Bank_Heist ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BANK HEIST: Game Instructions Games of the Century ä [inside cover-page 1] TO SET UP: Set up your video computer system and left joystick controller as instructed in your game system owner's manual. Move the Color/B-W lever to the correct setting. Turn the power OFF. Insert the game cartridge and then turn the power ON. Use the Game Select lever and difficulty switches to choose a play level. Press the Game Reset lever or the joystick button to begin your life of crime. THE OBJECTIVE: Your goal is to rob as many Banks as possible before running out of Getaway Cars. Disabling Cop Cars with dynamite increases your score and causes more banks to appear in the town. Running into Cop Cars or accidentally dynamiting your own car will abruptly halt your little joy ride. THE CONTROLS: Tilt the joystick forward, backward, left and right to drive your Getaway Car through the city streets. To rob Banks, simply run over them. Press the button on the joystick to release a stick of dynamite from the tailpipe of your car. Screenshot: Gas Tank (Upper left), Getaway Cars in Reserve (Upper right), Score (Bottom). CARS: The number of spare Getaway Cars is shown in the upper right portion of the screen. You start the game with four spare cars, and lose one every time you run out of gas, crash into a Cop Car, or blow yourself up. If you rob nine or more Banks in a town, a bonus Getaway Car will be awarded when you go on to the next city. The game will end if you use up all of your spare cars. [page 2] FUEL: The gas tank at the top left of the screen shows the amount of fuel remaining. The higher the red level, the more gas you have left. Fuel is consumed by time and by using dynamite. If you run out of gas, you lose a Getaway Car. The bar on the right side of the gas tank shows the level to which your tank can be refilled WHEN YOU LEAVE TOWN. If the pointer is white, the amount of gas in the tank will be refilled to the height of the bar. If the pointer is red, the gas level in the tank will remain the same. Robbing nine or more banks in a town will enable you to refill the entire tank. Screen of Silver Dollar, South Dakota/ Screen of Flat Broke, Arkansas ROBBING BANKS/USING DYNAMITE: Drive through the city streets until you reach a Bank and then run over the Bank to rob it. After each robbery, one Cop Car will appear and start to chase you. There can be up to three Cop Cars in a town at one time. One Bank will appear for each Cop Car disabled. To stop a Cop, first let one of them get close behind you and then drop a stick of dynamite out of your tail pipe. (It may take a few tries to get your drop time down just right.) PASSAGEWAYS/LEAVING TOWN: Three of the passageways located at the edges of the screen, are “wrap- around” passageways. For example, if you exit through the lower left passageway, your car will reappear in the lower right passageway and vice versa. The UPPER RIGHT passageway leads to the next town. It is impossible to go back once you have left a city, so get as much money and potential gas as you can before leaving. You may be forced to leave town before hitting all of the Banks if you are running out of gas. Your Getaway Car will flash to indicate when your gas tank is low so you can get out in time. [page 3] SCORING: Money received for robbing Banks and disabling Cop Cars is shown for a short time on the screen where the Bank or Cop Car was located. The total amount of money you have earned is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Bonus cash is awarded when you leave a town after robbing nine or more Banks. Bank Values: First Bank = $10.00 Sixth Bank = $60.00 Second Bank = $20.00 Seventh Bank = $70.00 Third Bank = $30.00 Eighth Bank = $80.00 Fourth Bank = $40.00 Ninth Bank = $90.00 Fifth Bank = $50.00 Cop Car Values: One Cop Car in pursuit = $10.00 Three Cop Cars in pursuit = $50.00 Tow Cop Cars in pursuit = $30.00 Bonus Points for Level 1: Bankersfield = $93.00 Flat Broke = $279.00 Silver Dollar = $186.00 Heistown = $372.00 Add $372.00 per level to these values for the other sevel levels. Screen here: Heistown, Illionois, with the following call-outs: Upper left “Gas Left in Tank” Middle (well, not really middle, but below Upper and above lower) left “Warp-around passageway” Lower left “Wrap-around passageway” Upper right “Potential Gas Bar” Directly across from the Middle left “To Next City” Directly across from the lower left “Wrap-around passageway” PLAY LEVELS/DIFFICULTY SWITCHES: Each of the eight play levels contains four towns. After leaving the fourth town, you will automatically be advanced to the next level of play. As the levels get higher, the pursuit gets faster. Theis causes your Getaway Car to burn fuel at a faster rate, allowing you less time to rob Banks. Use the Game Select level to start a new game at a different play level. LEFT DIFFICULTY SWITCH A: The cops are smart and will always find you. LEFT DIFFICULTY SWITCH B: The cops are not as smart and go in a more set pattern. RIGHT DIFFICULTY SWITCH A: Banks appear in a random order. RIGHT DIFFICULTY SWITCH B: Banks appear in a set order. [page 4] HINTS FROM BILL ASPROMONTE: (hope he didn’t hurt himself with these tips! :) The wrap-around passageways are the best way to ditch cops. Also, Cop Cars are not allowed to make U-turns. This means that you can follow them about the town without risking a head-on collision. QUICKEST CROOKS: |Name |Level |Score| [back page] [improvisations are for fun, no harm meant] ALSO AVAILABLE FROM FOX VIDEO GAMES: MASH -- It’s going to take a steady hand and a hawk eye! [ack...] THE EARTH DIES SCREAMING -- Beat the aliens or bite the dust! SPACEMASTER X-7 -- Blast the Hyperion Base out of space! [or they get in your face?] FLASH GORDON -- Heroic rescue beyond the stars! REVENGE OF THE BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES -- Once the Tomatoes take over, will we ever ketchup! [I can’t beleive I just typed that...] CRYPTS OF CHAOS -- Centuries of mystery, hours of fun! TURMOIL -- A topsy-turvy rapid reflex test! FANTASTIC VOYAGE -- A heart stopping adventure! [Great, just what I need... my heart to stop while playing a game. I guess they must be referring to the boredom factor...] MEGAFORCE -- Where action speaks louder than words! ALIEN -- In your living room, everyone can hear you scream! [while playing these games, no doubt] BEANY BOPPER -- Beany Boppin’ will keep you hoppin’! WORM WAR I -- The battle of the century is taking place! [quick, turn this game off and go find it!] DEADLY DUCK -- It takes more than luck to play Deadly Duck! [Yeah, you have to use bad rhymes in your instruction manuals!] FAST EDDIE -- You’ve got to be cool and you’ve got to be steady to play Fast Eddie! [help, looking for someone who has nothing to do with this list! We haven’t been able to play the game yet. Reply to management.] A game by Bill Asporomonte (C) 1983 Fox Video Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Fox Video Games, Inc., 4701 Patrick Henry Drive, Bldg. 9, Santa Clara, CA 95050 PRINTED IN TAIWAN 82-FOX-2065 [END Bank Heist] Hope it helps, and it was nice meeting you the other weekend! Later, Clint ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997 by Greg Chance