo van Poorten) - Control characters within CURSES (Thanks to Ivo van Poorten) - Improved Portability - Remove '-b' flag (Use -rom object/ataribas.rom instead) - Graphical Support for Amiga 1200 - Faster 6502 Emulation - X11 Joystick emulation now uses the mouse Changes in 0.1.5 ---------------- - CURSES text only mode (Support for various terminals) - Display list jump instruction corrected. - Fixed SIO module (It didn't update DSTATS) Changes in 0.1.4 ---------------- - Changed GetByte and PutByte to macros - Added SVGALIB support for Linux which is much quicker than X11. - Added support for OSS Super Cartridges (Thanks to Dave Bennett) - -rom option to specify alternative cartridges - -oss option to specify alternative OSS Super Cartridges Changes in 0.1.3 ---------------- - Compilation option for double size screen - Trigger now initialises to not pressed - Joystick now initialises to central - Fifth Player support added - Support for Paddle 0 - Preparation for changing GetByte and PutByte to macros. Changes in 0.1.2 ---------------- - Now include in atari_custom.h - Resets count to countdown as soon as it reaches zero. This was causing problems with the RESET Key - count went negative. - Removed XImage structure. I am now updating only the pixels that have changed within a Pixmap. XCopyArea is used to move the Pixmap onto the Window. XCopyArea is not called if no pixels are changed. As a result I am trying a higher refresh rate. - Correction for BASIC version - I left some X11 stuff in resulting in unresolved sybols. - Remove unused status variable from atari_h_device.c - Added some test Amiga Intuition Code - not usable (No Colour or Keyboard) It manages to get the 'READY' prompt up! Atari Basic Blue is one colour and everything else is the other. When keyboard support is added you will be able to use Atari Basic. - Registers are now allocated variables within atari_custom.c. They are nolonger stored in main memory area. Changes in 0.1.1 ---------------- - Outputs an error message when ROM images are not available. Version 0.1.0 ------------- - Initial Release