[General notes: All of the text is here. There weren't really any "picture" oriented instructions, except for the pictures of the objects, which I hope I described well enough. The words in <> describe pictures. The beginning/end of pages are marked by a "---------" Excuse the crummy formatting] IMAGIC RIDDLE OF THE SPHINX (TM) GAME PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS >> Hieroglyphics on an ancient obelisk tell a strange tale: These are dark times. Death's long shadow rests across the Valley of the Kings. Anubis, jackal-headed god of the dead, has cast his curse over all of Pharaoh's kingdom. A plague of scorpions and hordes of thieves lie thick upon the land. O hear the thin whine of despair! Sing of Pharaoh's Son, all hail the Prince of Egypt! Deliver us from this curse! Brave the dangers of the desert. Seek the answer to the Riddle of the Sphinx. Pay Anubis' ransom with your treasures, O cunning Prince of Wiles. Reach the Temple of Ra, source of light and life. Pharaoh's heir--be wise, be wily--and beware! -------- TRAVEL BACK TO ANCIENT EGYPT >> Pharaoh's kingdom languishes under a vile curse. his son, Egypt's heir, travels across the Valley of the Kings. To lift the curse he must reach the Temple of Ra with priceless treasures. He must solve the Riddle of the Sphinx. >> He barters with nomad traders. Some give him gifts and artifacts useful to him on his journey. Some steal. >> Armed only with a sling and rocks, the Son of Egypt combats marauding thieves and deadly scorpions. His trials earn him inner strength. Oases refresh his thirst. Time heals his wounds. >> Approaching sacred monuments--Pyramids, the Temples of Isis and Anubis, the inscrutable Sphinx--Pharaoh's Prince seeks to make the correct offering. if he fails to do so, he may not be able to move further or receive priceless objects in exchange. If he pleases the gods, his inner strength points grow greater and his store of treasures increases. He advances toward the Temple of Ra, source of light and life. >> Once there, he hopes to possess the treasure that will open the Temple to him, liberating Egypt of Anubis' fierce curse. >> These things weigh on the young Prince. He reviews his purpose: to lift the curse and prove himself a worthy successor to Pharaoh, he must: > gain as many inner strength points as possible > complete his quest as rapidly as he can > collect all the treasures he can find > reach the Temple of Ra >> The Son of Pharaoh girds his loins. He prepares to confront his fate on the timeless sands that are Egypt. ---------- CONSOLE CONTROLS >> Insert cartridge in console, label up. Turn power switch to on. >> Flip Game Select Lever to choose one of the three Riddle of the Sphinx games. >> Game number appears in a black box at bottom of screen, left of center. >> Hit Game Reset Lever to begin action. Game begins again whenever Reset Lever is tapped. NOTE: Black and White/Color lever does not affect the color display on your television set. >> To see how much time has elapsed during a game: > set Black-White/Color Lever to Color; > set Right Difficulty Lever to position A. >> To find out the Prince's inner strength score: > set Black-White/Color Lever to Color; > set Right Difficulty Lever to position B. >> To find out Prince's wound and thirst scores: > set Black-White/Color Lever to Black-White. >> To slow action, set Left Difficulty Lever to position B. ---------- THE JOURNEY BEGINS >> The Prince appears at the bottom of the game screen, above the score. >> The Prince's progress is controlled with the left joystick. > To move ahead: press joystick away from you. > To move back: pull joystick toward you. > To move right: lean joystick right. > To move left: lean joystick left. > To move at an angle: angle joystick in that direction. The prince of Egypt sees many camels, palm trees and obelisks on his trek. > The Prince must move around these obstacles. > He sometimes darts behind them to avoid enemies, or to surprise them. > Neither the Prince's nor a thief's rocks can usually penetrate a solid object. OF ARMS AND A PRINCE The Son of Pharaoh embarks on his quest armed only with a sling from which he can throw an unlimited supply of rocks. > To throw a rock: press left joystick button. > When wounded or thirsty, he cannot throw them as far. > He can only sling rocks forward (that is, up, toward top of screen). > When moving back, he is defenseless until enemies move past him. ---------- THIRST >> One foe of the Son of Egypt travels with him always: thirst. The longer he goes without refreshment, the greater his thirst grows. As it increases, he slows down. he cannot throw rocks as far. He must seek water or become easy prey to thieves, scorpions and the dread god Anubis! Pharaoh's Son seeks release from his ragged thirst. Six oases offer him just that. No mirage, they float forward. he must stop. he must drink. To drink at an oasis, the Prince: > approaches from below > heads directly toward the water at the center of the oasis > drinks deeply. When he has satisfied his thirst, a bell sounds. > He regains vitality--moving well and throwing far. To find out the Prince's thirst level, set Black and White/Color Lever to Black and White. The number representing the Prince's thirst