Fantastic_Voyage ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a three panel (6 page) fold out manual {COVER} FANTASTIC VOYAGE 20th Century Fox Games of the Century (Picture of human eye with three people in "space" suits falling thru the air) Game Instructions Fox Video Games {Page 1} FANTASTIC VOYAGE tm TO SET UP: Set up your video game system and left joystick controller as instructed in your manufacturer owner's manual. Turn the power OFF and insert the Fantastic Voyage game cartridge. [screen shot showing game. See end of manual for my rendition of the characters in ASCII format.] TO BEGIN Turn the power ON. Use the Game Select lever to select a play option. (The difficulty switches are not used in Fantastic Voyage.) Press the Game Reset lever or the joystick button to leave the Demo Mode and compose yourself. You are about to become very tiny. THE OBJECTIVE: You and your submarine are to be injected into the bloodstream of a critically ill patient. Your mission is to blast your way through several phases of artery obstacles and destroy a life threatening Blood Clot. THE CONTROLS Once inside the patient's bloodstream, your sub will be carried along in a steady forward motion. Tilt the joystick forward to increase your speed or backward to slow down or back up slightly. Your sub is equipped with medical technology's finest laser ray. Press the joystick button to activate it. Hold the button down for continuous fire. You may pause the game at any time during the play by flipping the Color/B-W switch. PLAY OPTIONS There are six play options which can be selected at any time by pressing the Game Select lever. {Page 2} OPTION 1 = Normal Game OPTION 2 = Extended Normal Game OPTION 3 = Difficult Version For Advanced Players OPTION 4 = Extended Difficult Version OPTION 5 = Easy Game for Beginners OPTION 6 = Extended Easy Game In the extended option, the first five phases of your voyage are longer. In the dificult options, you will face more obstacles on your journey to the Blood Clot. In the easy options, collisions cause less damage to the patient and there is no time penalty. Each time you destroy a Blood Clot, you are given the chance to save another patient in that same play option. SCREEN DISPLAY/SCORING While in the Demo Mode, the play option is shown at the top of the screen. The score is displayed there while the game is in play. A Time Clock is located in the bottom left corner of the screen. A Heart Monitor is located in the bottom center and a Patients Saved tally is in the bottom right corner. The Heart Monitor is a graphic display of the patients condition. Patients begin each game with a strong, steady heartbeat. EACH TIME YOUR SUB CRASHES INTO ANY OBJECT, THE PATIENT LOSES STRENGTH. (The Phases/Obstacles section describes additional qualitites of each object.) Every time the slower hand of the TIme Clock completes a cycle, the patient also loses strength. A flat heart rate means that you have lost the patient and the game is over. [screen shot showing game. See end of manual for my rendition of the characters in ASCII format] Points are awarded for shooting obstacles and bonus points are gained for completeing each phase. The stornger the patient's heartbeat upon completion, the higher the bonus. Be sure to record your high scores on the back of this booklet. {Page 3} PHASES/OBSTACLES: No matter which play option you choose, you will have to travel through several phases to reach your goal, the dreaded Blood Clot. When operating on your first patient you must battle your way through phases 1,2,5 and 6. Phase 3 is added on to your second journey to the Blood Clot in that same play option. From your third voyage on, you must navigate all six phases. [screen shot] ENZYMES: You should attempt to shoot any Enzyme you see in order to release its healing properties. Blasting Enzymes is the only way you can restore lost strength to the patient. Allowing one to pass you by has no adverse effects. Enzymes are present in phases 1 through 5. ANTIBODIES: These are released when your sub touches the artery wall. Destroy as many as possible for those allowed to pass by will steal strength from your patient. Antibodies are present in phases 1 through 5. PHASE 1: DEFENSE CELLS from the patient's primary immune system are released from the artery walls as you approach. You may blast these with your laser for points, although the patient is not harmed if they pass by. PHASE 2: The plentiful supply of BLOOD CELLS in phase 2 is beneficial to the patients health. Try not to shoot or touch them as their destruction will have a negative effect on his condition. PHASE 3: BACTERIA are an unhealthy addition to the patient's bloodstream. Any allowed to remain there will decrease your patient's chance for survival. You must shoot the deadly Bacteria three times to totally eliminate them. A partially damaged Bacteria allowed to remain in the system will cause less damage to the patient than a whole Bacteria. PHASE 4: Defense Cells, Blood Cells, and Bacteria are all present in this very challenging phase. PHASE 5: As you near your goal, you will find that the artery begins to narrow. You must try to navigate throught Phase 5 without touching the artery wall. {page 4} PHASE 6: Small CLOTLETS as well as your final target, the BLOOD CLOT, await you in phase 6. You must steer carefully through the indestructable Clotlets to reach the Blood Clot. Be careful! Running into the Clot is fatal to both you and the patient. FIFTEEN laser blasts are required to destroy it. All fifteen shots must be fired before the Heart Monitor goes flat. Then, if your up to it, you can continue with the next patient. HINTS FROM THE DESIGNER... Avoid the walls. Not only are the Antibodies dangerous, they also cut down the chance that an Enzyme will appear. Get close to the Bacteria and the Blood Clot. This allows your laser to shoot faster. Try to hit each Bacterium at least once, but don't waste too much time on them. Time is your biggest enemy. Be ready for each new phase, since each requires a different strategy. Watch the Heart Monitor. If it begins to go flat, you'll want to speed ahead instead of shooting for more points. HOT SHOTS [this is an area to record high scores] {page 5} NOW AVAILABLE FROM FOX VIDEO GAMES: DEADLY DUCK - A Fiesty Fight Between Cranky Crabs and A Fearless Duck! FAST EDDIE - Fast action fun that'll keep the whole fanily hopping! WORM WAR I - Save the world from hoards of huge and hideous worms! BEANY BOPPER - Stop the meany beanies before they stop your bopper! ALIEN - In your living room, everyone can hear you screem! A 20th Century Fox Film Corporation Production MEGAFORCE - Where action speads louder than words! A Raymond Chow Production TURMOIL - A topsy-turvy rapid reflex test! COMING ATTRACTIONS: MASH - More fun than a three day pass! A 20th Century Fox Film Corporation Production 9 TO 5 - Take this game and play it! A 20th Century Fox Film Corporation Production PORKY'S - Faster than a greased pig! A Mel Simon Production THE ENTITY - What you can't see CAN hurt you! An American Cinema Production THE FALL GUY - Head over heels in good times! A 20th Century Fox Film Corporation Production Programmed by David Lubar Program and Audio c1982 Sirius Software, Inc. Packaging c1982 Fox Video Games, Inc. Sirius is a Trademark of Sirius Software, Inc. Fox Video Games, Inc., Saratoga, California 95071 printed in Tiawan ********** My ASCII renditions of the characters in this game Submarine Antibody Enzyme | ___________ ||||| + \____/ | | | | | Defense Cells Bacteria Clotlets \___|__|_ \()/ /___|__|_ > / \ 8 / \__/ Clotlets Blood Clot ### ############## ### ########### ### ################# ############### ##### #### ## ============================================================================== This manual typed by Cyborg E-mail : ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document obtained from the History of Home Video Games Homepage, ©1997 by Greg Chance