Rainbow - The Atari 8-Bit Emulator for Windows ================================================= Full Version 1.36 Appendices ---------- A - Rainbow technical details ----------------------------- For those who like to revel in technical specs, here's the list for Rainbow. Hardware: · NMOS 6502 processor · Accepts 400/800 and 800XL/130XE OS · Emulates the 5200 video console system · 48K RAM for 400/800 machines; full 64K RAM for 800XL; full 128K RAM for 130XE · NMI and IRQ interrupt emulation · 8K and 16K cartridge support; 16K and 32K cartridges for 5200 · 16K Super Cartridge support · Low level SIO emulation allows access to virtual disk images · Supports single and enhanced density images and ATR images · Disk drives D1: and D2: available · Import/export files to and from your PC hard disk · Full keyboard Graphics: · 256 Atari colours · Complete playfield generation (ANTIC modes 2 to 15) · Narrow, Normal and Wide playfields · GTIA support giving 3 extra colour modes · Colour artefacting in GRAPHICS 8 · Display List Interrupts · Player/Missile Graphics · Full Player/Missile/Playfield collision detection · Player/Missile priorities (mutually exclusive and non-exclusive) · Fine scrolling · PAL/NTSC screen option Others: · Superb 4 channel sound using POKEY samples · POKEY timers 1, 2 and 4 · Four joysticks support using keypad · Four paddles support using mouse B - Why won't this game work??? ------------------------------- Okay, you've tried everything and your favourite game still won't run properly. Go through the following checklist. - Try the game with and without BASIC inserted. On the XL, keep the OPTION key (F1 on the PC) pressed to disable BASIC when re-booting. - Does it need an XL/XE machine? - Does it need the very old 'A' version of the 400/800 OS? Some software did do naughty things like jumping in and out of OS routines when they should have used vectors. - If you're trying to run a BINARY FILE, then the loader/DOS you use may affect it. Some games I've tried simply won't run using the L option in Atari DOS 2.5 but do run successfully on another e.g. SmartDOS. The best loaders are the tiny ones which take only a second to boot up. Experiment and see which work best for you. - Some games may need the 'Every' frame option to work properly or for the graphics to behave and look right. - Are you sure your file or disk image is not corrupted? - Turn 'Cheat Mode' off. - Have you got the correct joystick/paddle active? - If the screen seems unstable or blank, try checking the the 'PAL' option under 'TV' menu. - If movement seems wierd in 5200 mode then try using 'Pad0' which imitates the joystick as an analogue device using the mouse. If all this fails, then it's down to the limitations of the emulator. Although Rainbow is a very good emulator, at the end of the day, it's just that... an approximation of the real thing. Some games may include illegal (or undocumented) 6502 machine code instructions to protect the code against hackers. Since they are undocumented, their behaviour is not well known but a good attempt has been made to include all of them in Rainbow, the information coming from a number of sources (with inevitable contradictions...). This is just another possible reason why some games won't run properly. C - The 'Atari computer crash' alert box ---------------------------------------- Now and again, you will encounter this alert box. Although it looks horribly ominous, it's nothing to get worried about and no damage is done to Rainbow or your PC. It means the CPU has just executed an illegal opcode which is known to freeze the machine. So rather than let the emulator just sit there and do nothing, it informs you of this. The only way out of such a crash is to switch the emulator off and on, i.e. re-boot. If you hold the Control key down on the re-boot, the cartridge is removed and drive#1 turned off. This is useful to get out of a continual crash sequence, e.g. bad boot disk. Pressing SYSTEM RESET to get out of a game can often result in a 'crash' and is nothing to worry about. Pity Rainbow can't recreate some of those spectacular graphics when a real 8 bit crashes... I used to sit there for hours engrossed in crashing the machine just to see the pretty colours. Ahem... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Comments and suggestions (please say you are a PC user) to... E-mail: chris@chrislam.co.uk WWW : http://www.chrislam.co.uk Rainbow (c) 1995-2000 by Chris Lam. ----------------------------------------------------------------