appears on the right. Certain objects and treasures also quench thirst. Read on! WOUNDS Wounds, like thirst, slow the Prince of Egypt down and make rocks difficult to throw. The Prince sustains wounds when he is: > robbed by a thief 1 wound > struck by a thief's rock 1 or 2 wounds (depending on level of difficulty) > stung by a scorpion 2 wounds > touched by the evil god 3 wounds Anubis -------- >> If he sustains enough wounds, the Prince dies. The game ends. >> Time, we know, heals wounds. As long as the Prince can avoid an enemy's assaults, his injuries will heal. > The number of the Prince's wounds appears when the Black and White/Color Lever is set to Black and White. The number of wounds appears on the left. > Certain objects and treasures protect Pharaoh's Prince from a thief's rocks. other cure wounds he has received. (See Useful Objects, Treasures and Artifacts.) > The goddess Isis can also gently cure the Son of Pharaoh. Who are they who wound, heal, barter and sometimes betray the persistent son of Pharaoh? Whom should he attack, and whom avoid? What gifts does he receive and which find? In what way, and towards what end, does he use them? Proceed and be enlightened. Ancient Egypt's ways will yet be known to you. DENIZENS OF THE DESERT Son of Pharaoh must practice caution. Among those he meets on his journey: Thieves: They pelt the royal heir with rocks and attempt to steal his possessions. Should the Prince come in contact with a thief, one of his treasures or artifacts will disappear. The Prince attacks or avoids thieves. > Prince hits thief with a rock: he gains 60 inner strength points. > Thief hits Prince with a rock: Prince receives 1 or 2 wounds, depending on level of difficulty. > Thief touches Prince: Prince receives 1 wound. --------- Scorpions pursue the Prince. They can seriously wound him should he come in contact with them. He attacks or avoids them. > Prince hits scorpion with rock: he gains 60 inner strength points. > Scorpion touches Prince: Prince receives 2 wounds and loses 20 inner strength points. Nomad traders give--or steal--objects useful to the Son of Pharaoh. he barters with them when his possessions are few, and thinks twice about dealing with them when he carries many precious items. To trade with a nomad, the Prince approaches from below and touches him. A noise sounds when a transaction occurs. > Prince accidentally injures a nomad trader with a rock: he loses 80 inner strength points. For many fast-moving thieves and scorpions: set Left Difficulty Lever to A. For fewer and slower-moving thieves and scorpions: set Left Difficulty Lever to B. DESERT DEITIES The prince also meets--or avoids--two desert deities: Isis, goddess of fertility and motherhood, seeks to comfort the Prince by quenching his thirst and healing his wounds. She sometimes bestows precious treasures on the young Son of Pharaoh. To meet Isis, the Prince > approaches from below > kisses her feet to show his grateful respect. When he succeeds in pleasing Isis (and this is not always the case), a bell sounds. The Prince's wounds are healed, his thirst quenched. When he pleases her and he is not wounded or thirsty, she might then bequeath him a gift. -------- Anubis, god of the land of the dead, faithful guardian of tombs, must be avoided or he will seriously wound the son of Egypt. The merest touch results in a wound. Anubis touches Prince: > Prince loses 20 inner strength points. > Prince receives 3 wounds. The Son of Pharaoh must be careful not to hurl rocks at Isis or Anubis. This act constitutes excessive pride, and his inner strength score suffers for it. > Prince strikes Isis or Anubis with a rock: he loses 77 inner strength points. USEFUL OBJECTS, TREASURES AND ARTIFACTS But what of all these gifts, these treasures? The royal heir begins his trek with nearly nothing. He must collect as much treasure and as many useful objects as he can. The treasures and objects serve many functions. He must use them wisely. HOW TO USE OBJECTS, TREASURES AND ARTIFACTS. The Prince's use of his new-found possessions is controlled with the right joystick. >> Treasures, objects and artifacts come to appear in 2 rows across the bottom of the screen. A black box also appears. >> Before a treasure, object or artifact can be used, the black box must cover it. > The right joystick controls movement of the black box. > To move the black box right: lean joystick right. > To move the black box left: lean joystick left. > Stop leaning on joystick when the black box comes to rest over the object you wish to use. > Objects are only in use as long as the black box covers them. -------- Once the black box covers an item, that item responds in the following way: Shield: Protects the Prince from a thief's rocks. After absorbing several hits, the shield disappears. Staff: Though a traveler's common support, this staff retains magical powers. The Prince tries always to keep it from being stolen once he finds it. Jug: Quenches thirst. Press red button on right joystick for refreshment. Jug is used and disappears. Tannis Leaf: An herb with uncanny healing properties, the tannis leaf heals all wounds, however serious. Press red button on right joystick and tannis leaf heals Prince and disappears. Spade: The