AIR-SEA BATTLE GAME PROGRAM TM INSTRUCTIONS Model CX-2602 ATARI A Warner Communications Company ATARI, INC., Consumer Division P.O. Box 427, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (c) 1977 ATARI, INC. C011402-02 AIR-SEA BATTLE NOTE: Use your Joystick Controllers with this Game Program. Be sure the Controllers are firmly connected to your Console unit. If, after inserting this Game Program into your Video Computer System and turning it on, no playfield appears on your television scree, turn the Console unit OFF, wait ten seconds, and then turn it ON again. CONTROLLER ACTION Controller action varies depending on the game being played. Details for Joystick Controller action can be found under each game heading. In all cases, hold the controller with the red button to your upper left towards the television screen. SCORING All games end after 2 minutes, 16 seconds of play, or when either player scores 99 points. During the last 16 seconds, the score will flash to show that the game is nearing the end. Point scoring for each game is noted in that game's instruction. DIFFICULTY The Difficulty switches on your Atari Video Computer System console control the size of the missile. In Position "A" the missile is one-fourth the size of position "B". ANTI-AIRCRAFT(TM) GAMES # ## Joystick ### Forward ### ## ######## ######## 30 degrees ### ### ### ### Joystick ### Center ### ####### ####### 60 degrees ## ## ## Joystick ## Back ## ## ####### ####### 90 degrees Gun Position Your Joystick Controller changes the angle of your "Anti-Aircraft Gun" and also the angle of the missile flight in Guided Missile Games. Forward = 30 degree; center or rest = 60 degrees; back = 90 degrees (straight up). In the Anti-Aircraft games, from one to six flying objects will move together across the playfield in a set. All objects in the set must be hit before a new set will appear. Each object scores one point. GAME 1 This is the Anti-Aircraft game described above. Your missile travels at the same angle your "Anti-Aircraft gun" was in at the time you fire. GAME 2 In this game, you and your opponent have "guided" missiles. After firing, you control the angle of flight of your missile by moving your Joystick Controller from front to back. GAME 3 The left "gun" is fired continuously by the computer. Using the right Joystick Controller, try to out score the computer. ANTI-AIRCRAFT(TM) GAMES # ##### # # ######## ######## # ##### 4 POINTS ## ## #### ##################### ##################### ######### ###### 3 POINTS ##### # # ## #### ##### # ## # #### 2 POINTS ## #### ################# ########### ###### ###### 1 POINT ############ #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### #### ############ #### NO POINTS This set of Anti-Aircraft games adds a challenge to your marksmanship. There are various flying objects on the playfield travelling at different speeds and directions. Each object has a different score value; Small Jet = 4 points; Large Jet = 3 points; Helicopter = 2 points; 747 = 1 points. The "Observation Blimps" flying randomly across the bottom of the playfield score no points, and act as an obstruction to your line of fire. GAME 4 In this game your missile travels at the same angle as your "gun" was in at the time you fired. GAME 5 Using "guided" missiles try to outscore your opponent. After firing, you control the angle of flight of your missile by moving your Joystick Controller from front to back. GAME 6 Here's another chance to beat the computer. The right Joystick Controller is your "gun", while the computer fires the left "gun" continuously. TORPEDO(TM) GAMES NO EFFECT ^^ \ || / LEFT <--STOP--> RIGHT / || \ vv NO EFFECT Controller Action You are a submarine captain firing torpedoes at ships moving above you. By pushing your Joystick Controller to the left, you move your submarine to the left. Moving it to the right moves your submarine to the right. You control half the playfield, your opponent controls the other half. From one to six ships move across the playfield in a set. When one set disappears from the playfield, a new set appears. Each ship scores one point. GAME 7 After firing, your torpedo travels straight up from where it was fired. GAME 8 In this game, you can "guide" your torpedo after firing. By pushing your Joystick Controller to the left, you guide your torpedo to the left. Moving the Joystick to the right guides the torpedo to the right. GAME 9 With non-guided torpedoes try to sink more ships that the computer. You control the right submarine, the computer will fire continuously from the left. TORPEDO(TM) GAMES # # # # ####### ####### ###### #### 4 POINTS ## ###### ###################### ################### ################ 3 POINTS # # # # # # # ## ######## ###### ##### 2 POINTS ## ## ##### #### ################## ############# ######### 1 POINT ## ## ## ###### ###### ## ## ## ## #### ### NO POINTS In this group of Torpedo games, mines travel randomly across the bottom of the playfield, and act as obstructions to your line of fire. The ships move at different speed and directions. Each ship has a different point value: PT Boat = 4