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A Warner Communications Company

ATARI, INC., Consumer Division
1195 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94096

© 1978 ATARI, INC.

Use your Keyboard Controllers with this
ATARI® Game Program.™ Be sure the
Controllers are firmly plugged into the
at the rear of your ATARI Video
Computer System.™

Note: Always turn the console power switch OFF when inserting
or removing an ATARI Game Program. This will protect
the electronic components and prolong the life of your
ATARI Video Computer System.


There are two versions of HUNT & SCORE™
  • 16-square matrix
  • 30-square matrix
Each game version is played the same. The only difference is the number of matrix squares. Behind each numbered square is an object. Each player takes a turn by choosing two matrix squares. When a player chooses a square, an object is revealed. If the two squares' objects are identical, the player scores one point. KEYBOARD CONTROLLER Each player uses a Keyboard Controller to make selections. In two player games, the left controller player begins the game.In one-player games use the left controller. A number flashes on each matrix square. Behind each square is an object. To select a matrix square:
  • Press the number of the matrix square on the Keyboard Controller. The numberyou press will appear at the top of the screen.
  • After you press the Keyboard number, enter it into the computer by pressing the ENTER (#) button on the keyboard. The object behind the square is revealed.
NOTE: If you press the wrong Keyboard number by mistake: Immediately press the correct number you want, then enter it into the computer OR press the ERASE (*) button and then the correct number. If you are playing with 30 matrix squares, the computer will not accept any number from the Keyboard over 30. In games with 16 squares, note that the computer will not accept any number entries over 16. HANDICAP Slide the Difficulty switch to the "B" position and the player receives two points for each correct match. In the "A" position, the player scores one point for an identical pair of objects. HUNT & SCORE™ OBJECTS LADY BUG BUTTERFLY RANGER CRAB TELEVISION BELL FLYING SAUCER DEER AUTOMOBILE CASTLE BUNNY LLAMA SEAGULS SAILBOAT TABLE AND CHAIRS When you choose two squares with identical objects behind them:
  • A sound signifying a Correct answer occurs
  • The two squares disappear from the matrix
  • You score one point (If the Difficulty is in"B" position, a player scores two points each time a correct match is made).
  • You receive another turn
When you select two squares whose objects are not identical:
  • A sound signifying an Incorrect answer occurs
  • The two objects disappear and the numbers reappear on the square
  • In two-player games the other player makes a selection
  • In one-player games, the computer scores one point and you select another two squares.
WILD CARDS Some games will feature a wild card behind two of the matrix sqares. A wild card automatically matches any object, scoring one point for the player who selects it. SCORING In all HUNT & SCORE games, you score one point for each pair of matrix squares you select with identical objects behind them. NOTE: When the difficulty is in the "B" position, you score two points for each match.
  • In one-player games your score appears on the left side of the screen. The number of incorrect selections appears in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • In two-player games, the left Keyboard Controller player's score appears in the upper left corner of the screen; the right controller player's score appears in the upper right corner.
Game Number12345678
Number of Players21212121