Demon_Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Demon Attack (1 or 2 players) *** Imagic Demon Attack Game Program Instructions Marooned on the ice planet Krybor, you watch legions of eerie creatures scream overhead. They hover ominously. They give you no quarter. Attack and destroy them, or be destroyed! Armed with your Laser Cannon, you confront the ultimate challenge: SURVIVE! OBJECTIVE Destroy demons and accumulate points before you and your LASER CANNON meet with oblivion. Keep RESERVE BUNKERS intact and increase their number by avoiding your foes' fire. When the last bunker disintegrates, the next enemy hit will pulverize you! GAME PLAY Your LASER CANNON has unlimited firing power. Dodge left or right to avoid enemy fire while pursuing aliens. Accumulate RESERVE BUNKERS (bottom left of screen). You begin with 3. Each attack wave you survive completely unscathed earns you an additional bunker, to a maximum of 6. Every hit you absorb destroys an additional bunker. When all bunkers disappear, another alien barrage will vaporize you. HAND CONTROLS Your JOYSTICK CONTROLLER allows you to manuver. Position controller so that the RED FIRING BUTTON rests in the upper left-hand corner. To move the LASER CANNON LEFT, push joystick LEFT; for RIGHT mobility, lean joystick RIGHT. To FIRE: press red button. 1-player versions: use LEFT hand controller. CONSOLE UNIT Flip GAME SELECT LEVER to choose a Demon Attack game. GAME NUMBER appears at top center of screen. Hit GAME RESET LEVER to begin action. Game begins again whenever Reset lever is tapped. FIRE BUTTON on LEFT hand controller will RESET game when previous game ends. RIGHT AND LEFT DIFFICULTY LEVERS determine how aggresively the demons attack: A=Aggressive Action B=Basic Bombardment 1 PLAYER: set only LEFT DIFFICULTY LEVER 2 PLAYERS: set both LEFT AND RIGHT DIFFICULTY LEVERS (See TIPS) GAME VARIATIONS 1 Player 2 Player Description Game # 1 2 Demon Attack 3 4 Tracer Shot Demon Attack 5 6 Advanced Demon Attack 7 8 Advanced Tracer Demon Attack 9 Demon Attack: Special Co-Op Version 10 Advanced Demon Attack: Special Co-Op Version 1-PLAYER GAMES GAMES 1,3,5 AND 7 pit you against progressively more difficult waves of alien adversaries. Pick up the pace: the higher the game number, the greater the challenge! GAMES 3 AND 7 feature special TRACER SHOTS. Your Laser Cannon powers fire all over the screen. 2-PLAYER GAMES GAMES 2,4,6 AND 8 match your wits against more than waves of winged warriors! EACH PLAYER takes on similar waves of demons manuvers a separate Laser Cannon LEFT joystick: RED RIGHT joystick: GOLD has own reserve bunkers registers an independent score which shows when your Laser Cannon appears on the screen Play alternates between players at the end of each wave. If both players survive the assault, they proceed to the next wave. If ONE PLAYER LOSES ALL RESERVE BUNKERS and gets vaporized, the other continues on to succeeding waves. Both players' scores show at game's end, keyed to Laser Cannon color. GAMES 4 AND 8 feature special TRACER SHOTS. SPECIAL CO-OP VERSIONS GAMES 9 AND 10 allow 2 players to take turns against the same wave of attack. LASER CANNON CONTROL ALTERNATES EVERY FOUR SECONDS. Keep track of your color! Independent scores appear on screen. You share reserve bunkers; when they're gone, another blast ends the game. GAME 9: uses standard weaponry GAME 10: uses tracer shots If you are hit in games 9 or 10, your "PARTNER" scores an additional 500 POINTS. SCORING Wave Demons Split Demons Diving Demons 1,2 10 -- -- 3,4 15 -- -- 5,6 20 40 80 7,8 25 50 100 9,10 30 60 120 11,12* 35** 70 140 * How many waves all told? You tell us! ** Represents highest possible point award. TACTICAL TIPS FOR 2 PLAYERS: Even the odds between players of varying skill. Expert players set the Difficulty Lever corresponding to their joystick to A. Beginners set the Difficulty Lever to B. -------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997 by Greg Chance