Up-to-date list of accepted command line parameters =================================================== Usage: atari800 [options] [disk1 ... disk8] where: disk1 ... disk8 are file names of the disk images mounted to Atari drives 1-8 (the first file is mounted to the drive 1, next one to the drive 2, etc.). Supported types of disk images are: ATR, XFD and DCM. If the emulator has been compiled with ZLIB support, additionally ATR.GZ and XFD.GZ are supported. Options ------- -help Display list of options and terminate -v Display version number and terminate -verbose Display framerate when exiting -configure Update configuration file -config Use specified configuration file instead of default -osa_rom Use specified OS/A ROM image -osb_rom Use specified OS/B ROM image -xlxe_rom Use specified XL/XE OS ROM image -5200_rom Use specified 5200 OS ROM image -basic_rom Use specified Atari BASIC ROM image -atari Emulate Atari 800 -xl Emulate Atari 800 XL -xe Emulate Atari 130 XE -320xe Emulate Atari 320 XE (Compy Shop) -rambo Emulate Atari 320 XE (Rambo) -5200 Emulate Atari 5200 -emuos Use EmuOS -a Use OS/A for Atari 800 -b Use OS/B for Atari 800 -c Enable RAM between 0xc000 and 0xcfff in Atari 800 -pal Emulate PAL TV mode -ntsc Emulate NTSC TV mode -nobasic Turn off Atari BASIC ROM -basic Turn on Atari BASIC ROM -cart Insert cartridge (CART or raw format) -run Run Atari executable file (EXE, COM, XEX) -tape Attach cassette image (CAS format or raw file) -boottape Attach cassette image and boot it -nopatch Don't patch SIO routine in OS -nopatchall Don't patch OS at all, H: and P: devices won't work -H1 Set path for H1: device -H2 Set path for H2: device -H3 Set path for H3: device -H4 Set path for H4: device -hdreadonly Enable (1) or disable (0) read-only mode for H: device -devbug Put debugging messages for H: and P: devices in log file -rtime Enable (1) or disable (0) R-Time 8 emulation -mouse off Do not use mouse -mouse pad Emulate paddles -mouse touch Emulate Atari Touch Tablet -mouse koala Emulate Koala Pad -mouse pen Emulate Light Pen -mouse gun Emulate Light Gun -mouse amiga Emulate Amiga mouse -mouse st Emulate Atari ST mouse -mouse trak Emulate Atari Trak-Ball -mouse joy Emulate joystick using mouse -mouseport Set mouse port 1-4 (default 1) -mousespeed Set mouse speed 1-9 (default 3) -refresh Set screen refresh rate -artif Set artifacting mode 0-4 (0 = disable) -palette Read Atari colors from ACT file -black Set black level 0-255 -while Set white level 0-255 -colors Set color intensity -colshift Set color shift -realpal Use palette created by Zdenek Eisenhammer -oldpal Use old Atari800 palette -foxpal Use palette created by Piotr Fusik -sound Enable sound -nosound Disable sound -dsprate Set mixing frequency (Hz) -snddelay