Ultima 3 Screen-shots This file was prepared to provide information on the screenshots that originally came with Ultima 3. Pub.Gif shows a party led by Shamino, whose status is good (G), who is a male human ranger (MHR) with 1 magic point (M:01), being level 20 (L:20), having 1900 hit points (H:1900), and 211 food remaining (F:0211). Shamino and his devoted followers stop here at the pub to share a drink with their old friend and comrade, Dupre. Battle.Gif shows eight evil undead skeletons (shown in the upper half) besieging the party (shown in the lower half). Shamino (player 1) is in the front ranks on the left, Fidesa is in the front on the right. Fleetis (player 3) is behind on the left and Shawn (player 4) is behind on the right. Dungeon.Gif shows the party in a deep dark deadly dungeon heading south into a room 30 feet deep and 20 feet wide. Two mysterious treasure chests lie within the room, and three doors beckon. A downward ladder stands in the western corridor and a passage continues to the south. A ladder leading both up and down stands in the eastern corridor. Outside.Gif shows the party is shown traversing the lands near a castle and a town. A ship lies anchored nearby and a horse grazes upon the sweet grasses of Sosaria. A party of orcs and daemons threaten the blissful scene as does the pirate ship in the north west. Escape may be found through the moongate to the east.