space allows Pharaoh's Son to search for treasures as he travels. As a result, it operates differently. The Prince digs in the desert with the spade. He tries to find objects and treasures that will speed him on his journey. often he must dig long and far. To use spade: > Cover spade with black box. > Press and hold button on right joystick to use spade. > Prince may move while digging. To move and dig, lean on left joystick while pressing right joystick button. > When he finds an object or treasure, the spade disappears and is replaced by the newly-discovered item. Pharaoh's Prince must practice caution, for while he digs he is vulnerable to attack. -------- TREASURES Treasures are valuable and magical. The Prince receives them from nomad traders and the goddess Isis, or he finds them while digging. Treasures only need to be covered by the black box in order to be used. Disk of Ra: Heals wounds. When used, it is not consumed. It can be stolen. Goblet: Quenches thirst. Though it cannot be consumed, it can be stolen. Necklace: Shields Prince from rocks and scorpions. It cannot be consumed, but can be stolen. Scepter: Acts as a chariot in speeding Pharaoh's Prince on his way. With it, neither thirst nor wounds can slow the Son of Egypt. He can hold the scepter indefinitely--unless it is stolen. MYSTERIOUS TREASURES AND ARTIFACTS Still other treasures appear. Their specific uses remain unclear, thought they appear to be valuable. These the wise Prince of Egypt decides to save, hoping to offer them at sacred monuments and temples in exchange for passage or for other, infinitely more valuable, gifts. If you wish to drop an object from your collection: >> Select it for use by covering it with the black box. --------- >> Pull the right joystick toward you. >> Press button on right joystick. >> The item will disappear. Magic! THE JOURNEY CONTINUES Despite setbacks, the young Prince perseveres. So much to remember, so many things to do! But he is strong, and growing stronger. All Egypt looks to him for relief from Anubis' curse. He must solve the riddle of the Sphinx. he must reach the Temple of Ra. Before leaving his father's palace on the Nile, Pharaoh's Prince received advice from the Royal Astrologer. The Astrologer instructed the Prince concerning ceremonious offerings. "Son of Pharaoh, avoid youthful folly. Make offerings at sacred places-- Pyramids, the Phoenix, the Temples of Isis and Anubis, the Sphinx and the Temple of Ra." When making an offering: >> Cover offering with black box before reaching a sacred monument or temple. >> Approach reverently, from below. >> Touch the bottom center of each sacred place. >> Present an incorrect offering: the Prince loses 20 inner strength points. >> Present a correct offering: > Prince received 500 inner strength points. > The offering will disappear. > Often, a worthier treasure appears in place of the offering. -------- The Royal Astrologer also gave the Prince curious lessons to study. The Son of Pharaoh puzzles over the Seer's strange words. He is certain they contain veiled clues as to which offering he should make at the many sacred monuments and temples he encounters. The Son of Egypt consults the cryptic messages as he reaches each sacred place. These wondrous monuments and temples fill the Prince with awe. Of them the Astrologer has written: Pyramids: "Rare gifts awaits he who unlocks the age-old mystery of the Pyramids." Phoenix: "The fire bird, newly risen from its ancient ashes, can provide you with a key to the riddle you seek to solve. You will know what gift to offer if you unroll and read the writing on your heart." Temple of Isis: "Gentle Isis, goddess of all that is good. her Temple in the desert is as a precious jewel in Egypt's crown. Offer her a gift worthy of an empress." Temple of Anubis: "Temple like a tomb, vaulted home of Death. You will have found its key in the circle that does not end, the sign of life's eternal rebirth." Sphinx: "Inscrutable marvel! Find the offering it seeks and you will have solved its riddle. A bird can fly over, a scarab crawl past or a lion stalk by--Son of Egypt, turn to these! It is written as on stone." --------- Once the Prince passes these grand obstacles, he strives to reach the Temple of Ra, revered by all Egypt as the source of light and life. Temple of Ra: Upon reaching the Temple of Ra, Son of Pharaoh offers all of his treasures. Ra sometimes accepts willingly. he rewards the Prince with great stores of inner strength. Often, though, Ra insists on an offering before consenting to accept the Prince's treasures. his quest remains unfinished. All Egypt remains accursed. The Prince loses inner strength points should he offer the wrong object. The Prince examines all his possessions for the correct offering. He searches tirelessly in pursuit of this simple object. What is it? Where can it lie hidden? Son of Pharaoh thirsts for the answer to this quandary. Pharaoh's Astrologer has written: "Ra has all. What need has Ra of wealth? Offer instead that which stands yet cannot stand; that which journeys far yet has no legs; that companion you rely and lean upon, yet never think to call friend." >> Prince makes incorrect offering: he loses 20 inner strength points. > Prince makes correct offering