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F0Ξ05: [ BDEHI%} VY8 B V  @  /DE `E:D8:DUP.SYSERROR-SAVING USER MEMORY ON DISKTYPE Y TO &}STILL RUN DOS B;DE J  (` 9 V⪍ ઍ  -'}LLu ÝDEHILV 9 .l 9 .l  `` s$B BH(}I|DE V BLV nB,DE JLV B V BLVDEIʩ BꭝLu Q)}d M * @  $ % CC$$)%1 Udߥ$9%: !0 S$%*} DD˙`  }J)Lr J  ((  p L ()   J+}L= ( L 0q A    IB JC;? D W ,} LL  ` W )LA!  ߰")-݆ p" -} $G@LL 08`Q")<2Q0 -G$Ș݆ UL# ; p8(()(0ʥ)NQ`.}$GȘ݆LU )L ݆ L GȘ ݆LL )W>Z   HH)H /}p h  hyhy D L> L JJ    ! LA*` BF0}7'8  M HN H` 8 Z  \LdJJ!"! GFE@F (!L1}EE !E^ ^ E E7EȩEdE/EȩE  D2} .L }  ;F d  ;?F7F? ( .   Z D LL d 3} . 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The Digi-Studio packagecoP}ntains everything you will need to create and play music using digitizedsounds. Here's a list of the programs included: * Q}Keyboard Player. Allows you to play music live by using the computer's keyboard like a piano keyboard. The sounds producedR} are, of course, digitized. This program has fully responsive keys, so that sounds only play for as long as you hold tS}he key down. * Tune Player. This program plays Digi-Studio tune files using digitized sounds. * Sample Editor. This prT}ogram allows you to edit sound samples by using a joystick. It also has "cut and paste" facilities, so you can also createU} your own samples. * Tune Compiler. This program allows you to play Digi-Studio tune files in your own Basic or TurboV}-Basic programs. * LIDS Compiler. This program allows you to create your own Digi-Studio tune files by use of a languageW} called LIDS.Also included are 55 sound samples, and 44 ready-to-play Digi-Studiotune files.The Digi-Studio system comesX} on 2 DS/SD disks. Disk one contains the mainprograms and a starter pack of sounds and tunes. Disk two contains moresamplesY} and sounds for use with Digi-Studio.The Digi-Studio system is also supplied with a 44 page manual in A4 size. Thismanual Z}has sections describing all the programs listed, but also has a lengthysection on how to read music. An appendix has also be[}en added containing music along with the corresponding LIDS programs.The Digi-Studio system (with manual and 2 disks) cost\}s just 12pounds+1poundP&P. In the US it will cost $29.95+$1.50 shipping.Fill in the form below and send it with payment to]}day! ------CUT------Please send me a copy of the Digi-Studio system, with manual and 2 disks^}. I enclose payment for UK[ ]. I enclose payment for US[ ]. (Tick box).UK cheques/POs payable to Dean Garraghty. US check_}s/MOs payable to Lance Tatman.NAME:___________________________________________________________ADDRESS:____________________`}______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________POSa}T CODE/STATE&ZIP:________________________ UK: DEAN GARRAGHTY, 62 THOMSON AVE, BALBY, DONCASTER, DN4 0NU. US: LANCEb} TATMAN, 844 KERN STREET, RICHMOND, CA 94805.Email: djg0@aber.ac.uk (UK and non-US orders), tatmanl@com.terapin (US). LANCEwEiͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh`d}L"SAB.ORTNI:D"NURͩkΩ͙kCopj`j {j`Hi͝Νh`  +AR@CC(;This brief introduction will now appear on all issues.--(%----- f}--------------------------------(rr(iFor the purpose of reading text files,a program called XR40.OBJ has been supplied. g} This also has a DOC2HH(@ file called XR40.DOC which explains how to use this program.7(<mm(dXR40 can be run fr h}om the menu, after pressing Y when asked if you wish to turn off Basic. When theFtt(l program starts, type D:XR40. i}DOC and press return. Press the space bar to advancethrough the pages.PH(H(=Also read D:INTRO.DOC which is the ed j}itorial to this disk.Z0(0(%PRESS THE START KEY TO CONTINUE......d F:B2y,@An% D:COVER.BAS k} D:INTRO.BAS disk.Z0(0(%PRESS THE START KEY TO CONTINUE......d F:B2y,@An% D:COVER.BAS  ABCDMXYLOOBBA(Bh@ @ @m} @ S."D:MENU.SYS LOAD*IT BY KARL STIEFVATERREVISED 10/24n}/85BY CLAYTON WALNUMCOPYRIGHT (C) 1985(BY ANALOG COMPUTING2 Ap<&&;@ ,;@,;@@o},FA +AR@A6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AVPk0@70@Q0p}@@k0@ZG%@@d%@3%@@G%@&@Hd70q}@@70@@@nd6-6-% Ap,(}R(! ӭ ISSr}UE #10d-@@x1@1@@D:*.*2@27@<@,4 FA`s}&&7@<@,4SYSA06-%@( 2@27@<@,4 FA`&&7@t}<@,4SYSAE( A0K-@(->.-@@!K(USE