to the Temple of Ra: earns 500 inner strength points. > For each treasure presents to the Temple of Ra: Prince earns 700 inner strength points. THE JOURNEY ENDS The game ends when the Prince either: >> reaches the Temple of Ra, makes the correct offering (if necessary) and his treasures are accepted or >> Pharaoh's Prince dies of wounds received on his journey. -------- GAME VARIATIONS Game 1: Son of Egypt tries to get through Pharaoh's kingdom. > as quickly as he can > holding as much treasure he can find. Ra accepts the Prince's treasures without asking for an offering. Son of Egypt begins he long trek holding a shield. Game 2: The journey grows more difficult. > The Sphinx won't let the Prince pass. > The Prince must make the correct offering, worth 500 inner strength points. > The Temple of Ra requires an offering. > With the offering, no treasures will be accepted. The Heir to Egypt's throne starts his journey holding a shield. Game 3: The supreme challenge. The Son of Pharaoh must make 2 offerings at each of these sacred places. > Phoenix > Temple of Isis > Temple of Anubis Of these offerings, this must is known: > a certain treasure or object will satisfy the gods and earn the prince 500 inner strength points. (See Astrologer's clues.) > a certain object will lift the spell blocking the Prince's passage at each of the three sacred places. The Astrologer has provided the Prince with this clue: "The first is rooted in relief; The next you'll find well-found; The last of three is a cloak you wield when enemies abound." For making the correct selection, the Prince receives 500 inner strength points at each sacred place. The Son of Egypt must also make a single correct offering at: >> Sphinx 500 inner strength points. Lifts spell blocking his passage. --------- >> Temple of Ra 500 inner strength points. Offer satisfies Ra. Ra accepts treasures. Pharaoh's Prince embarks on this quest carrying a spade. TIPS TO THE WISE WANDERER >> Keep track of which treasures are appropriate offerings at each of the sacred monuments and temples. >> When the Prince reaches a sacred monument or temple, he will want to make sure he defeats any thieves in the area before making an offering. If thieves disturb the ceremony, the Prince's offering may not be accepted, even if it is correct. >> Study the Astrologer's messages. They can lead the Prince to making correct offerings and locating the special item necessary to the Temple of Ra. >> When backtracking across the valley of the Kings, the Prince may want to keep to the extreme left or right. The Prince will then be surprised less often by thieves, scorpions and the vile god Anubis. >> The Prince will want to become familiar with his entire kingdom. he will want to visit every area and explore even the most mundane locale. >> Though unnecessary in Game 1, the Prince may still wish to make offerings at all sacred monument and temples. He will receive inner strength points as a result of the consideration he has shown. (The following in gray) The Royal Astrologers clues, as they have been revealed here, tell the Prince all he needs to know--if he is clever and patient. Even so, shortly after the Son of Pharaoh embarked on his quest, the Astrologer when into a deep trance. he began to mumble. An otherwise witless scribe took notes. These priceless notes contain all the answers necessary to the Prince: which offerings to make at what temples--even where to seek the object that satisfies the Temple of Ra. If you despair of divining these answers yourself, or simply wish to possess so rare a treasure, write to: Son of Thoth 981 University Ave. Los Gatos, CA 95030 --------- IMAGIC VIDEO GAME CARTRIDGE TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Imagic warrants to the original consumer purchaser of this Imagic video game cartridge that it will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for TWO YEARS from the date of purchase. If this cartridge is discovered to be defective within the warranty period, Imagic, at is option, will either repair or replace this cartridge free of charge, upon receipt of the cartridge, postage prepaid, with proof of date of purchase, at the following location: IMAGIC Customer Services 1875 Dobbin Drive San Jose, CA 95133 This warranty is limited to electronic and mechanical parts contained within the cartridge. It is not applicable to normal wear and tear and is not applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through, or the cartridge shows signs of, misuse, excessive wear, modifications, or tampering. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS. ANY APPLICABLE IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, ARE LIMITED TO A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS FORM THE DATE OF PURCHASE. IMAGIC IS NOT LIABLE FOR AND SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES ON THIS CARTRIDGE. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations or exclusions set forth above may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Designed by Bob Smith IMAGIC Customer Services Kathleen Boothe P.O. Box 2055 Saratoga, CA 95070 (C) 1982 IMAGIC Printed in USA All Rights Reserved 700606-1 Rev. A -------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------